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c++设计模式:抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern)

Posted on 2011-12-22 15:36  开源云  阅读(827)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报







#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class PizzaType
enum EPizzaType {cheese,veggie,clam,pepperoni};

class PizzaIngredientFactory
virtual string createDough() = 0;
virtual string createSauce() = 0;
virtual string createCheese() = 0;
virtual void createVeggies(vector<string>& vVeggies) = 0;
virtual string createPepperoni() = 0;
virtual string createClam() = 0;

class NYPizzaIngredientFactory : public PizzaIngredientFactory
string createDough();
string createSauce();
string createCheese();
void createVeggies(vector<string>& vVeggies);
string createPepperoni();
string createClam();

class ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory : public PizzaIngredientFactory
string createDough();
string createSauce();
string createCheese();
void createVeggies(vector<string>& vVeggies);
string createPepperoni();
string createClam();

class Pizza
Pizza(PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory);
virtual ~Pizza();
virtual void prepare() = 0;
virtual void bake();
virtual void cut();
virtual void box();
string getName();
void setName(string name);
vector<string> m_vVeggies;
PizzaIngredientFactory* m_pIngredientFactory;
string m_sName;
string m_sDough;
string m_sSauce;
string m_sCheese;
string m_sPepperoni;
string m_sClam;

class CheesePizza : public Pizza
CheesePizza(PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory):Pizza(pIngredientFactory) {};
void prepare();

class VeggiePizza : public Pizza
VeggiePizza(PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory):Pizza(pIngredientFactory) {};
void prepare();

class ClamPizza : public Pizza
ClamPizza(PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory):Pizza(pIngredientFactory) {};
void prepare();

class PepperoniPizza : public Pizza
PepperoniPizza(PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory):Pizza(pIngredientFactory) {};
void prepare();

class PizzaStore
Pizza* orderPizza(PizzaType::EPizzaType type);
virtual Pizza* createPizza(PizzaType::EPizzaType type) = 0;

class NYPizzaStore : public PizzaStore
Pizza* createPizza(PizzaType::EPizzaType type);

class ChicagoPizzaStore : public PizzaStore
Pizza* createPizza(PizzaType::EPizzaType type);

string NYPizzaIngredientFactory::createDough()
return "Thin Crust Dough";

string NYPizzaIngredientFactory::createSauce()
return "Marinara Sauce";

string NYPizzaIngredientFactory::createCheese()
return "Reggiano Cheese";

void NYPizzaIngredientFactory::createVeggies(vector<string>& vVeggies)
vVeggies.push_back("Red Pepper");

string NYPizzaIngredientFactory::createPepperoni()
return "Sliced Pepperoni";

string NYPizzaIngredientFactory::createClam()
return "Fresh Clams from Long Island Sound";

string ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory::createDough()
return "ThickCrust style extra thick crust dough";

string ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory::createSauce()
return "Tomato sauce with plum tomatoes";

string ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory::createCheese()
return "Shredded Mozzarella";

void ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory::createVeggies(vector<string>& vVeggies)
vVeggies.push_back("Black Olives");

string ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory::createPepperoni()
return "Sliced Pepperoni";

string ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory::createClam()
return "Frozen Clams from Chesapeake Bay";

Pizza::Pizza(PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory)
m_pIngredientFactory = pIngredientFactory;

delete m_pIngredientFactory;

void Pizza::bake()
printf("Bake for 25 minutes at 350\n");

void Pizza::cut()
printf("Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices\n");

void Pizza::box()
printf("Place pizza in official PizzaStore box\n");

string Pizza::getName()
return m_sName;

void Pizza::setName(string name)
m_sName = name;

void CheesePizza::prepare()
printf("Preparing %s\n",m_sName.c_str());
m_sDough = m_pIngredientFactory->createDough();
m_sSauce = m_pIngredientFactory->createSauce();
m_sCheese = m_pIngredientFactory->createCheese();

void VeggiePizza::prepare()
printf("Preparing %s\n",m_sName.c_str());
m_sDough = m_pIngredientFactory->createDough();
m_sSauce = m_pIngredientFactory->createSauce();
m_sCheese = m_pIngredientFactory->createCheese();

void ClamPizza::prepare()
printf("Preparing %s\n",m_sName.c_str());
m_sDough = m_pIngredientFactory->createDough();
m_sSauce = m_pIngredientFactory->createSauce();
m_sCheese = m_pIngredientFactory->createCheese();
m_sClam = m_pIngredientFactory->createClam();

void PepperoniPizza::prepare()
printf("Preparing %s\n",m_sName.c_str());
m_sDough = m_pIngredientFactory->createDough();
m_sSauce = m_pIngredientFactory->createSauce();
m_sCheese = m_pIngredientFactory->createCheese();
m_sPepperoni = m_pIngredientFactory->createPepperoni();

