数据结构与算法之有序数组(2)——in dart



  1 import 'dart:math' show Random;
  3 final _rnd = Random();
  4 final _seed = 100;
  6 class OrderedArray {
  7   List<int> _array;
  8   int _realLength;
 10   OrderedArray(int capacity) {
 11     _array = List<int>(capacity);
 12     _realLength = 0;
 13   }
 15   int get capacity => _array.length;
 16   int get length => _realLength;
 18   void fill(double percent) {
 19     for (var i = 0; i < capacity * percent; i++) {
 20       insert(_rnd.nextInt(_seed));
 21     }
 22   }
 24   bool insert(int v) {
 25     if (_realLength == capacity) {
 26       return false;
 27     } else {
 28       if (_realLength == 0) {
 29         _array[0] = v;
 30       } else {
 31         int i;
 32         for (i = 0; i < _realLength; i++) {
 33           if (_array[i] >= v) break;
 34         }
 35         for (var j = _realLength; j > i; j--) {
 36           _array[j] = _array[j - 1];
 37         }
 38         _array[i] = v;
 39       }
 41       _realLength++;
 42       return true;
 43     }
 44   }
 46   int find(int key) {
 47     if (_realLength == 0) {
 48       return -1;
 49     }
 51     if (key < _array[0] || key > _array[_realLength - 1]) {
 52       return -1;
 53     }
 55     int lower = 0, upper = _realLength - 1, mid;
 56     while (lower <= upper) {
 57       mid = (lower + upper) ~/ 2;
 58       if (_array[mid] == key) {
 59         return mid;
 60       } else if (_array[mid] > key) {
 61         upper = mid - 1;
 62       } else {
 63         lower = mid + 1;
 64       }
 65     }
 66     return -1;
 67   }
 69   // Attention! after modifed the array is maybe not ordered ever.
 70   bool modify(int pos, int newValue) {
 71     if (pos < 0 || pos > _realLength - 1) {
 72       return false;
 73     } else {
 74       _array[pos] = newValue;
 75       // sort(0, _realLength - 1);
 76       return true;
 77     }
 78   }
 80   bool delete(int key) {
 81     var pos = find(key);
 82     if (pos < 0) {
 83       return false;
 84     } else {
 85       for (var i = pos; i < _realLength - 1; i++) {
 86         _array[i] = _array[i + 1];
 87       }
 88       _realLength--;
 89       return true;
 90     }
 91   }
 93   int operator [](int pos) {
 94     if (pos < 0 || pos > _realLength - 1) {
 95       return null;
 96     } else {
 97       return _array[pos];
 98     }
 99   }
101   // the below is equal to modify, but don't have return type;
102   void operator []=(int pos, int newValue) {
103     if (pos >= 0 && pos < _realLength) {
104       _array[pos] = newValue;
105       // sort(0, _realLength - 1);
106     }
107   }
109   void sort(int start, int end) {
110     if (start >= end) return;
111     var pl = start, pr = end, key = _array[pl];
112     while (pl < pr) {
113       while (_array[pr] >= key && pr > pl) pr--;
114       if (pr > pl) {
115         _array[pl] = _array[pr];
116         pl++;
117       }
118       while (_array[pl] <= key && pl < pr) pl++;
119       if (pl < pr) {
120         _array[pr] = _array[pl];
121         pr--;
122       }
123     }
124     _array[pl] = key;
126     sort(start, pl - 1);
127     sort(pl + 1, end);
128   }
130   void display() {
131     var sb = StringBuffer();
132     sb.write('[');
133     if (_realLength > 0) {
134       for (var i = 0; i < _realLength - 1; i++) {
135         sb.write('${_array[i]}, ');
136       }
137       sb.write('${_array[_realLength - 1]}');
138     }
139     sb.write(']');
140     print(sb.toString());
141   }
142 }
144 void main() {
145   var arr = OrderedArray(100);
146   arr.fill(0.2);
147   arr.display();
149   var key = _rnd.nextInt(_seed);
150   if (arr.insert(key)) {
151     print('insert \'$key\' successed.');
152     arr.display();
153   } else {
154     print('insert \'$key\' failed.\n');
155   }
157   key = _rnd.nextInt(_seed);
158   var pos = arr.find(key);
159   if (pos >= 0) {
160     print('found the key: $key at $pos\n');
161   } else {
162     print('can not find the key: $key\n');
163   }
165   key = _rnd.nextInt(_seed);
166   pos = arr.length ~/ 2;
167   var oldValue = arr[pos];
168   if (arr.modify(pos, key)) {
169     print('modified the old value ($oldValue) to the new: $key at $pos');
170   }
171   pos = arr.length;
172   oldValue = arr[pos];
173   if (arr.modify(pos, key)) {
174     print('modified the old value ($oldValue) to the new: $key at $pos\n');
175   } else {
176     print('the position to be modified is out of bound.\n');
177   }
178   arr.display();
180   arr[0] = _rnd.nextInt(_seed);
181   arr[arr.length] = _rnd.nextInt(_seed);
182   arr.display();
184   print('now sort the array:');
185   arr.sort(0, arr.length - 1);
186   arr.display();
188   key = _rnd.nextInt(_seed);
189   if (arr.delete(key)) {
190     arr.display();
191     print('has deleted the key: $key');
192   } else {
193     print('can not find the key to delete: $key');
194   }
196   print('now delete the key: ${arr[arr.length ~/ 2]}');
197   arr.delete(arr[arr.length ~/ 2]);
198   arr.display();
199 }


posted on 2019-01-08 18:45  Burkut  阅读(262)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报