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Keeping secrets in ASP.NET 2.0. [MSDN]

You may have noticed that the contents stored in <appSettings/> are not encrypted but rather are stored as plain text. The same is true of the <sessionState/> section, which enables the out-of-process storage of Session data. One of the storage options is to use SQL Server™ and have the credentials stored in plain text in the <sessionState/> configuration slot.

This brings me to all of the work the team did to address this problem for ASP.NET 2.0. Yet again, there is a command-line tool for managing the encryption of configuration data: aspnet_regiis.exe. Aspnet_regiis.exe existed in previous versions of ASP.NET and was used primarily for manually registering ASP.NET with IIS. For example, it was used to add the aspnet_isapi.dll to IIS as well as configure the script directories that ASP.NET applications used. You can find this tool in the \Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version#\ directory.Using aspnet_regiis.exe for encrypting configuration sections is as cryptic as the results it generates!
posted @ 2008-04-08 16:00  大宋提刑官  阅读(221)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报