HDU 4822 Tri-war(LCA树上倍增)(2013 Asia Regional Changchun)


Problem Description
Three countries, Red, Yellow, and Blue are in war. The map of battlefield is a tree, which means that there are N nodes and (N – 1) edges that connect all the nodes. Each country has a base station located in one node. All three countries will not place their station in the same node. And each country will start from its base station to occupy other nodes. For each node, country A will occupy it iff other two country's base stations have larger distances to that node compared to country A. Note that each edge is of the same length.

Given three country's base station, you task is to calculate the number of nodes each country occupies (the base station is counted).
The input starts with a single integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 10), the number of test cases.
Each test cases starts with a single integer N (3 ≤ N ≤ 10 ^ 5), which means there are N nodes in the tree.
Then N - 1 lines follow, each containing two integers u and v (1 ≤ u, v ≤ N, u ≠ v), which means that there is an edge between node u and node v.
Then a single integer M (1 ≤ M ≤ 10 ^ 5) follows, indicating the number of queries.
Each the next M lines contains a query of three integers a, b, c (1 ≤ a, b, c ≤ N, a, b, c are distinct), which indicates the base stations of the three countries respectively.
For each query, you should output three integers in a single line, separated by white spaces, indicating the number of nodes that each country occupies. Note that the order is the same as the country's base station input.


  1 #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE
  2 #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")
  3 #endif // ONLINE_JUDGE
  5 #include <cstdio>
  6 #include <cstring>
  7 #include <algorithm>
  8 #include <iostream>
  9 using namespace std;
 11 const int MAXV = 100010;
 12 const int MAXE = 200010;
 13 const int MAX_LOG = 20;
 15 int head[MAXV], ecnt;
 16 int to[MAXE], next[MAXE];
 17 int n, m, T;
 19 void init() {
 20     memset(head + 1, -1, n * sizeof(int));
 21     ecnt = 0;
 22 }
 24 void add_edge(int u, int v) {
 25     to[ecnt] = v; next[ecnt] = head[u]; head[u] = ecnt++;
 26     to[ecnt] = u; next[ecnt] = head[v]; head[v] = ecnt++;
 27 }
 29 int fa[MAX_LOG][MAXV];
 30 int size[MAXV], dep[MAXV];
 32 void dfs(int u, int f, int depth) {
 33     fa[0][u] = f; size[u] = 1; dep[u] = depth;
 34     for(int p = head[u]; ~p; p = next[p]) {
 35         int v = to[p];
 36         if(v == f) continue;
 37         dfs(v, u, depth + 1);
 38         size[u] += size[v];
 39     }
 40 }
 42 void initfa() {
 43     dfs(1, -1, 0);
 44     for(int k = 0; k < MAX_LOG - 1; ++k) {
 45         for(int u = 1; u <= n; ++u) {
 46             if(fa[k][u] == -1) fa[k + 1][u] = 1;
 47             else fa[k + 1][u] = fa[k][fa[k][u]];
 48         }
 49     }
 50 }
 52 int upslope(int u, int p) {
 53     for(int k = 0; k < MAX_LOG; ++k) {
 54         if((p >> k) & 1) u = fa[k][u];
 55     }
 56     return u;
 57 }
 59 int lca(int u, int v) {
 60     if(dep[u] < dep[v]) swap(u, v);
 61     u = upslope(u, dep[u] - dep[v]);
 62     if(u == v) return u;
 63     for(int k = MAX_LOG - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
 64         if(fa[k][u] != fa[k][v])
 65             u = fa[k][u], v = fa[k][v];
 66     }
 67     return fa[0][u];
 68 }
 70 struct Node {
 71     int type, r;
 72     Node(int type, int r): type(type), r(r) {}
 73 };
 75 Node get_middle(int a, int b, int ab) {
 76     int len = dep[a] + dep[b] - 2 * dep[ab];
 77     if(dep[a] >= dep[b]) {
 78         return Node(1, upslope(a, (len - 1) / 2));
 79     } else {
 80         return Node(2, upslope(b, len / 2));
 81     }
 82 }
 84 int calc(int a, int b, int c, int ab, int ac) {
 85     Node bn = get_middle(a, b, ab), cn = get_middle(a, c, ac);
 86     if(bn.type == 1 && cn.type == 1) {
 87         if(dep[bn.r] < dep[cn.r]) swap(bn, cn);
 88         if(lca(bn.r, cn.r) == cn.r) return size[bn.r];
 89         else return 0;
 90     } else if(bn.type == 2 && cn.type == 2) {
 91         if(dep[bn.r] < dep[cn.r]) swap(bn, cn);
 92         if(lca(bn.r, cn.r) == cn.r) return n - size[cn.r];
 93         else return n - size[bn.r] - size[cn.r];
 94     } else {
 95         if(bn.type == 2) swap(bn, cn);
 96         int t = lca(bn.r, cn.r);
 97         if(t == cn.r) return n - size[cn.r];
 98         if(t == bn.r) return size[bn.r] - size[cn.r];
 99         return size[bn.r];
100     }
101 }
103 int main() {
104     scanf("%d", &T);
105     while(T--) {
106         scanf("%d", &n);
107         init();
108         for(int i = 1, u, v; i < n; ++i) {
109             scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
110             add_edge(u, v);
111         }
112         initfa();
113         scanf("%d", &m);
114         for(int i = 0, a, b, c; i < m; ++i) {
115             scanf("%d%d%d", &a, &b, &c);
116             int ab = lca(a, b), ac = lca(a, c), bc = lca(b, c);
117             printf("%d %d %d\n", calc(a, b, c, ab, ac), calc(b, a, c, ab, bc), calc(c, a, b, ac, bc));
118         }
119     }
120 }
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posted @ 2014-08-16 15:18  Oyking  阅读(1055)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报