fEventDay |
fRoadName |
fDestination |
fFreight |
20151128 |
苏嘉杭 |
常州 |
163 |
20151128 |
苏嘉杭 |
无锡 |
441 |
20151128 |
苏嘉杭 |
苏州 |
441 |
20151128 |
苏嘉杭 |
南通 |
441 |
EventDay |
RoadName |
Destination1 |
Freight1 |
Destination10 |
Freight10 |
Destination2 |
Freight2 |
20150304 |
绕城高速 |
南通 |
673 |
苏州 |
673 |
20150304 |
苏嘉杭 |
常州 |
533 |
南通 |
533 |
20150305 |
绕城高速 |
淮安 |
892 |
盐城 |
244 |
连云港 |
892 |
20150305 |
苏嘉杭 |
常州 |
878 |
连云港 |
255 |
苏州 |
878 |
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProcedureName] ( @S_Day varchar(10),--开始日期 @E_Day varchar(10), --日期范围 @RoadName varchar(300), --道路(多值查询) @Destination varchar(300), --目的地(多值查询) @order varchar(max)--排序字段(多值) ) AS BEGIN select fEventDay as EventDay ,[fRoadName] as RoadName,[fDestination] as Destination ,'Destination'+convert(varchar(2), row_number() over(partition by [fEventDay],[fRoadName] order by [fFreight] desc,[fDestination])) as TopNum into #GoodsDestination FROM [TOCC].[dbo].[tGoodsDestination] WITH(INDEX(Index_Day)) where 1=1-- and fEventDay=20170320 group by [fEventDay],[fRoadName],[fDestination],[fFreight] order by [fEventDay],[fRoadName],[fFreight] desc,[fDestination] DECLARE @topnum VARCHAR(8000) SET @topnum='' --初始化变量 @sql select @topnum= @topnum+',[' + convert (varchar(20),TopNum)+']' FROM #GoodsDestination GROUP BY TopNum order by TopNum --变量多值赋值 SET @topnum= STUFF(@topnum,1,1,'')--去掉首个',' select fEventDay as EventDayF ,[fRoadName] as RoadNameF,[fFreight] as Freight ,'Freight'+convert(varchar(2), row_number() over(partition by [fEventDay],[fRoadName] order by [fFreight] desc,[fDestination])) as TopNumF into #GoodsDestinationF FROM [TOCC].[dbo].[tGoodsDestination] WITH(INDEX(Index_Day)) where 1=1-- and fEventDay=20170320 group by [fEventDay],[fRoadName],[fDestination],[fFreight] order by [fEventDay],[fRoadName],[fFreight] desc,[fDestination] DECLARE @topnumf VARCHAR(8000) SET @topnumf='' --初始化变量 @sql select @topnumf= @topnumf+',[' + convert (varchar(20),TopNumF)+']' FROM #GoodsDestinationF GROUP BY TopNumF order by TopNumF --变量多值赋值 SET @topnumf= STUFF(@topnumf,1,1,'')--去掉首个',' DECLARE @strSql VARCHAR(8000) SET @strSql='select * from (' --初始化变量 @sql SET @strSql= @strSql+ '(select EventDay, RoadName' -- set @strSql = @strSql+ ','+@topnum set @strSql = @strSql+'from #GoodsDestination pivot (max(Destination) for TopNum in ('+@topnum+'))a where 1=1' if @S_Day is not null and @S_Day<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and EventDay '+@S_Day+''; if @E_Day is not null and @E_Day<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and EventDay '+@E_Day+''; if @RoadName is not null and @RoadName<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and RoadName in ('+@RoadName+')'; if @Destination is not null and @Destination<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and Destination in ('+ @Destination+')'; set @strSql = @strSql+') d'; set @strSql = @strSql+' left join '; SET @strSql= @strSql+ '(select EventDayF, RoadNameF' -- set @strSql = @strSql+ ','+@topnumf set @strSql = @strSql+'from #GoodsDestinationF pivot (max(Freight) for TopNumF in ('+@topnumf+')) a where 1=1' if @S_Day is not null and @S_Day<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and EventDay '+@S_Day+''; if @E_Day is not null and @E_Day<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and EventDay '+@E_Day+''; if @RoadName is not null and @RoadName<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and RoadName in ('+@RoadName+')'; if @Destination is not null and @Destination<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+' and Destination in ('+ @Destination+')'; set @strSql = @strSql+') f'; set @strSql = @strSql+' on d.EventDay=f.EventDayF and d.RoadName=f.RoadNameF '; set @strSql = @strSql+') '; if @order is not null and @order<>'' set @strSql = @strSql+@order else set @strSql = @strSql+' order by Eventday, RoadName' PRINT @strSql exec(@strSql) END
EventDay |
RoadName |
Destination1 |
Destination10 |
Destination2 |
Destination3 |
Destination4 |
Destination5 |
Destination6 |
Destination7 |
Destination8 |
Destination9 |
Freight1 |
Freight10 |
Freight2 |
Freight3 |
Freight4 |
Freight5 |
Freight6 |
Freight7 |
Freight8 |
Freight9 |
20150304 |
绕城高速 |
南通 |
苏州 |
盐城 |
连云港 |
徐州 |
常州 |
南京 |
无锡 |
镇江 |
673 |
673 |
673 |
547 |
547 |
396 |
396 |
396 |
396 |
20150304 |
苏嘉杭 |
常州 |
南通 |
苏州 |
无锡 |
连云港 |
徐州 |
盐城 |
南京 |
镇江 |
533 |
533 |
533 |
533 |
406 |
406 |
406 |
255 |
255 |
20150305 |
绕城高速 |
淮安 |
盐城 |
连云港 |
徐州 |
常州 |
南京 |
镇江 |
南通 |
苏州 |
无锡 |
892 |
244 |
892 |
892 |
741 |
741 |
741 |
244 |
244 |
244 |
20150305 |
苏嘉杭 |
常州 |
连云港 |
苏州 |
无锡 |
镇江 |
南京 |
淮安 |
南通 |
徐州 |
盐城 |
878 |
255 |
878 |
878 |
878 |
601 |
382 |
382 |
382 |
382 |