SubstanceArchive .sbsasm file & ProceduralMaterial

The .sbsasm file can be copied out of the SubstanceArchive. Export it raw and delete everything before "SBAM" in a hex editor.

The only issue is the .xml file that needs to be next to the .sbsasm file (both are packed in a .7z renamed to .sbsar). The information converted from the xml is stored in ProceduralMaterial and ProceduralTexture assets but I don't know the specifics of how the sbsar xml files are built.

Someone did in fact have some success with the method here described, yet they still have some doubts, especially regarding the .xml files here mentioned!

There are some ways to get the dynamic procedural texture back:

  • extract and build the original asset data as an assetbundle file, load it with the right unity version! Sometimes it works, but sometime not! Need to RebuildTextures for ProceduralMaterials!
  • write some inject C# .il code to get all MeshRenderer components and retrieve and check it's material is ProceduralMaterial or not, then use RenderToTexture to get texture back
  • check Substance Painter / Designer 3D document, and try to extract the bitmap node from .sbasm file. Those Substance editor could not load .sbasm file without sbsar xml file.


posted @ 2024-07-06 09:38  opencoder  阅读(37)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报