09 2023 档案
摘要:D1. Candy Party (Easy Version) This is the easy version of the problem. The only difference is that in this version everyone must give candies to exac
摘要:String Transformation You are given two strings s and t of equal length n. You can perform the following operation on the string s: Remove a suffix of
摘要:F. Selling a Menagerie You are the owner of a menagerie consisting of animals numbered from to . However, maintaining the menagerie is quit
摘要:整理书籍 书架上有若干本书排成一排。 每本书要么是大型书(用 L 表示),要么是中型书(用 M 表示),要么是小型书(用 S 表示)。 我们希望所有书能够从大到小有序排列,也就是说,所有大型书都在左侧,所有中型书都在中间,所有小型书都在右侧。 为此,你可以进行任意次交换操作,每次可以任选两本书并交换
摘要:D. Balanced String You are given a binary string (a binary string is a string consisting of characters 0 and/or 1). Let's call a binary string bal
摘要:F1. Omsk Metro (simple version) This is the simple version of the problem. The only difference between the simple and hard versions is that in this ve
摘要:Minimum Edge Weight Equilibrium Queries in a Tree There is an undirected tree with n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1. You are given the integer n and a
摘要:D. Sorting By Multiplication You are given an array of length , consisting of positive integers. You can perform the following operation on thi
摘要:C. Vika and Price Tags Vika came to her favorite cosmetics store "Golden Pear". She noticed that the prices of items have changed since her last v
摘要:D. Imbalanced Arrays Ntarsis has come up with an array of non-negative integers. Call an array of integers imbalanced if it satisfies