How To Remove The Advertisement From Android APK

One possible solution would be using tool named dex2jar. With this tool, you could extract the classes.dex file from the .APK file, and convert classes.dex into a bunch of java byte code files. Then for those byte code files,  you should search and replace some string which contains ‘http://’with an empty string. At last you should do the opposite process as previous process: repack java byte code files into classes.dex; drag classes.dex into .APK to replace the original one, re-install APK one the device.

You could install an APK file on the device by:
1) adb install somename.apk, or;
2) copy the new APK file into the device sdcard, then use ‘R.E. explorer’to open and install it.



posted @ 2012-12-31 14:12  opencoder  阅读(198)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报