EF oral study notes 01 -- level 10~11

1Level 10

1.1 Meetings

1.1.1 Opening a meeting

1,accurate 准确的
figuring out 想出,弄明白
challenge 艰巨的任务,难题

executives 执行总监

resigned 辞职
aware 意识到的
merger 合并
agenda 议事日程

2, 会议中用到的名词、动词和形容词以下是一些商务会议中可以用到的名词:

There are five items on today’s agenda .今天的日程有五项。

The merger of our two companies is still going ahead.


The final decision will be made by the CEO.

CEO 会做出最终决定。

The CFO is responsible for reporting all company income.

CFO 负责汇报公司营收。

John is our new marketing executive. John 是我们的新任销售主管。

Our biggest challenge is to increase our market share.



We have to figure out a solution to this problem.


Their CEO resigned last week .他们的 CEO 上周辞职了。

They just fired their marketing executive .他们刚把销售主管辞了。


The figures in the report were not accurate.


I was not aware how serious the situation was.


3, The first item on the agenda is …会议议程第一项是………

The five of us are here because …我们五个人来到这里,是因为….

The purpose of this meeting is to.…


Do you all have the agenda?


Let’s get started .我们开始吧。

4, 开始会议


OK, everyone. If I could have your attention, please. Let’s get started.


Does everyone have an agenda? As you can see, we have three items to discuss today.


Thank you all for coming today. I know how busy you all are.



The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss the CFO’s resignation and her replacement.

今天会议的目的是讨论 CFO 的离职和下一任人选问题。

We are here because a competitor has proposed a merger with our company.



The first item on the agenda is a company update from the CEO.

日程第一项是由 CEO 发布公司最新动态。

OK. Let’s begin with item number one, the company update.


5, 问题陈述


The primary problem is a difference in management style.


The main problem is that we are receiving complaints about our service.


The biggest challenge we face is growing competition.




The biggest problem is their CFO .最大的问题是他们的 CFO 。

Could you be more specific?



For instance, they don’t return our phone calls.


The best example I can give is our decreasing market share.


6, OK, everyone. If I could have your attention, please. Let’s get started.


Does everyone have an agenda? As you can see, we have three items to discuss today.


The first item on the agenda is a company update from the CEO.

日程第一项是由 CEO 发布公司最新动态。

The main problem is that we are receiving complaints about our service.


The biggest challenge we face is growing competition.


1.1.2 Discus sing proposals in a meeting

1, 名词和动词

每学一个新单词务必注意它的各类词性。有时名词和动词是同一个词;有时动词加上后缀,比如﹣ al 或﹣ ion ,就变成了名词。看一下不同的词汇。


start - start

budget - budget

promise - promise

evaluate - evaluation

negotiate - negotiation

resign - resignation

solve - solution

propose – proposal

2, 以下是提出和讨论议案可以用到的词汇:

How could we take the idea one step further?

我们怎么可以让这个问题的讨论更进一步? What do you think about team building?

Would that solve the problem?


We need to do something to improve employee morale.


3, 提议



One way to solve the problem might be to increase the training budget.


At least let’s talk about increasing the training budget.


How difficult would it be to increase the training budget?



l ' d like to propose that we increase the training budget.


I propose that we increase the training budget.


Let’s take that one step further and increase the training budget.


4, making proposals 提议

One way to solve the problem might be to increase the training budget.


How difficult would it be to increase the training budget?


I‘d like to propose that we increase the training budget.


I propose that we increase the training budget.


If we shorten the meetings, people will be happy.


I agree with you.


We‘re on the same page .


I really like that idea.


I think those are excellent ideas.


I’m not with you on that.


I really disagree with you .我真的不同意你。

I think that’s a terrible idea. We don’t want to punish them.


1.1.3 Concluding a meeting

1, 任务和问题


Who will be in charge while you’re gone?


Please keep me informed about this.关于这件事请随时通知我。

I hope we can work together smoothly.我希望我们能一起顺利工作。

We need to come up with a plan .我们需要想出一个计划。

I want you to be involved in this discussion.


I will follow up on this tomorrow .我明天会跟进这件事。


We need better coordination between our departments.


I’ve heard several rumors about the merger.


There are several important tasks.


2, rumors 谣言

follow up on跟进

keep me informed 让我了解情况

involve 涉及

be in charge 负责

smoothly 平稳地,流畅地

coordination 协作

coming up with 提出

3, Managing discussions 管理讨论



The next point of discussion is the hiring freeze.


The next item on the agenda is an update from our CFO.

日程下一项是来自 CFO 的最新信息。 Moving on , let‘s discuss the plan to expand overseas.


Oh, and one more thing: We need to discuss a change in employee insurance.




Now, as I was saying, our competitive situation in Europe has changed.


