
每当我们在进行AE开发,出现错误时经常会出现错误代码,但是我们并不知道它到底代表什么意思,这里的而错误编码我们可以对照着找到我们需要的时候常详细信息(问题是,经常还是会出现没有错误编码HRESULT ~COMException~因为COM组件的开发人员已经给这个异常一个返回的Message了,如果没有错误的Message才会返回一个HRESULT 代码;但是实际效果是,返回的Message大多数时候都非常的简单,我们还是不知道为什么错误!)


   1 错误代码    错误名称    错误描述
   2 HRESULT:0x80040201    LOADING_RESOURCE    “Failed to load a resource (string, icon, bitmap, etc).”
   3 HRESULT:0x80040202    INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE    The index passed was not within the valid range.
   4 HRESULT:0x80040203    NOT_SUPPORTED    The operation is not supported by this implementation.
   5 HRESULT:0x80040204    NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE    There is not enough storage space to complete the operation.
   6 HRESULT:0x80040205    NO_PERMISSION    The user does not have permission to execute the operation.
   7 HRESULT:0x80040206    IMPLEMENTATION    “Signals that an implementation specific error has occurred and that the client should inspect the error object for additional errors. For example, SDE API errors.”
   8 HRESULT:0x80040207    INVALID_SQL    An invalid SQL statement was used.
   9 HRESULT:0x80040208    NETWORK    A networking error occurred.
  10 HRESULT:0x80040209    DATE_CONVERSION    A date conversion error has occurred.
  11 HRESULT:0x8004020A    OBJECT_IS_DELETED    The object has been deleted and is no longer valid.
  12 HRESULT:0x8004020B    WORKSPACE_NOT_COMPATIBLE    The workspace is of the wrong type.
  13 HRESULT:0x8004020C    OBJECT_IS_READONLY    Modifications to the object are not allowed.
  14 HRESULT:0x8004020D    OBJECT_IN_USE    Object is busy.
  15 HRESULT:0x8004020E    OBJECT_MAX_REACHED    Maximum number of objects reached.
  16 HRESULT:0x8004020F    OBJECT_IS_LOCKED    Object is currently locked.
  17 HRESULT:0x80040210    INVALID_ENVELOPE    Invalid envelope encountered.
  18 HRESULT:0x80040211    FILE_IO    File read/write error occurred.
  19 HRESULT:0x80040212    LICENSE_FAILURE    A product licensing error occurred.
  20 HRESULT:0x80040213    DBMS_ERROR    An underlying database error occurred.
  21 HRESULT:0x80040214    COERCING    An error occurred trying to coerce data from one type to another.
  22 HRESULT:0x80040215    BINDING    A general data binding error occurred.
  23 HRESULT:0x80040216    SCHEMA_LOCK_CONFLICT    Cannot acquire a schema lock because of an existing lock.
  24 HRESULT:0x80040217    MUST_BE_OWNER    Must be the owner to do this operation.
  25 HRESULT:0x80040218    OBJECT_NOT_LOCKED    Object has no schema locks.
  26 HRESULT:0x80040219    ESRI_PROVIDER_CONNECT_INVALID    Connection to Esri OLE DB provider is invalid.
  27 HRESULT:0x8004021A    CONNECTION_CANCELLED    SDE Connection dialog is cancelled.
  28 HRESULT:0x8004021B    INVALID_RELEASE    This release of the Geodatabase is not up to date.
  29 HRESULT:0x8004021C    NO_SYSTEM_TABLES    Geodatabase System Tables not found.
  30 HRESULT:0x8004021D    CONNECT_PARAMETERS_CONFLICT    Conflicting connection parameters.
  31 HRESULT:0x8004021E    FIELDINFO_SYSTEM_TABLE_INCONSISTENCY    Geodatabase FieldInfo system table inconsistent.
  32 HRESULT:0x8004021F    NO_EDIT_LICENSE    The application is not licensed to edit this type of data .
  33 HRESULT:0x80040220    NO_SCHEMA_LICENSE    The application is not licensed to create or modify schema for this type of data.
  34 HRESULT:0x80040221    NO_OPERATION_LICENSE    The application does not have the required license for this operation.
  35 HRESULT:0x80040222    OPERATION_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE    The current operation cannot be undone.
  36 HRESULT:0x80040223    EDIT_OPERATION_REQUIRED    The current operation requires an edit operation.
  37 HRESULT:0x80040224    RECONCILE_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE    The reconcile operation cannot be undone.
  38 HRESULT:0x80040225    OBJECT_NOT_INITIALIZED    The object is not initialized.
  39 HRESULT:0x80040226    INTEGER_REQUIRES_64BITS    The integer requires a 64-bit representation.
  40 HRESULT:0x80040227    SYNTAX_ERROR    Syntax error.
  41 HRESULT:0x80040228    LICENSE_NOT_INITIALIZED    License not intialized.
  42 HRESULT:0x80040229    TABLE_SIZE_EXCEEDED    Maximum table size has been exceeded.
  43 HRESULT:0x8004022A    SECURED_DATA_NO_ACCESS    Cannot access secured data.
  44 HRESULT:0x8004022B    INVALID_SQLQUERY    An SQL statement containing comment and/or semicolon was used.
  45 HRESULT:0x8004022C    INVALID_NAME    The name is invalid.
  46 HRESULT:0x8004022D    LOCK_CONFLICT    Cannot acquire a lock.
  47 HRESULT:0x8004022E    UPGRADE_NEEDS_WRITE_ACCESS    Upgrade will need write access to the geodatabase to successfully complete.
  48 HRESULT:0x8004022F    NEGATIVE_FID    FIDs in FIDSet must not be negative.
  49 HRESULT:0x80040230    INCOMPATIBLE_CLIENT_VERSION    This version of the Geodatabase client is incompatible with the dataset and cannot open it.
  50 HRESULT:0x80040231    NEW_SCHEMA_REQUIRED    This functionality is only supported on a Geodatabase release of ArcGIS 10.0 or greater.
  51 HRESULT:0x80040232    NON_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_CONNECTION    The connection format cannot be made forward compatible.
  52 HRESULT:0x80040251    WORKSPACE_NOT_CONNECTED    The workspace is not connected.
  53 HRESULT:0x80040252    WORKSPACE_ALREADY_CONNECTED    The workspace is already connected.
  54 HRESULT:0x80040253    SERVER_NOT_FOUND    The server was not found.
  55 HRESULT:0x80040254    SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE    “The server was found, but is not available at this time.”
  56 HRESULT:0x80040255    SERVER_MAX_CONNECTIONS    The server does not allow anymore connections at this time.
  57 HRESULT:0x80040256    USER_INVALID    The user and/or password is invalid.
  58 HRESULT:0x80040257    USER_NOACCESS    The user does not have access to the workspace.
  59 HRESULT:0x80040258    DATABASE_NOT_FOUND    The database was not found.
  60 HRESULT:0x80040259    DATABASE_NOT_AVAILABLE    “The database was found, but is not available at this time.”
  61 HRESULT:0x8004025A    WORKSPACE_ALREADY_EXISTS    The workspace already exists.
  62 HRESULT:0x8004025B    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_CREATE_FAILED    Unable to instantiate workspace extension component.
  63 HRESULT:0x8004025C    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_INIT_FAILED    Unable to initialize workspace extension.
  64 HRESULT:0x8004025D    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_DATASET_CREATE_FAILED    Failed sending dataset created notification to workspace extension.
  65 HRESULT:0x8004025E    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_DATASET_RENAME_FAILED    Failed sending dataset renamed notification to workspace extension.
  66 HRESULT:0x8004025F    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_DATASET_DELETE_FAILED    Failed sending dataset deleted notification to workspace extension.
  67 HRESULT:0x80040260    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_DUP_NAME    Illegal duplicate workspace extension name.
  68 HRESULT:0x80040261    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_DUP_GUID    Illegal duplicate workspace extension guid.
  69 HRESULT:0x80040262    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_NO_REG_PRIV    Altering workspace extension registration requires Geodatabase DBA priveleges.
  70 HRESULT:0x80040263    WORKSPACE_READONLY    Workspace or data source is read only.
  71 HRESULT:0x80040264    DATASET_NOT_SUPPORTED_AT_WORKSPACE_LEVEL    The dataset is not supported at the workspace level.
  72 HRESULT:0x80040265    WORKSPACE_NO_KEYSETTABLEMANAGER    Workspace does not support Keyset Table.
  73 HRESULT:0x80040266    WORKSPACE_NO_KEYSETTABLE    Keyset table was not returned.
  74 HRESULT:0x80040267    WORKSPACE_INVALID_KEYSETID    Returned Keyset id is invalid.
  75 HRESULT:0x80040268    WORKSPACEFACTORY_BAD_CONNECTIONPROPERTY    A missing or bad connection property was encountered.
  76 HRESULT:0x80040269    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_NOT_SUPPORTED    Workspace extensions are not supported.
  77 HRESULT:0x8004026A    WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_DATASET_MODIFY_FAILED    Failed sending dataset modified notification to workspace extension.
  78 HRESULT:0x8004026B    WORKSPACE_NO_SPATIAL_TYPE    Workspace has no spatial type.
  79 HRESULT:0x8004026B    HISTORICAL_MARKER_ALREADY_EXISTS    The historical marker already exists.
  80 HRESULT:0x80040301    DATASET_NOT_FOUND    The dataset was not found.
  81 HRESULT:0x80040302    DATASET_INVALID_NAME    The dataset name is invalid.
  82 HRESULT:0x80040303    DATASET_ALREADY_EXISTS    The dataset already exists.
  83 HRESULT:0x80040304    DATASET_CANNOT_RENAME    Cannot rename the dataset with objects already open.
  84 HRESULT:0x80040305    DATASET_INVALID_TYPE    Invalid dataset type.
  85 HRESULT:0x80040306    DATASET_CANNOT_DELETE    Cannot delete the dataset.
  86 HRESULT:0x80040307    DATASET_EXTENSION_TYPE_NOT_FOUND    Cannot find the specified feature dataset extension type.
  87 HRESULT:0x80040308    DATASET_PASTE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    The paste operation on the dataset is not supported in the target release of the Geodatabase.
  88 HRESULT:0x80040309    DATASET_CANNOT_RENAME_NOT_SUPPORTED    Cannot rename the dataset.
  89 HRESULT:0x8004030A    DATASET_EXTENSION_CREATE_FAILED    Unable to instantiate dataset extension component.
  90 HRESULT:0x8004030B    DATASET_EXTENSION_INIT_FAILED    Unable to initialize dataset extension.
  91 HRESULT:0x8004030C    CANNOT_CREATE_LOW_PREC_DATASET_IN_HIGH_PREC_DB    Cannot create a low precision dataset in a high precision database.
  92 HRESULT:0x8004030D    CANNOT_CREATE_HIGH_PREC_DATASET_IN_LOW_PREC_DB    Cannot create a high precision dataset in a low precision database.
  93 HRESULT:0x8004030E    DATASET_TYPE_NOT_PRESENT    The dataset type is not present in the database.
  94 HRESULT:0x8004030F    CANNOT_COPY_CLASS_WITHOUT_ALL_CONTROLLERS    Cannot copy a feature class without all associated controllers.
  95 HRESULT:0x80040310    DATASET_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    The dataset type is not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
  96 HRESULT:0x80040311    DATASET_INVALID_DEFINITION    The dataset has an invalid definition.
  97 HRESULT:0x80040312    DATASET_INVALID_ID    The dataset has an invalid id.
  98 HRESULT:0x80040313    CANNOT_RENAME_WHILE_EDITING    Cannot rename a dataset that is being edited.
  99 HRESULT:0x80040314    CANNOT_MODIFY_SCHEMA_WHILE_EDITING    Cannot update the schema of a dataset that is being edited.
 100 HRESULT:0x80040315    INCOMPATIBLE_CLIENT_CANNOT_OPEN_DATASET    The dataset is unknown to this version of the Geodatabase client and cannot be opened.
 101 HRESULT:0x80040351    TABLE_NOT_FOUND    The table was not found.
 102 HRESULT:0x80040352    TABLE_INVALID_NAME    The table name is invalid.
 103 HRESULT:0x80040353    TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS    The table already exists.
 104 HRESULT:0x80040354    TABLE_NO_OID_FIELD    The table does not have an ObjectID field.
 105 HRESULT:0x80040355    TABLE_INVALID_KEYWORD    The configuration keyword is invalid.
 106 HRESULT:0x80040356    TABLE_NOT_VERSIONED    The table is not multiversioned.
 107 HRESULT:0x80040357    TABLE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN    Cannot create a table with a duplicate column.
 108 HRESULT:0x80040358    TABLE_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND    A column was specified that does not exist.
 109 HRESULT:0x80040359    TABLE_IN_USE    Cannot access this table because it is in use.
 110 HRESULT:0x8004035A    TABLE_RECORD_LENGTH_EXCEEDED    The maximum record length has been exceeded.
 111 HRESULT:0x8004035B    TABLE_VERSIONED    The table is multiversioned.
 112 HRESULT:0x8004035C    TABLE_MOVINGEDITSTOBASE    The table is moving edits to base.
 113 HRESULT:0x8004035D    TABLE_ARCHIVING    The table has archiving enabled.
 114 HRESULT:0x8004035E    TABLE_NOT_ARCHIVING    The table does not have archiving enabled.
 115 HRESULT:0x8004035F    TABLE_READONLY_HISTORICAL    The table is historical and is read-only.
 116 HRESULT:0x80040360    TABLE_NO_ATTACHMENTS    The table does not have attachments.
 117 HRESULT:0x80040361    TABLE_ATTACHMENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED    Table attachments not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
 118 HRESULT:0x80040362    TABLE_CANNOT_ANALYZE_TABLE_VIEW    This feature class is based upon a table view and thus cannot be analyzed.
 119 HRESULT:0x80040363    TABLE_NO_GLOBALID_FIELD    The table does not have a Global ID field.
 120 HRESULT:0x80040364    ATTACHMENTS_ON_ATTACHMENT_TABLE_NOT_SUPPORTED    Attachments are not supported on attachment tables.
 121 HRESULT:0x80040365    TABLE_NOT_EMPTY    Table is not empty.
 122 HRESULT:0x80040366    ATTACHMENTS_ONLY_ON_GEODATABASES    Attachments only supported on geodatabases.
 123 HRESULT:0x80040401    FEATURECLASS_NOT_FOUND    The feature class was not found.
 124 HRESULT:0x80040402    FEATURECLASS_BAD_EXTENT    The feature class’s extent could not be retrieved or is invalid.
 125 HRESULT:0x80040403    FEATURECLASS_INVALID_NAME    Invalid feature class name.
 126 HRESULT:0x80040404    FEATURECLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS    The feature class already exists.
 127 HRESULT:0x80040405    FEATURECLASS_LOAD_MODE    The feature class is currently in load-only mode.
 128 HRESULT:0x80040406    FEATURECLASS_NETWORK_CANNOT_DELETE    The feature class is in a geometric network and cannot be deleted.
