

Javadoc作用: 用来描述类和方法的作用


Title Desc
Javadoc工作原理 Javadoc在Java编译器(Java Compiler)下调用javac的一部分来编译代码,保留声明和doc注释,但放弃实现。它构建一个解析树,然后从中生成HTML



命令: javadoc -d [文档存放目录] -author:[显示作者] -version:[显示版本] [源文件所在文件包以及文件名]

  • 源代码
package ink.openmind.base;
* 测试Javadoc工具使用
* ClassName: HelloWorld
* Date: 2020/9/10 3:22 下午
* @author Wangzhuang2
* @version 1.0.1
* @since 1.0
public class HelloWorld {
* 返回用户指定信息 bla bla bla ...
* @author wangzhuang2
* @param username 用户名称
* @throws IOException If an input or output exception occurred
* @return 返回信息
* @see #submitInfo(String)
* @since 1.0
* */
public String getInfo(String username)throws IOException {
return "用户名称: " + username;
* 提交用户信息
* @author wangzhuang2
* @param username 用户名称
* @since 1.0
* */
public void submitInfo(String username){
  • 执行命令

javadoc -d /users/wz/demoapi -header Javadoc测试 -doctitle 文档注释 -version -author

  • 执行结果

  • 文档API展示


  • Generate Javadoc

  • 配置属性



1.文档注释 : Java源代码中由/** ....... */分隔符分隔的特殊注释,Javadoc工具处理此种注释内容生成API文档工具
3.文档注释组成: 块标记(@param、@return ...) + 描述
* bla bla bla ...
- 当类中的方法覆盖超类中的方法时(生成一个子标题“ Overrides” m())
- 当接口中的方法覆盖超级接口中的方法时 (生成一个子标题“ Overrides” m())
- 当类中的方法在接口中实现方法时 (“ Specified by” m())
7.对关键字和名称使用<code>...</code>> Eg: Java关键字、包装名称、类名、方法名称、接口名称、参数名称、代码实例
3、第三人称:除“我,我们,你,你们”的其他主语, 是指你谈论的不在现场的人称代词 如"他", "她" ,"他们"
10.方法描述以动词短语开头,(方法实现操作 eg: Get the value of the input text)
11.记录默认构造函数,代码中所有构造函数都应该是显式的,显式声明有助于防止类被无意中实例化。> 在创建显式构造函数时,它必须与自动生成的构造函数的声明完全匹配;即使在逻辑上应该保护构造函数,也必须将其公开以匹配自动生成的构造函数的声明,以实现兼容性。然后应提供适当的文档注释。
* Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass
* constructors, typically implicit.)
protected AbstractMap() { }
private int username; // 用户名 ✅
private int username; // 这个字段是用户名 ❌


* Sets the tool tip text.
* @param text the text of the tool tip
public void setToolTipText(String text) {

首选以下 (在具体方法功能之上从系统功能层面来阐述该方法的作用 - 宏观角度)

* Registers the text to display in a tool tip. The text
* displays when the cursor lingers over the component.
* @param text the string to display. If the text is null,
* the tool tip is turned off for this component.
public void setToolTipText(String text) {


  • 按时间顺序列出多个@author标签,并在顶部列出该类的创建者。
  • 多个@param按照参数声明顺序列出。
  • 多个@throws or @exception按照异常名称中首字母的顺序
  • 多个@see 由近到远
@see #field
@see #Constructor(Type, Type...)
@see #Constructor(Type id, Type id...)
@see #method(Type, Type,...)
@see #method(Type id, Type, id...)
@see Class
@see Class#field
@see Class#Constructor(Type, Type...)
@see Class#Constructor(Type id, Type id)
@see Class#method(Type, Type,...)
@see Class#method(Type id, Type id,...)
@see package.Class
@see package.Class#field
@see package.Class#Constructor(Type, Type...)
@see package.Class#Constructor(Type id, Type id)
@see package.Class#method(Type, Type,...)
@see package.Class#method(Type id, Type, id)
@see package

