随笔分类 - Cydia
摘要:IPA越狱包的制作流程: 首先,你需要通过xcode进行Archive,在菜单的Product下面,方法不再赘述。 第二步,将该文件的后缀名改成zip。举个例子,把feimaobijia.ipa改成feimaobijia.zip,然后双击进行解压,然后会解压出一个名为Payload的文件夹。在该文件夹内是一个用你BundleName命名的文件,鼠标对准,然后右击,选择“显示包内容”,这时会显示...
摘要:Ok some or most ipa’s can be turned into a deb file. I’ll use the eJuice app as an example. 1.) Rename eJuice.ipa to eJuice.zip 2.) Extract eJuice.zip then look for AppName.app inside the extracted fi...
摘要:Notice: There are many other ways to reach this, this is just one of them. Some steps could be improved, and some error will happen, such as failed to fetch error SSL –9836. For SSL –9836, you need t...
摘要:先安装 Xcode 安装 Xcode Command Tools打开终端,输入 xcode-select --install 即可自动弹出安装界面。同意 Xcode license agreements 直接在终端输入 sudo xcodebuild -license 按下回车,会自动打开协议内容,按 q 直接忽略最后手动输入 agree ,搞定。 安装 Macports ,网址://www.m...