
【转】How to Effectively Remember 10,000 English Vocabulary in Less Than 120 Days


原文: https://www.derekwei.com/2012/07/how-to-effectively-remember-10000-english-vocabulary-in-less-than-120-days/



How to Effectively Remember 10,000 English Vocabulary in Less Than 120 Days


Discover how in less than 120 days you can absorb 10,000 words or more through a tremendously effective yet simple to follow tips that you didn’t learn at the school. The techniques suggested in this article will further helping you to fix the vocabulary that you have learnt into your brain for much longer.

As the language learner, you might find learning language other than your mother tongue is a painstaking task to do. You start wondering how to absorb the language that you learnt immediately as you always want to speak like a native speaker. However, no matter how hard you try, or worse still, no matter how much time and effort you have put in learning English, you could hardly grasp those essential words. Now, start asking yourself whether you are fed up of learning English. Are you frustrated watching English words you spent so much time learning simply disappear from your brain? I know you will feel horrible and bad, aren’t you?


Now, I want you to consider how different things are if you could absorb large quantity of English words like a sponge which may actually retain in your brain for much longer. Just think for a minute how your life changes if you could actually remember all those words rather than forgetting them as what you have been doing lately.

Well, learning English and even other foreign languages require certain skills and technique. With the appropriate methods, you could learn English with ease and in less time than you previously thought possible.

Here, I will guide you with tips to assist you mastering the language effectively. The nightmare of not being able to acquire 10,000 English words that you have struggled to learn can quickly fix into your mind in a series of tips that you can begin to put into action in less than 120 days. But, bear in mind that you should follow these tips constantly and correctly. By following them closely, you will discover that how easily to acquire large amounts of words of your language choice rather than forgetting them as most of you likely have been doing.

Forming a Sentence from Some Short Phrases

The foremost step to learn English is to practice the words or vocabulary that you have learnt by making a sentence. You can first start forming short phrases and later forming them into a long sentence. For example, you have some short phrases of “red clothes”, “a woman”, “is going to”, “tomorrow night” and “put on”, and with these phases you can form them into “A woman is going to put on red clothes tomorrow night.”

Listen, Imitate, and Practice

Listening and imitating should go together to grasp English words faster. Listening is always the best option to learn words or vocabulary faster as you will be more concentrate to catch each word being said either from the broadcast or radio. At the same time, you should employ the LIP method: Listen, Imitate and Practice.

Immerse Yourself in Learning

Use all your five senses to learn. You should listen to English, read English, touch English, smell English, and taste English. In a nutshell, you should immerse yourself to learn English by beginning to think in a more natural or diverse form of English communication and writing.

Be Consistent While Learning


Rome wasn’t built in one day. Learning English or any other languages require your patience, perseverance, determination and dedication. Therefore, you should put in more effort than the native speaker and try to grab every chance you have to get yourself exposed to the commonly used words, expressions, phrase words or even proverbs in English communities. I assure you that your hard work will be rewarded one day.

Bring Along a Dictionary Wherever You Go

Use a quality and comprehensive dictionary to guide your grammar. You should always bring a small pocket dictionary with you wherever you go. This will help your understanding particularly when you encounter any English words that you do not know their meanings and usages. Specifically, whenever you see a new word, look it up in the dictionary. After looking up for its meaning, use it in your daily life.


Practice Makes Perfect

Practice as much as possible for the tenses you have just learnt. Remember to study the various forms of a new verb you came across to further grasping more words instead from the one new verb you have learnt. As there is no quick-fix solution to one’s linguistic shortcomings, one can only master English by building a solid grounding in basic vocabulary and grammar and to use it to communicate as frequently as possible.

Knowing the Cultural Background is an Important Asset to Learning Faster

Besides learning the words or vocabulary, you are recommended to learn more about the culture of each language you learnt. When you understand the cultural background of the particular nation, you can better acquire more words in order to promote the better use of the language.

Do Not Hesitate to Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more you ask, the more you grasp the words, the better you are. Learn as much as you could by attending English forums, conferences, seminars which are conducted by speakers from the English-speaking countries. An eager student will always learn more words than those who are a dummy.