 129 HRESULT:0x80040407    FEATURECLASS_BAD_DEFAULT_SUBTYPE_CODE    The feature classdefault subtype code cannot be retrieved or is invalid.
 130 HRESULT:0x80040408    FEATURECLASS_NO_SUBTYPE_FIELD    The feature class does not have a specified subtype field.
 131 HRESULT:0x80040409    FEATURECLASS_NETWORK_CANNOT_RENAME    The orphan junction featureclass cannot be renamed.
 132 HRESULT:0x8004040A    FEATURECLASS_SUBTYPE_EXISTS    The feature class already has the specified subtype.
 133 HRESULT:0x8004040B    FEATURECLASS_FD_NOT_EDITABLE    The feature dataset is not editable.
 134 HRESULT:0x8004040C    FEATURECLASS_SUBTYPE_FIELD_CANNOT_RENAME    The subtype field on a feature class cannot be renamed.
 135 HRESULT:0x8004040D    SUBTYPE_CODE_INVALID    The specified subtype code is either too large or small to represent.
 136 HRESULT:0x8004040E    SUBTYPE_CODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST    The specified subtype code does not exist.
 137 HRESULT:0x8004040F    SUBTYPE_CODE_IS_NULL    The value of the subtype code is NULL.
 138 HRESULT:0x80040410    SUBTYPE_CODE_NOT_INTEGER    The value of the subtype code is not a long or short integer.
 139 HRESULT:0x80040411    FEATURECLASS_NO_SHAPE_COLUMN    The feature class does not have a shape column.
 140 HRESULT:0x80040412    FEATURECLASS_TOPOLOGY_CANNOT_DELETE    The feature class is in a topology and cannot be deleted.
 141 HRESULT:0x80040413    SUBTYPE_CODE_HAS_ASSOCIATED_TOPOLOGY_RULE    The subtype code is associated with a topology rule.
 142 HRESULT:0x80040414    SUBTYPE_IN_USE_CANNOT_DELETE    The subtype code is in use and cannot be deleted.
 143 HRESULT:0x80040415    SUBTYPE_CANNOT_ADD    The subtype code cannot be added.
 144 HRESULT:0x80040416    SPATIAL_CACHE_EMPTY_EXTENT    The spatial cache’s extent is empty or has not been set.
 145 HRESULT:0x80040417    FEATURECLASS_MEMBER_OF_CONTROLLER    The feature class is already a member of the specified controller.
 146 HRESULT:0x80040418    FEATURECLASS_CANT_OPEN_GEOMETRICNETWORK    The feature class participates in a geometric network that could not be opened.
 147 HRESULT:0x80040419    FEATURECLASS_CANT_OPEN_TOPOLOGY    The feature class participates in a topology that could not be opened.
 148 HRESULT:0x8004041A    FEATURECLASS_NETWORK_DATASET_CANNOT_DELETE    The feature class is in a network dataset and cannot be deleted.
 149 HRESULT:0x8004041B    FEATURECLASS_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE    Insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
 150 HRESULT:0x80040451    PLANARGRAPH_NOT_FOUND    The planargraph was not found.
 151 HRESULT:0x80040501    GEOMETRICNETWORK_NOT_FOUND    The geometric network was not found.
 152 HRESULT:0x80040502    ADD_FEATURE_TO_NETWORK    Error adding a feature to a network.
 153 HRESULT:0x80040503    CREATE_LOGICAL_NETWORK    Error creating a logical network.
 154 HRESULT:0x80040504    GEOMETRICNETWORK_ALREADY_EXISTS    The geometric network already exists.
 155 HRESULT:0x80040505    ZERO_LENGTH_EDGE_ELEMENT    Geometry corresponding to edge element may not be zero length.
 156 HRESULT:0x80040506    GEOMETRICNETWORK_CANNOT_RENAME    Cannot rename a geometric network.
 157 HRESULT:0x80040507    GEOMETRICNETWORK_ELEMENT_INCONSISTENCY    Inconsistent elements in the geometric network.
 158 HRESULT:0x80040508    NETWORK_FEATURES_HAVE_HOMOGENEOUS_Z_SUPPORT    Feature classes in a geometric network must have homogeneous support for Zs on geometry.
 159 HRESULT:0x80040509    NO_ASSOCIATED_ERROR_TABLE    There is no error table associated with the geometric network.
 160 HRESULT:0x8004050A    FEATURE_ELEMENT_MISSING_POINT_GEOMETRY    There is no point geometry associated with the feature element.
 161 HRESULT:0x8004050B    NETWORK_FEATURES_HAVE_HOMOGENEOUS_M_SUPPORT    Feature classes in a geometric network must have homogeneous support for Ms on geometry.
 162 HRESULT:0x8004050C    CLASS_EXISTS_WITH_ORPHAN_JUNCTION_CLASS_NAME    An existing class has the same name as the orphan junction feature class.
 163 HRESULT:0x8004050D    GEOMETRICNETWORK_INVALID_NAME    The geometric network name is invalid.
 164 HRESULT:0x8004050E    INVALID_FIELD_FOR_WEIGHT_ASSOCIATION    The specified field cannot be part of a weight association.
 165 HRESULT:0x8004050F    INVALID_CLASS_FOR_WEIGHT_ASSOCIATION    The specified class cannot be part of a weight association.
 166 HRESULT:0x80040510    CONNECTED_FEATURE_DOES_NOT_EXIST    The connected feature does not exist.
 167 HRESULT:0x80040511    OPEN_LOGICAL_NETWORK    Error opening a logical network.
 168 HRESULT:0x80040512    NETWORK_ELEMENT_ID_BEYOND_MAX    A network feature has a network element whose id is larger than the maximum eid value in the PROPS table.
 169 HRESULT:0x80040513    EDGE_ENDPOINT_NOT_COINCIDENT    Edge endpoint is not coincident with junction.
 170 HRESULT:0x80040514    CANNOT_DELETE_POPULATED_FEATURE_CLASS    Cannot delete populated feature class from a geometric network.
 171 HRESULT:0x80040515    CANNOT_DELETE_ORPHAN_JUNCTION_CLASS    Cannot delete the orphan junction class from a geometric network.
 172 HRESULT:0x80040516    EMPTY_GEOMETRICNETWORK_IS_NOT_ALLOWED    Empty geometric network is not allowed.
 173 HRESULT:0x80040551    DATASET_UNEDITABLE    The dataset does not support editing.
 174 HRESULT:0x80040552    START_EDITING    Error starting an edit session.
 175 HRESULT:0x80040553    SAVE_EDIT_SESSION    Error saving an edit session.
 176 HRESULT:0x80040554    STOP_EDITING_WITH_SAVE    Error stopping an edit session with save edits.
 177 HRESULT:0x80040555    STOP_EDITING_WITH_DISCARD    Error stopping an edit session with discard edits.
 178 HRESULT:0x80040556    NOT_ALLOWED_WHILE_EDITING    This operation is not allowed while editing.
 179 HRESULT:0x80040557    COULD_NOT_CLEAN_COVERAGE    Error in cleaning coverage during save.
 180 HRESULT:0x80040558    NO_INTEGRATEABLE_LAYERS    No valid InteGrateable Feature layers within Feature Dataset.
 181 HRESULT:0x80040559    INVALID_TOPOLOGY    Invalid Topology.
 182 HRESULT:0x8004055A    NOT_EDITING    Operation only allowed while editing.
 183 HRESULT:0x8004055B    COULD_NOT_ENCODE_INFO_ITEM    Error in encoding INFO item during save.
 184 HRESULT:0x8004055C    NODE_NOT_ON_ARC    Node must intersect an arc feature.
 185 HRESULT:0x8004055D    CANNOT_REMOVE_LAST_LABEL    Cannot remove last label from polygon.
 186 HRESULT:0x8004055E    CANNOT_MOVE_LABEL_OUT_OF_POLYGON    Cannot move label out of polygon.
 187 HRESULT:0x8004055F    INVALID_POLYGON_LABEL_DELETED    “Label no longer within valid polygon, deleting.”
 188 HRESULT:0x80040560    CANNOT_BREAK_TOPOLOGY    Operations that break coverage topology are not supported.
 189 HRESULT:0x80040561    CANNOT_CREATE_UNIVERSE_LABEL    Coverage labels cannot be created in the universe polygon.
 190 HRESULT:0x80040562    CANNOT_MOVE_UNIVERSE_LABELS    Coverage labels in the universe polygon cannot be moved.
 191 HRESULT:0x80040563    INVALID_GEOMETRY    Invalid geometry.
 192 HRESULT:0x80040564    CORUPTED_COVERAGE    Corupted Coverage.
 193 HRESULT:0x80040565    DUPLICATE_FIELD_NAMES    Duplicate Field Names within Table.
 194 HRESULT:0x80040566    CANNOT_EDIT_ZS    Cannot edit features with Z values.
 195 HRESULT:0x80040567    NO_POLYGONS_CREATED    “No newly added features, after PolygonSplitLines.”
 196 HRESULT:0x80040568    ABORT_EDITS_FAILED    Unable to save edits because an incorrect edit operation could not be completely rolled back.
 197 HRESULT:0x80040569    FLUSH_EDITS_FAILED    Unable to save edits because of failure in flushing edits to the database.
 198 HRESULT:0x8004056A    CANNOT_EDIT_TABLE_WITH_UNIQ_USER_INDEX    Unable to edit the table or feature class because it has a unique index on a non OID field.
 199 HRESULT:0x8004056B    CANNOT_EDIT_DATASET_WITH_UNIQ_USER_INDEX    Unable to edit the dataset because it contains a table or feature class with a unique index on a non OID field.
 200 HRESULT:0x8004056C    CANNOT_REBUILD_POLYGONS    Cannot rebuild polygons from current topology elements.
 201 HRESULT:0x8004056D    USERTRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED    User transaction not allowed at this time.
 202 HRESULT:0x8004056E    NOT_EDITABLE_EDITSESSIONMODE    The object cannot be edited using the current edit session mode.
 203 HRESULT:0x8004056F    CANNOT_EDIT_COMPRESSED_DATASET    Cannot edit compressed data.
 204 HRESULT:0x80040570    CANNOT_UPDATE_COMPRESSED_DATASET    Cannot update compressed data.
 205 HRESULT:0x80040571    COMPRESSED_DATASET_NOT_SUPPORTED    Cannot use compressed data for this operation.
 206 HRESULT:0x80040572    INVALID_OPERATION_FOR_EDITSESSIONMODE    Invalid operation for edit session mode.
 207 HRESULT:0x80040573    COMPRESSED_DATASET_NOT_INSTALLED    FileGDB compression is not installed.
 208 HRESULT:0x80040574    MODIFIED_GEOMETRY_MUST_BE_COPY    The modified geometry must be a copy.
 209 HRESULT:0x80040575    PENDING_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES    The modified geometry must be a copy.
 210 HRESULT:0x80040576    PENDING_GEOPROCESSING_INPUT    Cannot Start/Stop editing while there is pending Feature/Record set input..
 211 HRESULT:0x80040601    PROPERTY_NO_SUBTYPE    This property does not have a SubType.
 212 HRESULT:0x80040602    PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND    The property was not found.
 213 HRESULT:0x80040651    FIELD_INVALID    A general error when something is wrong with a Field.
 214 HRESULT:0x80040652    FIELD_INVALID_NAME    The name of the Field is unacceptable.
 215 HRESULT:0x80040653    FIELD_NOT_FOUND    An expected Field was not found or could not be retrieved properly.
 216 HRESULT:0x80040654    FIELD_ALREADY_EXISTS    The Field already exists.
 217 HRESULT:0x80040655    FIELD_INVALID_TYPE    The Field type is invalid or unsupported for the operation.
 218 HRESULT:0x80040656    FIELD_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION    “The Field type does not support the current operation. For example, attempting to set OID field to NULL.”
 219 HRESULT:0x80040657    FIELD_INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE    The GeometryType property of the Field is invalid or unsupported for this operation.
 220 HRESULT:0x80040658    FIELD_NOT_EDITABLE    The Field is not editable.
 221 HRESULT:0x80040659    FIELD_NOT_NULLABLE    The Field is not nullable.
 222 HRESULT:0x8004065A    FIELD_CANNOT_DELETE_WEIGHT_FIELD    The Field corresponds to a weight and may not be deleted.
 223 HRESULT:0x8004065B    FIELD_CANNOT_DELETE_REQUIRED_FIELD    The Field is required and may not be deleted.
 224 HRESULT:0x8004065C    FIELD_CANNOT_DELETE_SUBTYPE_FIELD    The Field is a subtype field and may not be deleted.
 225 HRESULT:0x8004065D    FIELD_CANNOT_DELETE_LAST_FIELD    The Field is the last remaining field and may not be deleted.
 226 HRESULT:0x8004065E    FIELD_IS_KEYWORD    The Field is the keyword the destination DBMS.
 227 HRESULT:0x8004065F    FIELD_CANNOT_DELETE_RELKEY_FIELD    The field cannot be deleted because it is being used as a relationship key.
 228 HRESULT:0x80040660    FIELD_MISSING_GEOMETRY_DEF    The shape field is missing the geometry def.
 229 HRESULT:0x80040661    FIELD_IS_RELKEY_FIELD    The field is used as a relationship key.
 230 HRESULT:0x80040662    FIELD_USED_BY_EDITOR_TRACKING    The field is used by Editor Tracking.
 231 HRESULT:0x80040663    FIELD_IS_SUBTYPE_FIELD    The field is used to define subtypes.
 232 HRESULT:0x80040664    FIELD_IS_NETWORK_ANCILLARY_FIELD    The field is used to define a network ancillary role.
 233 HRESULT:0x80040665    FIELD_IS_WEIGHT_FIELD    The field corresponds to a weight.
 234 HRESULT:0x80040666    FIELD_IS_ENABLED_FIELD    The field is an enabled field associated with a network element.
 235 HRESULT:0x80040667    FIELD_IS_REQUIRED_FIELD    The field is required.
 236 HRESULT:0x80040701    FIELDS_INVALID    A general error when something is wrong with the Fields collection.
 237 HRESULT:0x80040702    FIELDS_NOT_FOUND    An expected Fields collection was not found or could not be retrieved properly.
 238 HRESULT:0x80040703    FIELDS_NO_GEOMETRY    The Fields collection did not contain an expected geometry field.
 239 HRESULT:0x80040704    FIELDS_NO_OID    The Fields collection did not contain an expected OID field.
 240 HRESULT:0x80040705    FIELDS_MULTIPLE_OIDS    The Fields collection contained multiple OID fields.
 241 HRESULT:0x80040706    FIELDS_MULTIPLE_GEOMETRIES    The Fields collection contained multiple geometry fields.
 242 HRESULT:0x80040707    FIELDS_MODEL_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS    Another field within the class already has this model name.
