EF oral study notes 03 -- level 14~15
5 Level 14
5.1 Stages of learning
5.1.1 Making a plan
1, 在未来完成的动作
① And with any luck, I’ll have made the writing plan by May 7th. 运气好的话,……
② So up to that point, you won’t have done any major checks on your work. 到那个时候,……
③ I’d like to have done it by mid-June.
④ The aim is to have finished it all by the end of June.
5.1.2 Reporting on progress
1, 使用不同的时态来解决问题
①It is not as hard as it looked before I started.
②I’ve been trying to set aside an hour a day. But I’m finding it difficult. 我一直在试图每天抽出一小时,……
He’d had his chance to show he can do the job already.
Let’s see if I’ve got it: I need to self-assess more.
5.1.3 Reflecting on your process
1, you’ll run into simple mistakes that you can fix yourself. 你会碰到你可以自己解决的简单错误
2, 反思过去
① I wish I’d done it sooner.
② If only I’d listened to you.
③ In hindsight, I should have planned more. 事后看来,……
④ I really regret not having asked you sooner.
3, Have you reviewed that article yet?
Yes, I was looking through it yesterday.
5.1.4 Passing on study advice
1, 软化你的建议,用may, might or could.
① hmm, You might want to think about grouping it somehow.
② Well, what you could do it put all the ideas down on an giant sheet of paper.
③ It may leave you with a lot of revision to do later on.
2, I’m not entirely sure that’s going to work. 我不完全肯定那会行的通
3, I’m not saying that they’re not useful, just that you’ll probably be marked down. 我不是说他们没有用,只是你可能会被扣分。
5.2 Communication techniques
5.2.1 Advertising an event
1, 减弱正式程度
① Are you ready to let your hair down and party?
② The entertainment will blow your mind. 娱乐会让你差异
③ You can eat to your heart’s content at the open buffet. 吃到心满意足
④ We’re going to dance the night away at the after-party. 在后面的派对上通宵跳舞
⑤ Keep your eyes open for more details coming soon. 关注即将推出的更多详情
2, We can’t wait.
3, who doesn’t leave a great party.
5.2.2 Reacting to commercials
1, I don’t know how they do it, but they have another unique ad.
2, I’ll give them credit: it’s a truly thought-provoking commercial. 我表扬他们:这是一个真正令人深思的广告
3, They seem to have a knack for funny offbeat campaigns. 他们似乎有制作搞笑、另类活动的能力
4, I don’t really get it. 我真的不明白
5, it really gets on my nerves when they aren’t clear about what they’re selling. 不清楚他们是卖什么的,这真让我心烦。
6, I hate the way they use attention-seeking celebrities. 我讨厌他们这种使用寻求关注名人的方式。
7, 承认其他因素
① I guess I’m not who they’re really going after, but I don’t understand the association.
② Maybe I’m just out of touch, but the whole campaign seems ridiculous. 也许是我孤陋寡闻,但整个活动显得很荒谬。
③ It is a bit out there, but I’m sure there’re some people who love it. 这有点奇怪,但我敢肯定有一些人喜欢它。
8, 用问问题的方式给出你的观点
① Is it just me, or is that commercial really bizarre? 只是我吗? 还是那个广告真的很奇怪?
② Am I the only one who thinks it’s unique thought-provoking? 我是唯一一个认为这是相当耐人寻味的人吗?
5.2.3 Bias in the media
1, 表示怀疑
① That seems a bit far-fetched. 那似乎有点牵强。
② I’m not sure I buy that. 我不确定我相信那个。
③ It doesn’t sound too convincing. 那听起来不太有说服力。
④ It seems a bit one-sided. 似乎有点片面
⑤ That seems to be a bit unrealistic.
⑥ To be honest, I think it’s a scam. 我认为这是个骗局。
2, 让人重新思考
① Why is it you think that?
② Do you really think that’s possible?
③ What makes you think their claims are valid? 是什么让你认为他们所说的是合理的?
④ What’s the real reason you want to sign up?
3, 总结说法,指出偏见
① It’s really just an attempt to convince you.
② All they’re trying to do is get you to buy it. 相信它
③ Can’t you see it’s all just a way to scam you? 骗你
4, 强调说法中的偏向
① Of course, they would say that.
② That’s what they want you to think.
③ They’ll say anything to get you to sign up.
5, 夸张
① It’s a revolutionary new product. 革命性的产品
② You’ll see unbelievable improvement.
③ Prepare for dramatic results.
6, 抽离à may, might, could 有偏向,但不愿体现确定性
① this product might change your life.
② There is virtually nothing else like it! 几乎找不到任何别的像这样的东西。
5.2.4 Understanding terms and conditions
1, the term of use state that the billing cycle is one month. 使用条款规定账单周期为一个月。
2, we reserve the right to opt out of the agreement at any time. 我们保留随时退出该协议的权力。
3, what happens when my free trial ends?
Your membership will continue month to month thereafter.
Thereafter 其后,此后
Opt / ɑːpt / v 选择,做出选择
Opt out 决定退出,请求免除
5.3 Environmental problems
5.3.1 Discussing pressure to change
1, 讨论趋势有用的短语 there is
① There’s definitely a perceived need to keep waste to a minimum. 的确有人认为需要把浪费降到最低限度
② There’s increasing pressure on the government to think greener.
③ I’ve got a growing sense that everyone is starting to pitch in. 我有种越来越强的感觉,每个人都开始积极参与
④ I see a move toward more reusing of products. 我看到更多对产品再利用的趋势
2, I’m sure there are many things we can do.
3, I’m doing my part to save the planet.
I always try and make sure to go paperless whenever possible.
You’ve got to do what you can.
I must admit I don’t do as much as I should.
The truth is I don’t want to be seen as not caring.
5.3.2 Anticipating the future
1, 用激烈的言辞和短语来强调他们对话题的严肃
① Another reason is its huge impact on our planet.
② The impact goes far beyond warming temperatures.
2, 明确陈述观点来表明态度
① Nevertheless, it’s still not too late if the right actions are taken fast.
② There’re many reasons to be hopeful, knowing that a gargantuan effort is being made to fix the mess that we humans have made.
gargantuan / ɡɑːrˈɡæntʃuən / adj.庞大的,巨大的
3, 表悲观 pessimism
① We’re doomed. 我们注定了
② We’re pretty much done. 我们完了
③ I have to say, it’s only going to get worse.
④ I don’t see it getting better I the near future.
4, 表乐观
① There’s still time for us to turn it around.
② There’s always hope.
③ There’re plenty of reasons to be hopeful.
5, 支持你积极的态度
① With any luck, we’ll be using clean and renewable sources of energy in the near future. 幸运的话……
② Given our track record, the countries will be able to unite and deal with the issue together. 鉴于我们的历史记录,……
③ I’d like to think that people are growing aware of the situation and will take action.
④ It won’t be long before technology helps boost crop yield. 要不了多久,技术将会帮助提高作物产量。
5.3.3 Anticipating the future
① Paper cups will not be supplied starting next month.
② New recycling bins can be found near the stairs.
③ Items to be thrown away must be sorted into the correct bins.
2, 调调句
The glass bottle will be reused instead of being thrown away.
-à instead of being thrown away, the glass bottle will be reused.
3, we’ll be putting recycling bins on each floor.
5.3.4 Evaluating the impact of change
1, 负面评价
① The new rules are just a feel-good factor.
② They’ll have a hard time selling this to the team.
③ How much will this really save in the long run.
2, 正面评价
① It’s a pretty smart move.
② I genuinely believe that this change is worth it.
3, 扩展观点
Given that there will be bins on every floor, it won’t be inconvenience.
① that’s the major headache with them.
② A big plus about it is that it’s cost-effective. 它的一大优点是成本效益
③ The fact that they’re based nearly is a big draw. 他们就在附近的事实是一个很大的吸引力
④ Their low level of quality really puts me off.
5.4 Unit4 Training need
5.4.1 Comparing training options
1、 表达想法的开场
Maybe it’s just me, but I find it very difficult.
I don’t know if you’re tried it, but I think it’s great.
Without wanting to alarm you, I don’t think it’s going to work.
2、 软化语气
I’m not a huge fan of learning that way.
3、 软化语气
I don’t respond well to that style of teaching
Big groups get on my nerves.
I can’t connect with people that way.
I can’t get my head around this topic.
5.4.2 Talking about learning styles
1、 在复杂的讨论中,表示一定程度的同意
I can understand why you think that, but it’s not always true.
That’s a valid point, but it’s not the focus of this meeting.
I can see where you are coming from, but that’s not the only issue here.
2、 不直接同意别人的观点
If you look at it from the position of a trainee ………..
But from a different perspective …
And if you look at it this way …
3、 偏题之后的纠正
The aim of this meeting is to discuss the details of the plan.
Now I’d like to take the discuss back to implementation.
I’m going to need to go back to the topic in hand.
5.4.3 Making a recommendation
1、 Opening告诉听众演讲的主题
The reason we’re here is to talk about our achievements and results.
We’ve had a great quarter, and I want to share it with you.
2、 Body正文
We need to include information about our effort to help others.
3、 软化你的意图
I was thinking that I’d include something about the ‘Green Prize’.
I’m considering highlighting how much we help the community.
It might be best if I provided some details about the AD.
It could be useful to cover the staff training program.
4、 形容在演讲中包含的内容
I’ll try to cover the latest survey results toward the end.
