Framework-Oriented Analysis ( by feng Zhu )

FOA ( framework oriented analysis ) is an extension of OOA, but it explores the reuse of software architecture, design, code and test case of framworks.
Features: comparison-based analysis, feature comparison , hierarchical framework.

框架是一个部分实现的程序,为特定的应用或领域提供完整的软件架构。【garvae 96, Bothrer 97, Ebner 98a】

典型的框架包括:JavaBean, CORBA, IBM San Francisco.Websphere. OpenStep and WebObjects.

Difference between Developing with Framework and that without Framework:

  Without Framework

 With Framework

Design and

 architecture designing
 which library functions to call
what data need to pass to library functions
how to implement parts
 coding for implementing blocks;

architecture deriving
which function will get called
what data the system will pass to application
how to reuse the existing components
coding for connection blocks

FOA , 在分析阶段需要考虑一些约束:框架的架构,编程语言,对象总线,机器平台等。


FOA, 模式已经内嵌到框架中,设计者必须符合这些模式的规则来实现系统。


  1. 问题理解和框架选择(问题的领域,场景,约束。可用的框架?)
  2. 根据应用确定框架和可用构件(哪些是可用的?需要哪些辅助的构件?)
  3. 确定需要扩展的、未完成的部分 (框架通常只定义高层对象的协作关系。有哪些扩展点?)
  4. 如果必须,对框架结构改进(框架和问题的需求不是完全符合的。软件的复用能力问题)
  5. 验证和确认
  6. 集成构件,构造程序。
posted @ 2005-01-13 22:07  Ahha  阅读(177)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报