 243 HRESULT:0x80040708    FIELDS_MULTIPLE_RASTERS    The Fields collection contained multiple raster fields.
 244 HRESULT:0x80040709    FIELDS_MULTIPLE_GLOBALIDS    The Fields collection contained multiple GlobalID fields.
 245 HRESULT:0x8004070A    FIELDS_EMPTY    The Fields collection is empty.
 246 HRESULT:0x80040751    INDEX_WRONG_TYPE    The operation requires a different index type.
 247 HRESULT:0x80040752    INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS    The index already exists.
 248 HRESULT:0x80040753    INDEX_NOT_FOUND    The index was not found.
 249 HRESULT:0x80040754    INDEX_NOT_ALLOWED    This type of index is not allowed.
 250 HRESULT:0x80040801    METADATA_TABLE_NOT_FOUND    Unable to find a required metadata table.
 251 HRESULT:0x80040802    METADATA_FIELD_NOT_FOUND    A required Field in a metadata table could not be located.
 252 HRESULT:0x80040803    METADATA_ADDING_DATASET    An error occurred adding an entry to the ESRI_DATASETS table.
 253 HRESULT:0x80040804    METADATA_ADDING_FEATURECLASS    An error occurred while adding an entry to the FEATUREDATASET_CLASSES or the FEATURECLASSES table.
 254 HRESULT:0x80040805    METADATA_BAD_CLSID    The CLSID read from the FEATURECLASSES table was bad (unable to convert using ::CLSIDFromString).
 255 HRESULT:0x80040851    SPATIALREL_NOT_SUPPORTED    The operation does not support this spatial relationship.
 256 HRESULT:0x80040852    SPATIALREL_UNKNOWN    The spatial relationship is unknown or not defined.
 257 HRESULT:0x80040853    FEATURETYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED    The operation does not support this feature type.
 258 HRESULT:0x80040854    FEATURETYPE_UNKNOWN    The feature type is unknown or not defined.
 259 HRESULT:0x80040855    DATASETTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED    The operation does not support this dataset type.
 260 HRESULT:0x80040856    DATASETTYPE_UNKNOWN    The dataset type is unknown or not defined.
 261 HRESULT:0x80040857    DRAWSTYLE_NOT_SUPPORTED    The operation does not support this draw style.
 262 HRESULT:0x80040858    DRAWSTYLE_UNKNOWN    The draw style is unknown or not defined.
 263 HRESULT:0x80040859    DRAWPHASE_NOT_SUPPORTED    The operation does not support this draw phase.
 264 HRESULT:0x8004085A    DRAWPHASE_UNKNOWN    The draw phase is unknown or not defined.
 265 HRESULT:0x80040901    GEOMETRY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED    No support for this geometry type.
 266 HRESULT:0x80040902    MULTIPART_EDGE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED    Multipart edge feature geometries not supported.
 267 HRESULT:0x80040903    GEOMETRY_HAS_NO_M_VALUES    Geometry has no M values.
 268 HRESULT:0x80040904    GEOMETRY_HAS_NO_Z_VALUES    Geometry has no Z values.
 269 HRESULT:0x80040905    GEOMETRY_HAS_NULL_Z_VALUES    Geometry has null Z values.
 270 HRESULT:0x80040906    GEOMETRY_NOT_SIMPLE    Geometry is not simple.
 271 HRESULT:0x80040907    GEOMETRY_CANNOT_HAVE_Z_VALUES    Geometry cannot have Z values.
 272 HRESULT:0x80040908    GEOMETRY_SPATIAL_REFERENCE    Spatial reference (projection) related error.
 273 HRESULT:0x80040909    GEOMETRY_MISSING_SPATIAL_REFERENCE    Geometry is missing required spatial reference.
 274 HRESULT:0x8004090A    CANT_STORE_VERTICAL_SEGMENT    Polylines with vertical segments cannot be stored in pre-10.0 geodatabase feature classes.
 275 HRESULT:0x80040951    ROW_NO_SETUPINTERFACE    The row object does not support the IRowSetup interface.
 276 HRESULT:0x80040952    ROW_NOT_FOUND    A requested row object could not be located.
 277 HRESULT:0x80040953    ROW_NO_OID    The row does not have an OID.
 278 HRESULT:0x80040954    ROW_NO_OBJCLASS    Cannot determine the row’s ObjectClass.
 279 HRESULT:0x80040955    ROW_BAD_VALUE    The row contains a bad value.
 280 HRESULT:0x80040956    ROW_ALREADY_EXISTS    A row with this OID already exists.
 281 HRESULT:0x80040957    COMPARE_TYPE_MISMATCH    Cannot compare incompatible types.
 282 HRESULT:0x80040958    CANNOT_STORE_RECYCLED_ROW_IN_EDIT_SESSION    Cannot call Store on a recycled row while editing.
 283 HRESULT:0x80041001    FEATURE_NO_ANNO    The feature object does not have annotation.
 284 HRESULT:0x80041002    FEATURE_BAD_SHAPE    The feature object does not have a valid shape.
 285 HRESULT:0x80041003    FEATURE_OUTSIDE_SPATIALREF    The feature falls outside the defined spatial reference.
 286 HRESULT:0x80041004    FEATURE_SHAPE_UPDATE_BLOCKED    The feature is mutually exclusive. Cannot update shape.
 287 HRESULT:0x80041005    FEATURE_AREA_LENGTH_UPDATE_FAILED    Failed to update feature’s area/length field in response to shape update.
 288 HRESULT:0x80041006    ON_DELETE_MESSAGE_FAILED    On Delete Message returned failure.
 289 HRESULT:0x80041007    DELETE_PART_OBJECTS_FAILED    Failed to delete part objects for composite object.
 290 HRESULT:0x80041008    DELETE_RELATIONSHIPS_FAILED    Failed to delete relationships for object.
 291 HRESULT:0x80041009    ON_CHANGED_MESSAGE_FAILED    On Changed message returned failure.
 292 HRESULT:0x8004100A    MOVE_RELATED_FEATURES_FAILED    Failed to move related features.
 293 HRESULT:0x8004100B    ROTATE_RELATED_FEATURES_FAILED    Failed to rotate related features.
 294 HRESULT:0x8004100C    FEATURE_DELETED    The feature has been deleted.
 295 HRESULT:0x8004100D    FEATURE_VALUE_TYPE_MISMATCH    The value type is incompatible.
 296 HRESULT:0x8004100E    CUSTOM_COMPLEX_JUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED    The required custom complex junction was not implemented.
 297 HRESULT:0x8004100F    FEATURE_NOT_FOUND    A requested feature object could not be located.
 298 HRESULT:0x80041010    SPLIT_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_GEOMETRY_TYPE    The split operation is not supported on the selected feature’s geometry type.
 299 HRESULT:0x80041011    SPLITTING_POLYGONS_REQUIRES_POLYLINE    Splitting a polygon requires a polyline splitter.
 300 HRESULT:0x80041012    SPLITTING_POLYLINES_REQUIRES_POINT    Splitting a polyline requires a point splitter.
 301 HRESULT:0x80041013    SPLIT_POINT_YIELDS_ZERO_LENGTH_POLYLINE    Split point results in a zero length polyline.
 302 HRESULT:0x80041014    CUTTER_YIELDS_ZERO_AREA_POLYGON    Cutting polyline results in zero area polygon.
 303 HRESULT:0x80041015    FEATURE_NO_GEOMETRY    The feature does not have any associated geometry.
 304 HRESULT:0x80041016    REQUIRED_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND    A required interface on the feature was not found.
 305 HRESULT:0x80041017    REQUIRED_CONNECTION_POINT_NOT_FOUND    A required connection point on a complex junction was not found.
 306 HRESULT:0x80041018    INVALID_CONNECTION_POINT_GEOMETRY    The geometry for a complex junction connection point is invalid.
 307 HRESULT:0x80041019    FEATURE_EMPTY_GEOMETRY    The feature has empty geometry.
 308 HRESULT:0x80041051    CURSOR_WRONG_TYPE    “This type of cursor does not support this operation. For example, calling UpdateRow on a read-only cursor.”
 309 HRESULT:0x80041052    CURSOR_INVALID    The cursor is in an invalid state.
 310 HRESULT:0x80041053    CURSOR_FINISHED    The cursor has completed and is at the end.
 311 HRESULT:0x80041054    CURSOR_LOCKED    The cursor cannot aquire a lock against the data.
 312 HRESULT:0x80041055    CURSOR_INVALIDATED    The cursor has been invalidated because the edit operation has stopped.
 313 HRESULT:0x80041101    VERSION_BAD_NAME    The ID of the version is bad.
 314 HRESULT:0x80041102    VERSION_UNEDITABLE    “The current version does not support editing (base, consistent, or closed).”
 315 HRESULT:0x80041103    VERSION_HAS_CONFLICTS    This operation is not allowed using conflicting versions.
 316 HRESULT:0x80041104    VERSION_ALREADY_EXISTS    The version already exists.
 317 HRESULT:0x80041105    VERSION_REDEFINED    The version has been redefined to reference a new database state.
 318 HRESULT:0x80041106    VERSION_NOT_FOUND    The version could not be located.
 319 HRESULT:0x80041107    VERSION_INVALID_STATE    The version’s internal state ID is invalid.
 320 HRESULT:0x80041108    VERSION_NOT_OWNER    Operation only allowed by the owner of the version.
 321 HRESULT:0x80041109    VERSION_HAS_CHILDREN    Operation only allowed on versions without children.
 322 HRESULT:0x8004110A    VERSION_NOT_RECONCILED    The version has not been reconciled.
 323 HRESULT:0x8004110B    VERSION_IS_PROTECTED    Operation not allowed because the version is protected.
 324 HRESULT:0x8004110C    VERSION_IN_USE    Operation not allowed because the version is in use.
 325 HRESULT:0x8004110D    VERSION_BEING_EDITED    Operation not allowed while the version is being edited.
 326 HRESULT:0x8004110E    VERSION_BEING_RECONCILED    Operation not allowed while the version is being reconciled.
 327 HRESULT:0x8004110F    RECONCILE_VERSION_NOT_AVAILABLE    Unable to reconcile: the target version is currently being reconciled against.
 328 HRESULT:0x80041110    VERSION_RECONCILE_LOST    Post not allowed after undoing a reconcile.
 329 HRESULT:0x80041111    FAILED_FILTERING_CONFLICTS    Unable to reconcile : Failed filtering conflicts.
 330 HRESULT:0x80041112    RECONCILE_VERSION_NOT_ANCESTOR    Unable to reconcile : Reconcile version is not an ancestor.
 331 HRESULT:0x80041113    VERSION_CANNOT_BE_RECONCILED    Version cannot be reconciled.
 332 HRESULT:0x80041114    VERSION_NOT_HISTORICAL    Version cannot be reconciled.
 333 HRESULT:0x80041115    VERSION_REQUIRES_PARENT_RECONCILE    The version can only be reconciled with its parent.
 334 HRESULT:0x80041151    DATASOURCE_LOCK_FAILED    DataSource could not be locked.
 335 HRESULT:0x80041152    DATASOURCE_RELEASELOCK_FAILED    DataSource lock could not be released.
 336 HRESULT:0x80041153    DATASOURCE_INUSE_ELSEWHERE    DataSource is being used in another application.
 337 HRESULT:0x80041201    INVALID_UNITS    The xy units are invalid.
 338 HRESULT:0x80041202    INVALID_GRID_SIZE    The spatial index grid size is invalid.
 339 HRESULT:0x80041203    SPATIALREF_MISMATCH    The spatial references do not match.
 340 HRESULT:0x80041204    SPATIALREF_INVALID    Invalid spatial reference.
 341 HRESULT:0x80041205    INVALID_M_DOMAIN    The M domain is invalid.
 342 HRESULT:0x80041206    CANNOT_ALTER_SPATIALREF    The spatial reference cannot be altered.
 343 HRESULT:0x80041207    NO_SPATIALREF    No spatial reference exists.
 344 HRESULT:0x80041208    HIGH_PRECISION_SR_NOT_SUPPORTED    High precision spatial reference not supported.
 345 HRESULT:0x80041209    LOW_PRECISION_SR_NOT_SUPPORTED    Low precision spatial reference not supported.
 346 HRESULT:0x8004120A    CANNOT_ALTER_PRECISION    The precision cannot be altered.
 347 HRESULT:0x8004120B    SPATIALREF_PRECISION_MISMATCH    The spatial reference precision models do not match.
 348 HRESULT:0x8004120C    NEGATIVE_RESOLUTION    The resolution value must be larger than zero.
 349 HRESULT:0x8004120D    RESOLUTION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PERMISSIBLE_VALUE    The resolution value does not match permissible values.
 350 HRESULT:0x8004120E    INVALID_XY_DOMAIN    The XY domain is invalid.
 351 HRESULT:0x8004120F    GRID_SIZE_TOO_SMALL    Every grid size must be at least three times larger than the preceding grid size.
 352 HRESULT:0x80041210    INVALID_Z_DOMAIN    The Z domain is invalid.
 353 HRESULT:0x80041211    SPATIALREF_Z_MISMATCH    The spatial reference z values do not match.
 354 HRESULT:0x80041251    SPATIALFILTER_INVALID    The spatial filter is invalid.
 355 HRESULT:0x80041252    SPATIALFILTER_INVALID_GEOMETRY    The geometry property of the spatial filter is invalid.
 356 HRESULT:0x80041253    SPATIALFILTER_INVALID_SPATIAL_RELATION    The spatial relation property of the spatial filter is invalid.
 357 HRESULT:0x80041301    SELECTION_MISMATCH    Selection sets do not match.
 358 HRESULT:0x80041302    SELECTION_INVALID_TYPE    Selection type is invalid.
 359 HRESULT:0x80041303    SELECTION_NO_SELECTABLE_LAYERS    No selectable layers.
 360 HRESULT:0x80041351    OBJECTCLASS_COULD_NOT_CREATE_CLASS_INSTANCE    Unable to instantiate object class instance COM component.
 361 HRESULT:0x80041352    OBJECTCLASS_COULD_NOT_CREATE_CLASS_EXTENSION    Unable to instantiate object class extension COM component.
 362 HRESULT:0x80041353    OBJECTCLASS_COULD_NOT_INITIALIZE_CLASS_EXTENSION    Unable to initialize object class extension COM component.
 363 HRESULT:0x80041354    OBJECTCLASS_REQUIRES_AN_EDIT_SESSION    Objects in this object class cannot be updated outside of an edit session.
 364 HRESULT:0x80041355    OBJECTCLASS_MODEL_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS    An object class with this model name already exists.
 365 HRESULT:0x80041356    CLASS_FD_NOT_EDITABLE    The feature dataset is not editable.
 366 HRESULT:0x80041357    COULD_NOT_LOAD_CLASS_EXTENSION_PROPERTIES    The class extension property set could not be loaded.