I’ll briefly comment on the customer complaint case.
I’ll touch on the website after I’ve talked about the new app.
5.4.4 Dealing with feedback
We’ve never received so much attention from the media and the consumers.
Information about shoppers is what fertilizes our garden and keeps it growing.
Now we can also engage directly with our clients’ concerns.
The problem was our lack of insight into our valued customers’ behaviors.
We’ve never had such detailed information about these people.
This one shopper gave us the most interesting ideas.
3、另一种可以加多样性的方法是使用定语从句。请注意这个短语仍然指的是 customers 或者
l’d like to share how we have addressed our poor understanding of the people who keep us in business.
We will fight our competitors in every market and win the war.
We are at a fork in the road, and we must make some difficult decisions.
Let me begin with a story about our journey over the last year.
When we started out on this road, we were moving very slowly.
Our competitors overtook us with their new phone at the start of the year. However, we made up ground, and released an easy - to - drive, economical new model.
It was a success. As a result, our sales went up dramatically, and before long we were cruising.
5、We will fight our competitors in every market and win the war.
We are at a fork in the road, and we must make some difficult decisions.
Let me begin with a story about our journey over the last year.
When we started out on this road, we were moving very slowly.
Our competitors overtook us with their new phone at the start of the year.
However, we made up ground, and released an easy - to - drive, economical new model.
It was a success. As a result, our sales went up dramatically, and before long we were cruising.
5.5 Unit5 Making a speech
5.5.1 Planning a speech
To briefly recap this section, we succeeded in reigniting our sales.
Before we move on, allow me to quickly summarize: this year has been a mixed bag. Some success and some failure.
Let me quickly go over the key information again. We are well on our way to achieving our goals.
This brings me to my next point, which is about marketing.
With this in mind, let’s proceed to look at our production figures.
Having examined how we secured the Prettle account, I want to look at new business in general.
检查了我们如何确保 Prettle 帐户的,我想大体看一下新的业务。
Now it‘s time to talk about the Green Business awards. I’m sure you‘re al excited.
As you can see, we were influenced by the market, a point that was brought up earlier.
This is connected to my point about customer information, which we were
looking at just now.
It’s obvious that we can do better for our customers, which echoes the previous point about our poor sales performance.
4、你可能已经知道,你可以通过使用人称代词如 it, they 和 them 来避免重复:
We had several issues with the proposal. They were the high price and high risk.
你还可以使用 this, that, these 和 those 来回指某事。
Marketing has to be our number one priority. With this in mind.…
你也可以前指来引发兴趣,但是记得澄清你在说的是什么。注意 this 是如何在它后面的句子中被澄清的:
OK, this is what we’re going to do. We’re going to have the company party next
另一种你可以指代刚刚所提及的事的方法是使用 such :
Addressing such issues has to be our number one priority.
To briefly recap this section, sales increased.
This brings me to my next point: marketing.
Before we move on, allow me to quickly summarize.
With this in mind, let’s proceed to
It was difficult to deal with such complaints.
We’ve had to shut that project down.
These results are the best we’ve ever had.
5.5.2 Drafting an engaging speech
fragments (片段),以节省空间。例如,你可以用不定式来描述计划,目标和行动要点:
Plans for next quarter
- To review the staff incentive program
- To implement a staff rewards and discount program
- To run a staff satisfaction survey
Better working habits
- Limiting duration of meetings
- Sending follow - up emails after meetings
- Reduced overheads on inventory storage by 30%
- Maintained low refund rate at 2.5%
If you could look at the graph, you’ll see that we’ve been doing very well.
Let me direct your attention to the slides and this graph at the top.
If you direct your eyes to the screen, you’ll notice a chart of shopper age groups.
What we have here is a set of survey results.
What this tells us is that we should be doing more to reach younger shoppers.
What we can take from this is that an increasing number of people buy things online.
If you could look at the graph, you’ll see that we’ve been doing very well.
Let me direct your attention to the slides and this graph at the top.
If you direct your eyes to the screen, you’ll
notice a chart of shopper age groups.
What we have here is a set of survey results.
Private lesson: Unit 3 of Level14
Discussing pressure to change - Task 1
- There are laws that encourage people to protect the environment
Rather say: There are laws that encourage people to protect the environment
- I prefer to take a subway to work.
- If you don't follow the rules, you will be fined
5.5.3 Adding cohesion to a speech
1, How do you engage with sustainability?
How can an organization help?
What’s your unique positive contribution?
How can a business function sustainably?
First, brainstorm a list of things you need to find.
Next, think about other words with similar meaning.
Then, scan for these key terms, noting down useful information.
Reject anything that isn’t relevant.
Finally, decide which links will give you the most useful information.
5.5.4 Adding visual support
Sorry , the audio keeps cutting in and out .对不起,音频时断时续。
There’s some pretty bad background noise.
I dropped out for a second there .我有一秒钟掉线了。
All I ' m getting is distortion.我所得到的都是声音失真。
I’m hearing some bad echo .我听到一些不好的回声。
There seems to be some delay on the line.线路似乎有一些延误。
Can we try hanging up and starting again?
Would you mind muting your microphones?
I‘Il try calling back from this end .
Oh, I’m sorry, did I interrupt?
No, it’s OK. Go ahead.不,没事。继续。
OK , I’ll go first then .好吧,那么我先来。
OK , everyone . Please make ( inaudible ) that your ( inaudible ) are muted , so that we
can avoid any echoes.
你也可以使用周围的单词。 Please make 表明这是请求,因此 sure 会对下一个单词的很好的猜测。 Muted 和 echoes 是与声音相关的单词,因此此这里 microphones **会很合适。
OK, everyone. Please make sure that your microphones are muted, so that we can
avoid any echoes.
Sorry, al I got was ' and the plans for expansion.’
Hilary, I heard the part about the new office in Nairobi.
You said ,‘give you guys some background : ls that right ?
I’m guessing it was, ’stop while we investigate the problem’
5.6 Unit 6 Life online
5.6.1 Learning language from video clips
Sorry, the audio keeps cutting in and out.
There’s some pretty bad background noise’ .
I dropped out for a second there .
All I’m getting is distortion.
I’m hearing some bad echo.
There seems to be some delay on the line.
Can we try hanging up and starting again?
Would you mind muting your microphones?
I’ll try calling back from this end.
Oh, I’m sorry, did I interrupt?
No, it’s OK. Go ahead.
OK, I’ll go first then.
OK, everyone. Please make sure that your microphones are muted, so that we can avoid any echoes.
Sorry, al I got was ' and the plans for expansion.’
Hilary, I heard the part about the new office in Nairobi.
You said,’ give you guys some background.’ Is that right?
I’m guessing it was ,'stop while we investigate the problem .’
5.6.2 Finding information online
Hi, everyone.
Rob told me that you’re having some big problems with the project .…
Dear all, It has been brought to my attention that there are some serious issues with the project.…
Can someone tell me why this happened? This isn’t very good.
I would like an explanation as to why this has happened. This is absolutely unacceptable.
coming back to what Graham said in his last email, why don’t we review the plan and make some adjustments?
As Tom mentioned in his last email, there’s still time to get the design finished.
As I can see from above, almost everyone is in favor of a change.
There seems to be a consensus that we should delay the project and spend more time on planning.
As many of you have commented, I think it’s best if we celebrate the opening on the 12th.
From what I’m seeing , most of the time we’re wasting is on nonessential tasks .从我所看到的,大多数时候我们把时间浪费在非重要任务上。
Having read all your responses, I want to set up a meeting for next week
5.6.3 Being effective in online calls
I have read all of the emails in the above thread and I am still not convinced that there is a problem.
Having read all of the above, I am still not convinced that there is a problem.
Having voiced my concerns in staff meetings, only to have been ignored, I felt I had no choice but to take my complaint to the office management team.
在这个例子中,它是作者( I felt ….),但分词从句和主语在这句话中彼此离得相当远,有时,这会造成混乱。
Having finished the project, the boss was very impressed with our team.
Having finished the project, our team really impressed the boss.
5.6.4 Writing appropriately on email threads
coming back to what Graham said in his last email, why don’t we review the plan?
As Tom mentioned in his last email, there’s still time to get the design finished.
As I can see from above, almost everyone is in favor of a change.
There seems to be a consensus that we should delay the project.
As many of you have commented, I think it’s best if we celebrate the opening on the 12th.
From what I’m seeing, most of the time we’re wasting is on nonessential tasks.
Having read all of the above, I am still not convinced that there is a problem.
Having finished the project, our team really impressed the boss.
5.7 Private course for unit 5:
Lesson Topic: Training needs
[1] - The aim of the lesson:
By the end of this lesson, we will be able to use the set phrases to evaluate the best training solution for a team.
[2] - Target Language:
Question one: Which do you think would be better for your team?
Aspects of a training course:
- cost-effective, hands-on,
- on-demand, remote,
- participant, facilitator,
- custom built, delivery format, platform
Describing pros and cons:
- A big plus is that … /
- The major selling point is … /
- Another plus is the … /
- The big draw with them is … /
- One major headache is … /
- The downside is that … /
- … is a major pain. / … really puts me off.
[3] – Grammar for the lesson:
Synonyms for Pros
The following words and phrases are often used when discussing the pros of an issue.