🏷 标签概要(⚠️遵守以下标签的顺序约定)

标签名称 标签描述描述 标签使用场景
@author 作者标识 类和接口是必需的
@version 版本号 类和接口是必需的
@param 方法参数描述 仅方法和构造函数
@return 方法返回值描述 仅方法
@exception 方法异常描述 和@throws是Javadoc 1.2中同义词
@see 引用其他类 通过@see标签链接到其他文档
@since 从下一个版本开始 标记文件创建时项目对应组件版本
@deprecated 不推荐使用方法

🏷 标签详述

@author 标签一般作用在: 概述、包以及类级别上,仅适用于对设计或实现具有重大实际贡献的成员(如果作者不明可以使用 "unscribed"作为 @author的参数)

// 纯文本作者
@author Wangzhuang2
// 纯文本作者,邮件
@author Wangzhuang2,
// 超链接 纯文本作者
@author <a href="">Wangzhuang2</a>
// 纯文本邮件
// 纯文本 组织
@author Apache Software Foundation
// 超链接组织地址 纯文本组织
@author <a href=""> Apache Jakarta Turbine</a>

@version 标签的参数约定为SCCS字符串 %I%,%G%

@param 标签后跟参数的名称(不是数据类型),后跟上参数描述。参数名称按惯例小写

* 写短语时,请忽大写且不要以句号结尾
@param x the x-coordinate, measured in pixels
* 在写一个短语后接一个句子时,不要将其大写,要在句号结尾将其与下一个句子的开头区分开
@param x the x-coordinate. Measured in pixels
* 以句子开头,则将其大写并以句号结尾
@param x Specifies the x-coordinate, measured in pixels.
* 写多个句子时,遵循正常句子规则
@param x Specifies the x-coordinate. Measured in pixels.

@return 对于返回void的方法和构造函数不要使用,拥有一个明确的@return标记可以使某人更容易快速地找到返回值。尽可能提供特殊情况的返回值(例如,指定提供越界参数时返回的值)。

* @return {@code true} if the {@code String} is not {@code null}, its
public static boolean hasText(@Nullable String str){}


- 在为已弃用的API生成描述时,Javadoc工具会将@deprecated文本移到描述之前,将其以斜体显示,并在其前面加粗体警告:“ Deprecated”。
- 对于Javadoc 1.2和更高版本使用<code>@deprecated</code>标签和嵌入式<code>{@link}</code>的正确使用模板
* @deprecated As of JDK 1.1, replaced by
* {@link #setBounds(int,int,int,int)}

@since 从以下版本开始,一般用于标记文件创建时项目当时对应的版本,一般后面跟版本号,也可以跟是一个时间,表示文件当前创建的时间

* @since 1.8
public interface Stream<T> extends BaseStream<T, Stream<T>> {}
package org.springframework.util;
* @since 16 April 2001
public abstract class StringUtils {}

@throws (@exception是原始标记)

* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the given source contains invalid encoded sequences
public static String uriDecode(String source, Charset charset){}


/** 默认数量 {@value} */
private static final Integer QUANTITY = 1;

@inheritDoc 用于注解在重写方法或子类上,用于继承父类中的JavaDoc

- 基类的文档注释被继承到了子类
- 子类可以再加入自己的注释(特殊化扩展)
- @return @param @throws 也会被继承
// 完全限定类名
{@link java.lang.Character}
// 省略包名
{@link String}
// 省略类名,表示指向当前的某个方法
{@link #length()}
// 包名.类名.方法名(参数类型)
{@link java.lang.String#getInfo(int)}

{@code text} 将文本标记为code会被解析为 ``` text , 在code内部使用<、>等不会解释成HTML标签

// 类名
{@code HelloWorld}
// 方法名
{@code getInfo()}

详细标签: <p> 、<pre>、<a>、<ul>、<i>等标签的使用(其中p标签通常用于详细描述),详细描述和概要描述通常有一个空行来分隔

package org.springframework.util;
* Miscellaneous {@link String} utility methods.
* <p>Mainly for internal use within the framework; consider
* <a href="">Apache's Commons Lang</a>
* for a more comprehensive suite of {@code String} utilities.
* <p>This class delivers some simple functionality that should really be
* provided by the core Java {@link String} and {@link StringBuilder}
* classes. It also provides easy-to-use methods to convert between
* delimited strings, such as CSV strings, and collections and arrays.
public abstract class StringUtils {


