

0.1) 本文总结于 数据结构与算法分析, 源代码均为原创, 旨在理解 无权最短路径 的思想并用源代码加以实现;


1.1)概述:下图就是表示一个无权图G。使用某个顶点s作为输入参数, 我们想要计算 从s到所有其他顶点的最短路径;
1.2)0路径:若我们选择s 为 v3,此时立刻可以说出从s 到v3的最短路径是0路径;

  • step1)寻找所有与s 距离为 1 的顶点, 此时我们看到 v1和v6 与s只有一边之遥;
  • step2)寻找所有与s 距离为 2 的顶点, 即找出所有邻接到 v1 和 v6的顶点(与v1和v6 距离为1的顶点), 得到v2和v4, 所以v1到v2或者v4的距离为2;
  • step3)循环这个过程,直到所有的顶点都被遍历到;

广度优先搜索)该方法按层处理顶点: 距开始点最近的 那些顶点首先被赋值, 而最远的那些顶点最后被赋值, 这很像对树的层次遍历;


2.1)对于每个顶点, 我们将跟踪三个信息(info):

  • I1)dv栏(distance):我们把从s开始到顶点的距离放到 dv栏中,开始的时候,除开s所有的 顶点都是不可达到的,而s的路径长为0;
  • I2)pv栏(path): pv栏中的项为薄记变量, 它将使我们能够显示出实际的路径;
  • I3)known栏: Known中的项点被处理后置为1;

2.2)开始,所有的顶点都不是 Known,包括开始顶点。当一个顶点被标记为已知是, 我们就确信不会再找到更便宜的路径,因此对该顶点的处理实质上已经完成了;

【3】我们使用类似于 拓扑排序的做法来提供寻找无权最短路径算法的性能

3.1)算法描述:在任一时刻, 只存在两种类型的未知顶点,他们的dv≠∞, 一些顶点的dv=CurrDist, 而其余的则有 dv=CurrDist+1;
3.2)使用队列把这种想法进一步精化: 在迭代开始的时候, 队列只含有距离为CurrDist的那些顶点。当我们添加距离为 CurrDist+1的那些邻接顶点时, 由于它们自队尾入队, 因此这就保证了它们直到所有距离为 CurrDist 的顶点都被处理后才被处理。在距离为 CurrDist处的最后一个顶点出队并被处理之后, 队列只含有距离为 CurrDist+1的顶点, 因此该过程将不断进行下去。 我们只需要把开始的节点放入队列中以启动这个过程即可;
3.3)时间复杂度: 只要使用邻接表, 则运行时间就是 O(|E| + |V|);
(显然, 某顶点出队后, 更新其相应的known为1;再查找出队顶点vertex的邻接顶点,如果有的话,将他们依次入队,依次更新distance自增1且path路径更新为出队顶点vertex的顶点编号)


【4】source code + printing results

4.1)download source code:
4.2)source code at a glance (for full code, please download source code following the given link above):

#include "unweightedTable.h"

// allocate the memory for every element in unweighted table  
UnweightedTable makeEmptyUnweightedTable()
	UnweightedTable element;

	element = (UnweightedTable)malloc(sizeof(struct UnweightedTable));
		Error("out of space ,from func makeEmptyUnweightedTable");
		return NULL;
	element->known = 0; // 1 refers to accessed , also 0 refers to not accessed
	element->distance = MaxInt;
	element->path = -1; // index starts from 0

	return element;

//allocate the memory for initializing unweighted table
UnweightedTable *initUnweightedTable(int size)
	UnweightedTable* table;
	int i;

	table = (UnweightedTable*)malloc(sizeof(UnweightedTable) * size);
		Error("out of space ,from func initUnweightedTable");
		return NULL;

	for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
		table[i] = makeEmptyUnweightedTable();		
			return NULL;

	return table;

//computing the unweighted shortest path between the vertex under initIndex and other vertexs
void unweighted_shortest_path(AdjTable* adj, int size, int startVertex, Queue queue)
	int adjVertex;	
	UnweightedTable* table;
	ElementType vertex;		
	AdjTable temp; 
	table = initUnweightedTable(size);	 

	enQueue(queue, startVertex-1); //if let start vertex equals to v3, then initIndex=3 and let index=2 enter the queue	 	
	table[startVertex-1]->distance = 0;// update the distance 
	table[startVertex-1]->path = 0;// update the path of starting vertex

		vertex = deQueue(queue); // if the queue is not empty, conducting departing queue 	
		table[vertex]->known = 1; // update the vertex as accessed, also responding known 1

		temp = adj[vertex]->next;
			adjVertex = temp->index; // let each adjVertex adjacent to vertex enter the queue
			if(table[adjVertex]->path == -1) // key that judge whether corresponding element's path equals to -1 ,-1 means the element has never entered the queue
				enQueue(queue, adjVertex); 
				table[adjVertex]->distance = table[vertex]->distance + 1;// update the distance 
				table[adjVertex]->path = vertex; //update the path of adjVertex, also responding path evaluated as vertex
			temp = temp->next;		
	//print unweighted table
	printUnweightedtable(table, size, startVertex);


//print unweighted table
void printUnweightedtable(UnweightedTable* table, int size, int startVertex)
	int i;
	int path;
	char *str[4] = 

	printf("\n\t unweighted shortest path table are as follows:\n");	
	printf("\n\t %6s%6s%9s%5s", str[0], str[1], str[2], str[3]);	
	for(i=0; i<size; i++)
		if(i != startVertex-1) 				
			printf("\n\t %-3d   %3d   %5d      v%-3d  ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, table[i]->path+1);
			printf("\n\t *%-3d  %3d   %5d      %-3d  ", i+1, table[i]->known, table[i]->distance, 0);

int main()
	AdjTable* adj;		
	Queue queue;
	int size = 7;
	int i;
	int j;
	int column = 4;
	int startVertex;

	int adjTable[7][4] = 
		{2, 4, 0, 0},
		{4, 5, 0, 0},
		{1, 6, 0, 0},
		{3, 5, 6, 7},
		{7, 0, 0, 0},
		{0, 0, 0, 0},
		{6, 0, 0, 0}
	printf("\n\n\t ====== test for topological sorting with adjoining table ======\n");
	adj = initAdjTable(size);	
	queue = initQueue(size);
	printf("\n\n\t ====== the initial adjoining table is as follows:======\n");
	for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
	 	for(j = 0; j < column; j++)	
				insertAdj(adj, adjTable[i][j]-1, i); // insertAdj the adjoining table over							 
	printAdjTable(adj, size);
	// finding the unweighted shortest path starts	
	// void unweighted_shortest_path(AdjTable* adj, int size, int initIndex, Queue queue)
	startVertex = 3; // we set the vertex3 as the start vertex (but you know, whose index in array is 2)
	unweighted_shortest_path(adj, size, startVertex, queue);
	return 0;

4.3)printing results:

posted @ 2015-11-18 11:06  PacosonSWJTU  阅读(904)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报