EF oral study notes 02 -- level 12~13
3 Level 12
3.1 Manners and etiquette
3.1.1 Giving cultural advice to a colleague
1.Etiquette [ˈetɪkət] n. 礼节,规矩
2.Criticism is tricky. Try not to be too direct. 批评是棘手的……
it’s always important to show respect to your elders.尊重老人总是很重要的
it’s not appropriate to talk or joke too loudly.
Try to avoid physical contact. Respect people’s personal space.
Hugging isn’t appropriate, but a slap on the back or a handshake is acceptable.拥抱是不得体的,但是在背上拍拍或者握手是可以接受的
his behavior at the meeting was quite inappropriate.
It’s totally unacceptable to criticize your superiors.
Your criticism of him overly direct.
This is a rather quiet office, try to keep the noise down.这是一个比较安静的办公室,尽量减弱噪音
Actually, I thought the joke was somewhat rude.
Slapping someone on the back here is quite rude, but not very rude. 在这里,拍某人的后背是比较粗鲁的,但不是很粗鲁
3.1.2 Asking someone for a favor
it’s not a good idea to tell a lot of jokes.
it’s inappropriate to slap someone on the back.
most people would consider that rather impolite. 大多数人认为那比较不礼貌
hugging is not so common here.
it’s not acceptable to criticize people like that.
you should be careful about showing respect. 你应该谨慎的表现出尊重
2.Could have + 过去分词和 would have + 过去分词来批评或事后给建议
he could have told Tim who to contact.
I guess he had his reasons.
well, I would have given more detailed instructions.
3.I’d be happy to lend you the skirt.
I wish I could, but I’m …
I was wondering if you’d …
sure, I’d be happy to …
could I ask you for a favor?
I have a favor to ask. Could you lend me $50.
Would you be able to help me paint my new apartment?
I was wondering if you could give me a ride to work? 我想知道我是否能搭你的车去上班?
absolutely, I’d be happy to help you.
No problem, it would bee my pleasure.
I’m really sorry, but I can’t. I’m busy that day.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to. I have to visit my parents.
6.谨慎使用would you mind? 回答No, 表示同意帮忙,如果拒绝请求,则用I’m sorry but, …
would you mind driving me to the airport?
no. I wouldn’t mind. I’d be happy to help.
would you mind cooking dinner tonight?
I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m going out tonight.
that is so nice of you. I own you one.
I really appreciate your help.
that’s very generous of you.
you’re very kind. I hope I can return the favor some time. 我希望找时间能回报你的好意
8.I’m sorry to bother you for this, but …
if you don’t mind, …
3.1.3 Discussing office etiquette
showing up on time. 按时出席
dress code 着装要求
disruptive 干扰的
common courtesy 常见的理解 / ˈkɜːrtəsi / n.礼貌,彬彬有礼; adj.免费提供的;礼节性的
business casual 商务休闲
The dress code in our office is business casual.
The lack of cleanliness in the kitchen is unacceptable.
The high noise level in work areas is very disruptive.
Promptness for meeting is expected of everyone. 每个人都要求及时来开会
It's common courtesy of turn off your phone in meetings. -
I just want to remind you about the dress code.
It's company policy that everyone turn off their phones in meetings.
No one is allowed to wear shorts in the office.
Everyone is expected to clean up after themselves. 每个人都要求清理自己的区域
It's not fair to make others wait for you. -
How could you do that?
3.1.4 Expressing sympathy
- loved ones. 挚爱的人,亲人
died in peace 安然离世
passed 去世
platitudes 陈词滥调 - 慰问词汇
It can be very difficult to find the words to express sympathy. 找到合适的词来表达同情可能是很难的
My boss's mother passed yesterday. I must send my condolences. 慰唁
Try to avoid using platitudes when expressing sympathy.
He died peacefully, surrounded by loved ones. 被所爱的人环绕着的他安详地死去 - Anything you may need, just let me know.
Our thoughts are with you. 我们和你在一起
They'll be greatly missed. 他们将会被深深地怀念
You had the opportunity to know them.
It's very difficult to know what to say. - 表达哀悼
I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well. Get better soon.
Thinking of you, get well soon. 想着你,早点康复啊 - 病重或死亡的吊唁
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. 听到你的家人离世,我真的很难过
I was so sad to hear of your illness.
Everyone at work misses you. 同事们都很想念你 - 提供帮助或同情
If there's anything we can do, just let us know.
Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
Take care 保重
All our love. 我们所有的爱
In sympathy 节哀顺变
3.1.5 Private course
Grammar correction:
In China, if you slapping on the back of someone.
--> In China, if you slapping someone on the back . -
Make a reservation to the client.
-->Make a reservation with the client -
where to meet or when time
-->where to meet or what time
Try to avoid too close to each other.
-->Try to avoid standing too close to each other.
3.2 Corporate culture
3.2.1 Describing your company's culture
- core value 核心价值关
My company believes strongly in corporate social responsibility. We have a strong focus on ethics. 我们公司坚信企业的社会责任感,我们非常注重道德。
One of our core values is to be adventurous. we are not afraid to try new things. 冒险精神
We're determined to succeed. Nothing is impossible. 我们决心要成功
Open communication is the key core value. anyone can talk to the executives at any time.
We are a passionate company, we really believe in what we're doing.
Humility is important, we do the best we can, and we try never to be arrogant. 谦逊是重要的,我们尽力而为,并且尝试绝不傲慢 - We are strongly influenced by the needs of our community. 我们收到社会需求的强烈影响
It all boils down to helping the community. 这一切都归结为帮助社会
Profits come first. 利润为先 - We practice when we preach, our core values are really implemented in our daily activities. 我们说到做到,我们的核心价值关是在我们的日常活动中做到真实落地。
Core values at my old company were just for signs on the wall. It was just lip service. 在我以前公司的核心价值观,只是墙上的招聘,它只是口头上的。
3.2.2 Explaining your company's structure
- If we can make the decision now, we will all profit from it.
This industry is really profitable if you minimize your spending. - The current hierarchy is the problem. 层次结构
The company is top-heavy. 公司有些头重脚轻
cross-functional teams focused on 跨职能团队专注于…… - My company has a vertical structure. Communication comes from the top and moves downward. It's rather rigid, if you ask me. 死板
I'm in a company that's organized horizontally. I work with a team to make decisions. 我在一个水平组织的公司,我和一个团队一起做决定 - We're restructuring our company so teams will be cross-functional.
Designers, developers and production will be on the same team.
