04 2024 档案
摘要:Find All Possible Stable Binary Arrays II You are given 3 positive integers zero, one, and limit. A binary array arr is called stable if: The number o
摘要:智乃的括号匹配 题目描述 智乃现在有一个仅由 "(" 和 ")" 组成长度大小为 的字符串,字符串的每一个位置的字符都有自己的权值 和代价 。 智乃定义一对在该字符串中配对的括号对,假设左括号的坐标为 ,右括号为 ,该括号对的价值为两个括号权值的乘积 $
摘要:交友问题 题目背景 题目描述 洛谷上有 位用户,这些用户组成了一个双向的网络。 洛谷的图片分享机制如下:如果第 个用户向他的好友 分享了一张照片,那么, 的所有好友 就能看到这张照片。 也可以看到这张照片。 现在,用户 想分享一张照片,但是TA
摘要:Bingbong的回文路径 题目描述 Bingbong 有一棵有根树,根节点为 ,总共有 个节点。树中的节点通过 条无向边相连,每条边的权重为 。 树中的每个节点包含一个小写字母。Bingbong 将选择从节点 开始,并在选择最短路径的情况下到达节点 。
摘要:F - Subsequence LCM Problem Statement You are given a sequence of positive integers of length and a positive integer .
摘要:H. The Most Reckless Defense You are playing a very popular Tower Defense game called "Runnerfield 2". In this game, the player sets up defensive towe
摘要:G. GCD on a grid Not long ago, Egor learned about the Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers. The greatest common
摘要:D. Colored Balls There are balls of different colors; the number of balls of the -th color is . The balls can be combined into groups. Eac
摘要:D. Buying Jewels Alice has coins and wants to shop at Bob's jewelry store. Today, although Bob has not set up the store yet, Bob wants to make sur
摘要:C. Ticket Hoarding As the CEO of a startup company, you want to reward each of your employees with a ticket to the upcoming concert. The tickets w
摘要:F. New Year Tree You are a programmer and you have a New Year Tree (not the traditional fur tree, though) — a tree of four vertices: one vertex of deg
摘要:F - Oddly Similar Problem Statement There are sequences of length , denoted as . The -th sequence is represented by $
摘要:D. Non-Palindromic Substring A string is said to be -good if there exists at least one substring of length which is not a palindr
摘要:树上数颜色 题目描述 给一棵根为 的树,每次询问子树颜色种类数。 输入格式 第一行一个整数 ,表示树的结点数。 接下来 行,每行一条边。 接下来一行 个数,表示每个结点的颜色 。 接下来一个数 ,表示询问数。 接下来 行表示询问的子树。 输
摘要:G. Shuffling Songs Vladislav has a playlist consisting of songs, numbered from to . Song has genre and writer . He wants to