1、pemission deny
在android 文件系统下进行某些操作时没有权限,此时执行:
(1)adb root
(2)adb remount /system/
(3)adb push file /system/lib
2、进入 fastboot 模式
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
一:fastboot oem fastboot2adb
二:fastboot continue
3、通过fastboot烧写 内核镜像
然后执行 fastboot flash boot boot.img
adb install
Install to a device: adb -d install -r bin/your-application-debug.apk The emulator: adb -e install -r bin/your-application-debug.apk The -r flag allows you to do a re-installation instead of an installation. When trying to install to a device that already has the application installed an error will occur.
安装测试程序: su –c pm install /sdcard/test.apk
adb 卸载应用程序
adb 卸载应用程序。通过ADB卸载一个应用程序,必须知道这个应用程序的程序包名称。程序包的名字未必就是APK文件名 1、adb shell 2、pm list packages 列出所有的 程序包 名称 3、exit 4、adb uninstall package_name 5、显示success,表示移除成功。
卸载测试程序: su –c pm uninstall com.example.MyApp
adb 传送文件
adb push {host_path} {target_path}
adb pull {target_path} {host_path}
adb 启动应用程序
adb shell 'am start -n your_package_name/.youractivityname
You can launch most Android Settings sub-screens by starting the SubSettings Activity and including the:android:show_fragment extra with the appropriate fully-qualified class name of an existing Android PreferenceFragment subclass.
For example, to start UserSettings:
adb shell am start -n -e :android:show_fragment
To start DeviceInfoSettings:
adb shell am start -n -e :android:show_fragment
To find other Settings, checkout the Android source and look for subclasses of PreferenceFragment in the packages/apps/Settings.
Bus 002 Device 004: ID 18d1:deed Google Inc.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{"Google Inc."}=="18d1", MODE="0666"
chmod a+rx /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
/etc/init.d/udev restart
adb kill-server
adb devices
adb shell 登录到系统后,可以用getprop命令查看当前系统中有哪些属性。
如何通过 ssh 使用 adb
If you are using a 64-bit version of Linux, you may need to install the ia32-libspackage. To check whether you need this package, try running the adbcommand(~/android-sdk-linux_*/platform-tools/adb). If your systemreports that adb cannot be found (despite being right there in the platformtoolsdirectory) it likely means that the current version of adb, and possibly other tools, will not run without the ia32-libspackage installed. The command to install the ia32-libspackage is: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs