UVA 11922 Permutation Transformer(平衡二叉树)
Write a program to transform the permutation 1, 2, 3,..., n according to m instructions. Each instruction (a, b) means to take out the subsequence from the a-th to the b-th element, reverse it, then append it to the end.
There is only one case for this problem. The first line contains two integers n and m ( 1n, m100, 000). Each of the next m lines contains an instruction consisting of two integers a and b ( 1abn).
Print n lines, one for each integer, the final permutation.
Explanation of the sample below
Instruction (2,5): Take out the subsequence {2,3,4,5}, reverse it to {5,4,3,2}, append it to the remaining permutation {1,6,7,8,9,10}
Instruction (4,8): The subsequence from the 4-th to the 8-th element of {1,6,7,8,9,10,5,4,3,2} is {8,9,10,5,4}. Take it out, reverse it, and you'll get the sample output.
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 const int MAXN = 100010; 7 8 int child[MAXN][2], fa[MAXN], size[MAXN]; 9 bool flip[MAXN]; 10 11 inline void update(int &x) { 12 size[x] = size[child[x][0]] + size[child[x][1]] + 1; 13 } 14 15 inline void pushdown(int &x) { 16 if(flip[x]) { 17 flip[x] = 0; 18 swap(child[x][0], child[x][1]); 19 flip[child[x][0]] ^= 1; 20 flip[child[x][1]] ^= 1; 21 } 22 } 23 24 inline void rotate(int &x, int t) { 25 int y = child[x][t]; 26 child[x][t] = child[y][t ^ 1]; 27 child[y][t ^ 1] = x; 28 update(x); update(y); 29 x = y; 30 } 31 32 //rotate the kth to root 33 void splay(int &x, int k) { 34 pushdown(x); 35 if(k == size[child[x][0]] + 1) return ; 36 int t = (k > size[child[x][0]] ? 1 : 0); 37 if(t == 1) k -= (size[child[x][0]] + 1); 38 int p = child[x][t]; 39 pushdown(p); 40 int t2 = (k > size[child[p][0]] ? 1 : 0); 41 int k2 = (t2 == 0 ? k : k - size[child[p][0]] - 1); 42 if(k != size[child[p][0]] + 1) { 43 splay(child[p][t2], k2); 44 if(t == t2) rotate(x, t); 45 else rotate(child[x][t], t ^ 1); 46 } 47 rotate(x, t); 48 } 49 //left cannot be null 50 inline int merge(int left, int right) { 51 splay(left, size[left]); 52 child[left][1] = right; 53 update(left); 54 return left; 55 } 56 57 inline void split(int x, int k, int &left, int &right) { 58 splay(x, k); 59 left = x; 60 right = child[x][1]; 61 child[x][1] = 0; 62 update(left); 63 } 64 65 void print(int x) { 66 if(x == 0) return ; 67 pushdown(x); 68 print(child[x][0]); 69 if(x != 1) printf("%d\n", x - 1); 70 print(child[x][1]); 71 } 72 73 int cnt; 74 75 int build(int l, int r) { 76 if(l > r) return 0; 77 int mid = (l + r) >> 1; 78 child[mid][0] = build(l, mid - 1); 79 child[mid][1] = build(mid + 1, r); 80 update(mid); 81 return mid; 82 } 83 84 int root; 85 86 int main() { 87 int n, m, a, b; 88 scanf("%d%d", &n, &m); 89 root = build(1, n + 1); 90 while(m--) { 91 scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); 92 int left, mid, right, x; 93 split(root, a, left, x); 94 split(x, b - a + 1, mid, right); 95 flip[mid] ^= 1; 96 root = merge(merge(left, right), mid); 97 //print(root); system("pause"); 98 } 99 print(root); 100 }
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