 367 HRESULT:0x80041358    OBJECTCLASS_NOT_REGISTERED    The object class is not registered in the Geodatabase.
 368 HRESULT:0x80041359    OBJECTCLASS_IN_CONTROLLER_DATASET    The class participates in a controller dataset.
 369 HRESULT:0x80041501    SE_FAILURE    SDE Error.
 371 HRESULT:0x80041503    SE_NO_ANNOTATION    SDE Error.
 372 HRESULT:0x80041504    SE_FINISHED    SDE Error.
 373 HRESULT:0x80041505    SE_SDE_NOT_STARTED    SDE Error.
 374 HRESULT:0x80041506    SE_UNCHANGED    SDE Error.
 375 HRESULT:0x80041508    SE_CONNECTIONS_EXCEEDED    SDE Error.
 376 HRESULT:0x80041509    SE_LOGIN_NOT_ALLOWED    SDE Error.
 377 HRESULT:0x8004150A    SE_INVALID_USER    SDE Error.
 378 HRESULT:0x8004150B    SE_NET_FAILURE    SDE Error.
 379 HRESULT:0x8004150C    SE_NET_TIMEOUT    SDE Error.
 380 HRESULT:0x8004150D    SE_OUT_OF_SVMEM    SDE Error.
 381 HRESULT:0x8004150E    SE_OUT_OF_CLMEM    SDE Error.
 382 HRESULT:0x8004150F    SE_OUT_OF_CONTEXT    SDE Error.
 383 HRESULT:0x80041510    SE_NO_ACCESS    SDE Error.
 384 HRESULT:0x80041511    SE_TOO_MANY_LAYERS    SDE Error.
 385 HRESULT:0x80041512    SE_NO_LAYER_SPECIFIED    SDE Error.
 386 HRESULT:0x80041513    SE_LAYER_LOCKED    SDE Error.
 387 HRESULT:0x80041514    SE_LAYER_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 388 HRESULT:0x80041515    SE_LAYER_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 389 HRESULT:0x80041516    SE_LAYER_INUSE    SDE Error.
 390 HRESULT:0x80041518    SE_ROW_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 391 HRESULT:0x8004151A    SE_ROW_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 392 HRESULT:0x8004151B    SE_LAYER_MISMATCH    SDE Error.
 393 HRESULT:0x8004151C    SE_NO_PERMISSIONS    SDE Error.
 394 HRESULT:0x8004151D    SE_INVALID_NOT_NULL    SDE Error.
 395 HRESULT:0x8004151E    SE_INVALID_SHAPE    SDE Error.
 396 HRESULT:0x8004151F    SE_INVALID_LAYER_NUMBER    SDE Error.
 397 HRESULT:0x80041520    SE_INVALID_ENTITY_TYPE    SDE Error.
 398 HRESULT:0x80041521    SE_INVALID_SEARCH_METHOD    SDE Error.
 399 HRESULT:0x80041522    SE_INVALID_ETYPE_MASK    SDE Error.
 400 HRESULT:0x80041523    SE_BIND_CONFLICT    SDE Error.
 401 HRESULT:0x80041524    SE_INVALID_GRIDSIZE    SDE Error.
 402 HRESULT:0x80041525    SE_INVALID_LOCK_MODE    SDE Error.
 403 HRESULT:0x80041526    SE_ETYPE_NOT_ALLOWED    SDE Error.
 404 HRESULT:0x80041528    SE_INVALID_NUM_OF_PTS    SDE Error.
 405 HRESULT:0x80041529    SE_TABLE_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 406 HRESULT:0x8004152A    SE_ATTR_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 407 HRESULT:0x8004152B    SE_LICENSE_FAILURE    SDE Error.
 408 HRESULT:0x8004152C    SE_OUT_OF_LICENSES    SDE Error.
 409 HRESULT:0x8004152D    SE_INVALID_COLUMN_VALUE    SDE Error.
 410 HRESULT:0x8004152F    SE_INVALID_SQL    SDE Error.
 411 HRESULT:0x80041530    SE_LOG_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 412 HRESULT:0x80041531    SE_LOG_NOACCESS    SDE Error.
 413 HRESULT:0x80041532    SE_LOG_NOTOPEN    SDE Error.
 414 HRESULT:0x80041533    SE_LOG_IO_ERROR    SDE Error.
 415 HRESULT:0x80041534    SE_NO_SHAPES    SDE Error.
 416 HRESULT:0x80041535    SE_NO_LOCKS    SDE Error.
 417 HRESULT:0x80041536    SE_LOCK_CONFLICT    SDE Error.
 418 HRESULT:0x80041537    SE_OUT_OF_LOCKS    SDE Error.
 419 HRESULT:0x80041538    SE_DB_IO_ERROR    SDE Error.
 420 HRESULT:0x80041539    SE_STREAM_IN_PROGRESS    SDE Error.
 421 HRESULT:0x8004153A    SE_INVALID_COLUMN_TYPE    SDE Error.
 422 HRESULT:0x8004153B    SE_TOPO_ERROR    SDE Error.
 423 HRESULT:0x8004153C    SE_ATTR_CONV_ERROR    SDE Error.
 424 HRESULT:0x8004153D    SE_INVALID_COLUMN_DEF    SDE Error.
 425 HRESULT:0x8004153E    SE_INVALID_SHAPE_BUF_SIZE    SDE Error.
 426 HRESULT:0x8004153F    SE_INVALID_ENVELOPE    SDE Error.
 427 HRESULT:0x80041540    SE_TEMP_IO_ERROR    SDE Error.
 428 HRESULT:0x80041541    SE_GSIZE_TOO_SMALL    SDE Error.
 429 HRESULT:0x80041542    SE_LICENSE_EXPIRED    SDE Error.
 430 HRESULT:0x80041543    SE_TABLE_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 431 HRESULT:0x80041544    SE_INDEX_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 432 HRESULT:0x80041545    SE_INDEX_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 433 HRESULT:0x80041546    SE_INVALID_POINTER    SDE Error.
 434 HRESULT:0x80041547    SE_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE    SDE Error.
 435 HRESULT:0x80041548    SE_ALL_SLIVERS    SDE Error.
 436 HRESULT:0x80041549    SE_TRANS_IN_PROGRESS    SDE Error.
 437 HRESULT:0x8004154A    SE_IOMGR_NO_DBMS_CONNECT    SDE Error.
 438 HRESULT:0x8004154B    SE_DUPLICATE_ARC    SDE Error.
 439 HRESULT:0x8004154C    SE_INVALID_ANNO_OBJECT    SDE Error.
 440 HRESULT:0x8004154D    SE_PT_NO_EXIST    SDE Error.
 441 HRESULT:0x8004154E    SE_PTS_NOT_ADJACENT    SDE Error.
 442 HRESULT:0x8004154F    SE_INVALID_MID_PT    SDE Error.
 443 HRESULT:0x80041550    SE_INVALID_END_PT    SDE Error.
 444 HRESULT:0x80041551    SE_INVALID_RADIUS    SDE Error.
 445 HRESULT:0x80041552    SE_LOAD_ONLY_LAYER    SDE Error.
 446 HRESULT:0x80041553    SE_LAYERS_NOT_FOUND    SDE Error.
 447 HRESULT:0x80041554    SE_FILE_IO_ERROR    SDE Error.
 448 HRESULT:0x80041555    SE_BLOB_SIZE_TOO_LARGE    SDE Error.
 449 HRESULT:0x80041556    SE_CORRIDOR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS    SDE Error.
 450 HRESULT:0x80041557    SE_SHAPE_INTEGRITY_ERROR    SDE Error.
 451 HRESULT:0x80041558    SE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET    SDE Error.
 452 HRESULT:0x80041559    SE_CAD_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 453 HRESULT:0x8004155A    SE_INVALID_TRANSID    SDE Error.
 454 HRESULT:0x8004155B    SE_INVALID_LAYER_NAME    SDE Error.
 456 HRESULT:0x8004155D    SE_INVALID_RELEASE    SDE Error.
 457 HRESULT:0x8004155E    SE_VERSION_TBL_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 458 HRESULT:0x8004155F    SE_COLUMN_NOT_BOUND    SDE Error.
 460 HRESULT:0x80041561    SE_INVALID_CONNECTION    SDE Error.
 461 HRESULT:0x80041562    SE_INVALID_DBA_PASSWORD    SDE Error.
 462 HRESULT:0x80041563    SE_PATH_NOT_FOUND    SDE Error.
 463 HRESULT:0x80041564    SE_SDEHOME_NOT_SET    SDE Error.
 464 HRESULT:0x80041565    SE_NOT_TABLE_OWNER    SDE Error.
 465 HRESULT:0x80041566    SE_PROCESS_NOT_FOUND    SDE Error.
 466 HRESULT:0x80041567    SE_INVALID_DBMS_LOGIN    SDE Error.
 467 HRESULT:0x80041568    SE_PASSWORD_TIMEOUT    SDE Error.
 468 HRESULT:0x80041569    SE_INVALID_SERVER    SDE Error.
 469 HRESULT:0x8004156A    SE_IOMGR_NOT_AVAILABLE    SDE Error.
 470 HRESULT:0x8004156B    SE_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND    SDE Error.
 471 HRESULT:0x8004156C    SE_INVALID_STATS_TYPE    SDE Error.
 473 HRESULT:0x8004156E    SE_INVALID_GRANT_REVOKE    SDE Error.
 474 HRESULT:0x8004156F    SE_INVALID_SDEHOME    SDE Error.
 475 HRESULT:0x80041570    SE_INVALID_STREAM    SDE Error.
 476 HRESULT:0x80041571    SE_TOO_MANY_STREAMS    SDE Error.
 477 HRESULT:0x80041572    SE_OUT_OF_MUTEXES    SDE Error.
 478 HRESULT:0x80041573    SE_CONNECTION_LOCKED    SDE Error.
 479 HRESULT:0x80041574    SE_CONNECTION_IN_USE    SDE Error.
 480 HRESULT:0x80041575    SE_NOT_A_SELECT_STATEMENT    SDE Error.
 482 HRESULT:0x80041577    SE_WRONG_COLUMN_TYPE    SDE Error.
 483 HRESULT:0x80041578    SE_PTABLE_LOCKED    SDE Error.
 484 HRESULT:0x80041579    SE_PTABLE_IN_USE    SDE Error.
 485 HRESULT:0x8004157A    SE_STABLE_LOCKED    SDE Error.
 486 HRESULT:0x8004157B    SE_STABLE_IN_USE    SDE Error.
 487 HRESULT:0x8004157C    SE_INVALID_FILTER_TYPE    SDE Error.
 488 HRESULT:0x8004157D    SE_NO_CAD    SDE Error.
 490 HRESULT:0x8004157F    SE_INSTANCE_TOO_EARLY    SDE Error.
 491 HRESULT:0x80041580    SE_INVALID_SYSTEM_UNITS    SDE Error.
 492 HRESULT:0x80041581    SE_INVALID_UNITS    SDE Error.
 493 HRESULT:0x80041582    SE_INVALID_CAD_OBJECT    SDE Error.
 494 HRESULT:0x80041583    SE_VERSION_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 496 HRESULT:0x80041585    SE_INVALID_STREAM_TYPE    SDE Error.
 497 HRESULT:0x80041586    SE_INVALID_SPATIAL_COLUMN    SDE Error.
 498 HRESULT:0x80041587    SE_NO_SPATIAL_MASKS    SDE Error.
 499 HRESULT:0x80041588    SE_IOMGR_NOT_FOUND    SDE Error.
 500 HRESULT:0x80041589    SE_SYSTEM_IS_CLIENT_ONLY    SDE Error.
 502 HRESULT:0x8004158B    SE_INVALID_SHAPE_OBJECT    SDE Error.
 503 HRESULT:0x8004158C    SE_INVALID_PARTNUM    SDE Error.
 505 HRESULT:0x8004158E    SE_INVALID_PART_OFFSET    SDE Error.
 507 HRESULT:0x80041590    SE_COORD_OUT_OF_BOUNDS    SDE Error.
 508 HRESULT:0x80041591    SE_LAYER_CACHE_FULL    SDE Error.
 510 HRESULT:0x80041593    SE_INVALID_COORDSYS_ID    SDE Error.
 511 HRESULT:0x80041594    SE_INVALID_COORDSYS_DESC    SDE Error.
 512 HRESULT:0x80041595    SE_INVALID_ROW_ID_LAYER    SDE Error.
 513 HRESULT:0x80041596    SE_PROJECTION_ERROR    SDE Error.
 514 HRESULT:0x80041597    SE_ARRAY_BYTES_EXCEEDED    SDE Error.
 515 HRESULT:0x80041598    SE_POLY_SHELLS_OVERLAP    SDE Error.
 516 HRESULT:0x80041599    SE_TOO_FEW_POINTS    SDE Error.
 519 HRESULT:0x8004159C    SE_INVALID_OUTER_SHELL    SDE Error.
 520 HRESULT:0x8004159D    SE_ZERO_AREA_POLYGON    SDE Error.
 522 HRESULT:0x8004159F    SE_OUTER_SHELLS_OVERLAP    SDE Error.
 523 HRESULT:0x800415A0    SE_SELF_INTERSECTING    SDE Error.
 524 HRESULT:0x800415A1    SE_INVALID_EXPORT_FILE    SDE Error.
 525 HRESULT:0x800415A2    SE_READ_ONLY_SHAPE    SDE Error.
 526 HRESULT:0x800415A3    SE_INVALID_DATA_SOURCE    SDE Error.
 527 HRESULT:0x800415A4    SE_INVALID_STREAM_SPEC    SDE Error.
 530 HRESULT:0x800415A7    SE_INVALID_DATABASE    SDE Error.
 532 HRESULT:0x800415A9    SE_NORM_DIM_INFO_NOT_FOUND    SDE Error.
 536 HRESULT:0x800415AD    SE_READ_ONLY    SDE Error.
 537 HRESULT:0x800415AE    SE_NO_SDE_ROWID_COLUMN    SDE Error.
 538 HRESULT:0x800415AF    SE_READ_ONLY_COLUMN    SDE Error.
 539 HRESULT:0x800415B0    SE_INVALID_VERSION_NAME    SDE Error.
 540 HRESULT:0x800415B1    SE_STATE_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 542 HRESULT:0x800415B3    SE_VERSION_HAS_MOVED    SDE Error.
 543 HRESULT:0x800415B4    SE_STATE_HAS_CHILDREN    SDE Error.
 544 HRESULT:0x800415B5    SE_PARENT_NOT_CLOSED    SDE Error.
 545 HRESULT:0x800415B6    SE_VERSION_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 547 HRESULT:0x800415B8    SE_STATE_USED_BY_VERSION    SDE Error.