- One/A Benefit
- One/An Upside
- One/An Advantage
- One/A Positive
- One/A Good side
- One/a Plus
- One point in favor of/in support of
- An argument in favor of
- To be in favor of
- One reason to be in favor of/in support of (note difference between this and the next)
- One reason I’m in favor of/ in support of
Synonyms for Cons
The following words and phrases are often used when discussing the cons of an issue.
- One/A Drawback
- One/A Downside
- One/A Disadvantage
- One/A Negative
- One/A Bad side
- One/ A Minus
- One criticism I have is…
- An argument against this is…
- To be against
[4] - Strengths and well done on the following:
Well done on the following
[5] - Corrections and areas to improve:
Instead of saying: [Most of our employees are working as remote.]
✓✓****Rather say: [Most of our employees have been working remotely.]
- Use past continuous verb tense (have + been verb+ing)
Instead of saying: [Because pandemic we work at home almost one month.]
✓✓****Rather say: [Because of the pandemic, we have been working from home for almost one month.]
- Remember the preposition (of)
- Use past continuous verb tense (have + been verb+ing)
Instead of saying: [GigaTrain has six months to finish the costs.]
✓✓****Rather say: [GigaTrain provides participants with six months to complete the course.]
[6]- Pronunciation:
Please make use of the online grammar tools to help practice and improve your pronunciation of the following words:
To continue practicing your pronunciation, please go to:
[7] Improve your grammar:
[8] Expand your vocabulary!
5.8 Private course for unit 6:
Technical issues:
audio / cut in and out / background noise / drop out / distortion / echo / delay / hang up / mute / call back / interrupt
Dealing with technical issues:
Sorry, the audio keeps cutting in and out.
There's some pretty bad background noise.
I dropped out for a second there.
All I'm getting is distortion.
I'm hearing some bad echo.
There seems to be some delay on the line.
Can we try hanging up and starting again?
Would you mind muting your microphones?
I'll try calling back from this end.
Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt?
Go ahead. OK, I'll go first then.
6 Level 15
6.1 Unit 1: In the news
6.1.1 Reading a news report
How do you engage with sustainability?
How can an organization help?
What’s your unique positive contribution?
How can a business function sustainably?
First, brainstorm a list of things you need to find.
Next, think about other words with similar meaning.
Then, scan for these key terms, noting down useful information.
Reject anything that isn’t relevant.
Finally, decide which links will give you the most useful information.
CA woman jailed over homemade license plate.
第一段通常与标题具有相同的信息,只是更多一些细节。当你决定是否要阅读一篇文章时,一个好的策略是skim headline和第一个paragraph。
A woman was arrested yesterday for allegedly using a homemade Oregon license plate on her car ...
Sasha Banks, 30, from Rio Nuevo, Calif., was stopped on Pine Street Wednesday by a deputy who noticed.…
Banks was charged with two offenses.…
She is now being held in the county jail.
Skim a report to see if you’re interested in the topic.
The headline contains key information to help you decide if you want to read it.
If you decide to read the report in more depth, you can scan it for key information.
The first paragraph usually has the same information as the headline with a few more details.
The second paragraph usually reveals the identity of the people and the location of the incident.
Later paragraphs continue giving more specific information.
In the last paragraph, you may find the results of the incident or how the story may develop in the future.
6.1.2 Listening to a news program
1, 理解一个长的新闻节目是具有挑战性的。理解主要新闻广播的一个策略是听取能表示接下来的主题的关键语言。
We’re going to begin with the big news today, the brand-new visa policy in Europe.
And now, sports.
Now let’s turn to technology.
A soccer result just in: Springfield Town one, Capital City two.
Let’s go live to my colleague Josh McMilan.
Speaking from the steps of her Malibu mansion, the actress had this to say.
Joining me in the studio, Penny Watford.
当你遇到不懂的单词或短语时,你可以用它们周围的信息来分析出它们的意思。例如,当记者谈到政策立场时,你可能会听到这个词 moderate 。
Moderates, who believe any change to carbon - emission targets must be made realistically, will be happy with the result.
在这里,记者通过添加信息来解释 moderates ,他们倾向于相信现实的目标。然后她使用了术语 hardliners。
Hardliners, however, will be hugely disappointed that their demands for carbon emissions to be cut by half have been denied.
通过单词 however ,你能知道 hardliners 是与温和派不同的人。单词 demand 表明他们可能会更加激进。
3, 在新闻广播中,你会经常听到长而复杂的讲话。理解复杂的结构可以帮助你理解这些语句。
Thomson later apologized, saying he had been misquoted.
You may recall Kelly LeMonde, who was the highest-grossing actress for the past two years, announcing her retirement.
If the current agreement is honored, and carbon emissions are reduced, only time will tell if it will be enough.
We’re going to begin with the big news today, the brand-new visa policy in Europe.
And now, sports.
Now let’s turn to technology.
A soccer result just in: Springfield Town one, Capital City two.
Let’s go live to my colleague Josh McMillan.
Speaking from the steps of her Malibu mansion, the actress had this to say.
Joining me in the studio, Penny Watford.
Thomson later apologized, saying he had been misquoted.
You may recall Kelly LeMonde, who was the highest-grossing actress for the past two years, announcing her retirement.
If the current agreement is honored, and carbon emissions are reduced, only time will tell if it will be enough.
6.1.3 Understanding complex texts
1, 在一个复杂的新闻文章中,事件并不总是按时间顺序提及的。例如,你可能会先读到这个:
“Their ridiculous demands will have a huge negative impact on Europe’s economy,” he said, reiterating his earlier comments .
然后,为更早的评论提供一些背景,作者可能会使用诸如 prior to 和 previously 的短语,给出一些更早期事件的细节。仔细看动词时态,因为它们也是好的顺序的指示词。
Prior to the talks, Campbell had commented in a public speech that radical reduction would damage national economies.
A press conference has been scheduled for tomorrow morning, in which details about the decisions will be announced.
2, 被修饰的转述动词
在新闻文章中,作者有时给出他们对主题以及如何表达这个主题的理解。作者做到这一点的一个方法是通过添加副词来修饰转述动词和使用带有具体意义的转述动词,如 assert 和 reiterate à重申 。
"We did not fold to their ridiculous demands , and we will not fold in the future,” he said proudly, reiterating his earlier promises.
Speaking from the Parliament Building, a satisfied Campbell summarized what he believes the UK stands to gain in the talks.
It was reported prior to the final meeting that the hardliners demands had been the biggest sticking point.
3, 理解释义
This radical proposal was referred to as " a mindless move " by moderates like Joe Bergdorf, Irish energy minister. à 这个激进的提议被爱尔兰能源部长乔·伯格多夫(Joe Bergdorf)等温和派称为“无意识的举动”.
These demands were thrown out, with the majority voting for what some considered a more reasonable 10 percent reduction.
4, 请听下面这两句话,说说为什么这里用到了动词的- ing 形式?
Some opponents are demanding change.
The followers of the show have been requesting a live audience since the first season.
' We did not fold to their ridiculous demands ,’ he said proudly , reiterating his earlier statement .
在这段例句中,我们使用﹣ ing 的形式来表明 reiterating 这个动作与主行为 said 是同时发生
的。在这三句话中,主行为的发生时间并非由句中动词的- ing 形式决定,也并非由其附近的助动词决定………
Some opponents are demanding change.
The followers of the show have been requesting a live audience since the first season.
'We did not fold to their ridiculous demands , he said proudly , reiterating his earlier statement .
这就意味着,我们不能过早定论听到的- ing 形式就是现在进行时!
"Their ridiculous demands will have a huge negative impact on Europe’s economy ,” he said , reiterating his earlier comments .
Prior to the talks, Campbell had commented in a public speech that radical reduction would damage national economies.
A press conference has been scheduled for tomorrow morning, in which details about the decisions will be announced.
" We did not fold to their ridiculous demands, and we will not fold in the future," he said proudly, reiterating his earlier promises.
Speaking from the Parliament Building, a satisfied Campbell summarized what he believes the UK stands to gain in the talks. It was reported prior to the final meeting that the hardliners’ demands had been the biggest sticking point.
This radical proposal was referred to as " a mindless move " by moderates like Joe Bergdorf, Irish energy minister.
These demands were thrown out, with the majority voting for what some considered a more reasonable 10 percent reduction.
6.1.4 Writing a blog post
1,你可以用叙述结构,不仅是用来描述事件,也是使情节更具吸引力。这些阶段是: introduction (介绍), rising action (加温情节), climax (高潮), falling action (收尾情节)和 resolution (结局).某个场景或冲突中的人物自 introduction 出场,悬疑逐渐展开。且看某人是如何开头讲述个人信息的:
I was walking down the street to get some groceries, when I saw a pregnant woman with three children.
introduction 自然过渡到 rising action ,这一阶段事件节奏愈发紧凑,冲突产生。当 rising action 到达顶峰, climax 或者转折点就出现了。
Suddenly, the woman stood still, eyes wide open, grabbing her belly. She was having her baby! I ran over to her and helped her and her children into a neighbor’ s house. She somehow lay down on the floor and began the intense and incredible process of delivering a baby. à开始了生孩子的紧张而不可思议的过程
从 climax 到 falling action ,节奏放缓,冲突延续。
The mother’ s screams grew. At the same time, the neighbor was shouting into her cellphone for a doctor.
The house seemed to shake with their fear.
Minutes later, the air in the house was still.