Hold on. We‘re getting of topic . Let’s keep to the agenda.


Getting back to my point, I think a merger is not an option.




Now, where was I? Oh, yes - the sales figures for last quarter.


Let me see. What’s next?


Umm, let me think. We have one more issue to resolve.



如果要结束会议,通常先会预示会议即将结束,然后再讨论接下来每个人需要完成的任务,也就是 next steps 。最后主持会议的人感谢所有人的到场。


OK, I know we’re all busy, so let’s conclude this meeting quickly.


I think that’s about it. Let’s wrap things up .我认为差不多了。来做个总结吧。

Unless anyone has anything else, I think we’re ready to talk about next steps.


用这些表达来谈论未来计划。表达未来自愿做某事时,人们会使用 will。

I’lI follow up on finding a better location for the office.


Moving forward, we will need to learn more about our competition.


As a next step, let’s all think about ways to improve communication.



I just want to say again that this discussion is confidential.


Nothing we’ve discussed here leaves this room.



OK, that’s it for now. Thank you all for coming.


This has been a very productive meeting. I appreciate all of you being here.


5, ending a meeting 结束会议

Hold on. We’re getting off topic. Let’s keep to the agenda.


Now, as I was saying, our competitive situation in Europe has changed.


Oh, and one more thing. We need to discuss a change in employee insurance.


Let me see. What’s next?


Umm, let me think. We have one more issue to resolve.


I think that’s about it. Let’s wrap things up.


This has been a very productive meeting. I appreciate all of you being here.

这次会议非常有成效。感谢各位的参加。 I just want to say again that this discussion is confidential.


OK, that’s it for now. Thank you all for coming.


1.1.4 Summarizing a meeting

1, issues and decisions 问题和决定




regret - regret

regret - regret

doubt - doubt

doubt - doubt

pressure - pressure

pressure - pressure

replace - replacement

replace - replacement

integrate - integration

integrate - integration

congratulate - congratulations

congratulate – congratulations


Do you regret turning down the job? 拒绝这份工作你后悔吗?

Yes , I do have some doubts.是的,我犹豫过。

I’m under a lot of pressure because of the integration of our companies.


I’m afraid that if I don’t do my job well, they’ll replace me.



Congratulations on your promotion! 恭喜你升职!

No need to congratulate me. It just means more work.


3, 轻点物品来听他们。

a mess 一团糟

I turned it down. 我拒绝了它。

That makes sense. 那很有道理。

chief operating officer 首席运营官

replace 替代

integrate 合并

board of directors 董事会

4, summarizing and decisions 总结决定


We decided to hire a replacement quickly .我们决定了迅速招一位替换人员。

The board decided not to go forward with the merger.


The COO approved the new proposal.



It’s a reasonable decision.这是一个合理的决定。

It’s a smart move. 这是一个明智之举。

We haven’t reached a decision yet. 我们还没有作出决定。

No decision has been made. 没有作出决定。

5, Noun clauses 名词性从句

名词性从句在句子中做名词用。用动词+ that +名词性从句来写会议总结非常有效。注意, that 可用可不用。

She proposed that the board of directors replace the CFO.

她提议由董事会取代 CFO 。

He decided the merger didn’t make sense .他认为并购不合理。

We all agreed that it was a reasonable move. 我们都觉得这是一个合理的变动。

I suggested we move quickly .我建议快点行动。

注意一些动词再表达紧急性或者重要性时后面跟有名词从句,其中动词用原形。这叫做 the subjunctive 。

The CEO insisted that we be on time. CEO 强调我们必须准时。

I suggested that he take the job .我建议他接受这份工作。

6, Meeting decisions 会议决定

We decided to hire a replacement quickly. 我们决定了迅速招一位替换人员。

The board decided not to go forward with the merger. 董事会决定不再继续合并。

The COO approved the new proposal. 首席运营官批准了新的提案。

We haven’t reached a decision yet. 我们还没有作出决定。

No decision has been made.没有作出决定。

He decided the merger didn’t make sense. 他认为并购不合理。

We al agreed that it was a reasonable move.


I suggested we move quickly. 我建议快点行动。

1.2 Dealing with change

1.2.1 Putting change in perspective

1.My brother has a very traditional view of women. 我的兄弟对女人的看法很传统

2.Most women want more gender equality in the workplace.

3.Women want to be treated equally both at home and at work.

4.Too old-fashioned. 太古板了

5.I hear you. 我听到你了

6.Let’s look at the bigger picture. Getting married is a big change. 让我们从更广的角度想,结婚是个很大的改变。

7.Life is full of surprises, isn’t it?

8.Change is inevitable, you know.

1.2.2 Speculating about change

1.Phase in new systems. 递进式引进新系统

2.Review and revise our policies. 回顾和修正我们的政策.

