Migrate from Classic OPC to OPC Xi (.NET 3.0)

This article is the memo of the OPC Xi training "Migration from Classic OPC to OPC Xi/OPC .Net 3.0" from OPC Training institute web site. The presentation is produced by Advosol Inc., which is the leading provider of .NET components for the developer of OPC DA, AE, HDA and XML-DA client and server applications.


Presentation Overview

  • OPC Vision
  • OPC Xi Overview
  • Classic OPC to OPC Xi Migration
  • OPC Xi Converters
    • End-Users
    • Developers


OPC Vision



Current OPC Specifications

  • Classic OPC
    • Data Access 3.00 (Real-time)
    • Historical Data Access 1.20
    • Alarms and Events 1.10
    • Security 1.00
    • DX (Data Exchange) 1.00
    • Commands 1.00
    • Batch 2.00
    • Complex Data 1.00
    • XML DA 1.01
  • OPC UA 1.00
  • OPC Xi 1.00


Reasons for using DCOM

  • DCOM provides secure data transportation
    • Authentication
    • Authorization
    • Encryption
  • Stable: many years of testing
  • Relatively versatile
  • Established: Tens of thousands of applications already use DCOM
  • Challenges
    • New Windows applications -> "Managed code"
    • Users working with Large Networks


OPC Xi Concepts

  • OPC Express Interface
  • OPC Foundation technology to simplify OPC
    • Faster application development
    • Deployment across large networks
  • Concept
    • Standards-based transfer of Process Control and Automation data
    • Build on the most successful aspects of Classic OPC and OPC UA
  • Transport data with WCF (.NET) instead of DCOM


OPC Xi Compatibility with Classic OPC

  • Functionally compatible OPC DA, A&E, HAD (easy to add Xi interface to existing OPC severs)
  • Based on Microsoft .NET technology
    • Fast and easy to implement
    • Uses Microsoft .NET security
  • Built-in Security
    • Firewall friendly
    • Additional security layered on top of Microsoft .NET security


Specification Layering: Classic OPC


Specification Layering: OPC Xi


OPC Xi Interoperability with Classic OPC


OPC Xi End-User Components

  1. Consolidate multiple Classic OPC specifications into one OPC Xi server
  2. Consolidate multiple OPC servers into one OPC Xi server


Convert from OPC Xi back to Classic OPC


OPC Xi Developer Toolkits

No need for external converters

Programmers can embed inside .NET applications




Existing Classic OPC Applications

  • Backwards compatibility key for success
  • Various vendors already announced they will release commercial converters for both OPC Clients and servers
    • New OPC Xi Client applications will communicate with existing Classic OPC Servers
    • New OPC Xi servers will communicate with existing Classic OPC Client applications
  • What needs to be done to existing OPC applications? Nothing


OPC Xi Status

  • Specification released in March 2010
  • Companies involved in Xi demo
    • Emerson
    • Kepware
    • Advosol
    • Tips
    • Iconics
    • Mtrikon
    • OSIsoft
    • Indusoft
    • Etc.
  • Many more major vendors already announced future support for OPC Xi


Final Thoughts

  1. OPC Xi provides a simplified, common interface for all OPC Classic servers
  2. OPC Xi is backwards compatible with previous OPC releases
  3. Based on Microsoft .NET technology for programming, communication, security …
  4. Easy for programmers to incorporate into their new .NET applications
  5. Available on Windows 7, Vista, XP, CE and Embedded XP


posted @ 2010-12-09 14:57  OPC connect  阅读(1879)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报