Tricks to Remember Faster

One of the efficient methods to remember faster is by using the initials of phrases or sentences to form a group of easily memorize items. Below are some examples:


Example 1

To memorize the planet names which are arranged in a sequence: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto


Mr. Very Elegant Momo Just Served Us Nasty Peach

My Very Energetic Momo Just Sorted Unusable Napkins Puppet

Example 2

To memorize Metric Lengths: kilo, hector, deca, meter, deci, centi, milli

Killer Hound Dog Meets Deadly Crazy Miller

Example 3

(a)How to spell English

Elliot Nelson Gordon Lives In Small House

(b)How to spell Geography

George Ellen’s Old Grandpa Rode A Pig Home Yesterday

Example 4

To memorize the planets correctly: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Ceres, Pluto, Xena

My Very Elegant Mom Could Just Send Us Nine Cute Pets’ Xeroxes

Example 5

To memorize the words of Algae, Fungi and Lichen

She is all gal (Algae) but he is a fun guy (Fungi). Both of them take a likin’(Lichen) to each other.

Example 6

To memorize the bones in he wrists in a sequence: Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate

Some Ladies Took Pressure That They Can’t Handle

Set Your Goal to Advance in Learning

You will need bricks to build a house. Similarly, you need single words or vocabulary to form a sentence. Therefore, English vocabulary is both essential for communicating and writing. Looking at the English book that you bought, you may start facing problem to have all these densely-packed vocabulary fixed into your mind. Here I want to show you my personal experience on how to remember the words or vocabulary in a more efficient way.

If your goal of learning is to remember 100 words a day, you are recommended to set the number up to 500 words a day. As human memory is very limited, so do not set the target of learning words to as low as 20 words and think that you will remember them instantly. The appropriate method is to memorize 500 words per day, so that at least 100 words will be retained in your mind. In this case, you might not be able to remember all the words you learnt. But, at least you have touched with these words once. For all those words that you are unable to remember, you bring them forward for the next day’s task plus another 500 new words. The process of learning goes every day in the similar manner until you could fully fix them into your mind. If you find hard to memorize 500 words a day, you should at least learn 200 to 300 words a day. This type of learning will help your brain to remember the words better and they will remain longer there. Personally, I have employed this method to learn several languages at the same time, and I found it is very useful in learning languages.


Remember, it takes three months of regular intensive practice to improve one overall Band. Therefore, you should know your weaknesses, and set aside the maximum number of hours you can spend each day to practice the English words as frequent as possible. Each word that you learnt will require a certain degree of strategy or approach in order to enable you to make the best use of the time.

Grouping English Words According to Their Categories

Each English word can be grouped in accordance to its root, prefix or suffix. For example, the word with either the prefix of “dis”, “un”, or “in” attached carrying the opposite meaning from its base word. As in the word of “unhappy”, it means “not happy”; “discomfort” means “not comfort” and so forth. The word with the prefix “re” adding means “once again/ once more time” as in “re-arrange” which means “arrange again.” The word that ends in -cion, -tion-, -sion, -ence, -cy, -ness or -ance is always referred to a word of a noun; the ending of -ant, -tive, -able, or -ious is an adjective word; while a word with -ly ending refers to an adverb word. The verb with -ing attached means “is going to do/ decide to do”; when the base root verb is attached with -ing form, it can also appear in a noun form as in “driving (drive + ing)”; with -ed attached means “passive” or “past” happening. You are recommended to carefully study each group, the meaning of each word and how the words are used. That means by grouping the English word into its respective group, you are actually helping yourself to learn English words or vocabulary faster than expected. In short, taking these steps will help you widen your vocabulary, and by knowing when to use the words, you can write better.

Recycling and Repeating Method

If you target to memorize 200 words a day, try to group them into 4 groups with each time you memorize 50 words. You can do this during your meals time of breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper with each meal time memorizing 50 words to make them into a total of 200 words per day. Well, this method will be varied according to the individual due to the difference in memory ability. Though you may have slowly picked up 200 words per day, you do not have to force your brain to memorize everything. What you have to do is that you read the 50 words twice or three times each meal time for everyday’s task. If you still could not remember the words, repeat and recycle the words for the following day plus other additional 100 or 200 words as scheduled. Repeat as many times as you could until you succeed to memorize all the words. By the end of several days, you will come to find that this method has improved your vocabulary tremendously.

Skimming Method


Skimming here means you get the main idea from a text, paragraph, phrase or any short sentences that contain words very quickly. That means you will read certain words at average speed all the way through. Specifically, you might read the words from the heading and the first sentence of each paragraph of a newspaper, magazine or any publications very quickly to catch a fair idea of the content. This is particularly useful when you have short of time for reading. Another way for you to skim the words is by running your eyes along all the lines of the text, so that you pick out the key words while at the same time ignoring those unknown words and “grammar” words (eg. To, and, is, the) which do not contribute to the main idea.

