Tekton DAG代码

package dag

import (


// Task is an interface for all types that could be in a DAG
// DAG 图中的节点代表的任务
type Task interface {
    HashKey() string
    Deps() []string

// Tasks is an interface for lists of types that could be in a DAG
// 节点任务列表类型
type Tasks interface {
    Items() []Task

// Node represents a Task in a pipeline.
// DAG 图中的节点,通过 Task 字段引入具体的任务
type Node struct {
    // Task represent the PipelineTask in Pipeline
    Task Task
    // Prev represent all the Previous task Nodes for the current Task
    Prev []*Node
    // Next represent all the Next task Nodes for the current Task
    Next []*Node

// Graph represents the Pipeline Graph
// t通过 map[nodeName] Node 表示一个图
type Graph struct {
    // Nodes represent map of PipelineTask name to Node in Pipeline Graph
    Nodes map[string]*Node

// Returns an empty Pipeline Graph
func newGraph() *Graph {
    return &Graph{Nodes: map[string]*Node{}}

// 在图中添加节点
func (g *Graph) addPipelineTask(t Task) (*Node, error) {
    if _, ok := g.Nodes[t.HashKey()]; ok {
        return nil, errors.New("duplicate pipeline task")
    newNode := &Node{
        Task: t,
    g.Nodes[t.HashKey()] = newNode
    return newNode, nil

// Build returns a valid pipeline Graph. Returns error if the pipeline is invalid
// 根据 tasks 和 依赖关系 构建一张 DAG 图
func Build(tasks Tasks, deps map[string][]string) (*Graph, error) {
    d := newGraph()

    // Add all Tasks mentioned in the `PipelineSpec`
    // 把每个节点先记录在 graph.Map
    for _, pt := range tasks.Items() {
        if _, err := d.addPipelineTask(pt); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("task %s is already present in Graph, can't add it again: %w", pt.HashKey(), err)

    // Process all from and runAfter constraints to add task dependency
    // 遍历每个节点的依赖,并连接两个节点(添加彼此到各自的 prev next)
    for pt, taskDeps := range deps {
        for _, previousTask := range taskDeps {
            if err := addLink(pt, previousTask, d.Nodes); err != nil {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't add link between %s and %s: %w", pt, previousTask, err)
    return d, nil

// GetSchedulable returns a set of PipelineTask names that can be scheduled,
// given a list of successfully finished doneTasks. It returns tasks which have
// all dependencies marked as done, and thus can be scheduled. If the specified
// doneTasks are invalid (i.e. if it is indicated that a Task is done, but the
// previous Tasks are not done), an error is returned.
// 通过已经完成的任务列表,获取可以并发执行的下一组任务
func GetSchedulable(g *Graph, doneTasks ...string) (sets.String, error) {
    // 获取 DAG root 节点(没有任何依赖的节点),可能有多个
    roots := getRoots(g)
    tm := sets.NewString(doneTasks...)
    d := sets.NewString()

    visited := sets.NewString()
    // 从各个 root 节点分别尝试寻找可执行任务
    for _, root := range roots {
        schedulable := findSchedulable(root, visited, tm)
        for _, task := range schedulable {

    var visitedNames []string
    for v := range visited {
        visitedNames = append(visitedNames, v)

    notVisited := list.DiffLeft(doneTasks, visitedNames)
    if len(notVisited) > 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid list of done tasks; some tasks were indicated completed without ancestors being done: %v", notVisited)

    return d, nil

// 连接两个节点,并判断是否存在环路
func linkPipelineTasks(prev *Node, next *Node) error {
    // Check for self cycle
    // 存在自环
    if prev.Task.HashKey() == next.Task.HashKey() {
        return fmt.Errorf("cycle detected; task %q depends on itself", next.Task.HashKey())
    // Check if we are adding cycles.
    path := []string{next.Task.HashKey(), prev.Task.HashKey()}
    // 递归判断是否存在环路
    if err := lookForNode(prev.Prev, path, next.Task.HashKey()); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("cycle detected: %w", err)
    // 添加彼此为上下游依赖
    next.Prev = append(next.Prev, prev)
    prev.Next = append(prev.Next, next)
    return nil

// 递归判断是否存在环路,nodes为待添加节点的前置依赖节点列表,path为当前路径,用于表示可能存在的环路径,next为待添加节点名称
// 如果待添加节点的依赖 prev 的依赖是自己,就代表存在环路
func lookForNode(nodes []*Node, path []string, next string) error {
    for _, n := range nodes {
        path = append(path, n.Task.HashKey())
        if n.Task.HashKey() == next {
            return errors.New(getVisitedPath(path))
        if err := lookForNode(n.Prev, path, next); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// 根据 path 获取访问路径,用于输出可能的环路
func getVisitedPath(path []string) string {
    // Reverse the path since we traversed the Graph using prev pointers.
    for i := len(path)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        opp := len(path) - 1 - i
        path[i], path[opp] = path[opp], path[i]
    return strings.Join(path, " -> ")

func addLink(pt string, previousTask string, nodes map[string]*Node) error {
    prev, ok := nodes[previousTask]
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("task %s depends on %s but %s wasn't present in Pipeline", pt, previousTask, previousTask)
    next := nodes[pt]
    if err := linkPipelineTasks(prev, next); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("couldn't create link from %s to %s: %w", prev.Task.HashKey(), next.Task.HashKey(), err)
    return nil

// 如果某个节点没有依赖,那么就是 DAG 的 root
func getRoots(g *Graph) []*Node {
    n := []*Node{}
    for _, node := range g.Nodes {
        if len(node.Prev) == 0 {
            n = append(n, node)
    return n

func findSchedulable(n *Node, visited sets.String, doneTasks sets.String) []Task {
    // 以此节点出发的下游节点都被遍历过了
    if visited.Has(n.Task.HashKey()) {
        return []Task{}
    // 当前任务执行过了,就从下游节点递归遍历判断
    if doneTasks.Has(n.Task.HashKey()) {
        schedulable := []Task{}
        // This one is done! Take note of it and look at the next candidate
        for _, next := range n.Next {
            if _, ok := visited[next.Task.HashKey()]; !ok {
                schedulable = append(schedulable, findSchedulable(next, visited, doneTasks)...)
        return schedulable
    // This one isn't done! Return it if it's schedulable
    // 当前节点还没有执行过,判断是否可执行
    if isSchedulable(doneTasks, n.Prev) {
        // FIXME(vdemeester)
        return []Task{n.Task}
    // This one isn't done, but it also isn't ready to schedule
    return []Task{}

// 判断指定的节点是否可执行
func isSchedulable(doneTasks sets.String, prevs []*Node) bool {
    if len(prevs) == 0 {
        return true
    collected := []string{}
    for _, n := range prevs {
        if doneTasks.Has(n.Task.HashKey()) {
            collected = append(collected, n.Task.HashKey())
    return len(collected) == len(prevs)


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