We're going to flatten our company's structure because there are too many levels in the hierarchy. 我们要扁平化我们的公司结构,因为在等级制度中有太多层次。
3.2.3 Building an effective team
- It goes without saying that ... 不用说……
just look at the facts. 只要看看事实
can you say more? - 支持某人的观点
it goes without saying that our company is too top-heavy.
--> I know exactly what you mean.
you and I both know that we have to restructure the company.
--> I couldn't agree more.
I reckon a horizontal structure would be more efficient. 我认为……
--> That's becoming really obvious to me. - 通过不完全同意或不表扬来表示部分同意
Our company has a more traditional organizational structure.
Our company executives are very experienced, but maybe lack diversity.
3.2.4 Giving advice about office politics
用incorporate 采纳 和 promote 提高 来谈论 TB 策略
Get ideas from your team, and incorporate the ideas into your project.
We need to promote the team's creativity.
incorporate / ɪnˈkɔːrpəreɪt / v.包含,合并;组成公司;掺和,混合 adj.合成一体的,合并的;具体化的; -
To achieve our goals, we need to write a mission statement that clearly outlines our principles.
One critical principle is that each employee has to make a commitment to the company. -
Goal 可以分为以一系列为实现目标而设立的task
Before we hire a new manager, the first task is to write a job description.
Individual employees need to set goals in order to excel. 个体员工需要设立目标来超越。 -
表达目的 in order to + 动词 , 简化为 to + 动词
In order to build a good team, find out what people are good at.
You should put good people together to accomplish a specific task. -
激励人,to be + 过去分词
Individual team members need to be encouraged to succeed.
It's a good idea to see what the strengths of each employee are. 找出每个员工的优点是一个好主意
Our employees were allowed to excel. 我们的员工允许出类拔萃 -
用way, method, strategy, approach 和 technique 描述实现目标的方法,意思大致相同
one way to build a effective team is to allow members to brainstorm project ideas.The best method for building a strong team is to develop trust among its members.
Here is another technique, celebrate smaller achievements as you work toward the larger goal. -
用含 you or it 的表达,建议他人如何实现目标
The first thing you should do is establish good communication.
You never want to give people tasks that don't match their skills.
It's a good idea to have short, daily meeting.
It's important to socialize with your team members. -
处理office political
office political? it all boils down to good relationship with the higher-ups and your coworkers. 办公室政治,归根结底就是和上级以及你的同事都保持良好的关系
Part of maintaining good relationship is participating in office activities.
Don't express annoyance, or there may be repercussions. 不良影响 -
Notice how things get done in the office so you can become an important part of daily processes.
Update your job-related skills constantly so that you remain valuable. -
if it's possible, find a mentor: a more experienced colleague.
if you are respectful to your colleagues, you're less likely to get stable in the back.如果你尊重你的同事,你不太可能会在背后被陷害 -
The sky is the limit. = nothing is impossible.
If we work hard, the sky is the limit.
You're right, if we work together, we can achieve anything. -
You can't hide from office politics, so don't stick your head in the sand. 因此不要自欺欺人
If you do something bad to someone, they'll get revenge. what goes around comes around. 一报还一报
The office is the modern jungle. 办公室是现代的热带丛林
3.2.5 Private course
Top-heavy: too many managers and executives
horizontal structure: decisions are made within a team, and there is less adherence to a strict power hierarchy.
vertical structure: Decisions and company policy flow from the top to the bottom
Target language:
company locations: headquarters, branch office, main factory, located in.
company structure: vertical structure, come from the top and move downward, rigid, organized horizontally, restructuring, cross-functional, top-heavy, flatten, too many levels, hierarchy.
Proposing management strategies: we need to be sure that everyone's on the same page./ what if we ... / I'd like to ... / I propose that ... / what I'm proposing is that we ... /
Expressing and supporting: It goes without saying that ... / I know exactly what you mean. / You and I both know that ... / I reckon ... / It's apparent to me that ... / Just look at the facts.
3.3 Leadership
3.3.1 Mentoring a new employee
1, advance 提升
language proficiency 语言能力
map out a path 绘制出路劲
2, The company is very focused on professional development. 这个公司很注重职业发展
My role as a mentor is to help you reach your potential. 作为导师,我的角色是帮助你发掘你的潜能
We need to map out a path to advance your career. 我们需要规划一下你的职业发展路劲
One area to work on is language proficiency. 需要改善的一个方面是语言能力
we can tailor the training to meet your need. 我们可以量身定制培训内容来满足你的需求
we need to identify areas where there is room for improvement.
-- What is an area where you think there's room for improvement.
-- My proficiency in the language is less than I'd like.
-- My role is to support you. where do you think you could use some help? 那些方面你认为需要一些帮助呢?
-- I could use some help figuring out a better way to manage my time.
4, 制定一个行动计划
-- it seems as if you have three areas to work on. 看起来你有三个方面需要提高
-- we'll often be working side by side. 我们会常常一起肩并肩工作。
-- I recommend that you look into some of the training programs we offer.
-- Do you think that this class will help your career?
-- I remember when I had to make this decesion. It was challenge, but I don't regret it.
3.3.2 Describing leadership qualities
1, autocratic 独断专行的 -- > n autocrat
charismatic 有非凡个人魅力的 --> n charism
drive 干劲 --》 n driven 被迫的
people skills 人际交际能力
empathy --> empathetic 感同身受的
hierarchy --> hierachical 等级制度的
2, She has great people skills. People trust and repect her.
An effective leader has to create an environment where people feel free to speak up. 一个高效的领导一定要创建一个能促使人们大胆讲话的环境。
Successful leadership has everyone working toward a common goal. 成功的领导能力能使每个人都朝同一个目标而努力。
3,详细阐述一种观点,elaborate on a point. 转述或复述
-- ... empathy, in that they need to be able to put themselves in other people's shoes. ..同情, 就是他们需要设身处地的为别人考虑。
-- They need to understand what people want and how they feel.
-- an environment where people can communicate with one another openly
-- where we can work efficiently and effectively together toward a common goal. 我们能朝一个共同的目标有效地和高效地努力。
-- there is no leadership.
-- Exactly! Nobody's working toward a common goal.
3.3.3 Describing a leader you admire
1, 领导素质
-- He is a just man, he has a keen sense of fairness. 他是一个公平的人,他有强烈的公平感。
-- She's a powerful woman, but she's still very approachable. 她是一个强势的女人,可她仍然是容易接近的。
-- He was a true visionary, way ahead of his time. 他是个真正的梦想家,超前于他的时代一大截。
-- He is a truly ethical and moral man, he always tries to do the right thing. 他是一个有道德和正派的人,他总试图做正确的事。
-- He was a brilliant man but never thought he was better than others. 他是一个才华横溢的人,但从不觉得比别人强。
2, Held in the highest esteem. 受到最高的推崇
have the greatest regard for 对……有极大的尊敬
full of admiration for 对……充满敬佩
have nothing but respect for 对……只有尊敬
3, I have nothing but respect for the entire team. 我完全佩服整个团队
we are full of admiration for all he has accomplished. 我们对他取得的成就敬怀满满。
He is held in high esteem by all his colleagues.