Scanning Method

Scanning is used to assist you to grasp certain words quickly for the information that you require. You may either skim quickly through the information or you may wish to scan for specific information. In either case, you let your eyes sweep across the text slowly and smoothly, beginning at the top left, and subsequently you try your way across and down of the text in a wavelike motion.

While scanning, you do not have to read every word. Instead, you guide your eyes with your first three fingers, or your index finger alone, or even the tip of a pen or a pencil to quickly pick up the words as your eyes sweep across each word of a sentence. This will prevent your eyes from wondering about all parts of the text. You can increase your general reading speed too, by following your finger with your eyes across the text as you read. You may occasionally stop for a moment to pick up some new words you have encountered, and then you proceed to read slowly back and forth, across and down the text.


Well, this method takes a little practice at first, but it is always the best way for your eyes to move quickly through the text without getting stuck and wasting time to read unnecessary information. You are more likely to search for new words within the text. Many studies have shown that how fast people can read by guiding their eyes across the text. You might be surprising to discover how fast you could pick up many words within a short period of time.

Be Aggressive: Attack!


Faster reading does not mean poorer comprehension. In most cases, moderate speed in reading is usually resulted in the improvement in vocabulary. Why I say so?

Our eyes cannot actually read. We read with our minds. Thus, getting information from the printed material ultimately comes down to concentration. The faster you read the more effort you get your eyes concentrated. It is like driving a car at 90 miles per hour (mph) as opposed to 40 mph. To drive at 90mph, it requires your total concentration to keep your car on the road. Therefore, faster reading is a great advantage to help your eyes grabbing more words. As much as possible, try to see what you are reading as what you are watching at the cinema as it will greatly improve your vocabulary.

In the list below, the key word is in column at the left. It is then repeated in the group of words to the right. As rapidly as possible, try locate the identical word, check it, and then move to the next line. Try to do most of this visually test rather than saying each word loudly.

Lip lid long left lip lap

Stand start stand strong stop torn

Wander willow window wanton wander worry

Vain vale vague vain value

Mostmight host most mass mort

Divide devoted have doing divine divide

Someone somewhere sooner somehow somebody someone

Week weak week meek leak seek

Hazy hazard hamper lazy dizzy hazy

Aide aid add aide also hide

Reform remake reclaim malformed reform form

Bubble raffle rubber blubber bubble

Fabulous famous fabulous fashion false fasten

Tranquilizer transfer relaxation tranquilizer transcribe transit

Expanding the Fixations

Your eyes must stop for you to read. The stop may last for a fraction of a second which is called a fixation. If you are reading a sentence that has 20 words and you need to stop at each word, you have actually made 20 fixations with each of the word takes you a fraction of a second. If, however, you can read 4 words with each fixation, you will have to make quarter of the stops that will definitely help you catching more words at an average speed.

You might ask me, “Chan, how do I do this?” The answer has to do with peripheral vision. To illustrate, hold your finger and try to look only at that finger. As you can see, such limited vision is impossible. Because of peripheral vision, you can see many things in the room besides your finger. Research has shown that the average reader can see approximately 2.5 words per fixation.

Now, we do an experiment by looking at the following phrase:

In the Bathroom

Did you make three fixations, once on each word, or did you fixate once on the three words? The key to expanding your fixations is to read words according to its main ideas. Your fixation point, as shown in the following example, will be under and between the words forming the thought unit, so that your peripheral vision can pick up what is on either side of the point. Now, read the following paragraph by fixating at each indicated. Notice how fast you could absorb the words like a sponge.

To accumulate# delicate respiratory tract# of intruders# or incompatible substances# and apprehension# began designing devices# mild heat treatment# including nearly all

Final Remark

You will benefit immensely by following the guidelines given in this article. It is hoped that this article will help pupils to remember words in a more interesting and creative way in order to score in their examinations, but most importantly to help them to pass through the dreaded English exams of IELTS, ESL, TOEFL, TSE, EFL, ESP and any other English related exams. In conclusion, whether your interest lies in the spoken word or in written English, this guide is here to help you to improve your vocabulary with greater ease and confidence.

本条目发布于2012年7月17日。属于网络分享分类,被贴了 English StudyVocabulary 标签。

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