OpenCASCADE General Transformation
OpenCASCADE General Transformation
Abstract. OpenCASCADE provides a general transformation class: gp_GTrsf. It can be a transformation from gp, an affinity, or you can define your own transformation giving the matrix of transformation. The general transformation contains the vectorial part of the transformation and the translation part. A GTrsf transformation is only applicable to coordinates. Be careful if you apply such a transformation to all points of a geometric object, as this can change the nature of the object and thus render it incoherent. Typically a circle is transformed into an ellipse by an affinity transformation. To avoid modifying the nature of an object, use a gp_Trsf transformation instead, as objects of this class respect the nature of geometric objects.
Key Words. OpenCASCADE, Transformation, Affinity Transformation
1. Introduction
仿射变换(Affinity Transformation)是指线性变换后接着平移。因此,仿射变换的集合是线性变换的超集,任何线性变换都是仿射变换,但不是所有的仿射变换都是线性变换。
仿射变换的定义如下:在空间直角坐标系下,点(x,y,z)与点(x’, y’,z’)之间的变换
v BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform
v BRepBuilderAPI_Transform
本文在OpenCASCADE Draw Test Harness中给出这两个类实现变换的结果。如果不想改变几何的特性,只想改变模型的位置或朝向,建议采用BRepBuilderAPI_Transform。
OpenCASCADE中使用算法BRepBuilderAPI_Transform来实现:平移、旋转、缩放及镜像变换。在Draw Test Harness中实现的函数代码如下所示:
static Standard_Integer transform(Draw_Interpretor& di,Standard_Integer n,const char** a) { if (n <= 1) return 1; gp_Trsf T; Standard_Integer last = n; const char* aName = a[0]; Standard_Boolean isBasic = Standard_False; if (!strcmp(aName,"reset")) { } else { isBasic = (aName[0] == 'b'); aName++; if (!strcmp(aName,"move")) { if (n < 3) return 1; TopoDS_Shape SL = DBRep::Get(a[n-1]); if (SL.IsNull()) return 0; T = SL.Location().Transformation(); last = n-1; } else if (!strcmp(aName,"translate")) { if (n < 5) return 1; T.SetTranslation(gp_Vec(Draw::Atof(a[n-3]),Draw::Atof(a[n-2]),Draw::Atof(a[n-1]))); last = n-3; } else if (!strcmp(aName,"rotate")) { if (n < 9) return 1; T.SetRotation(gp_Ax1(gp_Pnt(Draw::Atof(a[n-7]),Draw::Atof(a[n-6]),Draw::Atof(a[n-5])), gp_Vec(Draw::Atof(a[n-4]),Draw::Atof(a[n-3]),Draw::Atof(a[n-2]))), Draw::Atof(a[n-1])* (M_PI / 180.0)); last = n-7; } else if (!strcmp(aName,"mirror")) { if (n < 8) return 1; T.SetMirror(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(Draw::Atof(a[n-6]),Draw::Atof(a[n-5]),Draw::Atof(a[n-4])), gp_Vec(Draw::Atof(a[n-3]),Draw::Atof(a[n-2]),Draw::Atof(a[n-1])))); last = n-6; } else if (!strcmp(aName,"scale")) { if (n < 6) return 1; T.SetScale(gp_Pnt(Draw::Atof(a[n-4]),Draw::Atof(a[n-3]),Draw::Atof(a[n-2])),Draw::Atof(a[n-1])); last = n-4; } } if (T.Form() == gp_Identity || isBasic) { TopLoc_Location L(T); for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i < last; i++) { TopoDS_Shape S = DBRep::Get(a[i]); if (S.IsNull()) di << a[i] << " is not a valid shape\n"; else DBRep::Set(a[i],S.Located(L)); } } else { BRepBuilderAPI_Transform trf(T); for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i < last; i++) { TopoDS_Shape S = DBRep::Get(a[i]); if (S.IsNull()) { di << a[i] << " is not a valid shape\n"; } else { trf.Perform(S); if (!trf.IsDone()) return 1; DBRep::Set(a[i],trf.Shape()); } } } return 0; }
# create a file source toto.tcl
# toto.tcl code:
pload ALL
#create a sphere
psphere s 3
ttranslate s 25 0 12.
for {set i 0} {$i < 360} {incr i 20} {
copy s s$i
trotate s$i 0 0 0 0 0 1 $i
vdisplay s$i
# create two cylinders
pcylinder c1 30 5
copy c1 c2
ttranslate c2 0 0 20
vdisplay c1 c2 s
Figure 2.1 Transform Tcl demo
// gtransform
static Standard_Integer deform(Draw_Interpretor& di,Standard_Integer n,const char** a)
if (n <= 1) return 1;
Standard_Integer last = n;
gp_Trsf T;
gp_GTrsf GT(T);
// gp_Mat rot(Draw::Atof(a[last-3]),0,0,0,Draw::Atof(a[last-2]),0,0,0,Draw::Atof(a[last-1]));
gp_Mat rot(Draw::Atof(a[3]),0,0,0,Draw::Atof(a[4]),0,0,0,Draw::Atof(a[5]));
last -= 3;
BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform gtrf(GT);
BRepBuilderAPI_NurbsConvert nbscv;
// for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i < last; i++) {
// TopoDS_Shape S = DBRep::Get(a[i]);
TopoDS_Shape S = DBRep::Get(a[2]);
if (S.IsNull()) {
//cout << a[2] << " is not a valid shape" << endl;
di << a[2] << " is not a valid shape" << "\n";
else {
if (gtrf.IsDone()){
else {
return 1;
return 0;
Figure 3.1 Shape Deformation
在 三维建模软件中经常需要对模型的位置和其朝向进行变换,如果不想改变模型中的几何特性,在OpenCASCADE中建议使用类 BRepBuilderAPI_Transform来实现。如果需要对模型进行更通用的变换即仿射变换,可以使用类 BRepBuilderAPI_GTransform来实现。使用此类后,会改变模型中的几何特性,必须谨慎使用。
5. References
1. OpenCASCADE, OpenCASCADE Draw Test Harness User Guide, 2014
2. 苏步表, 华宣积. 应用几何教程. 复旦大学出版社. 2012
3. Fletcher Dunn. 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development. Wordware. 2002
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