
xdebug 远程调试












Installation From Source


You can download the source of the latest stable release 3.0.2.

Alternatively you can obtain Xdebug from GIT:

git clone git://github.com/xdebug/xdebug.git

This will checkout the latest development version which is currently 3.1.0-dev. This development branch might not always work as expected, and may have bugs.

You can also browse the source on GitHub at https://github.com/xdebug/xdebug.


There is a wizard available that provides you with the correct file to download, and which paths to use.

You compile Xdebug separately from the rest of PHP. You need access to the scripts phpize and php-config. If your system does not have phpize and php-config, you will need to install the PHP development headers.

Debian users can do that with:

apt-get install php-dev

And RedHat and Fedora users with:

yum install php-devel

It is important that the source version matches the installed version as there are slight, but important, differences between PHP versions. Once you have access to phpizeand php-config, take the following steps:


  1. Unpack the tarball:

    tar -xzf xdebug-3.0.2.tgz

    You should not unpack the tarball inside the PHP source code tree. Xdebug is compiled separately, all by itself, as stated above.

  2. cd xdebug-3.0.2

  3. phpize (这一步,用对应版本的phpize , 如:/opt/PHP-5.6/bin/phpize)

    If phpize is not in your path, please make sure that it is by expanding the PATHenvironment variable. Make sure you use the phpize that belongs to the PHP version that you want to use Xdebug with. See this FAQ entry if you're having some issues with finding which phpize to use.

  4. ./configure --enable-xdebug

  5. make

  6. make install

Configure PHP

  1. Add the following line to php.ini:



zend_extension = /opt/PHP-5.6/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/xdebug.so


xdebug.remote_autostart = 1 ;这个配置是比较重要的一个配置


xdebug.remote_host="" ;远程调试的ip地址,即你自己的本机ip






posted @ 2021-01-07 16:09  立志做一个好的程序员  阅读(1057)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
