

有交代码的题就没有题解了,其他的compilation error其实就是一句话题解。由于一句话题解不是很能上得了台面,而且怕把各位大佬的动态给刷屏了,所以就这样做了。


# When Problem Verdict
80526878 May/17/2020 22:07UTC+8 E - A Preponderant Reunion Compilation error
80525923 May/17/2020 21:56UTC+8 E - Choosing Carrot Compilation error
80525396 May/17/2020 21:50UTC+8 H - Bob and stages Accepted
80201181 May/15/2020 15:32UTC+8 E - Karen and Neighborhood Accepted
80197514 May/15/2020 14:40UTC+8 D - Karen and Cards Compilation error
80182361 May/15/2020 09:06UTC+8 C - Mister B and Beacons on Field Compilation error
80082809 May/14/2020 22:41UTC+8 E - Mister B and Flight to the Moon Accepted
80064929 May/14/2020 19:45UTC+8 D - Tournament Construction Compilation error
80064107 May/14/2020 19:36UTC+8 E - Policeman and a Tree Compilation error
80053043 May/14/2020 17:26UTC+8 F - Paths Compilation error
80048618 May/14/2020 16:33UTC+8 E - Lust Accepted
80044758 May/14/2020 15:47UTC+8 F - Symmetric Projections Compilation error
80042394 May/14/2020 15:18UTC+8 D - Sloth Accepted
80029297 May/14/2020 11:55UTC+8 G - Sum the Fibonacci Compilation error
80029099 May/14/2020 11:51UTC+8 F - A Game With Numbers Compilation error
80028504 May/14/2020 11:36UTC+8 C - A Colourful Prospect Compilation error
80028418 May/14/2020 11:34UTC+8 D - A Creative Cutout Compilation error
80028280 May/14/2020 11:31UTC+8 F - Erasing Substrings Compilation error
80026770 May/14/2020 10:54UTC+8 G - Palindrome Partition Compilation error
80024233 May/14/2020 09:22UTC+8 D - World of Tank Compilation error
80022891 May/14/2020 08:36UTC+8 E - Coins Exhibition Accepted
80021911 May/14/2020 07:52UTC+8 G - Partitions Compilation error
80021797 May/14/2020 07:47UTC+8 H - K Paths Compilation error
79984968 May/13/2020 21:39UTC+8 G - Guess the number Compilation error
79984691 May/13/2020 21:36UTC+8 G - Linear Congruential Generator Compilation error
79981127 May/13/2020 20:54UTC+8 F - Shrinking Tree Accepted
79965711 May/13/2020 17:55UTC+8 E - Hidden Bipartite Graph Compilation error
79950911 May/13/2020 14:53UTC+8 E - Lasers and Mirrors Accepted
79938000 May/13/2020 11:33UTC+8 F - Tree and XOR Compilation error
79937670 May/13/2020 11:27UTC+8 E - Segments on the Line Compilation error
79937251 May/13/2020 11:18UTC+8 F - Summer Practice Report Compilation error
79935888 May/13/2020 10:48UTC+8 G - Array Game Compilation error
79935790 May/13/2020 10:46UTC+8 D - Professional layer Compilation error
79931208 May/13/2020 08:51UTC+8 G - Tree-Tac-Toe Compilation error
posted @ 2020-05-22 22:05  p_b_p_b  阅读(318)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报