D. Andrey and Escape from Capygrad

D. Andrey and Escape from Capygrad

An incident occurred in Capygrad, the capital of Tyagoland, where all the capybaras in the city went crazy and started throwing mandarins. Andrey was forced to escape from the city as far as possible, using portals.

Tyagoland is represented by a number line, and the city of Capygrad is located at point 0. There are n portals all over Tyagoland, each of which is characterised by four integers li, ri, ai and bi (1liaibiri109). Note that the segment [ai,bi] is contained in the segment [li,ri].

If Andrey is on the segment [li,ri], then the portal can teleport him to any point on the segment [ai,bi]. Andrey has a pass that allows him to use the portals an unlimited number of times.

Andrey thinks that the point x is on the segment [l,r] if the inequality lxr is satisfied.

Andrey has q options for where to start his escape, each option is characterized by a single integer xi — the starting position of the escape. He wants to escape from Capygrad as far as possible (to the point with the maximum possible coordinate). Help Andrey determine how far he could escape from Capygrad, starting at each of the q positions.


Each test consists of multiple test cases. The first line contains a single integer t (1t104) — the number of sets of test cases. The description of test cases follows.

The first line of each test case contains a single integer n (1n2105) — the number of portals.

Each of the next n lines contains four integers li, ri, ai, and bi (1liaibiri109) — the characteristics of the portals.

The next line contains a single integer q (1q2105) — the number of positions.

The following line contains q integers x1,x2,,xq (1xi109) — the position from which Andrey will start his escape in the i-th options.

It is guaranteed that the sum of n and the sum of q over all test cases does not exceed 2105.


For each test case, output a single line of q integers, containing the answers to Andrey's questions.



6 17 7 14
1 12 3 8
16 24 20 22
10 2 23 15 28 18
3 14 7 10
16 24 20 22
1 16 3 14
2 4 6 8 18 23 11 13 15
1 4 2 3
3 9 6 7
4 8 1
18 24 18 24
1 8 2 4
11 16 14 14
26 32 28 30
5 10 6 8
15 14 13 27 22 17 31 1 7
9 22 14 20
11 26 13 24
21 33 22 23
21 33 25 32
1 6 3 4
18 29 20 21
11 23 16 5 8 33 2 21


14 14 23 15 28 22 
14 14 14 14 22 23 14 14 15 
7 8 7 
15 14 14 30 24 17 31 4 8 
32 32 32 5 8 33 4 32 


In the first test case:

Optimal actions when starting from each position:

  1. Use portal 1 and teleport to point b1=14.
  2. Use portal 2 first and teleport to point 6, which is on the segment [l1,r1]=[6,17], then use portal 1 and teleport to point b1=14.
  3. Stay at point x3=23 without using any portals.
  4. Stay at point x4=15 without using any portals.
  5. Point x5=28 is not on any segment, so Andrey won't be able to teleport anywhere.
  6. Point x6=18 is only on the segment [l3,r3]=[16,24], use portal 3 and teleport to point b3=22.

In the fifth test case:

Optimal actions when starting from each position:

  1. Use portal 1 first and teleport to point 15 on the segment [a1,b1]=[14,20], then use portal 2 and teleport to point 21, which is on the segment [l4,r4]=[21,33] and on the segment [a2,b2]=[13,24], then teleport to point b4=32.
  2. Use portal 6 first and teleport to point 20 on the segment [a6,b6]=[20,21], then use portal 2 and teleport to point 22, which is simultaneously on the segment [l4,r4]=[21,33] and on the segment [a2,b2]=[13,24], then teleport to point b4=32.
  3. Perform the same actions as from the first position.
  4. Stay at point x4=5 without using any portals.
  5. Point 8 is not on any segment, so Andrey won't be able to teleport anywhere.
  6. Stay at point x6=33 without using any portals.
  7. Use portal 5 and teleport to point b5=4.
  8. Perform the same actions as from the first position.






 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 typedef long long LL;
 5 typedef pair<int, int> PII;
 7 const int N = 2e5 + 10;
 9 PII p[N];
11 void solve() {
12     int n, m;
13     scanf("%d", &n);
14     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
15         int l, r;
16         scanf("%d %*d %*d %d", &l, &r);    // 对于区间(l,r,a,b),只关心l和b 
17         p[i] = {l, r};
18     }
19     // 对区间按左端点排序,然后进行区间合并 
20     sort(p, p + n); 
21     vector<PII> q;
22     int l = -1, r = -1;
23     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
24         if (p[i].first > r) {
25             if (l != -1) q.push_back({l, r});
26             l = p[i].first, r = p[i].second;
27         }
28         else {
29             r = max(r, p[i].second);
30         }
31     }
32     q.push_back({l, r}); 
33     scanf("%d", &m);
34     while (m--) {
35         int x;
36         scanf("%d", &x);
37         int l = 0, r = q.size() - 1;
38         while (l < r) {
39             int mid = l + r + 1 >> 1;
40             if (q[mid].first <= x) l = mid;
41             else r = mid - 1;
42         }
43         if (q[l].first <= x && q[l].second >= x) printf("%d ", q[l].second);    // 存在左端点不超过x的区间,且区间右端点超过x 
44         else printf("%d ", x);
45     }
46     printf("\n");
47 }
49 int main() {
50     int t;
51     scanf("%d", &t);
52     while (t--) {
53         solve();
54     }
56     return 0;
57 }



  Codeforces Round 892 (Div. 2)A-D:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/649683357

  Codeforces Round #892 (Div. 2) Editorial:https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/119287

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