I have the greatest regard for everything she has achieved.
He is in awe of his manager's abilities. 他无比敬佩他的经理的才干。
3.3.4 Developing leadership qualities
1, circumstances change 环境改变
human nature 人性
sharing a vision 分享愿景
persuading others 说服他人
sharing hardship 同甘共苦
earing trust 获取信任
agility of mind 头脑灵敏
2, stability is hard to achieve because circumstances change. 环境变了,所以很难实现稳定
Human nature doesn't change with circumstances. 人性不会随着环境改变。江山易改,本性难移
Successful leadership includes persuading others and earning trust.
Good leadership includes both sharing a vision and sharing hardship. 优秀的领导能力不仅包括分享梦想,也包括共担患难。
Mental agility will help prepare you for the unexpected. 敏捷的思维将有助于你做好应对突发状况的准备。
3, In terms of leadership itself. 在领导力本身方面
what makes a successful leader. 成功领导者的要素。
4, In terms of change, good leaders know that circumstances change, but human nature does not. 就改变而言……
with regard to leadership characteristics, decisiveness is among the most important. 就领导力而言,果断事其中最重要的一点。
Regarding failure, it is not something to be feared. 就失败而言,它并不可怕。
what makes a successful leader is not the same in all circumstances. 环境不同,成功领导人的必备素质也不同
one of hte things you should learn is the important of honesty. 诚实的重要性是你应该学习的内容之一。
5, 培训师如何处理你的问题
a, 让他人回答
who would like to answer Tom's question?
b, 直接回答
c, 答案还没讨论过,但可能计划在后面的讨论中谈到
Great question, but hold on to it for now, please.
d, 不知道答案或与主题无关,鼓励学员课外寻找答案
-- is it possible to upgrade the way our servers handle our email?
-- I recommend that you talk to Joe in IT, he'll be better able to address your concerns.
3.3.5 Private course
suggested answer to warm-up quesiton:
Explain your role - what is it and waht it isn't
Ask the mentee what they want to improve.
Helo them develop a training plan.
make sure you arrange a follow-up to ensure things are moving along.
support could be creating a training plan: thime out to study / shadow / talk to other employees about their jobs / take project lead roles
Target language:
collacations for mentoring: reach your potential, room for improvement struggling with, could use some help, next steps, areas to work on, focus on, working side by side, weekly check-ins.
making a training plan: identify areas, map out a path, advancee your career, language proficiency, tailor the training, professional development.
-- we first need to identify improvement.
--> we first need to identify the areas for improvement.
-- you have two areas improvement.
--> you have two areas that need improvement.
3.4 Business communication
3.4.1 Facilitating an online meeting
1, facilitate / fəˈsɪlɪteɪt / v.使更容易,使便利;促进,推动
2, There is a 15-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Shanghai.
-- sorry, but I'm hearing an echo.
-- Give me a minute while I adjust my headset. 请给我一分钟调整我的耳机。
3, Who's on your end? 谁在你们那边
Does anyone have anything they'd like to add to the agenda? 有谁有事要加到议程上吗?
can we move on to hte second point?
4, 主持 / 结束 一个在线会议
ok, so. point number one, -- the software project.
so, just to recap, we're looking for a new HR director. 总结一下,我们正在寻找HR 总监
I always enjou speaking with you.
Let me just recap on what we've decided so far. 让我来概括一下目前为止我们所做的决定吧。
recap / ˈriːkæp / v.扼要重述,摘要说明;翻新胎面 n.扼要的重述,概述;翻新的轮胎
3.4.2 Writing an effective email
1, I'm writing with regard to ...
-- I'm cc-ing Tom on this, as he will be in the meeting.
-- Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
3.4.3 Communicating across cultures
1, Cultural sensitivity is improtant any time you're operating i na different culture. 任何时候,当你在一个不同的文化中运营时,文化敏感度很重要。
2, In some culture, it's considered rude to maintain eye contact.
-- people from that culture tend to gesture a lot with their hands.
-- My host told me that pointing with your finger was rather impolite.
-- She was completely confortable with the silence, but I wasn't. 她对沉默完全没问题,但我不行
-- Indirect communication can be difficult to understand.
3, 解释文化倾向
-- we tend to avoid conflict in my culture.
-- we have a tendency to think first and talk later. 我们有先想后说的倾向
-- people here have a way of specking with their hands. 这里的人们有一种用手说话的方式
-- some people are apt to be offended by that. 那容易冒犯一些人
3.4.4 Negotiatiing a purchase
1, outside my budget. 我的预算之外
a razor-thin margin 微博的利润
bulk discount 批量折扣
top-of-the-line unit 顶级产品
2, This ergonomic desk is top of the line. 这符合人体工学原理的桌子时同类产品中的极品。
-- A bulk discount applies to orders of 100 units or more.
-- Just so you know, we are talking with other vendors. 只想让你知道,我们在和其他厂商谈判
-- That price would leave me with a razor-thin margin. 这个价格会让我们的利润微薄。
3, Ok, you've got yourself a deal. 好的,你为自己获得了一笔交易
-- The best I can do is .. 我能做的最多的是...
-- What would you say to ... ? 你决定……怎么样?
4, 礼貌拒绝报价,然后合理还价
-- so, you're saying $285 per unit.
-- I'm sorry, but that's just too high.
-- Perhaps you'd consider another model.
-- What would you say to 200 per unit?
-- You've got to help me out here. 你一定要帮我哦
-- The best I can do is $225.
-- Is that your final offer?
-- I'm afraid it is, I just can't go any lower.
-- In that case, I think we have a deal.
5, 谈判中的不同阶段
-- since we're ordering so many, is it possible to get them for $200 per unit instead?
-- I'm not authorized to approve this price, can I get back to you later?
3.5 Awkward situations
3.5.1 Talkng about awkward situations
1, too personal 针对个人的
ashamed of myself 对我自己感到羞愧
2, He was being totally offensive. It was really awkward. 他当时很无礼,导致场面很尴尬
-- She was upset and embarrassed by his behavior.
-- His behavior was unacceptable, and he should be ashamed of himself.
