

Good morning, dear teachers, I'm glad to be here for this interview.

My name is Zhang HongYu and I'm from Southwest petroleum university. I major in computer science and my GPA is four point one three, with the rank of four out one hundred and sixty three.
I focused on machine learning and parallel computing in my undergraduate stage. I served as the leader of supercomputing team in my sophomore and won the gold medal of the "Shenwei Cup" Domestic CPU Parallel Application Challenge, in which we defeated many strong teams such as Peking University and Tsinghua University.I also took part in the Asian Supercomputing Challenge and won the second prize. Besides, I won the first prize of China College Students Computer Design Competition, the second prize of "TipDM Cup" Data Mining Challenge, the second prize of "Blue Bridge Cup", the third prize of China College Students Computer Competition.
Through contests mentioned above, I have strengthened my ability of programming and solving problems. For example, in "Shenwei Cup", we designed a large scale distributed algorithm on graph. We divided the original global graph into many local graphs, which was processed on different computing nodes. On each computing node, we designed a hash table to map the global id of vertexes into local id and then processed local graphs with multithreading. Finally, we achieved the speed-up ratio of two hundred percent and won the gold medal.

On the other hand, I have a good knowledge of English. My CET-4 score is six hundred and five and my CET-6 score is five hundred and sixty two and I won the first prize of national English competition for college student.

All in all, I have great interest in the research of computer science and I focused on consolidating my foundation of programming, mathematics and English in my undergraduate stage. I hope I can have more in-depth study in machine learning in the postgraduate stage. If I got a chance to study here, I would spare no effort to do research of my major. That's all, thank you.

posted @ 2021-12-08 16:50  orion-orion  阅读(203)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报