最后, falling action 慢慢演变成 resolution ,所有矛盾解决,角色继续或者做出改变进入新生活。
I was looking down at a stranger, exhausted and crying, holding her new, healthy baby girl in her arms.
Until that walk to get some groceries,
I never truly realized what a wonder childbirth is.
2, 当你在写博客时,你可以通过一些吸引策略来让读者更感兴趣。
一种方法是 inversion 。它是指在句首将正常语序颠倒。注意每对里第二个例子中的动词和副词是如何在不同的位置上的。
I had never seen something like this.
Never had I seen something like this!
I found out the truth only today.
Only today did I find out the truth!
If I had known the secret, I wouldn’t have done that.
Had I known the secret, I wouldn’t have done that.
另一个常见的使你的写作吸引人的技巧是 parallel structure 。这包括重复使用相似的结构来强调和增强效果。
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
The movie is fascinating to watch but frustrating to understand.
I always avoid that. You wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea.
I was frustrated with our relationship. Do you ever feel that way?
Never had I seen something like this!
Only today did I find out the truth!
Had I known the secret, I wouldn’t have done that.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
The movie is fascinating to watch but frustrating to understand.
I always avoid that. You wouldn’t want people to get the wrong idea.
I was frustrated with our relationship. Do you ever feel that way?
6.1.5 Private course:
Task 1: Listening to a news program
Sections in a news report
- Politics
- Domestic and international news
- Sports news
- Entertainment
- Economic update
Private class
She is advocating for the launch of the smartwatch.
They've declared a release of a new product.
It has received some criticism though
They said " The product, yes, does have some appealing features, but they are not entirely satisfied
Market research...
Identify what we can do to modify the product.
Work on:
Pronunciation - stress syllable
Listening comprehension
\1. have been ongoing for the last two weeks
\2. Dissidents
\3. had they been given more time, a better outcome could have been achieved
Target language (related to listening)
Listening: preparing to listen (activating schemata, predicting, asking questions), identifying signal language, guessing, using context and co-text
Signal language in news reports: We're going to begin with ... / And now ... / Now let's turn to ... / This just in ... / Let's go live to ... / Speaking from … / Joining me in the studio ...
Target language (related to listening and speaking)
Dependent clauses and participles: Thomson later apologized, saying he had been misquoted. / You may recall Kelly LeMonde, who was the highest-grossing actress for the past two years, announcing her retirement.
Complex passives: If the current agreement is honored, and carbon emission are reduced, only time will tell if it will be enough.
6.2 Unit 2: Communication
6.2.1 Defusing conflicts
1, 讽刺
Did I mention Tom’s on vacation next week?
我提到汤姆下周要去度假了吗? Tom on vacation again? What a surprise!
Oh come on , he’s not that bad.
No , of course not , he’s a perfect employee!
2, 软化
当有人使用嘲讽来表达他们的烦恼或愤怒时,你可以尝试用软化的语句回应,以化解他们的愤怒。使用﹣ ish 在某些形容词后面加﹣ ish 是软化语句的好的方法。
A company trip? Are they sure two weeks is long enough?
Well , it is a longish trip , but it’s to a new branc .
软化语句的另一种方式是将形容词与 kind of 和 sort of 使用。
I hope the budget includes French perfume for their wives!
3, It is kind of high , but we can spend less on training.
将表达方式与 such 和 so 一起使用来软化名词,如
there’s not such a 和 there are not so many 。
So everyone loses out on training because of these guys?
Well, there’s not such a great need for training right now.
将表达方式与 not exactly 和 not quite 使用,如 it’s not exactly what you 和 it’s not quite what you 来软化动词。
We never agreed to use so much of the budget for this trip.
I can see that this isn’t quite what you expected.
I was thinking I could talk to the guys and see if we can get the trip down to one week.
6.2.2 Running a workshop
1, 当说话的人对某个单词的发音比正常要重时,这就是在向我们表明他们希望确保我们能够听到这个单词。但是,他们重读的动机会随着情境的不同而发生变化。请听下面这段,说说为什么这位男士重读了 your 和 mine 这两个单词?
No, it’s your budget, not mine.
他想要对某些模糊不清的地方进行纠正。在某些情况下,我们通常会听到两个单词同时被重读,比如:错误信息和正确信息同时出现时。说说他在这里为什么要重读 big 这个词?
Landen’s late? Again? Wow, that’s a big surprise, as he’s only been late every day this week.
他在这里表达的是讽刺的态度,因此我们往往会听到与说话者本意相反的词会被重读。在这句话中说话的男士为什么重读了 promotion 这个词?
Did you hear? l’m getting a promotion!
2, Did I mention Tom’s on vacation next week?
Tom on vacation again? What a surprise!
Oh come on, he’s not that bad .拜托,他并不是那么糟。
No, of course not, he’s a perfect employee!
A company trip? Are they sure two weeks is long enough?
Well, it is a longish trip, but it’s to a new branch.
3, I hope the budget includes French perfume for their wives!
将表达方式与 not exactly 和 not quite 使用,如 it’s not exactly what you 和 it’s not quite what you 来软化动词。
It is kind of high, but we can spend less on training.
So everyone loses out on training because of these guys?
Well, there’s not such a great need for training right now.
We never agreed to use so much of the budget for this trip.
I can see that this isn’t quite what you expected.
I was thinking I could talk to the guys and see if we can get the trip down to one week.
6.2.3 Listening actively
As you mentioned in the last session, our team will be creating a new accounting spreadsheet.
If you recall, this is part of the larger company project.
This comes back to what we were saying earlier - for the coming project, we’ll need to work with the resources we have right now.
I think this connects with what Jake was saying about resources.
As far as coordinating with other teams, We’ll come to that in the next phase.
We’ll touch on that later.
2, As you mentioned in the last session, our team will be creating a new accounting spreadsheet.
If you recall, this is part of the larger company project.
This comes back to what we were saying earlier - for the coming project, we’ll need to work with the resources we have right now.
I think this connects with what Jake was saying about resources.
As far as coordinating with other teams, we’ll come to that in the next phase.
We’ll touch on that later.
6.2.4 Talking about communication
1, 不完整的英语口语
So , yeah , the weather , while we were there , you know , at the hotel , I have to say , it wasn’t great all the time , yeah , not great really in the end .
当一个语句的开头可能并不清楚时,尾会在我们所说的结束部分给出信息。在下面的句子中,说话者在她的语句的结尾不确定代词 they 是否清楚,所以她添加了尾, those meetings 。
They were really long and kind of, well, everybody agreed, told me, you know, kind of boring, all those meetings.
说话人往往会重申他们在说的话或者在讲话的中间纠正他们自己。在下一个句子中,注意说话人重复了 was okay 而且添加了关于 the day 的负面信息来纠正在开始时的过于积极的信息。
It was okay, the day was okay, but, I mean, honestly, I didn’t think it ' d seem so long.
What he said, I mean, I don’t believe him totally, but if you look, honestly the facts suggest that he might be right, in what he said.
2, 促进对话流畅
I was at the party, and my brother was there.
Your brother , Paul , right … Oh, no!
鼓励与帮助说话人并且表现出兴趣和理解的另一种方式是通过添加细节或改述所说的。注意下面的倾听者是如何对 criticizing 的意义扩展的。
And you know how he’s always criticizing me.
Always telling you what you should and shouldn’t do.
He told me I looked cheap. I was so mad that I ,1.…
You yield at him?
你可以用单词 which 来评论某位说话人所说的话。
So he tells me that the skirt I ' m wearing is too short.
Which is none of his business, is it?
3, 人们会用不同的方式表明他们在认真听我们说话,如重述我们说过的内容,之前我们对这些方式进行了了解。但有时,人们会避免使用相同的词汇重复表达。这位女士在引述男士讲话的内容时采用了什么办法来避免重复?
Well, at the party we went to last week .…
The one on Friday, right?
她在引述时用 the one 替代了 the party 。有很多词之间可以相互替代,比如用于指人的 he 或 she ,用于指物的 it 或 one ,以及用于指位置的 place 等等。我们还会听到 that 或 which 用来表示替代,在这种情况下我们需要留意上下文的内容。请听下面的句子,说说这位男士所说的 that 指代的是什么内容?
So I bought the red dress.
That you showed me on Saturday?
4, So, yeah, the weather, while we were there, you know, at the hotel, I have to say, it wasn’t great all the time, yeah, not great really in the end.
They were really long and kind of, well, everybody agreed, told me, you know, kind of boring, all those meetings.
It was okay, the day was okay, but, I mean,
honestly, I didn’t think it’d seem so long.
What he said, I mean, I don’t believe him
totally, but if you look, honestly the facts suggest that he might be right, in what he said.
I was at the party, and my brother was there.
Your brother, Paul, right .. Oh, no!
And you know how he’s always criticizing me.
Always telling you what you should and shouldn’t do.
He told me I looked cheap. I was so mad that I ,1.…
You yelled at him?
So he tells me that the skirt I’m wearing is too short.
Which is none of his business, is it?
5, 英语口语中的关系代词
在英语口语中,你有时可以稍有区别地使用关系代词像 that 和 who 。例如,您可以使用 that 而不是其它关系代词。
He’s the guy that’s always patting people on the back.
记住, which 通常用于添加评论。
The culture is quite different where our new branch office is located .我们的新分支机构所在地的文化很不同。
Which is really important to understand, isn’t it?