-- I've never heen so embarrassed in all my life. I was humiliated. 我的一生从来没如此尴尬,我感到被羞辱了
3, faux pas 失礼,失态. 三个表达都包含make
-- He made a terrible faux pas when he asked her how old she was. 他问她多大了是极其失礼的
-- He made a blunder when he asked her if she was pregant. 他范了个大错, 问她是否怀孕了
-- I feel like I'm always making mistakes in social situations. 我感觉在社交场合总犯错
3.5.2 Dealing with awkward questions
1, Why on earth would she leave? 她怎么会走呢
-- For heaven's sake! 看在老天的份上
-- What an idiot. 真是个白痴
-- I really put my foot in my mouth. 我真是搬起石头砸自己的脚
-- What I did was unacceptable.
-- I am a little ashmed of myself.
2, 表达不信任和羞耻
-- For heaven's sake! How could he tell such an offensive joke?
-- Why on earth would she mention his ex-wife?
-- I‘m ashamed of you!
-- I‘m ashamed of myself!
-- She's ashamed of herself for lying.
-- I really put my foot in my moth when I mentioned her ex-husband.
3, Heard a lot about you. 久仰大名
-- Don't make them like that anymore. 现在生产不出这么好的质量了
-- Couldn't help noticing .... 没法不注意到...
-- Go right through the roof. 价格飙升
4, 寒暄 small talk
-- I couldn't help noticing your pocket watch, it's lovely.
-- Thanks. it's my grandfater's.
-- They don't make them like that anymore.
5, 对敏感话题的处理
-- Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
-- It all depends, what's the question? 要看情况。。。
-- Do you feel comfortable talking about your job?
-- No problem, I'd be happy to talk about that.
-- I wouldn't mind at all.
-- Actually, I would mind.
-- I'm sorry, but I don't feel confortable talking about that.
--- Actually, I'd prefer to discuss something else.
6, 对不同文化的人,给一些你们文化的建议
-- Ordinarily, people in my country don't ask about salary.
-- That's an inappropriate topic for conversation here.
3.5.3 Managing an awkward situation
1, It's not your place. 不关你的事
-- what were you thinking? 你想啥呢
-- of course, I don't mean mistake.
2, 批评和回应批评
-- You shouldn't have said that. what were you thinking?
-- You didn't! that was really stupid. 你不会吧,这样做真的很傻
-- it's not your place to tell here what to do. 告诉他该怎么做不是你分内的事
-- It was inappropriate of you to say something like that. 你说那样的话是不合适的
-- I didn't mean to offend anyone.
-- What I was trying to say was something completely different. 我要说的是完全不同的事
-- I probably shouldn't have done that.
3, 回应尴尬的局面
-- I was only trying to help, I didn't mean to upset them.
-- That not what I said, you misunderstand me.
-- I don't understand, I have no idea what you're taking about.
-- It was inappropriate of me. I apologize. 刚才多有冒犯,我道歉
4, 转移或结束话题
-- Come on .tell me
-- To be honest, that's a bit inappropriate. don't you think?
-- Really? I discuss this all the time with any friends.
-- Excuse me, I need to refill my drink.
3.5.4 Writing a letter of apology
1, I was way out of line. 我太过火了
-- I’m sorry about getting so personal. 对不起,我太针对个人了
-- We didn't plan on being so rude. 我们不是故意这么无礼的
-- I apologize for our misbehavior.
2, 道歉和回应道歉
-- I'm so sorry for criticizing you. I was way out of line.
-- Don't worry about it, It's not a problem.
-- I apologize for offending you, please forgive me.
-- I'm sorry, but an apology just isn't enough.
-- Please accept my apology. I hope you can forgive me.
-- Thanks for apologizing, you're forgiven.
-- You have my sincere apology. It won't happen again.
-- I accept your apology, we all make mistakes.
3, 写道歉信
-- I want to write you a letter to apologize.
-- I'm writing to apologize for the misunderstanding at the meeting.
-- I was way out of line accusing you of being dishonest.
-- We were all under a lot of pressure, but that's no excuse.
-- I can assure you that it won't happen again. please forgive me , I will not make the same mistake again.
-- I hope we can move beyond this . 我希望我们能不计前嫌
-- I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
-- Perhaps you can get me a drink to make up for it.
3.6 Hotels
3.6.1 Checking in to a hotel
1, any other incidentals. 任何其他杂费
the minibar 迷你吧
complimentary breakfast 免费早餐
a deluxe suit 豪华套房
2, The standard room comes with a queen-sized bed or two double beds.
-- The deluxe suite comes with a king-size bed.
-- With the executive suite, you get complimentary breakfast in the executive lounge. 行政豪华套房
-- With the classic room, you get free wi-fi.
-- Your deposite covers anything you eat or drink from the minibar.
-- Long distance phone calls and special movies are incidental charges.
3, 打折和升级
-- we're running a special offer right now.
-- Our deluxe suites are 30% off . 7折
-- Could you give me more information about the deluxe suite?
-- How much does it cost to upgrade?
-- So, what's the deposit for?
3.6.2 Resolving problems with a room
1, 技术问题
-- The remote control for the TV is broken.
-- The thermostat isn't working. It's really hot in my room.
-- The smoke detector went off at 3 a.m. 上午3点烟感器响了
-- My sheets are dirty, could you have someone from housekeeping come up?
-- I'll have someone go up now.
-- The remote for my TV isn't working, could you send someone from maintenance?
-- someone will be right up. 有人会马上上去
3, 与前台打交道的两个表达
-- Do you mind if I put you on hold? I need approveal from my supervisor.
-- No, I don't mind.
-- I'm sorry that you're had a disappointing time here. May I ask waht the problems were?
3.6.3 Getting help from the concierge
1, 间接请求
-- Is there anything in particular that you're interested in?
-- I was wondering if there's a city tour available. 我想知道是否有诚实游览活动
-- What I was thinking about was a jazz nightclub. 夜总会
-- I'd be happy to take care of all the arrangements. 我很高兴为你安排一切
2, I don't recommend the double-decker bus, which is crowded and nosiy. 双层巴士
3, Do I need tickets or anything?
-- I'm printing out your voucher for the cruise now. 我现在打印你的游船券
voucher / ˈvaʊtʃər / n.代金券,票券;收据,凭单;证人,保证人,证明者 v.证实……的可靠性
3.6.4 Writing a hotel review
1, Overall, it was a fantastic experience! The rooms were luxurious and spacious. The amenities were absolutely perfect.
amenity / əˈmenəti / n.方便条件,便利设施;舒适,惬意;礼仪
2, The location can't be beat! It's right in hte middle of the upscale shopping district. 位置是无以伦比的,在高端的购物间正中间。
3, I was pleasantly surprised hy the exceptional service we received. Everyone was pleasant and competent.
