4、运行:python ,按照程序提示输入要上传的文件名,回车等待。
#!/usr/bin/env python #upload file from ftplib import FTP #ip = raw_input("enter ip or tick enter for default: ") #port = raw_input("enter port or tick enter for default: ") #username = raw_input("enter username or tick enter for default: ") #password = raw_input("enter password or tick enter for default: ") #ftpdir = raw_input("enter uploaddir or tick enter for default: ") ip='' port='21' username='yangchuang' password='.' ftpdir='filesystem/dsplinktest/' filedir_client='dsp/export/BIN/DspBios/DAVINCIHD/DM6467GEM_0/DEBUG/' bufsize=1024 try: ftp=FTP() ftp.set_debuglevel(2) ftp.connect(ip,port) ftp.login(username,password) print ftp.getwelcome() except: print "can't login to the server" exit while 1: filename = raw_input("enter upload filename or tick enter for default,q for exit: ") if filename=='': filename='avinfo.out' if filename=='q': break try: file_handler=open(filedir_client+filename,'rb') except: print 'no such files,please check the filename' continue cmd='STOR '+ftpdir+filename ftp.storbinary(cmd,file_handler,bufsize) ftp.set_debuglevel(0) ftp.quit()
#!\usr\bin\env python #upload file import os from ftplib import FTP #ip = raw_input("enter ip or tick enter for default: ") #port = raw_input("enter the port or tick enter for default: ") #username = raw_input("enter username or tick enter for default: ") #password = raw_input("enter password or tick enter for default: ") #ftpdir = raw_input("enter the download dir or tick enter for default: ") ip='' port='21' username='yangchuang' password='.' ftpdir='filesystem//dsplinktest//' # where 's the file on the server filedir_client='..//' #where do you want to save the file bufsize=1024 try: ftp=FTP() ftp.set_debuglevel(2) ftp.connect(ip,port) ftp.login(username,password) print ftp.getwelcome() except: print "can't login to the server" exit while 1: filename = raw_input("enter download filename or tick enter for default, q for exit: ") if filename=='': filename='o.264' if filename=='q': break try: file_handler=open(filedir_client+filename,'wb').write except: print "cann't create such files" continue cmd='RETR '+ftpdir+filename try: ftp.retrbinary(cmd,file_handler,bufsize) except: print '----------ERROR-----------:no such files on server' continue ftp.set_debuglevel(0) ftp.quit()
也可以把*.py文件再linux和windows下编译成可直接执行的文件:*.pyc *.exe文件,以后运行起来更方便了。