
正确格式为%lf,scanf("%lf",double type variable);


│  ...scanf Format Specifiers                                                    │
│In ...scanf format strings, format specifiers have the following form:          │
│                                                                                │
│  % [ * ] [width] [F|N] [h|l|L] pe_char                                         │
│                                                                                │
│Each format specifier begins with the percent character (%).                    │
│                                                                                │
│After the % come the following, in this order:                                  │
│                                                                                │
││Component │What It Is/Does                                                 ││
││ [ * ]    │(Optional) Assignment-suppression character                     ││
││          │Suppresses assignment of the next input field.                  ││
││ [width]  │(Optional) Width specifier                                      ││
││          │Specifies maximum number of characters to read; fewer           ││
││          │characters might be read if the ...scanf function encounters    ││
││          │a whitespace or unconvertible character.                        ││
││ [F|N]    │(Optional) Pointer size modifier                                ││
││          │Overrides default size of address argument:                     ││
││          │  N = near pointer                                              ││
││          │  F = far pointer                                               ││
││ [h|l|L]  │(Optional) Argument-type modifier                               ││
││          │Overrides default type of address argument:                     ││
││          │  h = short int                                                 ││
││          │  l = long int, if type_char specifies integer conversion       ││
││          │  l = double, if type_char specifies floating-point conversion  ││
││          │  L = long double, (valid only with floating-point conversion)  ││
││ type_char│(Required) Type character                                       ││

posted @ 2009-10-06 19:52  OYJJ  阅读(493)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报