6, 缩短定语从句
第一,如果定语从句有动词 be ,关系代词和动词都可以被省掉。
She’s the woman who is in charge of marketing.
She’s the woman in charge of marketing .她是负责市场营销的那个女人。
第二,如果定语从句的动词不是 be ,你可以通过将关系代词省略并把动词改为﹣ ing 形式将句子缩短。
Anyone who is planning to attend the meeting should come prepared.
Anyone planning to attend the meeting should come prepared.
7, could 的不同形式
用短语 could be considered +形容词,来给人礼貌的建议。
Try not to point. That could be considered impolite.
Could be considered 后面也可以跟 to be +形容词。
Try not to point. That could be considered to be impolite.
你也可以用 could be seen as 和 could be regarded as +形容词,来给人礼貌的建议。
Be careful about touching. That could be seen as inappropriate.
Be careful about waving. That could be regarded as rude.
带 as 的 Could 短语后面也可以跟 being +形容词。
Be careful about touching. That could be seen as being inappropriate
Be careful about waving. That could be regarded as being rude.
8, 从你最开始学习英语之时,可能就有人告诉你- ed 用来表示过去发生的事情。但是,事实并不完全是这样的,尤其是在使用被动语态的时候。下面这两句话都用到了 considered 这个词。这个词在哪一句中用于表明过去发生的事情?
That was considered impolite.
That’s considered impolite.
第一句表示过去发生的事情,而第二句则表示现在发生的事情,在第二种情况下我们通常会在其前面加上动词 be 。情态动词 could 可以用于指代过去或将来可能发生的事情。请听下面的内容,说说这两个句子分别指代的是过去、现在还是将来发生的事情?
That could be considered impolite.
That could have been considered impolite.
第一句可以指代现在或将来可能发生的事情,而第二句则指代的是过去可能已经发生了的事情一我们可以通过 have +过去分词这种形式来辨别。
9, He’s the guy that’s always patting people on the back.
The culture is quite different where our new branch office is located.’
Which is really important to understand, isn’t it?
She’s the woman who is in charge of marketing.
She’s the woman in charge of marketing .她是负责市场营销的那个女人。
Anyone who is planning to attend the meeting should come prepared.
Anyone planning to attend the meeting should come prepared.
Try not to point. That could be considered impolite.
Try not to point. That could be considered to be impolite.
Be careful about waving. That could be regarded as rude.
Be careful about touching. That could be seen as being inappropriate.
6.2.5 Private course
We will have them reduce meeting time
Let us try and pay attention maybe instead of an hour we will stay for half an hour and get back to our project.
Encouraging to your colleague
It is necessary for us to attend this meeting so that we can our managers can get a status update on our progress
The purpose of this meeting is for you to voice out your struggles. It is to offer you some support in certain areas of your project
Maybe the client has changed their request and they require us at this meeting to discuss a new approach to this project.
practice Synonyms :10 synonyms.
练习同义词 :10 同义词
6.3 Unit 3: On-the-job learning
6.3.1 Identifying key competencies
1, 认识自己是真正的智慧。下面是一些在一个特定的方面描述不同层次的意识和信心的短语。
I know the company’s products inside out.
I know this target demographic like the back of my hand.
你也可以用 comfortable in 或者 comfortable with 来描述你对某事的高度信任。
I’m pretty comfortable with being in charge of projects.
I’m quite comfortable in my domain knowledge.
I think I only have a partial understanding of the data - driven approach.
I know next to nothing about strategic orientation.
I haven’t got a clue about who our main competitors are.
2, 当你想确认你正确地理解了一个概念或义务时,你可以使用像这样的表达方式:
If I’m not wrong, I need to plan my team’s sales strategies in line with company strategies.
If I understand correctly, sales managers are responsible for training the sales staff?
As far as I know, we should receive data from the business intelligence team, right?
As I understand it, the area where I’II be spending most time will be product expertise.
I’m a little uncertain as to my role in promoting company - wide expertise.
This is where I come in, right?
Where do I come in during this process?
3, I know the company’s products inside out.
I know this target demographic like the back of my hand.
I’m quite comfortable in my domain knowledge.
I think I only have a partial understanding of the data - driven approach.
I know next to nothing about strategic orientation.
I haven’t got a clue about who our main competitors are.
If I’m not wrong, I need to plan my team’s sales strategies in line with company strategies.
If I understand correctly, sales managers are responsible for training the sales staff?
As far as I know, we should receive data from the business intelligence team, right?
As I understand it, the area where I’ll be spending most time will be product expertise.
I’m a little uncertain as to my role in promoting company - wide product expertise.
This is where I come in, right?
6.3.2 Establishing a support network
1, 你可能知道,你可以使用进行时的形式与动词如 think 和 consider 使用使你的意图不那么强硬。注意过去进行时比现在进行时听上去稍微柔和点。
I’m considering running training for you guys on sales techniques.
I was thinking about raising our sales target.
I was wanting to establish a support network in the office.
I’m hoping to join some office activities so I can make friends.
I was wondering how I can get access to more sales information.
I’m considering finding out more about the company structure.
2, 反意疑问句对于确认信息是有用的。一般情况下,规则是一个肯定的陈述后跟一个否定的反意疑问句,反之亦然。
There is an IT department, isn’t there?
I don’t need to do the training myself, do I?
I don’t need to use a key card to enter the office, do I?
I don’t need to use a key card to enter the office, do I?
So I’ll need to talk to Elaine if I want to get my personal locker, will I?
So I can just message him when l’ve got tech issues, can I?
We have regular office outings, do we?
3, 当你一下收到大量的信息时,总结一下,并确认你的下一步行动应该是什么是一个很好的想法。
You ' re saying the best person to talk to about getting a locker would be Elaine.
You’ve also mentioned that Kitty from HR is the organizer of the happy hour?
In other words, the best thing to do would be to message Cleveland directly.
What I should do is just go downstairs and ask her if I can help out.
By talking to Elaine, I would also get information about upcoming office events?
注意你可以用情态动词 would 来讨论可能的动作和结果。
4, I was wanting to establish a support network in the office.
I’m hoping to join some office activities so I can make friends.
I was wondering how I can get access to more sales information.
I’m considering finding out more about the company structure.
So I’ll need to talk to Elaine if I want to get my personal locker, will I?
So I can just message him when I’ve got tech issues, can I?
We have regular office outings, do we?
You’re saying the best person to talk to about getting a locker would be Elaine.
You’ve also mentioned that Kitty from HR is the organizer of the happy hour?
In other words, the best thing to do would be to message Cleveland directly?
What I should do is just go downstairs and ask her if I can help out.
By talking to Elaine, I would also get information about upcoming office events?
6.3.3 Putting yourself forward
1, 你可能开会的时候会有希望分享的一些想法。一种提供你的想法的方法是以 something that 或者 one thing that 开始来获得其他参与者的关注。
请注意这里描述一个想法出现的短语动词: come to mind , strike me 和 come up。
Something that came to mind was that it might not match our customer base.
One thing that struck me was how bulky and heavy it was.
One idea that came up was whether we should reconsider our sales strategy.
Something that came to mind when I was reviewing the design was that it might not match our customer base.
One thing that struck me as I looked at the new product was how bulky and heavy it was.
2, 当你问你的同事以前做了什么时,最好不要过于直接。例如,你可以使用一个被动结构,而不是直接指人:
Has any research been done on the African market?
lt doesn’t seem like any project has been run to collect our customers’ experience using the new projector, is that right?
I’m wondering what’s been done up till now about improving our brand image.
I’m curious to know if any research has been done in this area.
3, 以下是一些用来表达你愿意承担任务的有效的短语。
l ' d be really keen to lead the project.
My team would love the chance to investigate the root cause of this problem.
I ' d be more than willing to take on the user research.
l ' d like to put myself and my team forward for solving this problem.
你可以用 a good fit 这个短语来强调你是一个合适的选择。
I think l ' d be a good fit for this project.
I could give it a shot if it’s considered really urgent.
I guess our team could take it on if everyone agrees that it’s top priority.
4, 在开展讨论活动的过程中,尤其是与工作相关的讨论,人们往往希望自己的发言听起来很有礼貌,同时希望能够与参与讨论的其他人保持积极的人际关系。
We may have to reconsider the design of our product.
发言的人往往会用 we 来替代 you ,用以指代其他参与讨论的人。
Dan made a very good point about the seating arrangement.
I’m not an expert in this field, but we might need to rethink the marketing campaign.
I can see how this could cause confusion
5, One thing that struck me was how bulky and heavy it was.
Something that came to mind when I was reviewing the design was that it might not match our customer base.
One thing that struck me as I looked at the new product was how bulky and heavy it was.
Has any research been done on the African market?
It doesn’t seem like any project has been
run to collect our customers’ experience using the new projector, is that right? I’m curious to know if any research has been done in this area.
I think l ' d be a good fit for this project.
l ' d be really keen to lead the project.
My team would love the chance to
investigate the root cause of this problem.
l ' d be more than willing to take on the user research.
l ' d like to put myself and my team forward for solving this problem.
I could give it a shot if it’s considered really urgent.
I guess our team could take it on if everyone agrees that it’s top priority.
6.3.4 Reflecting on performance
1, 每一天,在工作和学习中发生着不同的事情。写下带有关键事件的日记可以提供一个有着你的表现和进步的宝贵的记录。它也允许你从一个不同的,更客观的角度看你所做的。
What happened today? What was the cause? What was the outcome?