* Graphics is the abstract base class for all graphics contexts
* which allow an application to draw onto components realized on
* various devices or onto off-screen images.
* A Graphics object encapsulates the state information needed
* for the various rendering operations that Java supports. This
* state information includes:
* <ul>
* <li>The Component to draw on
* <li>A translation origin for rendering and clipping coordinates
* <li>The current clip
* <li>The current color
* <li>The current font
* <li>The current logical pixel operation function (XOR or Paint)
* <li>The current XOR alternation color
* (see <a href="#setXORMode">setXORMode</a>)
* </ul>
* <p>
* Coordinates are infinitely thin and lie between the pixels of the
* output device.
* Operations which draw the outline of a figure operate by traversing
* along the infinitely thin path with a pixel-sized pen that hangs
* down and to the right of the anchor point on the path.
* Operations which fill a figure operate by filling the interior
* of the infinitely thin path.
* Operations which render horizontal text render the ascending
* portion of the characters entirely above the baseline coordinate.
* <p>
* Some important points to consider are that drawing a figure that
* covers a given rectangle will occupy one extra row of pixels on
* the right and bottom edges compared to filling a figure that is
* bounded by that same rectangle.
* Also, drawing a horizontal line along the same y coordinate as
* the baseline of a line of text will draw the line entirely below
* the text except for any descenders.
* Both of these properties are due to the pen hanging down and to
* the right from the path that it traverses.
* <p>
* All coordinates which appear as arguments to the methods of this
* Graphics object are considered relative to the translation origin
* of this Graphics object prior to the invocation of the method.
* All rendering operations modify only pixels which lie within the
* area bounded by both the current clip of the graphics context
* and the extents of the Component used to create the Graphics object.
* @author Sami Shaio
* @author Arthur van Hoff
* @version %I%, %G%
* @since 1.0
public abstract class Graphics {
* Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available
* with its northwest corner at the specified coordinate (x, y).
* This method will return immediately in all cases, even if the
* entire image has not yet been scaled, dithered and converted
* for the current output device.
* <p>
* If the current output representation is not yet complete then
* the method will return false and the indicated
* {@link ImageObserver} object will be notified as the
* conversion process progresses.
* @param img the image to be drawn
* @param x the x-coordinate of the northwest corner
* of the destination rectangle in pixels
* @param y the y-coordinate of the northwest corner
* of the destination rectangle in pixels
* @param observer the image observer to be notified as more
* of the image is converted. May be
* <code>null</code>
* @return <code>true</code> if the image is completely
* loaded and was painted successfully;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @see Image
* @see ImageObserver
* @since 1.0
public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y,
ImageObserver observer);
* Dispose of the system resources used by this graphics context.
* The Graphics context cannot be used after being disposed of.
* While the finalization process of the garbage collector will
* also dispose of the same system resources, due to the number
* of Graphics objects that can be created in short time frames
* it is preferable to manually free the associated resources
* using this method rather than to rely on a finalization
* process which may not happen for a long period of time.
* <p>
* Graphics objects which are provided as arguments to the paint
* and update methods of Components are automatically disposed
* by the system when those methods return. Programmers should,
* for efficiency, call the dispose method when finished using
* a Graphics object only if it was created directly from a
* Component or another Graphics object.
* @see #create(int, int, int, int)
* @see #finalize()
* @see Component#getGraphics()
* @see Component#paint(Graphics)
* @see Component#update(Graphics)
* @since 1.0
public abstract void dispose();
* Disposes of this graphics context once it is no longer
* referenced.
* @see #dispose()
* @since 1.0
public void finalize() {
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*{cursor: url(,auto;}