一直没有记东西的习惯。很久以前自认为自己的记性不错,想想,我干吗要记下来呢?挺费事的。高中、大学的时候,喜欢看各种文章,那时对许多的事情都感兴趣。在别人看来,我好像懂挺多的。心里也颇为有些自得。后来懒了,其实也不能算懒,自己找个理由来说,就是不再是以前的漫无目的的生活了。有自己的专业、工作、以及后来考研等等。随着时间的推移,才发现,我知道的东西真的不多。就算是以前津津乐道的,也早就不知扔到哪里去了。就想,这些东西要是记下来了,该多好。到了学了计算机了,需要记的东西就更多了。技术,经验,网址等等。而我的记性却差到我自己不忍睹的地步了。曾经有过一段时间,思维奔逸,感情丰富,利用纸笔也曾胡乱涂鸦了一 阅读全文
FOA ( framework oriented analysis ) is an extension of OOA, but it explores the reuse of software architecture, design, code and test case of framworks.Features: comparison-based analysis, feature comparison , hierarchical framework.框架是一个部分实现的程序,为特定的应用或领域提供完整的软件架构。【garvae 96, Bothrer 97, Ebner 98a】框 阅读全文
1, some definitions:a framework is a reusable design of all or part of a system that is represented by a set of abstract classes and the way their instance interact. a framework is a skeleton of an application that can be customized by an application developer. 2, how frameworks compare to other oo 阅读全文
Framework Definition: an OO framework is defined as a set of related classes and object interactions that models a common behavior adn functionality in certain domain. it is provided in a form of 'semi-completed' application, and serves as a core component of the target application. framewor 阅读全文