Pizza* PizzaStore::orderPizza(PizzaType::EPizzaType type)
Pizza* pPizza = createPizza(type);
printf("--- Making a %s ---\n",pPizza->getName().c_str());
return pPizza;

Pizza* NYPizzaStore::createPizza(PizzaType::EPizzaType type)
Pizza* pPizza = NULL;
PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory = new NYPizzaIngredientFactory();

if (PizzaType::cheese == type)
pPizza = new CheesePizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("New York Style Cheese Pizza");
else if (PizzaType::veggie == type)
pPizza = new VeggiePizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("New York Style Veggie Pizza");
else if (PizzaType::clam == type)
pPizza = new ClamPizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("New York Style Clam Pizza");
else if (PizzaType::pepperoni == type)
pPizza = new PepperoniPizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("New York Style Pepperoni Pizza");
return pPizza;

Pizza* ChicagoPizzaStore::createPizza(PizzaType::EPizzaType type)
Pizza* pPizza = NULL;
PizzaIngredientFactory* pIngredientFactory = new ChicagoPizzaIngredientFactory();

if (PizzaType::cheese == type)
pPizza = new CheesePizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("Chicago Style Cheese Pizza");
else if (PizzaType::veggie == type)
pPizza = new VeggiePizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("Chicago Style Veggie Pizza");
else if (PizzaType::clam == type)
pPizza = new ClamPizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("Chicago Style Clam Pizza");
else if (PizzaType::pepperoni == type)
pPizza = new PepperoniPizza(pIngredientFactory);
pPizza->setName("Chicago Style Pepperoni Pizza");
return pPizza;

int main()
PizzaStore* nyStore = new NYPizzaStore();
PizzaStore* chicagoStore = new ChicagoPizzaStore();

Pizza* pizza = nyStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::cheese);
printf("Ethan ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

pizza = chicagoStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::cheese);
printf("Joel ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

pizza = nyStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::clam);
printf("Ethan ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

pizza = chicagoStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::clam);
printf("Joel ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

pizza = nyStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::pepperoni);
printf("Ethan ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

pizza = chicagoStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::pepperoni);
printf("Joel ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

pizza = nyStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::veggie);
printf("Ethan ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

pizza = chicagoStore->orderPizza(PizzaType::veggie);
printf("Joel ordered a %s\n",pizza->getName().c_str());
delete pizza;

delete nyStore;
delete chicagoStore;
return 0;



--- Making a New York Style Cheese Pizza ---
Preparing New York Style Cheese Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Ethan ordered a New York Style Cheese Pizza
--- Making a Chicago Style Cheese Pizza ---
Preparing Chicago Style Cheese Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Joel ordered a Chicago Style Cheese Pizza
--- Making a New York Style Clam Pizza ---
Preparing New York Style Clam Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Ethan ordered a New York Style Clam Pizza
--- Making a Chicago Style Clam Pizza ---
Preparing Chicago Style Clam Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Joel ordered a Chicago Style Clam Pizza
--- Making a New York Style Pepperoni Pizza ---
Preparing New York Style Pepperoni Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Ethan ordered a New York Style Pepperoni Pizza
--- Making a Chicago Style Pepperoni Pizza ---
Preparing Chicago Style Pepperoni Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Joel ordered a Chicago Style Pepperoni Pizza
--- Making a New York Style Veggie Pizza ---
Preparing New York Style Veggie Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Ethan ordered a New York Style Veggie Pizza
--- Making a Chicago Style Veggie Pizza ---
Preparing Chicago Style Veggie Pizza
Bake for 25 minutes at 350
Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices
Place pizza in official PizzaStore box
Joel ordered a Chicago Style Veggie Pizza

参考图书:《Head First 设计模式》