3.Restructure our teams. 重组我们的团队。

4.Revamp our products. 翻新我们的产品。

5.I wonder what they are planning. 我想知道他们在计划什么。

6.What if they’re bringing in new people? 要是他们招募新人会怎么样?

7.I imagine they are going to introduce new hardware. 我猜他们将引进新硬件。

1.2.3 Responding to proposed changes

1.Recreation room. 休闲室

2.What a terrible idea! 多可怕的想法

3.Staff shower would go over really well with everyone. 员工淋浴区会受到每个人的欢迎。

4.That’ll never work. 那根本行不同

5.I don’t think a new daycare center will fly. 我认为新的日托中心行不通。

1.2.4 Adapting to change

1.Speaking in my second language pushes me outside my comfort zone. 用第二语言谈话让我觉得不自在。

2.I’m trying to stay positive about my new manager. 我对我们新经理试图保持正面的看法。

3.How do you feel about moving?

Well, I’m stressed out about it, but that’s to be expected. 嗯,我感到有压力,但也是在意料之中的

4.I never thought the company might go out of business. 我从来没想到公司会倒闭。

1.3 Finance

1.3.1 Giving a friend financial advice

1.what’s the problem?

My finances are a mess! My rent is killing me. 我的财务一团糟,我的房租太高了。

What are your big expense? 你有什么大的开支?

My car payment, rent and my student loan.

How much do you have in saving? 你的存款有多少?

Almost nothing.

1.3.2 Talking about the cost of living

1.My train pass is $50 a month. 我的火车通票是每月50美元

2.My utility bill is usually around 200 per month. 我的水电费账单通常200元每月。

3.What specifically do you want to know? 具体你想知道什么?
well, how expensive is housing?

4.How much do people generally pay for housing? 人们通常花多少钱在住房上?
well, houses are reasonably priced. You can get a two-bedroom house for around $100000.

5.Housing prices have been dropping dramatically.

6.The city’s population has decreased rapidly.

7.Utility costs increase significantly in the winter. 冬天水电费显著增加。

8.Retro 复古的
collaborate 精心制作的
minimalist 简约的

9.It is spacious and suitable for young people.

1.3.3 Writing a budget proposal

1.We have to make some hard choices.

2.One alternative is to use attrition. We just don’t replace workers who leave. 一个选择是使用损耗,员工离开后我们不会再招人填补

3.Another possibility is to offer older workers a large retirement bonus. 另一个可能性是给老员工一大笔退休奖金。

4.We may have to consider more drastic options. 我们可能不得不考虑更极端的选择

5.Our proposal is meant to deal with the crisis on a long-term basis. 我们的提案是为了从长远上应对这个危机。

6.Two years from now, the company would be profitable. 从现在起两年后,公司将开始盈利

7.We strongly recommend that the company lay off additional workers only as a last resort. 我们强烈建议公司只有在万不得已的情况下才解雇多余的员工。

8.One option is to lay off workers with low seniority. 一个选择是解雇工龄短的工人。
seniority n 年长,职位高,资历,年资

1.3.4 Discussing compensation

1.I have some concerns about the salary.
ok, well, I’m open to discussing any part of the compensation package. 我愿意讨论薪酬包的任何部分。

2.My big concern is that the proposed salary is far below my current salary. 我最大的担心是所提议的工资远低于我当前的工资

3.In addition to salary, the company will also contribute 500 a month to your retirement plan.
oh, that wasn’t in the offer letter.

4.I really want to work here. I just don’t want to take a cut in pay. 我只是不想降低工资

5.I can’t make any promises. I will see what I can do. It may take a couple of days to get a decision. 我不能做出任何承诺,我要看看我能做什么,这可能需要几天的时间来做出决定。

1.4 Effective presentations

1.4.1 Planning a presentation

1.Please hold all of your questions until the end of the presentation. 请各位在演示结束后再行提问。

2.I’d like to draw your attention to this line graph. 我想请你们注意这条折线图。

1.4.2 Opening a presentation

1.Now, I’d like to move on to my final point. 现在,我想转到我的最后一点。

2.Let’s begin with the company update.

1.4.3 Presenting information

1.Next steps for us all are to come up with ideas for improving moral. Email them to me. 我们所有人下一步要做的事情是想出提高士气的主意,把他们用有邮件发给我。

2.I’ll take questions now. 我现在来回答问题。

1.4.4 Closing a presentation

1.If you think of other questions, just send me an email. 如果你想到其他问题,尽管给我发邮件。

2.Prepare one outline for your presentation to draw attention
opening, say greetings and welcome
presenting: information
closing a presentation: to summarize/got conclusion/next steps/say thank you/Q&A

greeting your audience:
thanks for coming, I know you are anxious to ………..
I’ll tell you what I can today.
explaining the agenda:
I’ll start by …….. then I’ll talk about ………… I’ll finish by talking about ……….
please hold all of your questions until the end.