4, I really wasn't expecting the staff to be so unfriendly and incompetent. 我真没想到员工是如此的没礼貌和没能力。
3.6.5 Private course
vocabulary and pronuciation:
compliment / ˈkɑːmplɪmənt / n.赞扬,称赞;问候,祝贺v.赞美,恭维
complement / ˈkɑːmplɪment / v.补充,补足n.补足物,衬托物;足数,足额;补语;余角;补体,防御素
buffet / bəˈfeɪ / n.自助餐;快餐部 v.连续猛击,打击 adj.自助的;自助餐的
concierge / koʊnˈsjerʒ / n.门房;看门人
scenery / ˈsiːnəri / n.风景,景色;舞台布景
4 Level 13
4.1 Success
4.1.1 Commenting on something you've watched
1, To really get something happening. 真正开始做某事
the way I got here is failure. 我成功的方式是通过失败
I should have quit a lot sooner. 我应该早点退出
Real entrepreneures fail and fail. 真正的企业家失败再失败
2, I think you can learn from failure.
I didn't succeed in the beginning.
Success doesn't always come easily.
3, What was really interesting to me ... 真的让我感兴趣的是……
one of the things that's ... 事情之一是...
one of the most important things ...
one of the question is ...
4, What's really interesting to be is the role of failure.
one thing that was coll was that he wanted to pass on real-world experience. 很酷的事情是他想要将现实世界的经验传递下去
what surprised me was that he was willing to admit to being a failure.
one thing I admire about him is his honesty.
what I liked about his talk was the way he eas so positive about failure. 我喜欢他谈话的地方是他如此的积极低看待失败的方式。
5, what I liked about the training session was its variety.
one thing I didn't like was the slow pace of the talk.
4.1.2 Working out the meaning
- startup companies are entrepreneurial ventures. 新兴公司是创业型企业
Investors are generally attracted to startups with scalability. 投资者一般都被有扩展的初创公司所吸引
- 同义词和对比
Entrepreneurs, people who start and operate new companies, are critical to our economy.
Investors look for high return on investment because profits are what it’s all about. 投资者寻找投资回报率,因为利润是他们的全部关注点。
4.1.3 Writing more coherently
- collaborative 合作的
Performance is assessed. 评估绩效
Surpassed their targets 超过他们的目标
Voucher 优惠券
Substantial 大量的
Incentivized 用物质激励的
Buzzwords 流行词
2,激励员工的步骤:analyze, benchmark, reward
①A manager and employee should work in a collaborative ay to set goals. 经理和员工应该共同设立目标
Employees feel motivated when they’re involved in setting their own goals.
② The benchmark the employee is trying to reach should be realistic
It’s important that an employee’s performance is assessed after a period of time.
Ideally, an employee will have reached or even surpassed the benchmark.
③ Successful employees can be rewarded with vouchers.
A reward should be substantial enough to motivate employees.
It’s in a company’s best interests to have incentivized employees. 拥有受到激励的员工,对公司最为有利
3, coherent 连贯性
The analysis phase is crucial. The manager should sit down with each staff member to analyze the skills that they have and the ones they need.
Successful employees should be rewarded. Rewards could include cash or vouchers.
Incentivize your employees, there is nothing like a possible reward to motivate. A program like this will probably come from upper management.
Listening is key, if people feel that their manager is listening to them, they will be happier and more productive listen to your employees.
4.1.4 Making your point more effectively
1, proactive 主动的
Resilient 达观的
2,she is very resilient, she’s always able to bounce back from adversity. 她非常达观,总能从逆境中恢复过来。
There’re very proactive. They try to anticipate problems before they happen. 他们行事主动,努力未雨绸缪
No matter what happens, he never gives up. He’s very persistent.
She’s incredibly passionate about her work. 她非常热爱她的工作。
3, Creativity is very important, but so are practical business skills. 创造力非常重要,但使用的商务技能同样重要。
4, 争取思考的时间
Can you say that again?
Can you be more specific?
What exactly do you mean by effective management?
I need a second to think about that.
That’s a good question, let me think for a minute.
That’s not a question I can answer right now. Can I get back to you?
I’d need to give that some thought before answering. 回答前我要想一想
Well, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly. 这很难准确查明
5, A good manager needs passion, if managers aren’t excited about what they’re doing, how can we expect the employees to be?
4.2 Art and creativity
4.2.1 Describing visual art you like
1, graphic design. 平面设计
Graphic design is an important part of any advertisement.
Ceramics / səˈræmɪks / n.制瓷艺术,陶艺;陶器,陶瓷制品
2, A drawing is usually done with pen, pencil or charcoal.
A sculpture is often made of stone or metal.
Ceramics can be pottery made of hardened clay. 陶瓷可以是由硬化的粘土制成的陶器。
Graphic design communicates an idea using words and images.
Design for products to be mass-produced is called industrial design. 为可大量生产的产品做的设计称为工业设计。
Every period of history in every culture has a distinct architecture. 每个文化中的每一段历史都有一种独特的建筑。
3, 批判艺术的策略 ① description ②analysis ③interpretation 解释 ④judgement 评判 DAIJ
① 陈述事实而不是意见
it’s popularly know as ‘The Scream’ and was painted by Edward.
The bold streaks of yellow stand out against the deep blue background. 大胆的黄色条纹在深蓝色的背景下非常跳跃
The lines of the sky are a sharp contrast to the straight lines of the bridge. 天空的线条与桥梁的直线形成鲜明的对比。
② 分析,说客观元素,如线条颜色如何组织
③ Interpret: 解释艺术时,陈述你认为这个艺术家想表达什么
The major themes are loneliness and isolation.
He’s conveying chaos and emotional intensity. 她在表达混乱和情绪的紧张
The painting evokes a sense of panic.
④ 评判: 对作品成败的意见
It gives me a feeling of this man’s terror, but also his loneliness.
I think it works because the artist has evoked such an emotional response. 我认为这个作品时成功的,因为艺术家已经唤起了如期强的情绪反应。
4.2.2 Reading for enjoyment
1, 用以下表达来讨论你读过的书
① What drew me in were the character’s inner thoughts. 吸引我的是人物内心的想法。
② I was expecting on easy read, but the book was hard. 我本以为书很容易读的,但书很难
③ I had thought it would be uplifting, but it was depressing.
④ I can relate to the story because of my grandparents. 由于我祖父母的缘故,我能理解这个故事
2, 书给你留下的映像:surprised, intrigued, horrid, bored with, amazed by and fascinated.