What were today’s highlights? What were the setbacks?
What did I do well? What did I not do so well?
What would I do differently next time? What can I practice doing better right now?
2, Adaption ,或者适应一个新的环境,可能是具有挑战性的。让别人知道你过得怎样是有帮助的。如果你发现了很容易学的东西,一个很好的说法是:
I got the hang of all of our product lines quite easily.
It’s taken me a while to understand the concept of strategic orientation.
I’ve finally managed to push our team forward in meetings.
I’ve found it surprisingly difficult to
engage in a discussion with people from different time zones.
I’ve finally managed to push our team forward in meetings, which wasn’t as easy as l ' d imagined .
I got the hang of all of our product lines quite easily, which came as a big surprise.
3, 在反思你的表现后,你可能会提出一些改进的方法。你可以描述过去发生的但你希望会做的不同的事情:
I didn’t think of it then, but what I should have done was create an online shared space.
So, one thing I need to do is reassess how I approach people with more
experience than me, so l can improve my communication.
Next time, when l ' m having a meeting, I should also be keep in mind that I represent my whole team.
I don’t know if it’s going to be any faster, but next time I might just book a meeting with someone who’s got the knowledge.
It’s taken me a while to understand the concept of strategic orientation.
l’ve found it surprisingly difficult to engage in a discussion with people from different time zones.
I’ve finally managed to push our team forward in meetings, which wasn’t as easy as l’d imagined.
I got the hang of all of our product lines quite easily, which came as a big surprise. I didn’t think of it then, but what I should have done was create an online shared space.
So, one thing I need to do is reassess how I approach people with more experience than me , so I can improve my communication.
Next time, when l’m having a meeting, I should also be keeping in mind that I represent my whole team.
I don’t know if it’s going to be any faster, but next time I might just book a meeting with someone who’s got the knowledge.
6.3.5 Private course
Topic: On the Job learning
Lesson: Establishing a support network
get to know people
parking spot
• Making indirect requests using present and past continuous: e.g*.* I was wanting to ____.
• Summarizing possible actions: (formal to clarify the information)
You're saying the best person to talk to is ____? /
By doing ____, I would also ____? / What I should do is just ____? /
In other words, the best thing to do would be to ____?
Is it from all of the departments or only ours.
In other words, I can ask Tim Baker when the next party is.
Should I go directly to her or...
You can speak to Tim Baker, he organizes the events;
In other the best things to do is to talk to Tim Baker and find out about the next party?
I know the secretary at the admin office has the slot for the employees, so you can ask her.
- Helen, she provides all the parking spots.
- You're saying the best person to talk to is Helen at the admin office?
Office support,
- Support number (082 555 67)
- What I should do is just call them directly?
6.4 Unit 4: Urban issues
6.4.1 Discussing benefits and drawbacks
local amenities 当地设施
public transport system 公共交通系统
crime 犯罪
pollution 污染
high - rise skyscrapers摩天大楼
architecture and design 建筑与设计
cost of living 生活成本
house prices房价
quality of the local schools 当地学校的质量
business opportunities 商业机会
2, 修饰词
Modifiers 是指补充句子的细节或加以说明的单词、短语或从句。在以下例子中, modifiers 加强了陈述的语气
It is by far the largest city in my country .这显然是我国最大的城市。
The train is without doubt the fastest way to go.坐火车去无疑最快。
Tokyo is easily one of the most expensive cities in the world.
I’m not going to pay that. It’s way overpriced!
Downtown is definitely a great place to live in the city.
There are unquestionably pros and cons to living in a city.
3, 好处
And a huge benefit is that I’ll be able to work when I want.
It sounds like working offsite is without doubt far more suitable for you than the office.
One advantage will be that they’ll really be able to experience nature.
What’s more, I could put them in private school if need be.
Another advantage would surely be a much lower crime rate.
This does sound like the best choice for you, but we’ll miss you!
4, 缺点
Keeping myself motivated would be a difficult challenge.
Think of all the disadvantages. No restaurants, theaters, nightlife or public transportation.
Wouldn’t taking them out of the great school they’re in now be a big drawback?
For me, the pros unquestionably outweigh the cons.
On the one hand, I’ll have to be very self - disciplined. On the other hand, it is so difficult for me to get my work done in that busy office.
① Adverbs or modifiers, help to add more detail, description or force to an opinion. Listening for the type of modifier used can help you understand how strongly or mildly a person feels about something.
② These examples help emphasize a strong opinion and may be strongly stressed when pronounced:
③ This is by far the best sushi restaurant in the city.
This is by far the best sushi restaurant in the city.
④ Your apartment has without doubt the best location of all our friends.
Your apartment has without doubt the best location of all our friends.
⑤ London has easily some of the best theater in the world.
London has easily some of the best theater in the world.
⑥ The train from the airport to downtown is way faster than the bus.
The train from the airport to downtown is way faster than the bus.
⑦Being near the subway is definitely an important point for my new apartment.
Being near the subway is definitely an important point for my new apartment.
⑧ Moving abroad is unquestionably the right decision for me.
Moving abroad is unquestionably the right decision for me.
These examples help emphasize a mild opinion, and will not always be strongly stressed when pronounced:
⑨The tourist bus is a fairly comfortable way to get to the mountain.
The tourist bus is a fairly comfortable way to get to the mountain.
⑩This apartment is pretty cheap for this area of the city.
This apartment is pretty cheap for this area of the city.
⑪The schools here are somewhat crowded, but that’s to be expected.
The schools here are somewhat crowded, but that’s to be expected.
⑫My train station is reasonably convenient to my apartment.
My train station is reasonably convenient to my apartment.
⑬Living in the country is kind of interesting.
Living in the country is kind of interesting.
These examples are used to emphasize a strong negative opinion, and may be strongly stressed when pronounced:
⑭In no way is our new office convenient to public transportation.
In no way is our new office convenient to public transportation.
⑮The rural area where they live isn’t exciting in any way.
The rural area where they live isn’t exciting in any way.
⑯By no means whatsoever could you get me to live in a big city.
By no means whatsoever could you get me to live in a big city.
And a huge benefit is that I’ll be able to work when I want.
It sounds like working offsite is without doubt far more suitable for you than the office.
What’s more, I could put them in private school if need be.
Another advantage would surely be a much lower crime rate.
Wouldn’t taking them out of the great school they’re in now be a big drawback?
For me, the pros unquestionably outweigh the cons.
On the one hand, I’ll have to be very self - disciplined.
On the other hand, it is so difficult for me to get my work done in that busy office.
6.4.2 Comparing and contrasting
1, 比较用的介词
具体的介词与单词和短语使用来进行比较和对比。有时可以使用一个以上的介词来表达相同的意思。在下面的两句话中, compared to 和 compared with 都正确并且意思相同。
compared to the city, living in a suburb is like living in a village.
compared with the city, living in a suburb is like living in a village.
形容词 different 后面可以跟介词 from , than ,和 to ,表达的意思大致相同。 Different from 在英国英语和美国英语中都常见。 Different than 主要在美式英语中使用。 Different to 更常用在英式英语中。
Living in a suburb is very different from living in the city.
2, 比较的表达方式
There’s a clear difference between the city and the burbs.
There are a number of similarities.
We need two bedrooms. Likewise, two bathrooms would be great.
Can we agree that there are pros and cons to both?
Despite everything you say, I’m not convinced. Nevertheless, I agree. We’ll both look inside and outside the city.
3, Playing devil’s advocate 唱反调,为了辩论的缘故
习语 play devil’s advocate 指的是为了辩论或争论的需要,有人站到一个他们不一定同意的立场上。看这些例子:
And just to play devil ' s advocate here, aren’t most apartments in the city very small and expensive?
The flipside of that is we ' d be in the burbs.
For the sake of argument, can we agree
that there are pros and cons to both?
4,你也可以使用这样的表达方式来 play devil’s advocate :
An opposing viewpoint of that would be the city isn’t much more expensive.
l ' d like to turn that argument on its head. You get what you pay for!
The absolute antithesis of that is you can’t put a price on quality of life.
5, Likewise it’s safer to take a taxi than to walk home.
compared to the city, living in a suburb is like living in a village.
compared with the city, living in a suburb is like living in a village.
Living in a suburb is very different from living in the city.
There’s a clear difference between the city and the burbs.
There are a number of similarities.
We need two bedrooms. Likewise, two bathrooms would be great.
Can we agree that there are pros and cons to both?
Despite everything you say, I’m not convinced. Nevertheless, I agree. We’ll both look inside and outside the city.
And just to play devil’s advocate here, aren’t most apartments in the city very small and expensive?
The flipside of that is we ' d be in the burbs .它的另一面就是我们会在郊区。
For the sake of argument, can we agree that there are pros and cons to both?
An opposing viewpoint of that would be the city isn’t much more expensive.
l ' d like to turn that argument on its head. You get what you pay for!
The absolute antithesis of that is you can’t put a price on quality of life.
6.4.3 Writing a compare and contrast essay
Hyperbole 是夸张的语句或说法。大多数时候,夸张并不意味着字面意思。它是用于强调一个论点。例如,你可以说, I love where I live .或者你可以使用夸张:
For me, my hometown is the best place in the world.
I wouldn’t have wanted to be born anywhere else.
