
一、关联性容器(map vs TreeMap):

      1. 插入相同键时两种容器表现不同,其中Java的TreeMap会将后插入的键值对直接覆盖容器中已经存在的键值对,而C++中的map容器则恰恰相反,一旦容器中该键已经存在,那么新插入的键值对将不会被存入该容器对象中,见如下Java代码及输出结果。

 1     public class MyTest {
2 private static void testGet() {
3 TreeMap<String,String> tm = new TreeMap<String,String>();
4 tm.put("Hello", "World");
5 if (tm.get("Hello1") == null)
6 System.out.println("Hello1 is NOT found.");
7 }
9 public static void main(String[] args) {
10 TreeMap<Integer,Integer> tm = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>();
11 tm.put(5, 10);
12 tm.put(5, 20);
13 Set<Entry<Integer,Integer>> entries = tm.entrySet();
14 Iterator<Entry<Integer,Integer>> it = entries.iterator();
16 while (it.hasNext()) {
17 Entry<Integer,Integer> e = it.next();
18 System.out.printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",e.getKey().intValue(),e.getValue().intValue());
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 //The count of the TreeMap is 1
23 //key = 5, value = 20


 1     using namespace std;
2 int main()
3 {
4 map<int,int> m;
5 m.insert(make_pair(5,10));
6 m.insert(make_pair(5,20));
7 printf("The count of the map is %d.\n",m.size());
8 map<int,int>::iterator it = m.begin();
9 for (; it != m.end(); ++it) {
10 printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",(*it).first,(*it).second);
11 }
12 return 0;
13 }
14 //The count of the map is 1
15 //key = 5, value = 10


 1     using namespace std;
2 int main()
3 {
4 map<int,int> m;
5 m.insert(make_pair(5,10));
6 map<int,int>::iterator it = m.find(5);
8 if (it != m.end())
9 m.erase(it);
10 m.insert(make_pair(5,20));
11 //或实现为以下方式
12 //if (it != m.end())
13 // it->second = 20;
14 //else
15 // m.insert(make_pair(5,20));
17 printf("The count of the map is %d.\n",m.size());
18 it = m.begin();
19 for (; it != m.end(); ++it)
20 printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",(*it).first,(*it).second);
21 return 0;
22 }
23 //The count of the map is 1
24 //key = 5, value = 10

      2. 在Java中,TreeMap的参数类型必须为对象类型,不能为原始数据类型,如int、double等,否则编译器将报编译错误。而在C++中,对模参的类型则没有此类限制。如果当Java源代码中TreeMap的值参数类型为自定义对象时,那么在C++中与其对应的值模参类型很有可能为该自定义对象的指针类型,否则将只能是该对象类型本身,这样在插入对象时,就会有对象copy的动作发生,从而对性能造成一定的负面影响,通常而言,我们会选择使用该类的指针类型作为该容器的值模参类型。见如下Java代码:

 1     public class MyTest {
2 private int _value;
3 public MyTest(int value) {
4 _value = value;
5 }
7 public static void main(String[] args) {
8 TreeMap<Integer,MyTest> tm = new TreeMap<Integer,MyTest>();
9 tm.put(5, new MyTest(10));
10 System.out.println("The count of the TreeMap is " + tm.size());
11 Set<Entry<Integer,MyTest>> entries = tm.entrySet();
12 Iterator<Entry<Integer,MyTest>> it = entries.iterator();
13 while (it.hasNext()) {
14 Entry<Integer,MyTest> e = it.next();
15 System.out.printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",e.getKey().intValue(),e.getValue()._value);
16 }
17 }
18 }
19 //The count of the TreeMap is 1
20 //key = 5, value = 10


 1     using namespace std;
2 class MyTest
3 {
4 public:
5 MyTest(int value) {
6 _value = value;
7 }
8 ~MyTest() {}
9 public:
10 int getValue() const {
11 return _value;
12 }
13 private:
14 int _value;
15 };
17 int main()
18 {
19 map<int,MyTest*> m;
20 m.insert(make_pair(5,new MyTest(10)));
21 map<int,MyTest*>::iterator it = m.find(5);
22 printf("The count of the map is %d.\n",m.size());
23 it = m.begin();
24 for (; it != m.end(); ++it)
25 printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",(*it).first,(*it).second->getValue());
26 return 0;
27 }
28 //The count of the map is 1
29 //key = 5, value = 10