1.5 Solving problems

1.5.1 Analyzing a problem

1.We’ve had a setback in our efforts to cut costs. 我们再努力削减成本上遇到的挫折。

2.Our predicament is the loss of 1 million dollars. What happened to it. 我们的困境是损失100万美元,这是怎么回事?

3.One cause of the rent increase is intense demand for office space. 租金增加的原因是对写字楼强烈的需求。

4.A major effect of price increase has been to drive out small business. 价格上涨的一个主要影响是小企业出局。

5.A lack of profits has resulted in heavy layoffs. 缺乏利润造成极大的裁员。

1.5.2 Finding a solution to a problem

1.We need a list of possible solutions. We can evaluate them later. 我需要一个可能的解决方案列表,我们可以回头去评估他们。

2.Be creative. Think outside the box. 要有创意,创造性的思考

3.No idea is a bad idea. 没主意是个坏主意

4.We have to generate a solid list of ideas, no analysis yet. 我们一定要产生出一个坚定的想法列表,先不用分析。

5.Plus ~ minus benefit ~ drawback pro ~ con
好处 坏处 益处 缺点 优点 缺点

1.5.3 Dealing with an employee's problem

1.I wanted to check in with you and find out what’s going on. 我想和你聊聊并看看怎么回事

2.To a certain extend. I’m sympathetic. 在一定程度上,我很同情

3.So, this is a warning that we need to see some change. 因此,这是一个警告,我们需要看到一些变化。

4.I’ll be checking in with your team to see if there has been any improvement. 我会与你的团队核查看看是否有任何改善

1.5.4 Responding to a competitor's challenge

1.Ok, we are here to discuss our market and competition. 我们在这里讨论我们的市场和竞争

2.We only have 30 minutes, so we should get going. I’ll take notes. 我们只有30分钟,所以我们应该开始,我来做笔记。

3.Analyzing a problem
finding a solution to a problem.
dealing with a problem
responding to a competitor’s challenge

4.Describe cause and effect
one cause of … is …
a major effect of … has been …
thanks to …, due to…

…. Have effected ….

…. Hs resulted in ….

1.6 Work and life

1.6.1 Describing your life

1.We realized that we want something different. 我们意识到我们想要些不同的东西

2.We’ve only seen each other once since colleague. 自从大学毕业后我们彼此仅见过一面

1.6.2 Talking about life at work

1.I give my team a monthly job satisfaction survey. 我给我的团队每月工作满意度调查

2.My boss is trying to create a friendlier atmosphere. 我的老板正在尝试营造一个更友善的氛围

3.Our job satisfaction is way up. 我们的工作满意度非常高

4.It really makes a difference when your manager listens to you. 当你的经理倾听你的时候真的不一样

1.6.3 Creating professional objectives

1.I’ll become involved in the early stages of project planning. 我将参与到项目计划的早期阶段。

2.Roger should play a role in the design stage of products. Roger 应该在产品设计阶段起作用

3.The whole team needs to submit annual objectives that are clear and detailed. 整个团队需要提交清晰具体的年度目标

1.6.4 Planning your career path

1.Getting an MBA in the next five years is a realistic goal.

2.You need more details in your goals. They have to be specific.

3.Attend goal. 能达到的目标

4.Your goal of becoming a CEO someday is great because it’s ambitious. 你希望成为一名CEO 的目标是了不起的,因为它是雄心勃勃的。

5.Where do you want to be or plan to be in five years? 将来5年你想要去哪儿或打算去哪儿?
I plan to be a designer in a large corporation.

6.What is a next step for today or tomorrow for you to achieve your goals? 为了实现你的目标,下一步在今天或明天做什么
I need to do an informational interview. 我需要做一个信息采访

2Level 11

2.1 Job interviews

2.1.1 Writing a cover letter

1.I majored in chemistry. 我的专业是化学

2.I have a solid background in product development. 我在产品研发方面有扎实的背景

3.I have extensive experience in managing big projects. 我在管理大项目方面有大量的经验

4.Subsequently 随后
following my promotion 升职后

5.Prior to my time managing HR, I wrote training courses. 在我管理人资资源前,我撰写培训课程

2.1.2 Starting a job interview

1.What is the biggest challenge for your staff?

2.What would I need to do to be successful at this position? 如果要在这个职位上成功的话,我需要做些什么?

3.Do you have any reservations about my qualifications? 你对我的资格有什么问题吗?

4.Thank you for the opportunity to interview for design manager.
it’s my pleasure, you’re a strong candidate.

