

1979年Shamir在下文提出基于拉格朗日插值多项式的\((r,n)\)秘密共享方案(\(0<r \leq n\)。秘密拥有者通过构建一元多项式将秘密分为\(n\)份,接收方收集大于等于\(r\)份的子秘密即可重构多项式恢复秘密。




  • 秘密分享



  • 秘密重构






import random
from decimal import Decimal

FIELD_SIZE = 10**5  # GF域大小

def reconstruct_secret(shares):
    Combines individual shares (points on graph)
    using Lagranges interpolation.

    `shares` is a list of points (x, y) belonging to a
    polynomial with a constant of our key.
    sums = 0

    for j, share_j in enumerate(shares):
        xj, yj = share_j
        prod = Decimal(1)

        for i, share_i in enumerate(shares):
            xi, _ = share_i
            if i != j:
                prod *= Decimal(Decimal(xi)/(xi-xj))

        prod *= yj
        sums += Decimal(prod)

    return int(round(Decimal(sums), 0))

def polynom(x, coefficients):
    This generates a single point on the graph of given polynomial
    in `x`. The polynomial is given by the list of `coefficients`.
    point = 0
    # Loop through reversed list, so that indices from enumerate match the
    # actual coefficient indices
    for coefficient_index, coefficient_value in enumerate(coefficients[::-1]):
        point += x ** coefficient_index * coefficient_value
    return point

def coeff(t, secret):
    Randomly generate a list of coefficients for a polynomial with
    degree of `t` - 1, whose constant is `secret`.

    For example with a 3rd degree coefficient like this:
    3x^3 + 4x^2 + 18x + 554

    554 is the secret, and the polynomial degree + 1 is
    how many points are needed to recover this secret.
    (in this case it's 4 points).
    coeff = [random.randrange(0, FIELD_SIZE) for _ in range(t - 1)]
    return coeff

def generate_shares(n, m, secret):
    Split given `secret` into `n` shares with minimum threshold
    of `m` shares to recover this `secret`, using SSS algorithm.
    coefficients = coeff(m, secret)
    shares = []

    for i in range(1, n+1):
        x = random.randrange(1, FIELD_SIZE)
        shares.append((x, polynom(x, coefficients)))

    return shares

# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # (3,5) sharing scheme
    t, n = 3, 5
    secret = 1234
    print(f'Original Secret: {secret}')

    # Phase I: Generation of shares
    shares = generate_shares(n, t, secret)
    print(f'Shares: {", ".join(str(share) for share in shares)}')

    # Phase II: Secret Reconstruction
    # Picking t shares randomly for
    # reconstruction
    pool = random.sample(shares, t)
    print(f'Combining shares: {", ".join(str(share) for share in pool)}')
    print(f'Reconstructed secret: {reconstruct_secret(pool)}')
## 输出
Original Secret: 1234
Shares: (85479, 169064248999330), (64655, 96725154480594), (47701, 52649409201294), (99941, 231110282437614), (93923, 204115595277642)
Combining shares: (47701, 52649409201294), (64655, 96725154480594), (99941, 231110282437614)
Reconstructed secret: 1234



  • 基于阈值的比特币签名
  • 安全多方计算
  • 具有多方计算的私有机器学习
  • 密码管理
posted @ 2023-10-08 23:20  PamShao  阅读(624)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报