       在执行以上代码之后,如果借助于Valgrind(Linux gcc)或BoundChecker(Visual C++)等内存检测工具,便可以清楚的看到插入的MyTest对象指针在程序退出之前没有被正常释放,从而导致了内存泄露。见如下修订后的C++代码:

 1     //该宏是我在实际项目中经常用到的工具宏之一
2 #define RELEASE_MAP(Type1,Type2,variable) \
3 do {\
4 map<Type1,Type2*>::iterator it = (variable).begin();\
5 for (; it != (variable).end(); ++it) \
6 delete (it->second); \
7 (variable).clear(); \
8 } while(0)
10 int main()
11 {
12 map<int,MyTest*> m;
13 m.insert(make_pair(5,new MyTest(10)));
14 map<int,MyTest*>::iterator it = m.find(5);
15 printf("The count of the map is %d.\n",m.size());
16 it = m.begin();
17 for (; it != m.end(); ++it)
18 printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",(*it).first,(*it).second->getValue());
19 RELEASE_MAP(int,MyTest,m);
20 return 0;
21 }

      3. 作为有序的关联性容器,键对象的排序机制自然是一个无法回避的问题,但幸运的是,尽管这两种容器在某些处理细节上存在一定的差异,然而整个排序机制的思路却是如出一辙,可以这样说,它们是神似而形不似,而造成“形不似”的主要原因则主要来自于这两种语言的本身。下面我们先介绍Java中TreeMap的键对象排序机制。
      1). 一种常用的方式是让键对象成为Comparable<T>接口的实现类,这样TreeMap的内部则可以利用接口方法compareTo()的返回值来判断该键对象在容器中所在的位置。见如下代码:

 1     public class MyTest implements Comparable<MyTest> {
2 private int key;
3 public MyTest(int key) {
4 this.key = key;
5 }
6 @Override
7 public boolean equals(Object o) {
8 if (!(o instanceof MyTest))
9 return false;
10 MyTest t = (MyTest)o;
11 System.out.println("equals of MyTest is called here.");
12 return key == t.key;
13 }
14 @Override
15 public int compareTo(MyTest o) {
16 return key - o.key;
17 }
18 public static void main(String[] args) {
19 TreeMap<MyTest,Integer> tm = new TreeMap<MyTest,Integer>();
20 tm.put(new MyTest(5), 5);
21 tm.put(new MyTest(2), 2);
22 tm.put(new MyTest(10), 10);
23 tm.put(new MyTest(10), 20);
24 for (Entry<MyTest,Integer> e : tm.entrySet())
25 System.out.println("Key = " + e.getKey().key + ", Value = " + e.getValue());
26 }
27 }
28 //compareTo of MyTest is called here.
29    //compareTo of MyTest is called here.
30    //compareTo of MyTest is called here.
31    //compareTo of MyTest is called here.
32    //Key = 2, Value = 2
33    //Key = 5, Value = 5
34    //Key = 10, Value = 20

      2). 另外一种方式是在构造TreeMap对象时传入Comparator<T>接口的实现类,而该实现类的compare方法将帮助TreeMap对象来确定如何排序容器中的键对象。见如下代码:

 1     public class MyTest {
2 private int key;
3 public MyTest(int key) {
4 this.key = key;
5 }
6 public static void main(String[] args) {
7 TreeMap<MyTest,Integer> tm = new TreeMap<MyTest,Integer>(new Comparator<MyTest>() {
8 @Override
9 public int compare(MyTest first,MyTest second) {
10 System.out.println("compare of Comparator is called here.");
11 return first.key - second.key;
12 }
13 });
14 tm.put(new MyTest(5), 5);
15 tm.put(new MyTest(2), 2);
16 tm.put(new MyTest(10), 10);
17 for (Entry<MyTest,Integer> e : tm.entrySet())
18 System.out.println("Key = " + e.getKey().key + ", Value = " + e.getValue());
19 }
20 }
21 //compare of Comparator is called here.
22   //compare of Comparator is called here.
23    //Key = 2, Value = 2
24    //Key = 5, Value = 5
25    //Key = 10, Value = 10