2.1.3 Interviewing for a job

1.My greatest strength is curiosity. I love to learn new things.

2.My technical knowledge was a bit weak, so I started taking computer classes at night.

3.I love it there, but I’m ready now for another challenge. 我很喜欢那儿,但我现在准备要迎接另一个挑战。

4.Tell me about a difficult situation that you faced at work and what you did about it.告诉我你在工作中遇到的一个麻烦情形以及你是如何应对的

2.1.4 Closing a job interview

1.So, what are the next steps in the hiring process?

2.Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I hope to talk to you again soon.

3.Could I have one of your business cards? 我能要一张您的名片吗?

2.1.5 Private course

Grammar tips:

1.I have three years experiences in the automotive industry.
I have three years experience in the automotive industry.

2.I also have five years experiences about team management.
I also have five years experience in team management

3.My family also living in there.
My family is also living in there.

4.The private car is not allowed to drive on the special road.
The private car is not allowed to drive on the special lane.

5.Emerging market新兴市场

2.2 Technology

2.2.1 Explaining office technology

let me explain how it works.
first of all, you have to switch it on.
the next thing you have to do is login
after that, tap on any icon to open the file. 轻击

2.2.2 Solving a technical problem

1.Be required to 用于必须遵守的规则, 与have to 和have got to 意义相同,但更正式更官方
All employees are required to change their passwords very month.

2.某事应做但不一定要做事,用be supposed to 和 be expected to, 与should 和 ought to 类似

You are supposed to back up all the work you do.

You’re expected to tell your manager if you have a computer problem.

3.Be responsible for 表达常规的工作要求
Employees are responsible for reporting all technical problems to IT.

4.Be allowed to 表示特权或权力
Employees are allowed to work from home one day a week.

5.I’ll sort the problem out. 我来解决这个问题

2.2.3 Summarizing a tech presentation

1.It sounds you’re driven by pragmatism. 听起来驱使你的是实用主义

2.If I understand him correctly, we should do more brainstorming. 如果他说的我没理解错的话,我们应该多多集思广益

3.If I’m hearing you correctly, only highly adaptable companies are successful. 如果你说的我没听错的话,只有适应能力强的公司才能成功。

4.I’d like to talk about the future.

5.What drives me is curiosity. 好奇心的驱使

6.The hard part is knowing who is going to do it. 难的部分是知道谁会做。

2.2.4 Discussing technology in your life

1.You have good point there. 你正说到点子上了

2.Yes, I see what you’re saying. 是的,我明白你说的

3.I’m not so sure about that. 我不那么确定

I hearing what you’re saying, but it’s a double-edged sword. 我听到你说的,但它是一把双刃剑

We’ll just have to agree to disagree. 我们不得不承认我们的观点无法一致
well, each to their own, I guess. 嗯,我想我们是各持己见

6.Sometimes all the technology in our lives can be overwhelming. 有时,我们生活中的各种技术可能是应接不暇的

2.2.5 Private course

you can meet some problems.
you can have some problems.
Maybe we need to change a new one for you.
Maybe we need to exchange a new one for you

2.Explaining the rules:
you’re required to …
you’re supposed to ….
you’re expected to …
you’re responsible for ….

2.3 Traveling

2.3.1 Planning a trip

1.I would strongly recommend going to … 我强烈建议去……

2.You’ll have more time to … 你会有更多时间……

3.One thing you might want to consider … 你可能要考虑一件事……

4.Just want to confirm. 只是想确认

5.I didn’t quite follow that. 我没有听得很清楚

6.I just want to make sure I understand. 我只想确认我理解了

7.I’m not following you. 我没听懂你说的

8.I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat it? 我不明白,你能再说一遍吗?

9.Let me get this straight, the total flight time is 12 hours.
No, I’m sorry. It’s actually 14 hours.

10.Let me make sure I understand. You want to leave on the 21st and return on the 30th ?
yes, that’s correct.

11.We will put you in the VIP lounge. 我们会将您安排在贵宾等候区

12.I have a couple of options. 我有几个选择

we’ve rebooked you on the same flight tomorrow.
that’s won’t work, I have to be there tomorrow morning.

14.Let me make sure I got that fight. It’s EA35 at 11 a.m? 让我来确认一下我弄对了……

15.I intend to spend five days in Cancun, Mexico. 我打算去墨西哥的坎昆待5天

16.I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to Egypt. 我已经想好了,我要去埃及

17.I recommend that you make a detailed itinerary. 我建议你做一个详细的行程安排
itinerary [aɪˈtɪnəreri] n 行程,游记

2.3.2 Making travel arrangements

1.Your flight has a three-hour layover in shanghai. 3小时转机
that’s too bad, I’d rather have a direct flight. 直飞航班

2.First class 头等舱
business class 商务舱
economy class 经济舱

2.3.3 Dealing with flight problems

1.Ok, I have a couple of options that get you there tomorrow morning.
Great, what are they?

