F - Diversity

F - Diversity

Problem Statement

There are N products for sale in a store. The i-th product has a price of Pi yen, a utility value of Ui, and a color Ci.

You will choose some subset of these N products to buy (possibly none). The total price of the chosen products must be at most X yen.

Your satisfaction is S+T×K, where S is the sum of utilities of the chosen products, and T is the number of distinct colors among the chosen products. Here, K is a given constant.

You will choose products to maximize your satisfaction. Find the maximized satisfaction.


  • 1N500
  • 1X50000
  • 1K109
  • 1PiX (1iN)
  • 1Ui109 (1iN)
  • 1CiN (1iN)
  • All input values are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

P1 U1 C1
P2 U2 C2



Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

3 10 5
1 3 1
7 4 2
4 5 1

Sample Output 1


If you buy the 1st and 2nd products, the total utility S is 7, and the number of distinct colors T is 2. Thus, your satisfaction is 7+2×5=17. No purchase plan makes your satisfaction 18 or greater, so the answer is 17.

Sample Input 2

5 30 3
5 4 3
11 20 1
9 10 4
7 5 2
16 15 4

Sample Output 2


If you buy the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th products, the total utility S is 35, and the number of distinct colors T is 3. Thus, your satisfaction is 35+3×3=44. No purchase plan makes your satisfaction 45 or greater, so the answer is 44.

Sample Input 3

22 75 6426
9 309 9
5 470 5
17 481 12
27 352 14
1 191 18
7 353 20
9 99 15
20 401 17
46 434 19
11 459 22
10 317 19
15 440 18
17 438 19
25 461 22
5 320 22
1 476 21
11 315 3
8 112 9
11 438 13
19 362 8
10 422 13
10 152 21

Sample Output 3




  还是挺容易想到按照颜色分组然后 dp,定义 f(i,j) 表示从前 i 种颜色的物品中选出总价格不超过 j 的所有方案中能获得的最大价值。

  不过赛时不知道怎么转移,就对每个分组求一次 01 背包。定义 gi(j,k) 表示从颜色为 i 的前 j 个物品中选出总价格不超过 k 的所有方案中能获得的最大价值。这样 f(i,j) 就能通过 g(si,k) 进行转移(si 表示颜色 i 的物品数量),转移方程就是 f(i,j)=max{f(i1,j),max1kj{f(i1,jk)+g(si,k)}+K},显然整个 dp 的复杂度是 O(nm2) 会超时。

  事实上并没有那么麻烦,不过题解给出的转移方法我就是想不到。为了更好的描述,这里重新定义状态 f(i,j,k) 表示从前 i1 种颜色以及第 i 种颜色的前 j 个中的物品中选出总价格不超过 k 的所有方案中能获得的最大价值。根据第 i 种颜色的第 j 个物品是否选择以及是否为首次选择该颜色物品进行状态划分,状态转移方程就是 f(i,j,k)=max{f(i,j1,k),f(i1,si1,kvj)+wj+K,f(i,j1,kvj)+wj}

  其实这个有点类似于分组背包问题,不过不同的地方在与本问题中每个分组的物品可以任意选择。另外题解中把上述状态的第二维优化掉了,需要注意的是优化后要从大到小枚举价格 k 来转移,以避免与 01 背包类似的问题。

  AC 代码如下,时间复杂度为 O(nm)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

typedef long long LL;

const int N = 505, M = 50005;

vector<array<int, 2>> g[N];
LL f[N][M];

int main() {
    int n, m, k;
    cin >> n >> m >> k;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int v, w, c;
        cin >> v >> w >> c;
        g[c].push_back({v, w});
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        memcpy(f[i], f[i - 1], m + 1 << 3);
        for (auto &[v, w] : g[i]) {
            for (int j = m; j >= v; j--) {
                f[i][j] = max(f[i][j], f[i - 1][j - v] + w + k);
                f[i][j] = max(f[i][j], f[i][j - v] + w);
    cout << f[n][m];
    return 0;



  Editorial - Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. Programming Contest 2024(AtCoder Beginner Contest 383):https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc383/editorial/11543

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