      template <class Key, class Type, class Traits = less<Key>, class Allocator=allocator<pair <const Key, Type> > > class map
      1). 从该类的模参声明中可以看到STL的设计者为模参Traits提供了缺省类型参数less<Key>,该类型仍为模板类,其模参类型等同于map中的键类型。这里我们先看一下less<Key>的声明。

1     template<class _Ty>
2 struct less : public binary_function<_Ty, _Ty, bool> {
3 bool operator()(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right) const {
4 return (_Left < _Right);
5 }
6 };


 1     using namespace std;
2 class MyTest
3 {
4 public:
5 MyTest(int value) {
6 _value = value;
7 }
8 ~MyTest() {}
9 public:
10 bool operator< (const MyTest& o) const {
11 printf("operator < of MyTest is called here.\n");
12 return _value - o._value < 0;
13 }
14 public:
15 int getValue() const {
16 return _value;
17 }
18 private:
19 int _value;
20 };
22 int main()
23 {
24 map<MyTest,int> m;
25 MyTest t5(5);
26 MyTest t2(2);
27 MyTest t10(10);
28 m.insert(make_pair(t5,5));
29 m.insert(make_pair(t2,2));
30 m.insert(make_pair(t10,10));
31 map<MyTest,int>::iterator it = m.begin();
32 printf("The count of the map is %d.\n",m.size());
33 for (; it != m.end(); ++it)
34 printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",(*it).first.getValue(),(*it).second);
35 return 0;
36 }
37 //operator < of MyTest is called here.
38    //operator < of MyTest is called here.
39    //operator < of MyTest is called here.
40    //operator < of MyTest is called here.
41    //operator < of MyTest is called here.
42    //The count of the map is 3
43    //key = 2, value = 2
44    //key = 5, value = 5
45    //key = 10, value = 10

      2). 在上面的示例代码中,map<MyTest,int>类型的键类型为MyTest对象类型,因此在每次插入新数据时都会产生一次键对象的拷贝构造,从而影响了插入效率。如果插入的是对象指针类型,则可以避免对象copy的发生,然而不幸的是,less<Key>会将对象指针视为整型,因此MyTest的小于操作符重载将不会被调用,那么我们也就无法得到我们期望的排序结果,因为less<Key>只是基于指针地址做了简单而毫无意义的整数比较。那么该如何修订这一问题呢?见如下代码示例。

 1     using namespace std;
2 class MyTest
3 {
4 public:
5 MyTest(int key) {
6 _key = key;
7 }
8 ~MyTest() {}
10 public:
11 int _key;
12 };
13 struct MyTestComparator {
14 bool operator()(MyTest* first,MyTest* second) const {
15 printf("operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.\n");
16 return first->_key - second->_key < 0;
17 }
18 };
20 using namespace std;
21 int main()
22 {
23 MyTest* mt0 = new MyTest(0);
24 MyTest* mt2 = new MyTest(2);
25 MyTest* mt1 = new MyTest(1);
26 map<MyTest*,int,MyTestComparator> mtMap;
27 mtMap.insert(make_pair(mt0,0));
28 mtMap.insert(make_pair(mt2,2));
29 mtMap.insert(make_pair(mt1,1));
30 printf("The count of map is %d.\n",mtMap.size());
31 map<MyTest*,int,MyTestComparator>::iterator it = mtMap.begin();
32 for (; it != mtMap.end(); ++it) {
33 printf("key = %d, value = %d\n",(*it).first->_key,(*it).second);
34 delete (*it).first;
35 }
36 return 0;
37 }
38 //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
39    //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
40    //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
41    //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
42    //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
43    //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
44    //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
45    //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.
46    //The count of the map is 3
47    //key = 0, value = 0
48    //key = 1, value = 1
49    //key = 2, value = 2


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