2.3.4 Writing a blog post about a trip

1.Disgusted disgustingamazed amazing
感到恶心的 令人恶心的 感到惊奇的 令人惊奇的
disturbed disturbingconfused confusing
感到不安的 令人不安的 感到疑惑的 令人疑惑的

2.弱化负面评论diplomatic 圆通得体的
I hate to say it, but homelessness is a problem there.
I don’t want to offend anyone, but crime was a problem there.
It was a little disgusting.

2.3.5 Private course

1.I think my trip is ………….
better than…
worse than ..
more expensive than…
more relaxing than…
my friend trip because …
they will be flying so much.

To: London
Date: a month from today
Preferences: economy class, direct flight no layover
Frequent flyer number: HAS00547-X飞行常客号码
Frequent flyer miles balance: 41500飞行里程平衡

3.Making travel arrangement
where would you like to go? destination
could you tell me where you would like to go?
I want to go …
when would you like to leave? time
how would you like to fly? class
which do you prefer economy class or business class?
would you like a direct flight?
would you mind having a layover?

2.4 Socializing in business

2.4.1 Discussing a team-building activity

1.Take into consideration 考虑
people with family. 有家庭的人
make allowances for 考虑
what can I do for you?

2.We have to take into account people’s schedules.
you have to consider that some people have families. 我们一定要考虑到有些人有家庭
you have to make allowance for vegetarians.
you have to remember that personal time is very valuable.
we need to take into consideration the diversity of the group. Take into 是可以拆分的
we have to take people’s schedule into account.
we need to take the diversity of the group into consideration.

can I be honest with you? 我能说实话吗
I have a problem with anything on the weekend. 我不同意周末组织任何活动
I would have to object to places that allow smoking. 我反对去允许吸烟的地方

one thing you might consider is a fun activity outside. 一个可能考虑的问题是有意思的户外活动
I recommend an activity during work hours. 我提议一个可以在工作时间做的活动

5.Haven’t we met before? You look very familiar.
Are you enjoying the evening?

6.I’m looking to get into finance. 我希望进入金融业
so, what brings you here today. 那么,今天什么风把你吹来了

2.4.2 Networking at an event

1.谈正事,get down to business
I’m actually here to look for a new position in finance. 实际上,我来这儿是想找个财务方面的新职位
I’m exploring my options. 我来看看我还有什么选择。

it was great talking to you. I hope you enjoying the evening.
pardon me. But I need to freshen my drink. 对不起,我得去添加些饮料
we really should follow up. Is it okay if I call you? 我们一定得回头联系,我给你打电话好吗?

3.You’ve been having some problems. 你一直有一些问题。
I’ve been feeling that …. 我一直觉得……

4.I’ve been asking a lot of questions. 我一直在问很多问题

I’ve gotten the runaround for more than two weeks.
I’ve been getting the runaround for more than two weeks. 踢皮球

6.I can guarantee you …. 我向你保证……
rest assured that … 请放心……
people are reluctant to …
I feel that I’m getting the runaround. 我觉得人们搪塞我
people just aren’t being forthcoming. 人们就是不能提供信息

listen--- rest assured that I will get some answers. 听我说,我保证会得到一些答案
I can assure you that things will get better. 我敢保证……
I can guarantee you that the situation will change.
I will straighten things out.

2.4.3 Meeting a client in a social setting

1.He told me the deal was in danger.
he asked me to talk to my boss.

he said that he’s very frustrated.
he told me that he feels like he’s getting the runaround.
what are the latest numbers?
he asked me what the latest numbers are.

3.To make a long story short. He is not happy. 长话短说……
in a nutshell, we need to fix things quickly. 简而言之……
to sum up, we need to be more forthcoming. 总而言之……

2.4.4 Summarizing an evening with a client

1.Take into consider …. , rather than say : Take into consideration

2.We shouldn’t occupy the time of the weekend of our employees.
We shouldn’t occupy our employees’ time during weekend.

3.We take the time on the working day or on the weekend.
will this activity happen during the weekend or during the work hours.

4.For the weekend I have a problem.
I have a problem with anything on weekend.

5.Our employees are busy for the working days.
Our employees are busy during work hours.

