1. 语法范式 Syntax Style
1.1. 基本格式
1.1.1. 算子格式
e.g.1.threshold(Image : Region : MinGray, MaxGray : )
** threshold算子,1 Image Para input : Image ; 2 Image Para output :Region ;
**3 Control Para input : MinGray , MaxGray 4 Control Para output :无
2.get_image_pointer1(Image : : : Pointer, Type, Width, Height)
** threshold算子,1 Image Para input : Image ; 2 Image Para output :无;
** 3 Control Para input : 无 4 Control Para output : Pointer, Type, Width, Height
1.1.2. 程序结构
HDEV即HALCON Develop,相当于VC中sln,solution。dev下面有很多窗口。
Switches the update of the PC during program execution on or off.
Switch time measurement for operators on or off.
Switches the update of the variable window during program execution on or off.
Switches the automatic output of iconic output objects into the graphics window during program execution on or off.
1.1.3. 符号
编号 |
符号 |
符号含义 |
1 |
* |
注释符号 |
2 |
:= |
赋值符号,和C中不同 |
3 |
= |
逻辑符号,判断相等,相对于C中的’==’ |
4 |
\ |
转义符号,至少可以在用于换行的转义,’\+Enter’就可以续行了 |
5 |
$ |
变量指示符号,e.g. +Distance$'.3'表示将变量Distance写成3个字长的字符串形式 |
6 |
F1 |
Help文档,直接看算子 |
7 |
F2 |
回滚到程序头 |
8 |
F3/F4 |
激活/注销此行代码 |
9 |
F5 |
运行程序 |
10 |
F6 |
单步执行 |
11 |
F10 |
设置断点 |
1.2. 读写文件I/O
1.2.1. 控制变量的I/O
*字符串和单个浮点数的输出,甚至不需要fnew_line来写下一行,直接用\n,在一般的文本编辑器里就能有比较好的格式。 注意不用写百分号'%d''d',' 3d'表示始终为3位输出,'10.3f'表示始终为10位输出,其中小数位占3位
fwrite_string(FileHandle, '\n'+i$'d'+' '+R1$'10.3f'+x1$'10.3f'+y1$'10.3f'+\
fwrite_string(FileHandle,UpRows$'7.3f'+' ') /
1.2.2. 图像变量的I/O
Path:= 'I:/Work/ritz/Piece/data/data_0528/'
read_image (Image, Path+'hgtest1__'+i$'d')
dump_window (WindowHandle, 'png', 'C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/sadaharu2_gray.png')
write_image (Amp, 'png', 0 , 'C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/sadaharu2_canny2.png')
write_region(Margin,'C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/sadaharu2_canny3.tif')
1.3. 图像或形状的生成与显示
这条主要是为了区分三个系列的函数,gen_ , draw_ 和 disp_
l gen_ gen系列跨度很大,一般属于Creation范畴,生成的可以是图像image,匹配模板model,区域region,轮廓Contour,亚像素级轮廓Contour XLD,滤波器filter,HALCON内部描述文件descr(如标定板的表述caltab10mm.descr)等。下面展示的是一些容易混淆的gen_circle等,都是生成区域,属于Table of Contents/Regions/Creation:
Create a circle.
Create an ellipse.
Create a rectangle of any orientation.
gen_circle( : Circle : Row, Column, Radius : )
l draw_ 属于Table of Contents/Graphics/Drawing和我们平常理解的不同,这里的draw是指交互式地在窗口上画图,而不是直接按参数画图
Interactive drawing of a circle.
Interactive drawing of an ellipse.
Draw a line.
draw_circle( : : WindowHandle : Row, Column, Radius)
l disp_ 属于Table of Contents/Graphics/Output
Displays circular arcs in a window.输出显示一段弧
Displays arrows in a window.输出显示一个箭头
Displays circles in a window.
Displays crosses in a window.
disp_arc( : : WindowHandle, CenterRow, CenterCol, Angle, BeginRow, BeginCol : )
2. 数据结构 Data Structure
2.1. Tuple元组
2.1.1. tuple的函数
① Tuple的长度
tuple_length( : : Tuple : Length)
e.g.tuple_length( RowsEdges, LengthEdge),还有一种更简单的方法,
② Tuple按index取元素
tuple_select( : : Tuple, Index : Selected)
e.g.tuple_select( RowsEdges, 0,RowSelectedPoint)
tuple_select_range( : : Tuple, Leftindex, Rightindex : Selected)
Select several elements of a tuple between the left index and the right index.
③ Tuple的初始化,包含分配内存需要的长度以及初始值
2.1.2. tuple的操作符
① Tuple的长度
e.g.LengthEdge1 := |RowsEdges|
② Tuple按index取元素
e.g.RowSelectedPoint := RowsEdges[0]
2.2. 常见图像变量数据结构及相互转换:
Image,Region, Contour ,XLD,几何图形
2.2.1. Image Region
① Image Region
threshold(Image : Region : MinGray, MaxGray : )
var_threshold Threshold an image by local mean and standard deviation analysis
watersheds_threshold— Extract watershed basins from an image using a threshold.
② Image Region
reduce_domain(Image, Region : ImageReduced : : )
Reduce the domain of an image.提取ROI中的图像部分
region_to_bin(Region : BinImage : ForegroundGray, BackgroundGray, Width, Height : )
Convert a region into a binary byte-image。将区域转化为二值图
region_to_label(Region : ImageLabel : Type, Width, Height : ) Convert regions to a label image.
region_to_mean(Regions, Image : ImageMean : : )
Paint regions with their average gray value. 结合原图Image将区域内所有像素点转换为它的中值。
2.2.2. Region Contour
① Region Contour
Create XLD contours corresponding to circles or circular arcs.
Transforms a NURBS curve into an XLD contour.
Generate a XLD contour with rounded corners from a polygon (given as tuples).
Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).
Generate XLD contours from regions.
Convert a skeleton into XLD contours.
Generate one XLD contour in the shape of a cross for each input point.
Creation of an XLD contour corresponding to an elliptic arc.
Create control data of a NURBS curve that interpolates given points.
Extract parallel XLD polygons.
Approximate XLD contours by polygons.
Create an XLD contour in the shape of a rectangle.
Extract parallel XLD polygons enclosing a homogeneous area.
3. 函数理解 Understanding the Basic but Essential Functions
3.1. edges_sub_pix
edges_sub_pix (Image, Edges, 'canny', 0.9, 20, 40)
edges_sub_pix(Image : Edges : Filter, Alpha, Low, High : )
hysteresis_threshold performs a hysteresis threshold operation (introduced by Canny) on an image. All points in the input image Image having a gray value larger than or equal to High are immediately accepted (“secure” points). Conversely, all points with gray values less than Low are immediately rejected. “Potential” points with gray values between both thresholds are accepted if they are connected to “secure” points by a path of “potential” points having a length of at most MaxLength points. This means that “secure” points influence their surroundings (hysteresis).
4. 经验谈 Special Tips
4.1. 多使用help 文档中的Content Table:有问题何不往上翻一级
“不是路上真面目,只缘身在此山中”。解决一个问题,就和了解一个山峰所有真正的登山路一样,当我们在山腰中时,自然是很难了解这条路是否能直通山顶的,而当我们处在一个比这座峰更高的一个位置时,很自然就可以观察或者自己构造出一条比较好的登山路。这就是看往上一级,才看Content Table的作用,在这样一个更高的视野我们就可以找到在这个范围内的其他的路,也许刚好可以登上这座峰。如:
Table of Contents/Filter/smooth_image,
eliminate_min_max : Smooth an image in the spatial domain to suppress noise.