3D Free Form Deformation Demo
3D Free Form Deformation Demo
Free-form deformation (FFD) is an important tool in computer-assisted geometric design and animation. Well, there are many methods that could be used to deform objects. The deformation method that used here developed by Coquillart which used an initial lattice and B-spline control points to approximate the shape of the intended deformation. For more details about deformation method, you could check from here.
Here is the main workflow used in the demo.
1) Load a 3d model from the file;
2) Create an initial lattice based on the model, some control points will be created here;
3) Apply the change in lattice to model, the change come from control points. In another way, you could say,apply the change in the control points to the model itself;
You could download the source code from here.
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