Vue封装axios 请求接口
/* * @Description: * @Author: Nan * @Date: 2021-04-15 09:24:13 * @LastEditors: nanJ * @LastEditTime: 2021-09-17 15:20:28 * @FilePath: \architect-rating-web\src\utils\request.js */ import axios from 'axios' import { Message, MessageBox } from 'element-ui' import store from '@/store' import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth' // create an axios instance const service = axios.create({ baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, // url = base url + request url // withCredentials: true, // send cookies when cross-domain requests timeout: 5000, // request timeout headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8' } }) // request interceptor service.interceptors.request.use( config => { // do something before request is sent if (store.getters.token) { config.headers['Authorization'] = `${getToken()}` } return config }, error => { // do something with request error console.log(error) // for debug return Promise.reject(error) } ) // response interceptor service.interceptors.response.use( /** * If you want to get http information such as headers or status * Please return response => response */ /** * Determine the request status by custom code * Here is just an example * You can also judge the status by HTTP Status Code */ response => { const res = // if the custom code is not 20000, it is judged as an error. if (res.success != 1) { Message({ message: res.msg || res.message || 'Error', type: 'error', duration: 5 * 1000 }) // 50008: Illegal token; 50012: Other clients logged in; 50014: Token expired; if (res.code === 401) { // to re-login MessageBox.confirm('登录到期,请重新登录!', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '重新登录', cancelButtonText: '关闭', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { store.dispatch('user/resetToken').then(() => { location.reload() }) }) } return Promise.reject(new Error(res.msg || res.message || 'Error')) } else { return res } }, error => { if ( == '登录信息失效,请重新登录!') { MessageBox.confirm('登录到期,请重新登录!', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '重新登录', cancelButtonText: '关闭', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { store.dispatch('user/resetToken').then(() => { location.reload() }) }) } else { console.log('err' + error) // for debug Message({ message: || error.message, type: 'error', duration: 5 * 1000 }) } return Promise.reject(error) } ) export default service
export function saveFile(params) { return request({ url: '/project/bid/add', method: 'post', data: params }) }
/** * Template * created by qiangxu on 2021/3/10 */ declare const baseURL: string; import axios from "axios"; import {Message} from "element-ui"; axios.interceptors.request.use(config => { config.baseURL = config.baseURL===undefined?baseURL:config.baseURL; config.validateStatus = () => true; return config }); export class DataService { static async ajax(_type: "get" | "delete" | "head" | "options" | "post" | "put" | "patch", url: string, _params = {}, _options = {}) { try { const response = await (axios as any)[_type](url, _params, _options); if (response.status === 500) { throw response } if ( { return; } return; } catch (response) { let error; if (response.status === 0) { error = "连接出错,请确认网络是否正常"; } else { error = && || response; } Message.error( throw new Error(error); } } static async get(url: string, _params = {}, _options = {}) { return await this.ajax("get", url, {params: _params, ..._options}); } static async post(url: string, _params = {}, _options = {}) { return await this.ajax("post", url, _params, _options); } static async delete(url: string, _params = {}, _options = {}) { return await this.ajax("delete", url, _params, _options); } }
async getData(id: Number) { let url = `/LDJSSB/GetEntityById?id=${id}`; return DataService.get(url); },