6.Raising a point:
we have to take into account ….
You have remembered that …
We have to make allowance for …
We should take … into consideration.
Let’s not forget …

7.Making objections:
can I be honest with you? I have a problem with ..
I’m very uncomfortable with ….
I would have to object to …

2.5 Law

The police arrested Jenny Jones for assault. 因为打人
Jenny jones was arrested for assault.
assault [əˈsɔːlt] n. (军事)袭击,攻击;人身攻击,侵犯人身(罪);抨击;闯关,冲击(难关)v. 袭击,殴打;使(感官)难受

2.用带 -ing的形式来表示被告做了什么
Diane bates was accused of selling fake stocks.
He was charged with embezzling money. 他被指控贪污钱财
embezzle [ɪmˈbezl] vt. 盗用;挪用;贪污

3.Max was seen entering the bank just before the robbery. 有人看见max在抢劫前刚进银行。

4.Rob was convinced of perjury. 罗布被判伪证罪
ED was sentenced to life in prison. ED 被判终身监禁
perjury [ˈpɜːrdʒəri] n. 伪证;伪誓;背信弃义

5.企业被政府监管 regulated
It’s becoming more difficult to get visas for our foreign staff. 我们的外籍员工越来越难拿到签证
Our CEO often complains about excessive government regulation, he says we should move abroad.政府的过度监管

6.File a lawsuit 提起诉讼
The government filed a lawsuit against Entreva Pharmaceuticals. 政府对Entreva制药公司提起诉讼

7.There were allegation of illegal payments to doctors. 有对医生收到非法收入的指控
The company settled the lawsuit by paying a $2 million fine. 公司通过赔偿了200万美金的罚款解决了诉讼

I was surprised by the lawsuit.
what surprised me was the lawsuit.

our biggest problem right now is visas.
it’s visas that are our biggest problem right now.

10.The jury found him guilty of theft. 陪审团认定他犯盗窃罪
What’s disgusting is the illegal payment. 让人感到恶心的是非法付款
The judge sentenced him 25 years in prison. 法官判他入狱25年

1.劳动合同的两个方面 compensation(n. 赔偿金,补偿金;弥补,抵消;报酬,薪水) 和 benefits (n. 利益,好处;福利政策;救济金;福利;义演,义卖)
The compensation is excellent $90,000 per year. 报酬是极好的,每年9万美元
Your benefits include a medical and dental plan. There’s also a retirement plan. And you get two weeks’ vacation per year.

2.特殊条款: A confidentiality clause 保密条款,保护公司的秘密
A non-competition clause 竞业条款,防止员工为竞争对手工作
Your confidentiality clause prevents you from telling anyone outside the company confidential information.
Your non-competition clause prevents you from working for a competitor if you leave the company.

In the event that an employee leaves the company, he or she is prohibited from working for a competitor.
In the case that an employee is laid off, he or she shall receive three months’ salary.

we have to protect ourselves. Otherwise, competitors could steal our confidential information.
If you leave the company, you can’t work for a competitor unless we give you permission.

The non-competition clause remains in effect, even if we lay you off.
It doesn’t matter why you leave the company, the non-competition clause remains in effect.

6.复述 paraphrase 以澄清
so, do you understand that.
yes. What if boils down to is that I can’t work for competitors. 是的,说到底就是我不能为竞争对手工作
I’m not sure I understand.
What I’m trying to say is that it seems unfair. 我想说的是这看上去不公平

Driving while under the influence of alcohol is against the law. 在酒精的影响下开车是违法的
Smoking in public buildings and workplaces is illegal.
Driving to the city center is banned, except for buses and taxis.
In my country, anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages.
beverages [ˈbevərɪdʒ] n. 饮料;酒水;饮料类
You are not allowed to throw trash on the street in any city.

2.5.3 Finalizing an employment contract

I think that the law is ridiculous.
If you ask me, the law is way too strict. 这个法律太严厉了

from my point of view, smoking should be banned. 我认为
To my mind, there should be strict laws regarding alcohol. 我认为
To my way of thinking, the government has passed enough laws. 我的想法是

2.5.4 Explaining a law in your country

1.Are you saying that people are not allowed to smoke in parks?
Well, you can smoke in some areas in a park, but, you’ll want to make sure you’re in the right place, otherwise you’ll end up with a huge fine.
that tough.
if you ask me, it protects the people who don’t smoke.

2.I think it’s silly that there are so many traffic circles. In my country, we use traffic lights.
I think we have traffic circles because it’s greener for the environment.

3.Lawsuit [ˈlɔːsuːt] n. 诉讼,诉讼案
allegation [ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn] n. (无证据的)说法,指控
accuse [əˈkjuːz] v. 控告,指控;指责,谴责,归咎于
firecracker [ˈfaɪərkrækər] n. 鞭炮,爆竹;杰出(或有吸引力)的人(或事物)
explosive [ɪkˈsploʊsɪv] adj. 易爆的,可能引起爆炸的 n. 炸n药,爆炸物

2.5.5 Private course

1.Excellent sentences:
the company just got a big fine about/if the company does something to break the law..
other news is about the planned merger two company.
they choose to corporate.

