



最近在使用MyBatis3做项目。在使用注解实现Mapper的时候遇到了比较奇葩的问题:在实现数据的batch insert的时候总是报错。好不容易可以正常插入了,但是又不能返回自增的主键id到实体bean中了。而这些问题在XML配置中都不存在。一方面可能是我能力有限,没有找到合适的解决方案;另一方面可能与MyBatis自身对Java中注解的支持不够给力有关系。

以下是MyBatis官网对Mapper Annotations的解释:

Mapper Annotations

Since the very beginning, MyBatis has been an XML driven framework. The configuration is XML based, and the Mapped Statements are defined in XML. With MyBatis 3, there are new options available. MyBatis 3 builds on top of a comprehensive and powerful Java based Configuration API. This Configuration API is the foundation for the XML based MyBatis configuration, as well as the new Annotation based configuration. Annotations offer a simple way to implement simple mapped statements without introducing a lot of overhead.

NOTE : Java Annotations are unfortunately limited in their expressiveness and flexibility. Despite a lot of time spent in investigation, design and trials, the most powerful MyBatis mappings simply cannot be built with Annotations – without getting ridiculous that is. C# Attributes (for example) do not suffer from these limitations, and thus MyBatis.NET will enjoy a much richer alternative to XML. That said, the Java Annotation based configuration is not without its benefits.

(最初MyBatis是基于XML驱动的框架。MyBatis的配置是基于XML的,语句映射也是用XML定义的。对于MyBatis3,有了新的可选方案。MyBatis3 是建立在全面且强大的Java配置API之上的。 该配置API是MyBatis基于XML配置的基础,也是基于注解配置的基础。注解提供了简单的方式去实现简单的映射语句,不需要花费大量的开销。 
注意:很不幸的是,java注解在表现和灵活性上存在限制。虽然在调研、设计和测试上花费了很多时间,但是最强大的MyBatis映射功能却无法用注解实现。这没有什么可笑的。举例来说,C#的特性就没有这个限制,所以MyBatis.NET 能拥有一个功能丰富的多的XML替代方案。所以,Java基于注解的配置是依赖于其自身特性的。) 

posted @ 2019-02-19 16:44  panchanggui  阅读(1635)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报