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www.asp.net 上,遇到的。http://www.asp.net/Forums/ShowPost.aspx?tabindex=1&PostID=575960

以下是 他 的 基本plan ,也许我们可以参考,我不知道是不是有 侵权的嫌疑。 
Hey glad to hear from you.  I have the initial concepts roughly sketched out.  I am working with a couple buddies of mine for developing the actual mathmatical system for the game.  While I am hoping to have up to 25 people working on this at once, it will be mainly separated into game developers and the programmers.  What we, the programmers, will be doing is developing a web-based system where the game developers can actually build the game through adding content, stories, characters, items, you name it.  Every action of the characters in the game will need to be mapped out, from types of combat moves to special spells and so on.
The task at hand first of all, is to map out how we are going to do this.  Once we have it mapped out we will be able to tell how much time it will take and what sections we will be working on.  My estimate right now is that the overall project will take up to a year, with everyone working on and off with their spare time.  The bulk of it should be done by August.
The actual structure of it will be rather simple.  We have a main server which will certain aspects of the game acting as a web service.  Other servers will then plug into the services they need to create different sections and characteristics of the game.  One web service might be the combat web service, which hold all the martial arts styles, weapons, maneuvers, etc. 
The great thing about this is that no one will need software, it will all be web-based.  Thus, if we need to update the game, no one will be delayed in playing because of it.
The plan is to start with one to three servers and have a main portal where users can manage their account.  From there they will be able to enter different servers

posted on 2004-05-19 11:03  我们的游戏世界  阅读(602)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报