I was fascinated by how the author used imagery. 我被作者对形象的描述性语言的使用所迷住。
4.2.3 Writing descriptively
1, 阅读描述性文字
The old man was thin and wiry, he spoke wearily: ’so, what’s up?’. 老人消瘦而结实,他疲惫地说:什么事
The street was dark and foggy, and the streetlights had only a dim glow. 街道昏暗而又雾气昭昭,路灯照射出幽暗的光芒
2, 代词可代一切
She took the ceramic piece from the bookshelf and dusted it.
她从书架上把陶瓷片取了下来,并给它擦了灰尘。1, 阅读描述性文字
The old man was thin and wiry, he spoke wearily: ’so, what’s up?’. 老人消瘦而结实,他疲惫地说:什么事
The street was dark and foggy, and the streetlights had only a dim glow. 街道昏暗而又雾气昭昭,路灯照射出幽暗的光芒
2, 代词可代一切
She took the ceramic piece from the bookshelf and dusted it.
4.2.4 Solving problems creatively
- visualize idea 将想法可视化
Mind map 思维导图
Fresh perspective. 新鲜的视角
A comfort zone 舒适区
Central concept 中心概念
2, 提出解决办法
① How about a stand-up meeting?
② If you ask me, I think we ought to postpone it.
③ The obvious solution is to cancel the order.
① What I would suggest would be to run a trail. 我所建议的是试验以下
② Another option would be to best difficult styles.
③ What do you think of using cafeteria?
① I tend to agree with his suggestion.
② That’s a good idea, but what about budget?
③ I’m not sure that would work. Perhaps we could change the day.
3, Brainstorming
① We need to find a way to inspire more creativity in our staff.
② How about having an arts and craft session every week.
4.3 Contributing to society
4.3.1 Discussing needs in your community
1, vandalism / ˈvændəlɪzəm / n.故意破坏(或损坏)财产的行为;(对好事物的)糟蹋
Graffiti / ɡrəˈfiːti / n.(公共场所墙上等处的)涂鸦,胡写乱画(graffito 的复数形式)
the local economy has been revitalized since the recession.
Combat / ˈkɑːmbæt / n.战斗,搏斗;争论,反对v.与……作斗争;防止,减轻adj.战斗的;为……斗争的
Local police are putting in a lot of effort to combat crime.
Dilapidated / dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtɪd / adj.荒废的,破旧的,要塌似的;受破坏的v.使荒废(dilapidate 的过去式和过去分词)
A few of the buildings downtown are in a dilapidated condition.
2, 对话时,倾听和尊重他人是很重要的
That does certainly seem to be the case. 那看上去确实是这样的
That’s valid point you brought up. 你提出了一个合理的论点
I’d definitely say so. 我会肯定地说是这样的
You hit the nail on the head there. (非正式)你说的一针见血
I’m in complete agreement with you about that. 我完全同意你的意见
3, 在别人论点上扩展自己的观点
I’d like to add that people will feel the area is neglected. 我想补充的是:人们会觉得这个地区被忽略了
And on top of that, we might want to start a neighborhood watch. 除此之外,我们可能要开始邻里守望
To take that one step further, we should inform everyone about the neighborhood watch. 进一步说,我们应该通知每一个人关于邻里守望的事
We have to make sure the local residents know what to watch for in the neighborhood. 我们必须确保当地居民知道该在社区力留意些什么。
For me, it’s also about deciding what actions to take.
4, -- we’ll need to work closely with the police to combat street violence.
And if I could build on that it’s also critical to involve other city organizations.如果我能加一句的话……
4.3.2 Talking about humanitarian efforts
1, Literate 识字的à illiterate文盲的
Probable 可能的 à improbable 不可能的
Nourished 营养良好的 à undernourished 营养不良的
Populated 人口密集的 à overpopulated 人口过多的
2, in the region of 给出一个大致的范围
As many as 大量的, 强调的事粗略数字
The population of homeless people was in the region of 0.6 million to 0.7 million in 2013.
Figures suggest that as many as a hundred million people worldwide are homeless.
That’s something like 800 million people suffering from insufficient food.
It was found that approximately 750 million adults in the world were illiterate.
3, 抽离:用谨慎的语言来保护你的观点,避免听起来太绝对。Estimate, judge, guess
① The World Food Organization estimate that more than 10 percent of the starving people it helps live in urban areas. 世界粮食组织估计,它帮助的超过10%的饥民生活在城市地区
② If I remember correctly, it was over 1 million people.
③ It seems that they occur in every single country all over the world. 看起来他们在世界各地的每一个国家发生
④ It appears that this doesn’t happen only in disadvantaged areas.
4, 引用你引入的信息来源,你会听上去更客观和可信
I was listening to this podcast the other day that said volunteer holidays have become very popular.
I was watching a documentary on wildlife last night, and it said some national parks are short of funding.
① 用report, say, state
The UN reported problems with hunger. 联合国
Was it that website charitable international that said individuals account for the majority of donations.?
4.3.3 Talking about making an impact
1, 吸引听众的技巧:比喻或者暗喻
You have a wonderful opportunity to weave doing good into your culture. 你有一个极好的机会来编制善行到你的文化中。
His plan totally backfired. 他的计划完全失败了。
2, To succeed spectacularly, you need to be willing to fail spectacularly. 要巨大地成功,你需要愿意巨大地去失败。
3, 将常见词替换为更强的单词或词组来添加强调
① People are basically good, and if you give them the right tools, they will prove that to you every single day. 人们基本上都是好的,如果你给他们正确的工具,他们每一天都会向你证明这一点
② We want nothing but the best for our customers. 我们希望把最好的给我们的客户
③ I’m more than willing to transform the company into one that benefits not only the stakeholder but also the general public. 我非常愿意将公司转变为一个不仅惠及到利益相关者,而且有益于公众的公司。
4, 软化口气,使他人容易接受,
①用 I / we, 而不是 you
I‘d actually look into micro-giving. 其实我会看一下微付出
We both know that a simple act of kindness can make a big difference.
Have you considered volunteering with local nonprofits?
Right, what if you find a program you’re interested in and ask them?
④ 改变句子语调,使它成为一个问题
Maybe you could try going on a volunteer holiday?
Every bit counts. 每一点都有用
You never know. 你永远不知道
4.3.4 Writing to argue or persuade
1, csr : corporate social responsibility
We should conform to social expectations. 我们应该顺应社会的期望。
All companies have moral responsibilities. 所有公司都有道义上的责任
CSR is just a publicity stunt for shareholders. 创业社会责任是股东们宣传的一种噱头。
It’s just a marketing device. 这只是一种营销手段。
It’s an attempt to manipulate public perceptions. 这是操作公众看法的一种尝试。
Companies want to maintain a positive public image.