The more I live here, the more I find things to love.
This is my home , and this is where I ' ll stay .
You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.
I was born here, and I’ll die here.
2, 把强调放在前面
The thing I like most about it is being so close to the ocean.
Another aspect I love is that most of our food comes from local farms.
The most extraordinary thing is the people.
One thing that has always bugged me is the lack of business opportunities.
3, 假设的情况
If I find a bigger apartment, I will have more parties.
If I had more money, I would get a bigger apartment.
如果你选择了第一个,那你就是对的。在第一个例子中使用 find 和 will 将告诉你情况是可能的。第二个使用 had 和 would 在表明情况不太可能。
If I were to change anything about where I live, l’d have a more dynamic economy and more opportunities for young people. If I could do anything before I die, that would be it.
你还可以使用动词,如 wish , hope , imagine 和 dream 来讨论假设的情况。
One thing I wish I could do is help kids realize their potential more.
One day, I hope I’ll be able to open a business of my own and offer good jobs to talented young people.
I can also imagine myself when l’m older as being wealthy enough to help the brightest kids in our community go to the best colleges and universities in the country.
4, 人们在交流信息时,可以简单地采取自发的方式,也可以刻意采用不同的结构来实现最佳描述,这样做通常是为了加深印象或增加说服力。请看这两个例句:
Shanghainese food has subtle flavors; it’s delicious.
Shanghai not only has great food, it has the best food in the world.
There’s so much to do and it’s really modern.
The more Shanghai grows, the more refined it gets.
Everyone is always so busy.
One thing that has always bothered me about the city is the fast pace.
5, For me, my hometown is the best place in the world.
I wouldn’t have wanted to be born anywhere else.
The more I live here, the more I find things to love.
This is my home, and this is where I’ll stay.
You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy.
I was born here, and I’ll die here.
The thing I like most about it is being so close to the ocean.
我最喜欢的它的方面就是如此地靠近海洋。 Another aspect I love is that most of our food comes from local farms.
The most extraordinary thing is the people.
One thing that has always bugged me is the lack of business opportunities.
If I find a bigger apartment, I will have more parties.
If I had more money, I would get a bigger apartment.
If I were to change anything about where I live, l’d have a more dynamic economy and more opportunities for young people. If I could do anything before I die, that would be it.
One thing I wish I could do is help kids realize their potential more.
One day, I hope I’Il be able to open a business of my own and offer good jobs to talented young people.
I can also imagine myself when l’m older as being wealthy enough to help the brightest kids in our community go to the best colleges and universities in the country.
6.4.4 Reflecting on performance
I like how you organized it; it flowed well and covered lots of interesting points, but it al fit together nicely.
I also really liked the way you engaged the listener.
I felt like you were talking to me because of some of the examples you gave , and I‘m sure others felt the same way .
由于你举的一些例子,我感觉像是你在跟我说话似的,我相信其他人也有同样的感觉。 Even the way you put your personal opinions and emotions into some of the points worked to draw your audience in.
I really appreciate the hard work that all of you at Blue Sky Inc. did on this project .
要理解人们的观点,寻找表达观点的表达方式一例如, I can’t help but think that 。在商务人士之间的复杂的讨论中,语言往往是间接的,所以你需要仔细聆听。
I can’t help but think that closing that factory will have a terrible effect here.
To be fair, every company has to consider the bottom line.
I hope you don’t mind my saying this, but companies are putting profit ahead of people.
If outsourcing can make your company more money, you’d be a fool not to do it.
3, 引出讨论中的要点
I hope you don’t mind my saying this, but it seems to me that outsourcing is hurting US.
Look at it from this angle. If the factory closes, everyone in this town loses.
Let’s get one thing straight! companies have to make a profit.
当你和别人所说的 contradict (矛盾)的时候,要意
To be fair, we have to take into consideration the stockholders.
Although I sympathize with your position, I worry about the local economy.
I’m sorry, but I can’t agree. I feel that companies have a moral obligation to us.
在与你做生意的人进行讨论时,保持良好的关系是很重要的。如果你意识到你说的有点太强势了,担心重要的关系可能会被损坏,你应该 backtrack (回溯)或收回一些你所说的。
Apologies for getting a little carried away .不好意思有点过于激动了。
I didn’t mean to make that point quite so forcefully.
4, 如果你意识到你说的有点太强势了,担心重要的关系可能会被损坏,你应该 backtrack (回溯)或收回一些你所说的。
Apologies for getting a little carried away .不好意思有点过于激动了。
I didn’t mean to make that point quite so forcefully.
另一种处理一个已经变得太激烈的讨论的方法是 distance (疏远)自己。你可以像这句话一样,使用双重否定:
I don’t disagree that companies need profits, but I still worry about losing jobs.
你也可以通过使用单词 do 来强调你对一个要点进行转折,来减弱在讨论中的感情。
You do make a convincing argument, but I still want to protect workers.
5, 承认复杂性
在复杂的讨论中,总是存在参与者变得过度情绪化的危险。你可能会发现自己处于一个 mediator (调解人)的位置,一个试图确保讨论仍然有礼貌的人。有几个这样做的策略。
It’s a tricky topic .这是一个棘手的话题。
It’s a complex and emotive subject .这是一个复杂而敏感的话题。
There’s no simple solution .没有简单的解决方案。
I can see both sides of the argument .我可以理解双方的论点。
There are pros and cons to both positions .这两个立场都有正反两方面的利弊。
There’s no simple solution .没有简单的解决方案。
I can see both sides of the argument .我可以理解双方的论点。
There are pros and cons to both positions .这两个立场都有正反两方面的利弊。
在激烈的讨论中,参与者并不总是意识到他们并不是那么地不同意对方的想法。在这种情况下,你可以指出,有一些 common ground (共同点)。
It seems to me that you have more in common than you think.
I’m sure we can find some common ground.
I hope you don’t mind my saying this, but it seems to me that outsourcing is hurting US .
Look at it from this angle. If the factory closes, everyone in this town loses.
Let’s get one thing straight! companies have to make a profit.
To be fair, we have to take into consideration the stockholders.
Although I sympathize with your position, I worry about the local economy.
I ' m sorry, but I can’t agree. I feel that companies have a moral obligation to us.
Apologies for getting a little carried away .不好意思有点过于激动了。
I didn’t mean to make that point quite so forcefully.
I don’t disagree that companies need profits, but I still worry about losing jobs.
You do make a convincing argument, but I still want to protect workers.
It’s a tricky topic .这是一个棘手的话题。
It’s a complex and emotive subject.
There’s no simple solution .没有简单的解决方案。
I can see both sides of the argument .我可以理解双方的论点。
There are pros and cons to both positions .这两个立场都有正反两方面的利弊。
It seems to me that you have more in common than you think.
I’m sure we can find some common ground.
6.4.5 Private course
- All Ears English
- Essential English
- Learning English with Rachel
6.5 Unit 5: Discussing difficult issues
6.5.1 Disagreeing without falling out
使用 abstract (抽象)名词,你经常不使用 the , an 或 a 这样的冠词。在这个例子中,这名女性在宽泛地谈论她的雇佣责任,而不是特定的情况:
I want more responsibility in my job .
I don’t want the responsibility for hiring the new accountant .
2, 解决问题的讨论
当人们向你请教如何处理一个问题时,你可以通过一个自然的过程来引导他们去解决问题。让他们去 identify the problem (找出问题)自然是第一
I have a very difficult hiring decision to make. There are two candidates.
clarify the issue (澄清这个问题)。
Both candidates have excellent experience and education, but Nancy is a friend of my family.
你不想马上做出决定,但是确定 basic principles(基本原则)作为试探性建议是有帮助的。
I know you well enough to understand that you want to do what’s ethical.
确保你花一些时间去研究所涉及的问题和可能的 outcomes (结果)。
So are you worried that you’ll anger Nancy if you don’t hire her?
Imagine for a moment that she wasn’t your friend. What would you do then?
一个 resolution (解决方案)可能会自然地出现。
I need to tell Nancy that the other candidate is more qualified, so l’m hiring him.
3, 用于猜测的条件句
当你讨论 hypothetical 情况或猜测未来时,条件句型可能非常有用,尤其是虚拟语气,它们使用看起来像过去时的形式。注意虚拟语气和过去时态之间的区别。带 will 的第一句话不那么假设性。
If you buy the answers to the test, you will hate yourself afterward.
If you bought the answers to the test, you would hate yourself afterward.
What if you just studied hard for the exam? Would you get a good grade?
Let’s say that you cheated on the test and got caught. What would happen then?
Imagine for a minute that you didn’t cheat. How would you do?
Pretend for a moment that you did buy the test answers. How would you feel?
4, 我们在这一课的前面部分曾经讲过,在表示假设时可以使用条件语句,还可以用动词时态来表明某件事情发生的可能性或现实性。在听的过程中,你也可以用到这一技巧。如果你听到说话的人使用了一般现在时的动词+ wil ,那么你便可以得知,他们认为这件事情很可能会发生。如果你听到说话的人使用了一般过去时的动词+ would ,那么你便可以得知,他们认为这件事情不太现实。我们来看几个例子:
If the boss is responsible, he’ll definitely cover it up.
If they aren’t in your department, they will be able to investigate fairly.
If you didn’t report this to anyone, someone else would figure this out, I’m sure.
If I let this go, it would hurt the department and the company.