 549 HRESULT:0x800415BA    SE_INVALID_STATE_ID    SDE Error.
 551 HRESULT:0x800415BC    SE_ERROR_LOADING_SSA    SDE Error.
 552 HRESULT:0x800415BD    SE_TOO_MANY_STATES    SDE Error.
 553 HRESULT:0x800415BE    SE_STATES_ARE_SAME    SDE Error.
 554 HRESULT:0x800415BF    SE_NO_ROWID_COLUMN    SDE Error.
 555 HRESULT:0x800415C0    SE_NO_STATE_SET    SDE Error.
 556 HRESULT:0x800415C1    SE_SSA_FUNCTION_ERROR    SDE Error.
 558 HRESULT:0x800415C3    SE_NO_COMMON_LINEAGE    SDE Error.
 559 HRESULT:0x800415C4    SE_STATE_INUSE    SDE Error.
 560 HRESULT:0x800415C5    SE_STATE_TREE_INUSE    SDE Error.
 564 HRESULT:0x800415C9    SE_INVALID_STORAGE_TYPE    SDE Error.
 566 HRESULT:0x800415CB    SE_INVALID_BYTE_ORDER    SDE Error.
 569 HRESULT:0x800415CE    SE_INVALID_NUM_PARTS    SDE Error.
 570 HRESULT:0x800415CF    SE_BINARY_TOO_SMALL    SDE Error.
 571 HRESULT:0x800415D0    SE_SHAPE_TEXT_TOO_LONG    SDE Error.
 572 HRESULT:0x800415D1    SE_SHAPE_TEXT_ERROR    SDE Error.
 573 HRESULT:0x800415D2    SE_TOO_MANY_PARTS    SDE Error.
 574 HRESULT:0x800415D3    SE_TYPE_MISMATCH    SDE Error.
 576 HRESULT:0x800415D5    SE_NIL_SHAPE_NOT_ALLOWED    SDE Error.
 581 HRESULT:0x800415DA    SE_INVALID_QUERY_TYPE    SDE Error.
 582 HRESULT:0x800415DB    SE_NO_TRACE_LIBRARY    SDE Error.
 583 HRESULT:0x800415DC    SE_TRACE_ON    SDE Error.
 584 HRESULT:0x800415DD    SE_TRACE_OFF    SDE Error.
 585 HRESULT:0x800415DE    SE_SCL_SYNTAX_ERROR    SDE Error.
 586 HRESULT:0x800415DF    SE_TABLE_REGISTERED    SDE Error.
 588 HRESULT:0x800415E1    SE_TABLE_NOREGISTERED    SDE Error.
 590 HRESULT:0x800415E3    SE_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED    SDE Error.
 591 HRESULT:0x800415E6    SE_RASTERCOLUMN_INUSE    SDE Error.
 596 HRESULT:0x800415EB    SE_NO_REQUEST_STATUS    SDE Error.
 597 HRESULT:0x800415EC    SE_NO_REQUEST_RESULTS    SDE Error.
 600 HRESULT:0x800415EF    SE_RASTER_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 601 HRESULT:0x800415F0    SE_RASTER_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 602 HRESULT:0x800415F1    SE_TOO_MANY_RASTERBANDS    SDE Error.
 603 HRESULT:0x800415F2    SE_TOO_MANY_RASTERS    SDE Error.
 604 HRESULT:0x800415F3    SE_VIEW_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 605 HRESULT:0x800415F4    SE_VIEW_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 606 HRESULT:0x800415F5    SE_LOCK_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 608 HRESULT:0x800415F7    SE_NOT_IN_RASTER    SDE Error.
 616 HRESULT:0x800415FF    SE_SQL_TOO_LONG    SDE Error.
 617 HRESULT:0x80041600    SE_UNSUPPORTED_ON_VIEW    SDE Error.
 618 HRESULT:0x80041601    SE_LOG_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 619 HRESULT:0x80041602    SE_SDE_WARNING    SDE Error.
 620 HRESULT:0x80041603    SE_ETYPE_CHANGED    SDE Error.
 621 HRESULT:0x80041604    SE_NO_ROWS_DELETED    SDE Error.
 622 HRESULT:0x80041605    SE_TOO_MANY_DISTINCTS    SDE Error.
 623 HRESULT:0x80041606    SE_NULL_VALUE    SDE Error.
 624 HRESULT:0x80041607    SE_NO_ROWS_UPDATED    SDE Error.
 625 HRESULT:0x80041608    SE_NO_CPGCVT    SDE Error.
 626 HRESULT:0x80041609    SE_NO_CPGHOME    SDE Error.
 627 HRESULT:0x8004160A    SE_DBMS_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT    SDE Error.
 628 HRESULT:0x8004160B    SE_ROWLOCKING_ENABLED    SDE Error.
 630 HRESULT:0x8004160D    SE_LOG_IS_OPEN    SDE Error.
 631 HRESULT:0x8004160E    SE_SPATIALREF_EXISTS    SDE Error.
 632 HRESULT:0x8004160F    SE_SPATIALREF_NOEXIST    SDE Error.
 633 HRESULT:0x80041610    SE_SPATIALREF_IN_USE    SDE Error.
 635 HRESULT:0x80041612    SE_INVALID_FUNCTION_ID    SDE Error.
 636 HRESULT:0x80041613    SE_MOSAIC_NOT_ALLOWED    SDE Error.
 637 HRESULT:0x80041614    SE_PASSWORD_EXPIRED    SDE Error.
 638 HRESULT:0x80041615    SE_NO_ARCSDE_LICENSE    SDE Error.
 641 HRESULT:0x80041801    DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_NULLABLE    The default value is not nullable.
 642 HRESULT:0x80041802    DEFAULT_VALUE_INVALID    The default value is not valid in the domain.
 643 HRESULT:0x80041851    OBJECT_IN_ANOTHER_FEATUREDATASET    An object being transfered is in another Feature Dataset.
 644 HRESULT:0x80041852    ONLY_SIMPLE_FEATURES_SUPPORTED    Only simple features are supported in the simple data converter.
 645 HRESULT:0x80041901    XML_PARSE_ERROR    The XML being loaded could not be parsed.
 646 HRESULT:0x80041951    TOPOLOGY_ILLEGAL_RESHAPE    Can only reshape one edge at a time.
 647 HRESULT:0x80041952    TOPOLOGY_ALREADY_EXISTS    The topology with the specified name already exists.
 648 HRESULT:0x80041953    TOPOLOGY_NOT_FOUND    The topology was not found.
 649 HRESULT:0x80041954    TOPOLOGY_CANNOT_RENAME    The topology cannot be renamed.
 650 HRESULT:0x80041955    INVALID_FEATURE_TYPE_FOR_TOPOLOGY    The feature class in not simple.
 651 HRESULT:0x80041956    INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FOR_TOPOLOGY    The feature class has an invalid geometry type.
 652 HRESULT:0x80041957    INVALID_TOPOLOGY_RULE    The topology rule in invalid or malformed.
 653 HRESULT:0x80041958    TOPOLOGY_WORKSPACE_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND    The topology workspace extension was not found.
 654 HRESULT:0x80041959    CANNOT_RESET_CLUSTER_TOLERANCE    The topology cluster tolerance cannot be reset.
 655 HRESULT:0x8004195A    TOPOLOGIES_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Topologies not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
 656 HRESULT:0x8004195B    TOPOLOGY_INVALID_WEIGHT    Feature class weight is invalid.
 657 HRESULT:0x8004195C    CANNOT_MODIFY_TOPOLOGY_ERROR_FEATURE    Topology errors cannot be directly modified.
 658 HRESULT:0x8004195D    TOPOCLASSES_SYSTEM_TABLE_INCONSISTENCY    Geodatabase TopoClasses system table inconsistent.
 659 HRESULT:0x8004195E    INVALID_CLUSTER_TOLERANCE    The specified cluster tolerance is invalid.
 660 HRESULT:0x8004195F    INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FOR_TOPOLOGY_RULE    The feature class has an invalid geometry type for the topology rule.
 661 HRESULT:0x80041960    NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_TOPOLOGY_ERROR_FEATURE    This operation is not supported on topology errors.
 662 HRESULT:0x80041961    CANNOT_MODIFY_SYSTEM_MANAGED_TABLES    System tables cannot be modified.
 663 HRESULT:0x80041962    TOPOLOGY_EDGE_NOT_SELECTABLE    Topology edge is not selectable.
 664 HRESULT:0x80041963    CLASS_ALREADY_MEMBER_OF_TOPOLOGY    The class is already a member of the topology.
 665 HRESULT:0x80041964    EMPTY_ENVELOPE_FOR_CLEAN    An empty envelope was specified for the clean.
 666 HRESULT:0x80041965    INVALID_TOPOLOGY_ID    Invalid Topology ID.
 667 HRESULT:0x80041966    TOPOLOGY_ENGINE_FAILURE    A failure was detected in the topology engine.
 668 HRESULT:0x80041967    TOPOLOGY_ENGINE_OVERPROC_FAILURE    A failure was detected in the topology engine overlay processor.
 669 HRESULT:0x80041968    INVALID_TOPOLOGY_RULE_TYPE    Invalid topology rule type.
 670 HRESULT:0x80041969    NO_PARTIAL_REBUILD    Cannot currently partially rebuild the topology graph.
 671 HRESULT:0x8004196A    CANNOT_ADD_REGISTERED_CLASS_TO_TOPOLOGY    Cannot add a registered as versioned class to the topology.
 672 HRESULT:0x8004196B    TOPOLOGY_ERROR_OVERFLOW    The number of errors generated during the topology analysis exceeds the specified threshold.
 673 HRESULT:0x8004196C    NETWORK_CANNOT_RENAME    Cannot rename a network.
 674 HRESULT:0x8004196D    NETWORK_INVALID_TYPE    Invalid network type.
 675 HRESULT:0x8004196E    NETWORK_ALREADY_EXISTS    Network already exists.
 676 HRESULT:0x8004196F    NETWORK_INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE    Network geometry invalid.
 677 HRESULT:0x80041970    NETWORK_NOT_FOUND    Network not found.
 678 HRESULT:0x80041971    VERSIONING_NOT_SUPPORTED    Versioning not supported.
 679 HRESULT:0x80041972    CLASS_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGIES_FEATURE_DATASET    The class must be in the same feature dataset as the topology.
 680 HRESULT:0x80041973    TOPOLOGY_HAS_NO_CLASSES    The topology does not contain any associated classes.
 681 HRESULT:0x80041974    TOPOLOGY_INVALID_RANK    Feature class rank is invalid.
 682 HRESULT:0x80041975    OUT_OF_PHYSICAL_MEMORY    All available physical memory has been consumed.
 683 HRESULT:0x80041976    TOPOLOGY_OPERATION_CANCELLED    The topology operation was cancelled by the user.
 684 HRESULT:0x80041977    CLASS_NOT_IN_TOPOLOGY    The method is only supported on classes participating in a topology.
 685 HRESULT:0x80041978    MODIFY_EDGE_ENDPOINT    The endpoint of an edge cannot be modified if it is shared by other topology elements.
 686 HRESULT:0x80041979    CANNOT_ADD_STANDALONE_CLASS_TO_TOPOLOGY    Cannot add a class that is not contained in a feature dataset to a topology.
 687 HRESULT:0x8004197A    CLASS_IN_TOPOLOGY_REQUIRES_EDIT_SESSION    Updates to feature classes in a topology require an edit session.
 688 HRESULT:0x8004197B    CANNOT_ADD_RULE_TO_VERSIONED_TOPOLOGY    A topology rule cannot be added to a versioned topology.
 689 HRESULT:0x8004197C    TOPOLOGY_SCHEMA_LOCK_CONFLICT    Cannot acquire a schema lock because of an existing lock; needed when validating outside edit session.
 690 HRESULT:0x8004197D    DIRTY_AREA_OUTSIDE_SPATIAL_DOMAIN    Cannot create a dirty area outside the topology’s spatial domain.
 691 HRESULT:0x8004197E    TOPOLOGY_INVALID_NAME    The topology name is invalid.
 692 HRESULT:0x8004197F    TOPOLOGY_ENGINE_TEMP_SPACE_EXHAUSTED    The temporary file system space employed by the topology engine is full.
 693 HRESULT:0x80041980    INCONSISTENT_TOPOLOGY_RULE    The topology rule is inconsistent with other topology rules.
 694 HRESULT:0x80041981    UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY_RULE    Unsupported topology rule type.
 695 HRESULT:0x80041982    INVALID_TOPOLOGY_RULE_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT    Invalid topology rule type.
 696 HRESULT:0x80041983    OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_EDIT_SESSION    The operation is not supported inside an edit session.
 697 HRESULT:0x80041984    TOPOLOGY_EMPTY_GEOMETRY    A topology graph edit operation caused a feature geometry to become empty.
 698 HRESULT:0x80041985    TOPOLOGY_EXTENT_TOO_LARGE    The topology graph cannot be constructed on the specified extent because the requested precision is too high.
 699 HRESULT:0x80041986    Z_CLUSTER_TOLERANCE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Z cluster tolerances are not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
 700 HRESULT:0x80041987    OPERATION_REQUIRES_EDIT_SESSION    The operation requires an edit session.
 701 HRESULT:0x80041988    OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_EDIT_OPERATION    The operation is not supported inside an edit session.
 702 HRESULT:0x80041989    TOPOGRAPH_NOT_BUILT    The operation cannot be applied because the topology graph has not been defined.
 703 HRESULT:0x8004198A    TOPOGRAPH_CORRUPT    The topo graph may be corrupt. Please rebuild it.
 704 HRESULT:0x8004198B    CANT_MERGE_VERTICALEDGES    Nodes representing vertical edges cannot be removed during a merge operation.
 705 HRESULT:0x8004198C    INCONSISTANT_MERGE_PARENTS    The selected edges do not all belong to the same set of features.
 706 HRESULT:0x8004198D    EDGE_SET_NOT_CONNECTED    The selected set of edges does not form a connected path.
 707 HRESULT:0x8004198E    TOPOLOGY_RULE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    The topology rule is not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
 708 HRESULT:0x8004198F    CANT_MERGE_BRANCHINGEDGES    Can’t merge branching selected edges.
 709 HRESULT:0x80041990    NOT_PSEUDONODE    Can’t merge edge for self-overlapping polyline feature.
 710 HRESULT:0x80041991    CLASS_IN_NETWORK_REQUIRES_EDIT_SESSION    A class in the network dataset necessitates edits being run within an edit session.
 711 HRESULT:0x80041992    CANNOT_ADD_VERSIONED_CLASS_TO_NON_VERSIONED_TOPOLOGY    Cannot add a class that is registered as versioned to a topology that is not registered as versioned.
 712 HRESULT:0x80041993    CANNOT_ADD_NON_VERSIONED_CLASS_TO_VERSIONED_TOPOLOGY    Cannot add a class that is not registered as versioned to a topology that is registered as versioned.
 713 HRESULT:0x80041994    TOPOLOGIES_SCHEMA_CHANGES_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Schema edits to a versioned topology are not supported in this release of the geodatabase.