The company is recognized for ensuring fair2 benefits for its stuff. 公司被认为是确保其员工合理利益的。
Better benefits lead to less turnover and higher productivity.
Companies have an obligation to operate sustainably. 公司有可持续经营的义务
2, 文章
① opening 陈述主题,立场
② The expansion 展开,细节
③ The concession 让步
④ The refutation. 反驳
⑤ The summary
3, critics may argue it’s too expensive for a company to give back to the public, however………..
Some people believe that CSR is too expensive. On the other hand, …
One common argument against CSR is that it’s too time consuming, I don’t agree …
Although CSR may take away some time from employee’s work responsibilities, it’s also evident that it gives employees a sense of satisfaction.
4.3.4 Private course
- Me : relationship with each others.
- relationship with each other.
Me : the other people were eat by other people.
Humans will eat other humans
Me: another information can related to ..
Another information that relates to …
4.4 Arguing your point
4.4.1 Saying what you think is important
1, sustainable 可持续发展的
Biodegrade 生物降解
Disposable adj.一次性的,用完即丢弃的;可支配的,可自由使用的;(人,观点)可有可无的,可轻易放弃的 n.一次性用品
2, 讨论带有情感的问题
① I sacrifice other things to buy green products.
② I make a conscious choice to support renewable energy. 我做了一个有意识的选择来支持可再生能源
③ I got the extra mile to use biodegradable detergents. 我做出额外的努力来使用可生物降解的清洁剂
① I want go out of my way to buy green products. 我不会特意去……
② I’m not that into the idea of recycling. 我不喜欢回收的想法
③ I can take it or leave it. 我用不用都可以
④ I’ve got more important things to think about than natural resources. 我有比自然资源更重要的事情要考虑。
3, 显示你信任或不信任某事
① I take their word for it that their products are effective. 我相信他们的产品是有效的
② I’ve got no reason to doubt that this detergent is biodegradable.
③ It’s beyond question that recycling helps the environment
① I have serious reservations about that packaging. 我对那个包装有严重的保留意见
② I don’t buy into recycling class. 我不支持回收玻璃
③ Nongreen products put me off. 非绿色产品让我反感
④ It’s hard to believe they lied about their products.
4, 话题转移表达方式 I mean, ok, well, yeah 来开始句子
① Ok, well, I try to buy only green products.
② Let me see, you know, um, like 等填充词来表示犹豫或需要时间思考
I sometimes question, you know, whether the bottle water is, um , natural.
5, 通用的参考,用很笼统的方式
① I trust companies that say they’re using such and such a percentage of recycle plastic.
② I’ll go to the store to buy paper towel and whatever, and try to get green product.
4.4.2 Discussing the limitations of a proposal
1, hydropower / ˈhaɪdroʊˌpaʊər / n.水力发出的电力;水力发电
2, 谈论可能性 if + have done / will+v / going to +v / be+v-ing if 可在后面
① if the government switches from coal to natural gas, I’ll be happy
② I’m going to move if they build ugly wind towers in the hills.
③ If the city council has already decided, I’ll be angry.
3, 说明情况 unless = if not
① Wind towers are okay, provided that they’re down in the valley. 前提是……
② Wind towers could reduce our property value, depending on where they are.
③ Wind towers are fine unless I have to see them when I leave my house. 只要在我离家时不要让我看见他们。
4, 说明情况不能改变
① Even supposing they put them in the valley, it won’t work. 即使假定……
② There will still be pollution even if we switch to natural gas.
③ No matter what we do with the towers, birds will die.
① Renewable means that a resource or source of energy can be used without destroying it.
② If people start chopping down trees for wood, the forest may become unsustainable.
③ So it’s a renewable source that can help us build a sustainable ecosystem, a planet that works.
4.4.3 Arguing over a complex issue
1, 生物多样性与保护
① conservation helps promote biodiversity. 环境保护有利于保护生物多样性
② There are nearly 17,000 endangered species. 濒危物种
③ Endangered species are going extinct faster than ever.
2, 表达初始的论点
① The most valuable thing about conservation is the preservation of biodiversity.
② Think about it, if insects die out, humans would disappear, too.
③ Like it or not, everything is connected. 喜欢与否,一切都是相关的
① In fact, small changes can have big effects.
② We have a lot of problems, like poverty, not to mention crime. 更不要说……
③ We should also consider the expense of conservation.
4, 吸引听众的策略
① 反问句 rhetorical questions
what if all the insects died out?
② 个性化 personalization
I know that you hate insects, but we really need them.
③ 假设语句rhetorical statements
if there were no insects, humans would die.
5, 不同的观点
① Let me play devil’s advocate, if we were all vegans, biodiversity would improve. 让我来唱反调……
② Let’s say, just for argument’s sake, we increased spending on conservation. 比方说,只是为了争论的缘故,我们增加了保护的开支
③ You could argue that biodiversity is not that important. 你可以说……
④ Anther way to look at it is, that we need elephants and pandas. 看它的另一种方法是……
⑤ Let’s look at this from another angle, what do tigers do for me?
4.4.4 Making a persuasive speech
1, climate change 气候变化
Population explosion 人口爆炸
Natural habitat 自然栖息地
Human-wildlife conflict 人类和野生动物的矛盾
2, 问候和开场
① good evening, everyone, thank you for coming tonight, my name …
② I’m here tonight to talk about the city’s plan to build new housing on the west side.
3, 你的关键点
① My key point is that the city wants to build the housing in the terrible area.
② Let’s cut to the chase, this housing would be built in the wrong place. 让我们直奔主题……
① The new housing would destroy five hectares of forest.
② I’d like to propose an alternative, we can still have new housing, but not in the west.
③ I have a viable alternative, the city’s east side is full of deserted buildings, let’s build there.
5, 结束
① Let me conclude by asking you all to call the mayor to stop the wet-side housing.
② I urge you all tell the mayor that the new housing belongs in the east. 我强烈请求你们……
6,向一个句子添加评论, 用修饰副词
① Unfortunately, the government has refused our request.
② To my great surprise, dam project was cancelled.
4.5 Dealing with news
4.5.1 Responding to news about others
1, 回应消息
① knowing you, I’m not surprised at all.