If I could figure out who’s skimming money before I tell anyone, l ' d feel a lot more comfortable.
If you buy the answers to the test, you will hate yourself afterward.
What if you just studied hard for the exam? Would you get a good grade?
Let’s say that you cheated on the test and got caught. What would happen then?
Imagine for a minute that you didn’t cheat. How would you do?
Pretend for a moment that you did buy the test answers. How would you feel?
6.5.2 Deciding on the right course of action
1, 省音
( If you ) Go to Spain , maybe ( you’Il ) lose Jenny .( If you ) Stay here ,( you’ll ) bebored and unsuccessful .
( If you ) Say nothing ,( there’s ) no chance she ' l go , but ( if you ) talk to her about this ,
she might ( go )!
缩短一个口语推测性的句子的另一种方法是使用像 that 一样的词来指代一个较长的想法。在下面的句子里, that 指的是 taking the job in Barcelona。
If I did that, I ' d be in Barcelona, which I love, but alone.
2, 处理误解
You may have misconstrued things .你可能误解了事情。
We seem to be looking at the same problem from different directions.
Let’s look at the facts .让我们看看事实。
Let’s look at what’s really going on here.
It seems to me that we have three options.
So, let’s do that. Are we all agreed on this decision?
I’m dealing with an unresolvable issue .我正在处理一个无法解决的问题。
I have a problem that can’t be solved .我遇到了一个问题,无法解决。
I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.
第一个句子使用了正式的语言表达。 unresolvable 这个词并不常用。你可能会在商务情境下使用这种表达方式。
4, You may have misconstrued things .你可能误解了事情。
We seem to be looking at the same problem from different directions.
Let‘s look at the facts .
Let‘s look at what‘s really going on here .让我们看看在这里真正发生了什么。
It seems to me that we have three options.
So , let‘s do that . Are we all agreed on this decision?
6.5.3 Resolving a personal dilemma
1, We need to consider a third option.
I have a proposal that’s a good compromise.
I’m in favor of moving to the west side.
One upside is that the rent would be reasonable.
The landlord is OK with long - term leases.
Another huge advantage is that it’s very safe.
The disadvantage is it’s far from downtown.
A downside is the lack of public transportation.
2, 困难的情况
Life is unpredictable. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.
Everything seems to be happening at once, and things start to get on top of you.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all too much.
I had so much going on that I felt like I was drowning.
You just have to deal with what life throws at you.
It was difficult, but I came out the other side.
It’s going to be clear skies from now on.
3, 可能性和较大的可能性
描述可能性和较大的可能性的条件句经常在 if 从句中使用 can 和 could 。带有 can 的从句比带有 could 的从句更确定一点。
If I can get to the end of this project, I’Il feel a lot better.
If I could just make some kind of plan, it would help me focus.
可能性和较大可能性的程度往往用结果从句中的情态动词表示。情态动词 might 和 could 表达可能性。情态动词 should 更强一点,通常表达较大的可能性。情态动词 would 最强,表示强的可能性或者一个确定的结果。
If I could just make some kind of plan, it might help me focus.
If I can get a little bit ahead, it could take a lot of the pressure off.
If you can manage your time carefully, you should be able to meet your targets.
If he can establish a regular routine, it would make a big difference.
当 if 从句是现在时,你也可以在条件从句中使用情态动词 will 。 Will 表达一个确定的结果。
If I can organize myself better, it will make a big difference.
4, Life is unpredictable. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.
Everything seems to be happening at once, and things start to get on top of you .
I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all too much.
I had so much going on that I felt like I was drowning.
You just have to deal with what life throws at you.
It was difficult, but I came out the other side.
It’s going to be clear skies from now on.
If I can get to the end of this project, I’II feel a lot better.
If I could just make some kind of plan, it would help me focus.
If I can get a little bit ahead, it could take a lot of the pressure off.
If you can manage your time carefully, you should be able to meet your targets.
If he can establish a regular routine, it would make a big difference.
If I can organize myself better, it will make a big difference.
6.5.4 Suggesting a third way
1, 将来完成时
当您谈论时间表和截止日期时,将来完成时非常有用,因为它表明某些事情将在未来某个时间完成。它由 will 或 going to + have +***动词的过去分词。
I won’t have finished it by then .到那时我不可能完成它。
I’Il have it done by the end of the weekend.
介词 by 常用来表示一个项目完成的点。
I ' m going to have completed the project by the end of next week.
当你在表达某事完成的可能性的程度时,你应该用 should 而不是 will。
I should have the project finished by the end of next week.
2, 条件句
条件句可以用来给建议。使用结果从句来给出建议,而不是 if 从句。
If you’re struggling with something, you should first be honest with yourself.
If you won’t have something done on time, be clear about it and explain why.
你也可以在倒装句中用情态动词给出建议。倒句句改变正常句子模式来强调重要信息。在这里,被强调的信息是在句首的 What 从句中。
What you should always do if you can’t meet a deadline is be open and honest about it.
3, I won’t have finished it by then .到那时我不可能完成它。
I’Il have it done by the end of the weekend.
I’m going to have completed the project by the end of next week.
I should have the project finished by the end of next week.
If you’re struggling with something, you should first be honest with yourself.
If you won’t have something done on time, be clear about it and explain why.
What you should always do if you can’t meet a deadline is be open and honest about it.
6.6 Unit 6: Making plans
6.6.1 For now
1, 未来的计划
有许多常见的动词,可以跟不定式分句来表达将来的计划。这些词包括 want , intend , be able ,和 plan 。注意 allow 后面先跟宾语,再接不定式。
That will allow me to have a better sense of where you’re headed.
这会让我更好地了解你的方向是什么。 If I haven ' t been able to do that by then , I have to admit I’ll be a bit disappointed .如果到那时我还一直无法做到这一点,我不得不承认,我会有点失望。
当谁在做这个动作不重要时,你可以用动词不定式的被动形式 to + be +过去分词。
I want to be seen as independent .我想被视为独立的。
To become a manager of a department would at least be different from what I ' m doing now.
你可以通过在单词 to 后加一个副词来修饰不定式分句中的动词。
I want to actually have more independence.
2, 谈论将来
And now l ' d like to talk a bit about the future, you know, maybe what you think you’ll be doing in five years or so.
I guess I would have to say that I hope I’II be running my own business.
3, 混合条件句
If I haven’t been able to do that by then, I’Il be considering other options.
If I hadn’t gotten this job, my future plans would be much more limited.
If I were unhappy, I would have changed jobs a long time ago.
4, That will allow me to have a better sense of where you’re headed.
If I haven’t been able to do that by then, I have to admit I’ll be a bit disappointed.
I want to be seen as independent.
To become a manager of a department would at least be different from what I’m doing now.
I want to actually have more independence.
And now I’d like to talk a bit about the future, you know, maybe what you think you’ll be doing in five years or so.
I guess I would have to say that I hope I’ll be running my own business.
If I haven’t been able to do that by then, I’Il be considering other options.
If I hadn’t gotten this job, my future plans would be much more limited.
If I were unhappy, I would have changed jobs a long time ago.
6.6.2 For later today
1, 金融词语搭配
请记住, colocations 是通常一起使用的单词。学习这些金融词语搭配,以帮助你为这节课后面的任务做准备。
We have a lot of home equity due to steadily rising property prices.
Tax - free accounts can be a good investment opportunity.
It’s important to have a contingency plan in your financial planning.
Your credit rating is important in determining your mortgage payments.
A retirement plan is a critical part of most people’s personal finances.
2, 较大的可能性和可能性
在 will happen 和 won’t happen 之间有很多的可能性。通过结合两个甚至三个短语来表达可能性,你能够表达有细微差别的对未来的看法。
I might possibly set up a tax - free account .我可能会建立一个免税账户。
I guess we could possibly sell the house .我想我们可以把房子卖掉。
I haven ' t put in as much as I probably should have .
I may well increase my monthly contribution.
You will get the job or not get the job **。当人们不知道会发生什么,但想说点什么时会使用
You will or you won’t save enough, but I highly recommend it.
It is what it is.
3, 时间表达方式
It’s important to have both short - term and long - term goals.
At the moment, I don’t think much about retirement, but farther down the road I’II get more serious about it.
Right now I’m renting, but eventually l ' d love to own my own home.
For the time being, my personal finances are OK, but later on, I’ll need a real plan.
4, We have a lot of home equity due to steadily rising property prices.
Tax - free accounts can be a good investment opportunity.
It’s important to have a contingency plan in your financial planning.
Your credit rating is important in determining your mortgage payment.
A retirement plan is a critical part of most people’s personal finance.
I might possibly set up a tax - free account.
I guess we could possibly sell the house.
I haven’t put in as much as I probably should have.
I may well increase my monthly contribution.
You will or you won’t save enough, but I highly recommend it.
It is what it is.
It’s important to have both short - term and long - term goals.
At the moment , I don ' t think much about retirement , but farther down the road I ' II get more serious about it .
Right now I’m renting, but eventually l ' d love to own my own home.
For the time being, my personal finances are OK, but later on, I’ll need a real plan.
6.6.3 For five years' time
6.6.4 Private course
demanding semester, term at school
too much work
personal issues - depression and general anxiety
relationship related
kid issues / single mom
related with a pet
No matter how much you plan, life's unpredictable
baby steps
There's rarely time to think things through, you often just have to roll with the punches.
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