
(1) spm----specify 2nd-level---- Directory:输出文件所要保存的文件夹----SCANS:输入con文件

(2) Estimate----select spm.mat----点击绿色按钮进行转换;

(3) Results----点spm.mat----点t-contracts----define new contra----submit----OK----Done;

(4) mask:no----none;

实验组1st 2nd  控制组1st 2nd 共四组 做一个组分析

在 ROI 定位任务中,对实验组和控制组被试的数字3-back 数据一起进行单样本T 检验,得到组分析激活图




 // Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Superior Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 6 // Supp_Motor_Area_L (aal)


 // Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Middle Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 6 // Frontal_Mid_L (aal)


 // Right Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Middle Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 6 // Frontal_Mid_R (aal)

注意:要找灰质Gray Matter,不能是白质


 // Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Middle Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 9 // Frontal_Mid_L (aal)


 // Right Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Middle Frontal Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 46 // Frontal_Mid_R (aal)


 // Left Cerebrum // Parietal Lobe // Superior Parietal Lobule // Gray Matter // brodmann area 7 // Parietal_Sup_L (aal)


 // Right Cerebrum // Parietal Lobe // Superior Parietal Lobule // Gray Matter // brodmann area 7 // Parietal_Sup_R (aal)


 // Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Precentral Gyrus // Gray Matter // brodmann area 44 // Frontal_Inf_Oper_L (aal)


// Left Cerebrum // Frontal Lobe // Sub-Gyral // White Matter // undefined // Frontal_Inf_Oper_L (aal)


 // Left Cerebellum // Cerebellum Anterior Lobe // Culmen // undefined // undefined // Cerebelum_Crus1_L (aal)


 // Right Cerebellum // Cerebellum Posterior Lobe // Declive // undefined // undefined // Cerebelum_Crus1_R (aal)


// Left Cerebrum // Sub-lobar // Thalamus // Gray Matter // Ventral Lateral Nucleus // Thalamus_L (aal)      


 // Right Cerebrum // Sub-lobar // Thalamus // Gray Matter // Ventral Lateral Nucleus // Thalamus_R (aal)    (15  -10   14)

 // Right Cerebrum // Sub-lobar // Thalamus // Gray Matter // Lateral Posterior Nucleus // Thalamus_R (aal)      (15  -22   14)

Left Putamen

 // Left Cerebrum // Sub-lobar // Lentiform Nucleus // Gray Matter // Putamen // Putamen_L (aal)

Right Putamen

 // Right Cerebrum // Sub-lobar // Lentiform Nucleus // Gray Matter // Putamen // Putamen_R (aal)

Left Caudate

 // Left Cerebrum // Sub-lobar // Caudate // Gray Matter // Caudate Body // Caudate_L (aal)

 Right Caudate

 // Right Cerebrum // Sub-lobar // Caudate // Gray Matter // Caudate Body // Caudate_R (aal)





Changes in regional activity are accompanied with changes in inter-regional connectivity during 4 weeks motor learning


Given that our subjects performed the task with their left
hands, and given the detected activation networks were

dominant in right hemisphere (left hemisphere for CB), the
volumes of interest (VOIs) for M1, PMd, pVLPFC, and BG were
chosen in right hemisphere; the VOIs for CB was chosen in the
left hemisphere. SMA was not limited in right or left because
the detected activations in left and right SMA generally
spanned together. The VOIs were selected subject by subject.
The locations of the VOIs were mainly determined by
functional activations, with the assistance of Anatomical
Automatic Labeling (Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002), and SPM
Anatomy Toolbox (Eickhoff et al., 2005; Eickhoff et al., 2007;
Toga et al., 2006). Each VOI is a box with the center defined as
the center-of-mass of the activation. The size of each VOI was
standardized and was 5×5×5 voxels (1000 mm3). The
training-induced change in each VOI was assessed by
evaluating cross session percent signal change (task vs.
resting) within this VOI. A one-way ANOVA, with scanning
time points as factors and with percent signal change across
different subjects as repeated measurements, was then
performed for each VOI.


posted on 2015-04-16 22:04  aimeng2014  阅读(935)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报