 714 HRESULT:0x80041995    TERRAIN_NOT_FOUND    The terrain was not found.
 715 HRESULT:0x80042051    NAME_STRING_SYNTAX    The Name String syntax of is incorrect.
 716 HRESULT:0x80042101    INVALID_IMPORT_XML    The input XML is invalid for import into the specified object.
 717 HRESULT:0x80042102    REQUIRED_XML_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND    The required XML element was not found.
 718 HRESULT:0x80042103    XML_EXPORT_DATASET_NOT_FOUND    No dataset found to export.
 719 HRESULT:0x80042151    CLASS_NOT_REPLICABLE    The object is not in Replicable format (please configure).
 720 HRESULT:0x80042152    SYNCHRONIZATION_CONFLICTS    Conflicts were detected during synchronization between replica pairs.
 721 HRESULT:0x80042153    CANNOT_SYNCHRONIZE    Cannot synchronize because the replica version has not be reconciled against the sync version.
 722 HRESULT:0x80042154    REPLICA_NOT_FOUND    Replica data was not found.
 723 HRESULT:0x80042155    RECONCILE_FAILED    Error during reconcile.
 724 HRESULT:0x80042156    INVALID_REPLICA    Invalid Replica.
 725 HRESULT:0x80042157    GENERATION_OUT_OF_ORDER    Generation numbers out of order
 726 HRESULT:0x80042158    SYNCHRONIZATION_HAS_CONFLICTS    Previous synchronization had conflicts
 727 HRESULT:0x80042159    REPLICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Replication not supported in this release
 728 HRESULT:0x8004215A    REPLICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED    Replication not supported in this release
 729 HRESULT:0x8004215B    MISSING_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT    Transmission does not contains changes previously sent
 730 HRESULT:0x8004215C    CANNOT_SEND_TRANSMISSION    Transmission cannot be sent until acknowledgement of previously sent changes
 731 HRESULT:0x8004215D    REPLICA_LOCKED    Another synchronization in progess has locked the replica
 732 HRESULT:0x8004215E    RELATED_DATASET_IS_REFERENCED_BY_REPLICA    An operation in a replica dataset is invalid since a related replica dataset is referenced by the replica.
 733 HRESULT:0x8004215F    READONLY_REPLICA    Operation not supported on a read-only replica
 734 HRESULT:0x80042160    OLD_MESSAGE    Old messages
 735 HRESULT:0x80042161    REPLICA_IN_SENDING_DATA_STATE    Replica in a SendingData state
 736 HRESULT:0x80042162    REPLICA_CAN_ONLY_IMPORT_ACKNOWLEDGMENT    Can only import acknowledgment messages
 737 HRESULT:0x80042163    REPLICA_NO_UNACKNOWLEDGED_GENERATIONS    Replica does not have any unacknowledged generations
 738 HRESULT:0x80042164    MULTIGEN_REPLICAS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_WORKSPACE    Multi generations replicas are not supported in workspace
 739 HRESULT:0x80042165    CHECKOUTS_CANNOT_REEXPORT_CHANGES    Cannot reexport changes from checkouts
 740 HRESULT:0x80042166    REPLICA_RECEIVER_CANNOT_REEXPORT_CHANGES    Cannot reexport changes from data receiver replica
 741 HRESULT:0x80042167    REPLICA_RECEIVER_CANNOT_EXPORT_CHANGES    Cannot export changes from data receiver replica
 742 HRESULT:0x80042168    CANNOT_CHECKOUT_HIGH_PREC_DATA_IN_LOW_PREC_DATASET    Cannot checkout a high precision data to a low precision dataset
 743 HRESULT:0x80042169    CANNOT_REPLICATE_LOW_PRECISION_DATA    Cannot checkout a high precision data to a low precision dataset
 744 HRESULT:0x8004216A    REPLICA_INVALID_OUTPUT_XML_FILE    Invalid output xml file
 745 HRESULT:0x8004216B    FDO_NO_MATCH_DATASETS_FOUND_FOR_REGISTER_REPLICAS    Cannot register replicas for existing datasets.
 746 HRESULT:0x8004216C    NON_SIMPLE_DATASET_CANNOT_BE_REGISTERED_BY_REPLICA    Cannot register non simple dataset in a replica.
 747 HRESULT:0x8004216D    INVALID_REPLICA_NAME    Replica name contains invalid chars.
 748 HRESULT:0x8004216E    REPLICA_OLD_ACK    Messages have already been acknowledged.
 749 HRESULT:0x8004216F    REPLICA_SCHEMA_CHANGES_WRONG_DIRECTION    Messages have already been acknowledged.
 750 HRESULT:0x80042170    CANNOT_CREATE_EMPTY_REPLICA    Cannot create empty replica.
 751 HRESULT:0x80042171    INVALID_DATA_FOR_THIS_OPERATION    Cannot create empty replica.
 752 HRESULT:0x80042172    REPLICA_SYNC_VERSION_NOT_YET_POSTED    Sync version of a replica not yet reconciled and posted.
 753 HRESULT:0x80042173    CHILD_REPLICA_CANNOT_BE_CREATED_IN_PARENTDB    Child replica cannot be created in the same database as the source data.
 754 HRESULT:0x80042174    GLOBALID_FIELD_REFERENCED_BY_REPLICA_CANNOT_BE_DELETED    GlobalID column cannot be deleted if it is referenced by a replica.
 755 HRESULT:0x80042175    MUST_BE_REPLICA_OWNER    Must be Replica owner to perform this operation.
 756 HRESULT:0x80042176    REPLICA_NAME_ALEARDY_EXISTS    Replica with the same name already exists.
 757 HRESULT:0x80042177    CANNOT_REGISTER_EMPTY_REPLICA    Cannot register empty replica.
 758 HRESULT:0x80042178    FDO_UNREGISTER_GLOBALID_NOT_SUPPORTED    Cannot unregister globalID.
 759 HRESULT:0x80042179    FDO_REGISTER_NULLABLE_GLOBALID_NOT_SUPPORTED    Cannot register nullable globalID.
 760 HRESULT:0x8004217A    FDO_REGISTER_VERSIONED_GLOBALID_NOT_SUPPORTED    Cannot register nullable globalID.
 761 HRESULT:0x8004217B    FDO_ONEWAY_REPLICA_USING_ARCHIVING_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_NAMED_VERSIONS    Cannot create a replica using archiving to a named version.
 762 HRESULT:0x8004217C    FDO_ONEWAY_REPLICA_PARENT_READONLY_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_LOCAL_CHILD_WORKSPACES    Cannot create oneway replica parent readonly on local workspaces.
 763 HRESULT:0x8004217D    MUST_BE_VERSION_OWNER_TO_SYNC    Cannot synchronize a protected version by anyone other than the owner/dba of the version.
 764 HRESULT:0x8004217E    FDO_DATA_CANNOT_BE_REGISTERED_AS_REPLICAS_IN_TRANSPORT_FGDB    Cannot register data as replicas in a transport FileGDB. Only xml transport file is supported.
 765 HRESULT:0x8004217F    CHILD_PARENT_REPLICA_CANNOT_EXIST_IN_SAME_GEODATABASE    Operation is not supported. Child and parent replica cannot exist in the same geodatabase.
 766 HRESULT:0x80042180    FAILED_TO_SET_TARGET_NAME    Failed to set the target name.
 767 HRESULT:0x80042251    NO_DEFAULT_TURN_EVALUATOR    There is no associated default turn evaluator.
 768 HRESULT:0x80042252    FEATURE_DATASET_CONTAINERS_NOT_SUPPORTED    Feature dataset network dataset containers are not supported.
 769 HRESULT:0x80042253    NETWORK_DATASET_INVALID_NAME    The network dataset name is invalid.
 770 HRESULT:0x80042254    INVALID_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_NAME    The network attribute name is invalid.
 771 HRESULT:0x80042255    INVALID_NETWORK_SOURCE_FOR_EVALUATOR    The network source is invalid for the evaluator.
 772 HRESULT:0x80042256    INVALID_EXPRESSION_FOR_EVALUATOR    The expression is invalid for the evaluator.
 773 HRESULT:0x80042257    INVALID_CONSTANT_FOR_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE    Invalid constant for attribute data type.
 774 HRESULT:0x80042258    SUBTYPES_REQUIRED    Subtype specification is required (UsesSubtypes is True).
 775 HRESULT:0x80042259    INVALID_NETWORK_DATASET_SCHEMA    Invalid network dataset schema.
 776 HRESULT:0x8004225A    NETWORK_OBJECT_EVALUATOR_ERROR    Network object evaluator error.
 777 HRESULT:0x8004225B    NETWORK_BAD_EDGE_ORIENTATION    Bad network edge orientation.
 778 HRESULT:0x8004225C    NETWORK_DATASET_INVALID_ACCESS    The network dataset has an invalid access mode.
 779 HRESULT:0x8004225D    NO_DEFAULT_JUNCTION_EVALUATOR    There is no associated default junction evaluator.
 780 HRESULT:0x8004225E    NO_DEFAULT_EDGE_EVALUATOR    There is no associated default edge evaluator.
 781 HRESULT:0x8004225F    NETWORK_DATASET_NOTURNS    The network dataset does not support turns.
 782 HRESULT:0x80042260    NETWORK_ELEMENT_EVALUATOR_ERROR    Network element evaluator error.
 783 HRESULT:0x80042261    NETWORK_SOURCE_DATASET_NOT_FOUND    The dataset for the network source was not found.
 784 HRESULT:0x80042262    INVALID_NETWORK_SOURCE    The source is not valid for the network.
 785 HRESULT:0x80042263    INVALID_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE    The attribute is not valid for the network.
 786 HRESULT:0x80042264    INVALID_CONNECTIVITY_GROUP_NAME    The connectivity group name is invalid.
 787 HRESULT:0x80042265    SUBTYPES_NOT_IN_USE    Subtype specification is not valid.
 788 HRESULT:0x80042266    NETWORK_DATASETS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Network datasets are not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
 789 HRESULT:0x80042267    NETWORK_DATASET_ALREADY_EXISTS    The network dataset with the specified name already exists.
 790 HRESULT:0x80042268    SUBTYPES_UNSPECIFIED_CONN_GROUP    A connectivity group was not specified for one or more subtypes.
 791 HRESULT:0x80042269    SUBTYPES_UNSPECIFIED_CONN_POLICY    A connectivity policy was not specified for one or more subtypes.
 792 HRESULT:0x8004226A    INVALID_NETWORK_SOURCE_GEOMETRY_TYPE    The geometry type for the feature class is not valid for the network source.
 793 HRESULT:0x8004226B    INVALID_NETWORK_SOURCE_FEATURE_TYPE    The feature type of the feature class is not valid for the network source.
 794 HRESULT:0x8004226C    FSTAR_INVALID_FROM_EDGE    The fromEdge is not connected to the AtJunction.
 795 HRESULT:0x8004226D    EVALUATOR_CREATE    The evaluator object could not be created.
 796 HRESULT:0x8004226E    EVALUATOR_INITIALIZE_DATA    The evaluator failed to initialize data.
 797 HRESULT:0x8004226F    EVALUATOR_INITIALIZE_QUERY    The evaluator failed to initialize for queries.
 798 HRESULT:0x80042270    EVALUATOR_QUERY    The evaluator failed to return a value.
 799 HRESULT:0x80042271    INVALID_NETWORK_ELEMENT_ID    The network element id is invalid.
 800 HRESULT:0x80042272    INVALID_NETWORK_EDGE_DIRECTION    The network edge direction is invalid.
 801 HRESULT:0x80042273    INVALID_NETWORK_TURN_TYPE    The network edge direction is invalid.
 802 HRESULT:0x80042274    TURN_NOT_PRESENT    There is no turn present at this adjacency index.
 803 HRESULT:0x80042275    BUILD_NOT_SUPPORTED    Build is not supported on this network.
 804 HRESULT:0x80042276    OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_BUILDABLE_NETWORK    The operation is not supported on a buildable network.
 805 HRESULT:0x80042277    NETWORK_SOURCE_INVALID_NAME    The source name is invalid.
 806 HRESULT:0x80042278    NETWORK_SOURCE_INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE    The element type for the network source is not valid.
 807 HRESULT:0x80042279    NO_SYSTEM_JUNCTION_SOURCE    There is no system junction source.
 808 HRESULT:0x8004227A    BAD_SYSTEM_JUNCTION_SOURCE    The system junction source is bad.
 809 HRESULT:0x8004227B    NETWORK_ELEMENT_NOT_INITIALIZED    The network element has not been initialized.
 810 HRESULT:0x8004227C    ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_SOURCES    Attributes cannot be added to network datasets with no sources.
 811 HRESULT:0x8004227D    INVALID_HIERARCHY_RANGES    The hierarchy max range values are invalid.
 812 HRESULT:0x8004227E    CANNOT_DELETE_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTES    Network attributes cannot be deleted.
 813 HRESULT:0x8004227F    SOURCE_DIRECTIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED    Network source directions not supported on this network source type.
 814 HRESULT:0x80042280    NETWORK_SOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS    The network source with the specified name already exists.
 815 HRESULT:0x80042281    NETWORK_SOURCE_NAME_DOESNT_EXIST    The network source with the specified name does not exist.
 816 HRESULT:0x80042282    EVALUATOR_CANNOT_BE_DEFAULT_EVALUATOR    The network evaluator cannot be used as a default evaluator.
 817 HRESULT:0x80042283    INVALID_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_FOR_EVALUATOR    The network attribute is invalid for the evaluator.
 818 HRESULT:0x80042284    EVALUATOR_NOT_VALIDATED    The network evaluator has not been validated.
 819 HRESULT:0x80042285    EVALUATOR_NOT_VALID    The network evaluator is not valid.
 820 HRESULT:0x80042286    EVALUATOR_NOT_INITIALIZED    The network evaluator has not been initialized.
 821 HRESULT:0x80042287    EVALUATOR_SYNTAX_ERROR    The network evaluator has a syntax error.
 822 HRESULT:0x80042288    FIELD_EVALUATOR_FIELD_NOT_FOUND    The network field evaluator is associated with a field than cannot be found.
 823 HRESULT:0x80042289    INVALID_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_ID    The attribute id value is invalid.
 824 HRESULT:0x8004228A    NETWORK_SOURCE_INVALID_FULLNAME    The network source fullname property is invalid.
 825 HRESULT:0x8004228B    NOT_CONSTANT_EVALUATOR    The evaluator in use is not a constant evaluator.
 826 HRESULT:0x8004228C    DIRECTIONAL_EVALUATOR_WITH_JUNCTION_SOURCE    Cannot assign a directional evaluator to a junction source.
 827 HRESULT:0x8004228D    INCORRECT_DATA_ELEMENT_TYPE    The data element type is incorrect for the operation.
 828 HRESULT:0x8004228E    INVALID_SOURCES_FOR_SHAPEFILE_NETWORK_DATASET    The number or type of sources are invalid for shapefile-based network datasets.
 829 HRESULT:0x8004228F    NETWORK_SOURCE_INCONSISTENT_ELEVATION_SPECIFICATION    The network source has an inconsistent elevation field specification.