2.Subject and verb agreement. 主谓一致
she/he/it she likes .. / He loves talking …
they they like …. / they love ..

3.Subject – determiner agreement. 主语和决定词的一致
another / other
this / these
that / those

2.6 What you read

2.6.1 Talking about a book you've read

1.The perfect ending. 完美的结局
the funny thing is … 奇怪的是……
first impression 第一印象,初次印象
favorite book of all time 一直以来最钟爱的书
once upon a time, there was a … 从前,有一个……

I’ve just finished reading a really good book. It’s about Elizabeth, an honest, lively, witty girl. 一个诚实、活泼而聪明的女孩
witty [ˈwɪti] adj. 风趣的,诙谐的,机智的
it’s my favorite book of all time. 这是我最喜欢的一本书
The funny thing is, they keep running into each other. 他们老是相遇

3.童话中常见的表达:once upon a time, live happily ever after.
once upon a time, there was a proud young woman.
it was a perfect ending, they fall in love and live happily ever after. 故事有圆满的结局,他们相爱了,从此快乐地生活在一起

4.描述情节plot 或人物 characters,常用一般过去时
the main character was born in south Africa. He lived there for 17 years.
he was crossing the ocean in a small boat. Suddenly, there’s a huge storm.
They fall in love, something bigger than them is bringing them together. 一种巨大的力量正让他们走到一起
so he found love and his lost dog, too. Isn’t that the perfect ending?

what’s the book called?
what’s the title of the book?
who wrote the book?
what kind of book is it?

6.Plot是故事梗概, setting则是指时间和地点
it’s about a farming family. The setting is Oklahoma during the Great Depression.
It takes place in Alabama in the mid-1930s. it’s about human behavior.
theme 指一本书的重要主题
one of the themes is how your family can save you from the difficulties of daily life. … 你的家庭如何帮助你度过日常生活的难关

2.6.2 Explaining what you read and why

1.Scary story 惊悚小说
murder mystery 凶杀嫌疑小说
trashy 垃圾的
romance 爱情小说
crime 犯罪小说
historical fiction 历史小说
literature 文学
satire 讽刺小说
fantasy 奇幻小说
graphic novels 图画小说
business journals 商业周刊
trade publications 行业出版社
how-to books 指导书籍

2.I’ll curl up on the sofa … 我会卷在沙发上
I’ll be home alone …
I’ll read anything if it hooks me.
I’ll be so engrossed in a book that I don’t see or hear anything.
engross [ɪnˈɡroʊs] vt. 使全神贯注;用大字体书写;正式写成(决议等);独占;吸引
I can’t put the book down.
getting so pulled in. 让人非常入迷
I love getting lost in a good story. 我喜欢沉浸在精彩的故事中
reading’s my escape. 读书是我逃离现实的方法

for me, reading is an escape.
personally, I love getting lost in a good historical fiction.
the story has to pull me in, or I’ll stop reading.
sometimes I get hooked on a graphic novel. And I can’t put it down till I’ve finished it.
I read The Economy to keep on top of business news.
It helps me stay current on developments in the industry.

4.I know it’s a trashy romance, but I can’t stop reading it.
I know you hate sci-fi, but this book might change your mind.

2.6.3 Recommending something to read

1.Biography 传记
autobiography 自传
enlightenment 启发,教化
travel book 游记
cook book 烹饪书
Gandhi’s autography is genuinely inspiring. 甘地的自传非常激励人心
personal enlightenment 个人开悟
search for truth. 寻求真理

2.If you want to understand the world …
This is possibly the greatest story …

I bet you’d love this crime thriller.
It’s the greatest piece of nonfiction I’ve ren in years.这是我多年来看过的最出色的作品
You can’t go wrong with anything written by L.J Gibbs. 只要是L.J 写的书就不会让你失望
It’s amazing. I haven’t read anything like it before.

If you’re looking for a good Italian cookbook, you can’t go wrong with Bella Cipollini.
If you really want to understand the world, ‘Siddharta’ is a great choice.

2.6.4 Writing about how media has changed

1.Communication media has changed dramatically during her lifetime.
She used to read newspapers, now she gets her news on an e-reader.
on-demand services allow people to receive media when they choose.
streaming has made accessing media like movies even easier.

These days. There’s just so much information everywhere.
nowadays, you can get any information on demand.
in the + 年代指过去
in the 90s, no one was talking about e-books.
in the mid-80s, I had this huge cell phone. It was so heavy.
when I was growing up, I read constantly.
that goes back a ways. 那追溯到过去已经很长时间了
at some point, I stopped reading printed books altogether. 在某个时间,我完全停止了阅读纸质书籍
There have been huge changes in my lifetime. 在我的人生中,发生了许多巨大的变化。

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