本文主要结合《C++性能优化方法》并结合代码实例来说明内存优化处理对程序性能的影响。看完本书,其实发现C++性能优化方法主要还是依赖的计算机相关的基础知识,比如说计算机操作系统,数据结构与算法等等。 阅读全文
Abstract. OpenCASCADE provide data structure of any expression, relation or function used in mathematics. Flex and Bison are tools for building programs that handle structured input. They were originally tools for building compilers, but they have proven to be useful in many other areas. The Expression Interpreter in OpenCASCADE is made by Flex and Bison. So let’s know something about Flex and Bison.
Key Words. OpenCASCADE, Expression Interpreter, Flex, Bison 阅读全文
本文主要描述如何修改FreeCAD的Branding,从而使自己能基于FreeCAD灵活的架构快速开发出自己的应用程序。通过修改FreeCAD的Branding甚至启动画面,从而使程序看上去更像是自己开发的。 阅读全文
FreeCAD是一个参数化的三维造型软件,主要用于任意大小的实际模型的设计。参数化的建模方式可以通过修改相关参数从而方便地修改你的设计。FreeCAD是开源软件,并提供了便利地自定义方式,也提供了脚本,从而根据自己的需要去扩展功能。FreeCAD是跨平台(Windows, Mac和Linux),可以读写许多开放的模型文件,如STEP,IGES,STL,SVG,DXF,OBJ,IFC,DAE等。
本文详细说明如何在Windows平台上编译FreeCAD源码。如果你已经可以正常编译OpenCASCADE这种开源库的源码,那么编译FreeCAD还是很简单的。 阅读全文
Abstract. Today most 3D engineering model data are save to 3D PDF files. Universal 3D(U3D) along side Product Representation Compact(PRC), U3D is the historical foundation used to embed 3D interactive data and models into a PDF file. But PRC is now the preferred and most feature-rich method to embed 3D data into a PDF file. So the paper is focus on to translate OpenCASCADE geometry data to 3D PDF by embedding PRC file.
Key Words. PDF 3D, OpenCASCADE, U3D, PRC, libharu 阅读全文
Abstract. In modeling, it is often required to approximate or interpolate points to curves and surfaces. In interpolation, the process is complete when the curve or surface passes through all the points; in approximation, when it is as close to these points as possible. The paper is the translation of the OpenCASCADE Modeling Data user guide.
Key Words. Interpolation, Approximation, Fitting 阅读全文
Tcl内置变量备忘录。 阅读全文
Abstract. The general method to directly create an edge is to give a 3D curve as the support(geometric domain) of the edge. The curve maybe defined as a 2D curve in the parametric space of a surface: PCurve. When you understand the pcurve, you can modeling some interesting shapes, such as bottle neck thread, helix spring, ring type spring. Etc. The paper is focus on the Ring Type Spring Modeling in OpenCASCADE Draw Test Harness by Tcl script.
Key Words. Spring, Helix, Tcl/Tk, 环形弹簧 阅读全文
鞋博士经过8年沉淀,在鞋类工业4.0全流程平台上积累了相当的技术实力,获投资商亲睐。 新的一年,在投资商协助下,将踏上新的征途,因此诚邀您加盟顶层技术合伙人。 如果您具备以下实力,我们期待您的加盟: 1、熟悉C++ 2、熟悉图形学 3、学过矩阵,优化理论者优先 4、能阅读英文技术文档 5、人品好,踏 阅读全文
为了帮助OPEN CASCADE新手顺利编译OPEN CASCADE源码,特录制了一个视频,
有了这个视频,OPEN CASCADE的编译再也不麻烦啦! 阅读全文