 830 HRESULT:0x80042290    TURN_NO_NETWORK    The turn feature class does not participate in a network dataset.
 831 HRESULT:0x80042291    TURN_GEOM_TOO_MANY_VERTICES    The geometry references too many edges for the turn feature class.
 832 HRESULT:0x80042292    TURN_NOT_VALID    The current edge sequence is not valid.
 833 HRESULT:0x80042293    TURN_GEOM_NOT_POLYLINE    The geometry must have polyline geometry type.
 834 HRESULT:0x80042294    TURN_GEOM_NOT_ENOUGH_VERTICES    A turn must include at least two edges.
 835 HRESULT:0x80042295    TURN_GEOM_MULTIPART    The geometry cannot be a multipart line.
 836 HRESULT:0x80042296    TURN_GEOM_NO_FIRST_FEATURE    The first vertex could not be snapped to a network edge.
 837 HRESULT:0x80042297    TURN_GEOM_NO_LAST_FEATURE    The last vertex could not be snapped to a network edge.
 838 HRESULT:0x80042298    TURN_GEOM_NO_FEATURES    The turn references a line feature that does not have network edge elements.
 839 HRESULT:0x80042299    TURN_GEOM_DISCONNECTED_FEATURES    The edges are not adjacent in the network dataset.
 840 HRESULT:0x8004229A    TURN_GEOM_INVALID_SEQUENCE    The edges are not adjacent in the network dataset in this sequence.
 841 HRESULT:0x8004229B    TURN_NOT_ENOUGH_PARTS    A turn must include at least two edges.
 842 HRESULT:0x8004229C    TURN_NDS_INTERIOR_EXTERIOR_CONFLICT    A network edge element used in the middle of the turn sequence cannot also be used at the start or end of the sequence.
 843 HRESULT:0x8004229D    TURN_NDS_EXTERIOR_LOOP    A turn cannot have any self-looping edge elements.
 844 HRESULT:0x8004229E    TURN_NO_EDGE_SOURCES    No edge feature sources have been added to the current map.
 845 HRESULT:0x8004229F    TURN_INVALID_EDGE1END    The value for the Edge1End field in the turn feature class is invalid.
 846 HRESULT:0x800422A0    TURN_GEOM_AMBIGUOUS_FEATURES    The direction of the turn cannot be determined.
 847 HRESULT:0x800422A1    NETWORK_MISSING_SOURCE    The network dataset cannot be opened as one of its network sources is missing.
 848 HRESULT:0x800422A2    DIRECTIONAL_EVALUATOR_WITH_TURN_SOURCE    Cannot assign a directional evaluator to a turn source.
 849 HRESULT:0x800422A3    NETWORK_SOURCE_MISSING_FEATURE_CLASS    Cannot find the feature class associated with the network source.
 850 HRESULT:0x800422A4    NETWORK_SOURCE_NOT_SIMPLE_FEATURE_CLASS    The network source must correspond to a simple feature class.
 851 HRESULT:0x800422A5    NETWORK_SOURCE_IN_MULTIPLE_NETWORKS    The network source participates in multiple network datasets.
 852 HRESULT:0x800422A6    NETWORK_EVALUATOR_CREATE_FAILED    Unable to instantiate the network evaluator component.
 853 HRESULT:0x800422A7    FIELD_EVALUATOR_AS_DEFAULT_EVALUATOR    Cannot assign a field evaluator as a default evalautor.
 854 HRESULT:0x800422A8    NODIRECTIONAL_EVALUATOR_WITH_EDGE_SOURCE    Cannot assign a non-directional evaluator with an edge feature source.
 855 HRESULT:0x800422A9    MISSING_NETWORK_SOURCE_FOR_EVALUATOR    The network source is missing for the evaluator.
 856 HRESULT:0x800422AA    TURN_ILLEGAL_START_END_POS    The geometry for a turn cannot start or end at a junction.
 857 HRESULT:0x800422AB    CANNOT_DELETE_SYSTEM_JUNCTION_SOURCE    System junction sources cannot be deleted.
 858 HRESULT:0x800422AC    TURN_INVALID_EDGE_DESCRIPTOR    The value for one of the edge descriptors is invalid.
 859 HRESULT:0x800422AD    TURN_CANNOT_CHANGE_SUPPORT    Turn support cannot be changed on an existing network dataset.
 860 HRESULT:0x800422AE    ID_OVERFLOW    The id value cannot be represented in 32 bits.
 861 HRESULT:0x800422AF    TURN_INVALID_MAX_EDGES    The value for maximum edges per turn is invalid.
 862 HRESULT:0x800422B0    TURN_INVALID_CUR_MAX_EDGES    The value for maximum edges per turn cannot be less than the existing value.
 863 HRESULT:0x800422B1    NO_SCRIPT_CONTROL    The script control is unavailable.
 864 HRESULT:0x800422B2    TURN_MISSING_EDGE    The vertices of the turn geometry must intersect each edge in the turn.
 865 HRESULT:0x800422B3    MISSING_SYSTEM_JUNCTION_CLASS_ELEV_FIELD    The system junction class does not have the elevation field.
 866 HRESULT:0x800422B4    BAD_TYPE_SYSTEM_JUNCTION_CLASS_ELEV_FIELD    The system junction class elevation field does not have long integer type.
 867 HRESULT:0x800422B5    INVALID_SCHEMA_UPDATE    The schema update is invalid.
 868 HRESULT:0x800422B6    USE_BY_DEFAULT_NOT_SUPPORTED    The UseByDefault property on a network attribute is not supported in this Geodatabase release.
 869 HRESULT:0x800422B7    SIGNPOSTS_NOT_SUPPORTED    Signposts on network directions are not supported in this Geodatabase release.
 870 HRESULT:0x800422B8    NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_EXISTS    The network attribute with the specified name already exists.
 871 HRESULT:0x800422B9    INVALID_DIRECTIONS_LENGTH_UNIT    The network directions output length unit is invalid.
 872 HRESULT:0x800422BA    OVERLAPPING_NETWORK_GLOBAL_TURN_DELAY_CATEGORIES    The global turn delay categories are overlapping.
 873 HRESULT:0x800422BB    NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_COST_USAGE    The network attribute does not have cost usage.
 874 HRESULT:0x800422BC    NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_TIME_UNITS    The network attribute does not have time units.
 875 HRESULT:0x800422BD    NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_REFERENCES_SELF    The network attribute evaluator is self referential.
 876 HRESULT:0x800422BE    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED    The operator used by the network function operator is not supported for this attribute data type.
 877 HRESULT:0x800422BF    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_ARGUMENT1_INVALID    The first argument to the network function evaluator is invalid.
 878 HRESULT:0x800422C0    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_ARGUMENT2_INVALID    The second argument to the network function evaluator is invalid.
 879 HRESULT:0x800422C1    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_PARAMETER_MISSING    The parameter used by this network function evaluator does not exist.
 880 HRESULT:0x800422C2    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_PARAMETER_NOT_NUMERIC    The parameter used by this network function evaluator is not numeric.
 881 HRESULT:0x800422C3    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_OVERFLOW    The function evaluator value calculation results in a numeric overflow.
 882 HRESULT:0x800422C4    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_MISSING_REFERENCED_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE    The attribute referenced by the network function evaluator does not exist.
 883 HRESULT:0x800422C5    NETWORK_FUNCTION_EVALUATOR_REFERENCED_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_NUMERIC    The attribute referenced by the network function evalutor is not numeric.
 884 HRESULT:0x800422C6    EVALUATOR_NOT_SUPPORTED    The network evaluator is not supported.
 885 HRESULT:0x800422C7    FORWARDSTAR_ADD_CACHED_ATTRIBUTE_DEPRECATED    INetworkForwardStarSetup.AddCachedAttribute has been deprecated and should not be called.
 886 HRESULT:0x800422C8    FORWARDSTAR_REMOVE_CACHED_ATTRIBUTES_DEPRECATED    INetworkForwardStarSetup.RemoveAllCachedAttributes has been deprecated and should not be called.
 887 HRESULT:0x800422C9    INVALID_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_USAGE_TYPE    The network attribute usage type is invalid for this operation.
 888 HRESULT:0x800422CA    INVALID_NETWORK_EDGE_ATTRIBUTE_ADJUSTMENT    The network attribute adjustment type is invalid for the given range along this edge.
 889 HRESULT:0x800422CB    INVALID_NETWORK_ATTRIBUTE_ADJUSTMENT_VALUE    The provided network attribute adjustment value is invalid for this operation on this network attribute.
 890 HRESULT:0x800422CC    INVALID_POSITION_RANGE    The range of positions is invalid for this operation.
 891 HRESULT:0x800422CD    NETWORK_ELEVATION_MODEL_CANNOT_CHANGE    Network elevation model cannot be changed in the existing network dataset.
 892 HRESULT:0x800422CE    ZCOORDINATES_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Connectivity by Z coordinates is not supported in this geodatabase release.
 893 HRESULT:0x800422CF    NETWORK_SOURCE_INVALID_ELAVATION_MODEL    Network source cannot be added to the 3D network dataset since it is not Z-aware.
 894 HRESULT:0x800422D0    NETWORK_COVERING_HYPEREDGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST    The network edge does not have a covering hyperedge.
 895 HRESULT:0x800422D1    INVALID_EVALUATOR_FOR_SHAPEFILE_NETWORK_DATASET    The evaluator is invalid for shapefile-based network datasets.
 896 HRESULT:0x800422D2    INVALID_USAGE_OR_UNIT_TYPE_FOR_EVALUATOR    The usage type or unit type of the evaluator is invalid.
 897 HRESULT:0x800422D3    INVALID_TRAFFIC_DATA    The traffic data is invalid.
 898 HRESULT:0x800422D4    INVALID_TIME_SLICE_FIELD_NAME    The time slice field name is invalid.
 899 HRESULT:0x800422D5    HISTORICAL_TRAFFIC_DATA_CANNOT_CHANGE    Historical traffic data cannot be added to or deleted from the existing network dataset.
 900 HRESULT:0x800422D6    TRAFFIC_DATA_NOT_SUPPORTED    The traffic data is not supported.
 901 HRESULT:0x800422D7    TRAFFIC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING    Traffic data fallback or time neutral attribute is missing.
 902 HRESULT:0x800422D8    NETWORK_DATASET_NO_TIME_ZONE    The network dataset does not have a time zone attribute.
 903 HRESULT:0x800422D9    SIGNPOST_TABLE_NOT_REGISTERED    The network dataset signpost table is not registered in the Geodatabase.
 904 HRESULT:0x800422DA    BUILD_INSIDE_EDIT_SESSION    The network dataset build should be done outside of an edit session.
 905 HRESULT:0x800422DB    BUILDNETWORK_ALREADYBUILD    The network dataset has already been built.
 906 HRESULT:0x800422DC    FSTAR_INVALID_FROM_EDGE_FORWARD    “For forward traversal, the AtJunction must be the FromEdge’s ToJunction.”
 907 HRESULT:0x800422DD    FSTAR_INVALID_FROM_EDGE_BACKWARD    “For backward traversal, the AtJunction must be the FromEdge’s FromJunction.”
 908 HRESULT:0x800422DE    NO_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD    No matching attribute record found.
 909 HRESULT:0x800422DF    NETWORK_DATASET_NEEDS_UPGRADE    The network dataset needs to be upgraded.
 910 HRESULT:0x800422E0    NETWORK_DATASET_ALREADY_UPGRADED    The network dataset has already being upgraded.
 911 HRESULT:0x800422E1    INVALID_TIME_VALUE    “The input time value is before January 1, 1970.”
 912 HRESULT:0x800422E2    INVALID_NETWORK_TIME_USAGE_TYPE    The time usage type is invalid.
 913 HRESULT:0x800422E3    INVALID_TIME_ZONE_OBJECTID    Invalid time zone ObjectID.
 914 HRESULT:0x800422E4    INVALID_TIME_ZONE_NAME    Invalid time zone name.
 915 HRESULT:0x800422E5    TRAFFIC_DATA_LENGTH_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING    The length attribute used by the traffic data is missing.
 916 HRESULT:0x800422E6    INVALID_TIME_SLICE_ARRAY    The number of input array values must equal the number of time slices specified in the last call to StartEditing.
 917 HRESULT:0x800422E7    NETWORK_SCHEMA_CHANGES_NOT_SUPPORTED    Schema edits to a versioned network dataset are not supported.
 918 HRESULT:0x800422E8    INVALID_NETWORK_LANDMARK_SOURCE    The landmark source is not valid.
 919 HRESULT:0x800422E9    INVALID_NETWORK_LANDMARK_SOURCE_GEOMETRY_TYPE    The geometry type for the feature class is not valid for the network landmark source.
 920 HRESULT:0x800422EA    INVALID_NETWORK_LANDMARK_SOURCE_FIELD    Invalid or missing network landmark source field.
 921 HRESULT:0x800422EB    TIME_ZONE_ATTRIBUTE_IS_REQUIRED    A time zone network attribute is required for network datasets that use live traffic feeds.
 922 HRESULT:0x80042401    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_INVALID_NAME    The cadastral fabric name is invalid.
 923 HRESULT:0x80042402    CADASTRAL_FABRICS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Cadastral fabrics are not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
 924 HRESULT:0x80042403    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_ALREADY_EXISTS    A cadastral fabric with the specified name already exists.
 925 HRESULT:0x80042404    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_EXISTS    A job with the specified name already exists for the cadastral fabric.
 926 HRESULT:0x80042405    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_INVALID_STATUS    The status of the job is invalid for this procedure.
 927 HRESULT:0x80042406    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_SCHEMA_CORRUPTION    Schema error. Required fields are missing.
 928 HRESULT:0x80042407    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS    Lock already exists for cadastral feature.
 929 HRESULT:0x80042408    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_MISSING_SYSTEM_TABLE    System table is missing.
 930 HRESULT:0x80042409    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_DATA_CORRUPTION    Data is corrupted.
 931 HRESULT:0x8004240A    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_ALREADY_COMMITTED    Job has already been committed.
 932 HRESULT:0x8004240B    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_NOT_FOUND    The cadastral job was not found.
 933 HRESULT:0x8004240C    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PACKET_LOAD_FAILED    XML Packet failed to load.
 934 HRESULT:0x8004240D    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PACKET_MISSING_DATA    XML Packet is missing required data.
 935 HRESULT:0x8004240E    JOB_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_FABRIC    The specified cadastral job does not belong to the current fabric.
 936 HRESULT:0x8004240F    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_PACKET_POST_REQUIRES_EDIT_SESSION    Edits to the fabric require an edit session.
 937 HRESULT:0x80042410    JOB_UNJOINED_PARCEL_PRESENT    Cannot commit a cadastral job that contains unjoined parcels.
 938 HRESULT:0x80042411    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_XML_PARSER_NOT_FOUND    The version of XML cannot be loaded.
 939 HRESULT:0x80042412    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_OBJECT_ALREADY_MODIFIED    Cadastral feature already updated in default version.
 940 HRESULT:0x80042413    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_CURRENTLY_EDITED    Cadastral feature is part of a job that is currently been edited.
 941 HRESULT:0x80042414    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_DATUM_MISMATCH    Source Datum does not match Cadastral Fabric Datum.
 942 HRESULT:0x80042415    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_ILLEGAL_RECONCILE    Cannot reconcile grandchild versions with fabric edits against default.
 943 HRESULT:0x80042416    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_COMMIT_NO_NAME    Cannot commit the given job - no name supplied.
 944 HRESULT:0x80042417    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_COMMIT_NOT_DEFAULT    Cannot commit the given job - not in default.
 945 HRESULT:0x80042418    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_COMMIT_JOB_LOCKED    Cannot commit the given job - the job is currently locked.
 946 HRESULT:0x80042419    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_JOB_NOT_COMMITTED    Cannot delete the given job - the job is not committed.
 947 HRESULT:0x8004241A    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_COPY_WITH_TOPOLOGY_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Copy paste of a topology with a cadastral fabric dataset is not supported in this release.
 948 HRESULT:0x8004241B    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_OPERATION_CANCELLED    The cadastral fabric operation was cancelled.
 949 HRESULT:0x8004241C    CADASTRAL_FABRIC_ALREADY_UPGRADED    The parcel fabric dataset has already being upgraded.
 950 HRESULT:0x80042501    PERSONAL_SDE_ONE_EDITOR    Personal SDE can only have one editor.
 951 HRESULT:0x80042502    CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVER    Failed to connect to Database Server.
 952 HRESULT:0x80042601    ITEM_NOT_FOUND    The item was not found.
 953 HRESULT:0x80042602    ITEM_WITH_PATH_EXISTS    The item with path already exists.
 954 HRESULT:0x80042603    ITEM_DOES_NOT_HAVE_DEFINITION    The item does not have a definition.
 955 HRESULT:0x80042604    INVALID_CATALOG_PATH    The catalog path is invalid.
 956 HRESULT:0x80042605    ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_EXISTS    A relationship already exists between these items.
 957 HRESULT:0x80042606    CANNOT_CHANGE_ITEM_VISIBILITY    Cannot change the visibility of an existing item.
 958 HRESULT:0x80042607    RELATIONSHIP_VISIBILITY_INVALID    Item relationship visibility must match the visibility of the related items.
 959 HRESULT:0x80042608    CANNOT_CHANGE_ITEM_PROPERTY    UpdateDataset cannot change this property.
 960 HRESULT:0x80042609    RELATIONSHIP_ATTRIBUTES_INVALID    Item relationship attributes are invalid.
 961 HRESULT:0x8004260A    OTHER_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS    Cannot upgrade because there are other active connections.
 962 HRESULT:0x8004260B    USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_UPGRADE_PRIVILIGES    User does not have required priviliges to upgrade.
 963 HRESULT:0x8004260C    INSTANCE_IS_NOT_UPGRADABLE    Instance is not upgradable.
 964 HRESULT:0x8004260D    INSTANCE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_XML_TYPE    Instance does not support XML type.
 965 HRESULT:0x8004260E    ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_NOT_FOUND    The item relationship was not found.
 966 HRESULT:0x8004260F    ITEM_RELATIONSHIP_ITEM_NOT_FOUND    The item associated with an item relationship was not found.
 967 HRESULT:0x80042610    DEFINITION_MISSING_CONTROLLER_MEMBERSHIP    The dataset definition is missing an expected controller membership.
 968 HRESULT:0x80042611    UNKNOWN_CATALOG_TYPE    The catalog item corresponds to an unknown type.
 969 HRESULT:0x80042701    DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_UNMANAGED_RASTER_CATALOG    The geodatabase doesn’t support unmanaged raster catalogs.
 970 HRESULT:0x80042801    QUERYDESCRIPTION_NOSPATIALCOLUMN    No spatial column present
 971 HRESULT:0x80042802    QUERYDESCRIPTION_INVALIDCOLUMN    Invalid column.
 972 HRESULT:0x80042803    QUERYDESCRIPTION_OIDNOTMAPPEDCOLUMN    OID not a mapped column.
 973 HRESULT:0x80042804    QUERYDESCRIPTION_COLUMNEXISTS    Column exists.
 974 HRESULT:0x80042805    QUERYDESCRIPTION_INVALIDFIELDTYPE    Invalid field type.
 975 HRESULT:0x80042806    QUERYTABLE_OIDMAPPEDCOLUMNHASNULL    Oid mapped column has null value.
 976 HRESULT:0x80042807    QUERYDESCRIPTION_OUTOFSYNC    Query description out of sync.
 977 HRESULT:0x80042808    QUERYDESCRIPTION_OIDFIELDSMISSING    Fields used for OID mapping missing.
 978 HRESULT:0x80042809    QUERYDESCRIPTION_INVALIDGEOMETRYTYPE    Geometry type not supported.
 979 HRESULT:0x8004280A    QUERYCLASS_INVALIDWHERE    Failed to parse the where clause.
 980 HRESULT:0x8004280B    QUERYCLASS_OIDUNKNOWN    Oid value is unknown.
 981 HRESULT:0x8004280C    QUERYTABLE_QUERYMISSING    Query missing.
 982 HRESULT:0x8004280D    QUERYTABLE_WORKSPACEMISSING    Workspace missing.
 983 HRESULT:0x8004280E    QUERYTABLE_OIDCOLUMNHASNULL    Oid column has null value.
 984 HRESULT:0x8004280F    QUERYCLASS_NULLGEOMETRYTYPE    Geometry type is null geometry.
 985 HRESULT:0x80042810    QUERYCLASS_INVALIDSRID    Srid is invalid.
 986 HRESULT:0x80042811    QUERYCLASS_INVALIDSPATIALREFERENCE    Spatial reference is invalid.
 987 HRESULT:0x80042812    QUERYCLASS_INVALIDNAME    Class name is invalid.
 988 HRESULT:0x80042851    RELCLASS_COULD_NOT_GET_ORIG_PRIM_KEY    Unable to obtain origin primary key value.
 989 HRESULT:0x80042852    RELCLASS_COULD_NOT_GET_ORIG_FOR_KEY    Unable to obtain origin foreign key value.
 990 HRESULT:0x80042853    RELCLASS_COULD_NOT_GET_DEST_PRIM_KEY    Unable to obtain destination primary key value.
 991 HRESULT:0x80042854    RELCLASS_COULD_NOT_GET_DEST_FOR_KEY    Unable to obtain destination foreign key value.
 992 HRESULT:0x80042855    RELCLASS_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_EXISTING_RELCLASS    The relationship class is incompatible with an existing relationship class.
 993 HRESULT:0x80042856    RELCLASS_CANNOT_RESET_FKEYS    Cannot reset foreign keys for an existing relationship row.
 994 HRESULT:0x80042857    RELCLASS_INVALID_FKEY    Invalid foreign key value.
 995 HRESULT:0x80042858    RELCLASS_INVALID_CURSOR    QueryDef-based search returned an invalid cursor.
 996 HRESULT:0x80042859    RELATIONSHIPCLASS_NOT_FOUND    The relationship class was not found.
 997 HRESULT:0x8004285A    RELATIONSHIPCLASS_INVALID_NAME    Invalid relationship class name.
 998 HRESULT:0x8004285B    RELATIONSHIPCLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS    The relationship class already exists.
 999 HRESULT:0x8004285C    RELATIONSHIPCLASS_INVALID_SPEC    Invalid relationship class specification.
1000 HRESULT:0x8004285D    RELATIONSHIPCLASS_ORIGIN_DEST_NOT_FOUND    Cannot open origin or destination class of this relationship class.
1001 HRESULT:0x8004285E    MISSING_ORIGIN_OR_DESTINATION_OBJECT    The replace command cannot be completed because the attributed relationship row’s origin and/or destination class object does not exist. Ensure that both of the related objects are present before attempting to execute the replace with command.
1002 HRESULT:0x80042901    INVALID_CONNECTIVITY_RULE    The connectivity rule is invalid/malformed.
1003 HRESULT:0x80042902    VALIDATION_NOT_SUPPORTED    Validation not supported on non-SQL datasets.
1004 HRESULT:0x80042903    INVALID_CARDINALITY    The cardinality specified for the connectivity rule is invalid.
1005 HRESULT:0x80042904    DEFAULT_JUNCTIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_RELEASE    Default junctions not supported in this release of the Geodatabase.
1006 HRESULT:0x80042905    ALTERING_RULE_NOT_SUPPORTED    Altering this type of validation rule not supported.
1007 HRESULT:0x80042906    CONNECTIVITY_RULES_NOT_SUPPORTED    Connectivity rules are not supported on simple features.
1008 HRESULT:0x80042907    CANNOT_ALTER_NON_EXISTANT_RULE    Cannot alter a non-existant rule.
1009 HRESULT:0x80042908    RULE_NOT_FOUND    Validation rule not found.
1010 HRESULT:0x80042951    ZERO_LENGTH_POLYLINE    Zero-length polylines not allowed.
1011 HRESULT:0x80042952    CLOSED_POLYLINE    Closed polylines not allowed.
1012 HRESULT:0x80042953    NO_NETWORK_ANCILLARY_ROLE    Junction feature does not have network ancillary role.
1013 HRESULT:0x80042954    FLIPPED_POLYLINE    Flipping polylines not allowed.
1014 HRESULT:0x80042955    CANNOT_SPLIT_JUNCTION    Splitting junction features not allowed.
1015 HRESULT:0x80042956    INVALID_NETWORK_ANCILLARY_ROLE    Invalid network ancillary role.
1016 HRESULT:0x80042957    CANNOT_ADD_ORPHAN_JUNCTION_ON_EXISTING_JUNCTION    Cannot add an orphan junction on top of an existing junction.
1017 HRESULT:0x80042958    INVALID_JUNCTION_INDEX    The specified junction index is invalid.
1018 HRESULT:0x80042959    CANNOT_SET_ENABLED_FIELD    Unable to set the enabled field associated with a network element.
1019 HRESULT:0x8004295A    CANNOT_SET_WEIGHT_FIELD    Unable to set the weight field associated with a network element.
1020 HRESULT:0x8004295B    INVALID_GEOMETRY_FOR_COMPLEX_JUNCTION    An invalid type of geometry is being set into a complex junction.
1021 HRESULT:0x8004295C    INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FOR_NETWORK_FEATURE_CLASS    An invalid geometry type is associated with a network feature class.
1022 HRESULT:0x8004295D    NO_ASSOCIATED_NETWORK_ELEMENT    The network feature does not have an associated network element.
1023 HRESULT:0x8004295E    IDENTICAL_FROM_TO_JUNCTIONS    The edge feature has the same from and to junctions.
1024 HRESULT:0x8004295F    EDGE_MISSING_ENDPOINT_JUNCTION    The edge feature is missing either a from or to junction.
1025 HRESULT:0x80042960    CONNECTED_EDGE_INVALID_CONNECTIVITY    The connected edge feature has invalid connectivity.
1026 HRESULT:0x80042961    INVALID_CONNECTIVITY_CANNOT_BE_CORRECTED    A connected feature has inconsistent connectivity and cannot be corrected.
1027 HRESULT:0x80042962    INVALID_NETWORK_FEATURE_CLASS    Invalid network feature class.
1028 HRESULT:0x80043001    DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND    The domain was not found.
1029 HRESULT:0x80043002    DOMAIN_USED_BY_ATTRIBUTE_RULE    The domain is used by an attribute rule.
1030 HRESULT:0x80043003    DOMAIN_USED_AS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN    The domain is used as a default domain.
1031 HRESULT:0x80043004    DOMAIN_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS    Domain name already in use.
1032 HRESULT:0x80043005    DOMAIN_VALUE_EXCEEDS_FIELD_LENGTH    The value of the domain exceeds the length of the field.
1033 HRESULT:0x80043006    DOMAIN_OWNER_DOESNT_MATCH    The existing domain owner does not match that of the updated domain.
1034 HRESULT:0x80043007    DOMAIN_FIELD_TYPE_DOESNT_MATCH    The existing domain field type does not match that of the updated domain.
1035 HRESULT:0x80043008    DOMAIN_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED    The domain type is not supported.
1036 HRESULT:0x80043009    CODED_VALUE_DOMAIN_VALUE_ALREADY_EXISTS    The value being added to the coded value domain already exists.
1037 HRESULT:0x8004300A    CANNOT_LOCK_COCREATED_DOMAIN    Client cocreated domains may not be locked.
1038 HRESULT:0x8004300B    DOMAIN_USED_BY_OTHER_WORKSPACE    The domain is already used by another workspace.
1039 HRESULT:0x8004300C    DOMAIN_FIELD_TYPE_MISMATCH    The domain field type does not match that of the field it is being assigned to.
1040 HRESULT:0x8004300D    CANNOT_LOCK_DOMAIN_AS_NOT_OWNER    Domain may not be locked as the user is not the owner.
1041 HRESULT:0x8004300E    DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND    The specified default domain was not found.
1042 HRESULT:0x8004300F    DOMAIN_RECORD_NOT_FOUND    The domain record was not found.
1043 HRESULT:0x80043010    DOMAIN_TYPE_DOESNT_MATCH    The existing domain type does not match that of the updated domain.
1044 HRESULT:0x80043011    CODED_VALUE_DOMAIN_NAME_EMPTY    The name of an entry in the coded value domain is empty.
1045 HRESULT:0x80043012    CODED_VALUE_DOMAIN_VALUE_NOT_COMPATIBLE    The value is not compatible with the field types associated with the coded value domain.
1046 HRESULT:0x80043013    CODED_VALUE_DOMAIN_VALUE_INCONSISTENT    The value type is inconsistent with other associated value types in the coded value domain.
1047 HRESULT:0x80043014    CODED_VALUE_DOMAIN_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_COMPATIBLE    The field type is not compatible with the associated value types in the coded value domain.
1048 HRESULT:0x80043015    CANNOT_DELETE_DOMAIN    The domain cannot be deleted.
1049 HRESULT:0x80043016    DOMAIN_INVALID_NAME    The domain name is invalid.
1050 HRESULT:0x80043017    DOMAIN_DOES_NOT_MATCH_WORKSPACE    The domain definition is different from the domain of the same name in the workspace.
1051 HRESULT:0x80043018    DOMAIN_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_DEFAULT_VALUE    The domain is incompatible with the existing default value.
1052 HRESULT:0x80043019    TRAFFIC_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT    The process has timed out while waiting for traffic update downloads.
1053 HRESULT:0x8004301A    REFRESH_DYNAMIC_TRAFFIC_ERROR    An error was encountered connecting to the dynamic traffic data. Verify that the network dataset’s Traffic Feed property is correctly set and that you have access to this location.
1054 HRESULT:0x80043051    INVALID_NAME_OBJECT    Invalid name object.


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