② Well, it has been in the cards. 这是预料中的事
③ I could see this coming a mile off. 我早就看出这会发生
④ I came as a surprise to us all. 这出乎我们所有人的预料
⑤ I, for one, certainly wasn’t expecting this. 就我个人来说,肯定没想到这一点
⑥ This is all a bit out of the blue. 这有点出乎意料
① I know exactly how that feels. 我完全知道那种感觉
② I’ve been there before. 我之前有经历过
③ I understand what you’re going through. 我明白你在经历的事情
① I don’t know what I’d do if I were you in your shoes. 我不知道如果我是你会怎么样
② I can’t imagine how you must feel.
③ I can’t even begin to understand what you’re going through. 我甚至不能开始了解你正在经历的事
① I don’t know what to say.
② I’m so sorry to hear that.
4.5.2 Discussing the effects of events on business
1, reduce taxes on income. 降低所得税
Introduce a minimum wage. 实行最低工资标准
Lower interest rates 降低利率
Cut business tax rates 削减企业税率
2,it might lead to companies adjusting their profit forecasts.
The executives may be forced to make a round of cuts to headcount. 高管们可能会被迫进行一系列裁员
They might have to put a cap on salary increases. 他们可能不得不把工资涨幅设上限
Companies sometimes freeze their project pipelines.
3, 表述负面事件,人们的反应
① they’re taking it pretty well. 他们对它接受得很好
② She’s surprisingly upbeat about it. 惊人的乐观
③ He’s not taking it too well.
④ It’s not going down too well over there. 那边进行的不太好
⑤ It has cut pretty deep. 这伤的很深
⑥ It’s hit the company pretty hard, to be honest. 对公司的打击相当大
⑦ They got away with it, really. 他们避开了,真的
① it’s all a bit up in the air. 这一切都悬而未决
② At the moment, it’s anybody’s guess. 现在,谁说的也不准
③ Your guess is as good as mine. 我也不知道
④ It’s going to be a bit of a waiting game. 这将会是有点伺机而动的情况
⑤ It’s too early to tell. 现在说为时过早
4.5.3 Discussing unexpected news
① Our pension fund contains very few risky investments. 养老金
② My retirement plan contains mainly conservative investments.
③ Timing is everything in a volatile market. 波动的市场
④ I wish it were a more stable market.
2, 添加免责声明来避免冲突
① It could be me, but I don’t think that’s the best idea right now.
② Well, I could be wrong, but the markets are just too volatile.
③ I don’t know how others see it, but this could be just a small loss. 我不知道别人如何看这事……
④ Generally, you’ll find volatile markets during a slowdown.
⑤ It seems to me that a retirement plan is the way to go.
⑥ You’re right about the market, to an extent.
3, 软化分歧以避免冲突
① I hear you, but I’m not going, ok?
② I see where you’re coming form, but I’m just not interested. 我明白你为什么这样说,……
③ I get your point, but I’m going to invest anyway.
4, 如果你听到别人强烈反对你的看法,可以通过提醒一个重要的事实或论点来回复。
① I hear you, but I can’t ignore the fact that I’ve got too much stuff.
② Well, the way I see it, you just need to wait.
③ Oh, it looked like a good prospect for me at least.
④ All I’m saying is take a closer look at this investment.
⑤ I see, the only thing is, the price has been rising for the last year.
4.5.4 Writing informational emails
1, 清晰的写作,去除多余的表达
① reflect back on what you write,
à reflect on what you write. 回顾一下你写的东西
② Let me know whether or not you’ll attend.
à Let me know whether you’ll attend.
③ We’ve hired a team of knowledgeable expert.
à We’ve hired a team of experts.
2, 用主动动词来代替名词写作,不要过度用be
① the software is for complete protection against viruses.
à the software completely protects against viruses
② 尽可能避免被动语态
The issue was analyzed by Canary Consult.
à Canary Consult analyzed the issue. 金丝雀咨询公司分析过这个问题
I don’t think it’s a long-term fix. I mean, I doubt we’re going to be able to solve the problem with only this approach.
4.6 Trade
4.6.1 Understanding a writer's attitude
1, 正面和负面的关联
① there has been an understandable rise in mobile payments.
② The idea of cashless societies has been gaining momentum. 无现金社会的想法已经快速增长。 Momentum / moʊˈmentəm / n.冲力,推力;动力,势头;动量,冲量
③ Some people say the idea of a completely cashless society is still far-fetched. 有些人一个完全无现金的社会的想法仍是牵强的
④ This trend is symptomatic of a loss of our freedoms. 这种趋势是我们自由丧失的征兆
⑤ Cashless payments have brought about significant losses in privacy. 非现金支付带来了显著的隐私丢失。
Surprisingly, many consumers are not concerned about a loss of privacy.
4.6.2 Identifying opinions in a discussion
1, 指代某人说或写的方法
① did you hear what he said about the economy?
② I read an excellent article in World Economy. The article said …
2, 在所指的内容开始或结尾给出自己的观点
① what he said about the economy made a lot of sense to me.
② I don’t see how he can claim that a pipeline is the magic solution. 我看不出它如何能说出计划是神奇的解决方案。
③ I actually found what he said to be quite persuasive.
④ I’m having a hard time believing what he said about the environment.
3, he made promises on the environment, however, he seems to have forgotten all about that.
4.6.3 Debating free trade
1, tariffs 关税
2, 非正式或正式标记时
What I mean is, we don’t know how it will end. Informal.
To clarify, we just don’t know what the outcome will be. Formal.
3, 对比或提醒
You have to remember it would be expensive. Informal.
It’s also worth nothing it would be more costly. Formal
4, 介绍备选方案
① Instead of protecting dying industries, why don’t we try to become more competitive.
② Rather than protecting dying industries, why … 与其保护濒临死亡的行业,为什么我们不尝试变得更有竞争力。
5, 描述因果关系 so à therefore / thus
The two countries have different levels of tariffs, so it’s not a level playing field.
The two countries have different levels of tariffs, therefore, it’s not a level playing field. 两国的关税水平不同,所以它不是一个公平的竞争环境。
① It’s hard to believe that they would risk a trade war.
② They have got to protect domestic industries.
③ We believe the trade situation will deteriorate significantly. 我们认为,贸易形势将会显著恶化。
4.6.4 Writing to inform
① the global economy has a number of regional trade agreements.
② Customs duties were reduced in an effort to facilitate trade. 关税减少试图以促进贸易
③ Increasingly, there is freedom of movement of foods and services around the world. 逐渐地,世界各地出现了商品和服务的流通自由。
① To be more specific, you would have seen a different currency in every country.
② What this meant was, doing business become much easier. 这意味着,做生意变得更容易了。
③ To elaborate, regional trade agreements have become more the norm than exception. 更为详尽地说,区域贸易协定已经更多地成为常态,而不是例外。
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