Maximize the Minimum Powered City

Maximize the Minimum Powered City

You are given a 0-indexed integer array stations of length n, where stations[i] represents the number of power stations in the ith city.

Each power station can provide power to every city in a fixed range. In other words, if the range is denoted by r, then a power station at city i can provide power to all cities j such that |ij|r and 0i,jn1.

  • Note that |x| denotes absolute value. For example, |75|=2 and |310|=7.

The power of a city is the total number of power stations it is being provided power from.

The government has sanctioned building k more power stations, each of which can be built in any city, and have the same range as the pre-existing ones.

Given the two integers r and k, return the maximum possible minimum power of a city, if the additional power stations are built optimally.

Note that you can build the k power stations in multiple cities.

Example 1:

Input: stations = [1,2,4,5,0], r = 1, k = 2
Output: 5
One of the optimal ways is to install both the power stations at city 1. 
So stations will become [1,4,4,5,0].
- City 0 is provided by 1 + 4 = 5 power stations.
- City 1 is provided by 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 power stations.
- City 2 is provided by 4 + 4 + 5 = 13 power stations.
- City 3 is provided by 5 + 4 = 9 power stations.
- City 4 is provided by 5 + 0 = 5 power stations.
So the minimum power of a city is 5.
Since it is not possible to obtain a larger power, we return 5.

Example 2:

Input: stations = [4,4,4,4], r = 0, k = 3
Output: 4
It can be proved that we cannot make the minimum power of a city greater than 4.


  • n == stations.length
  • 1n105
  • 0stations[i]105
  • 0rn1
  • 0k109






 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     long long maxPower(vector<int>& stations, int r, int k) {
 4         int n = stations.size();
 5         vector<long long> s(n + 1);
 6         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 7             s[max(0, i - r)] += stations[i];
 8             s[min(n - 1, i + r) + 1] -= stations[i];
 9         }
10         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
11             s[i] += s[i - 1];
12         }
13         long long left = 0, right = accumulate(stations.begin(), stations.end(), 0ll) + k;
14         auto check = [&](long long mid) {
15             deque<pair<int, long long>> q;
16             long long sum = 0, cnt = k;
17             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
18                 if (!q.empty() && q.front().first < i) {    // 队头的供电站能够影响的最远距离落后于i
19                     sum -= q.front().second;    // 减去这些供电站
20                     q.pop_front();  // 弹出队列
21                 }
22                 if (mid - s[i] - sum > cnt) return false;   // 剩下能提供的供电站无法满足需求
23                 if (mid - s[i] - sum > 0) {
24                     int t = mid - s[i] - sum;
25                     cnt -= t, sum += t;
26                     q.push_back({i + r + r, t});    // 供电站放置在最右处,即i+r,供电站能影响的最远范围是i+2r
27                 }
28             }
29             return true;
30         };
31         while (left < right) {
32             long long mid = left + right + 1 >> 1;
33             if (check(mid)) left = mid;
34             else right = mid - 1;
35         }
36         return left;
37     }
38 };



 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     long long maxPower(vector<int>& stations, int r, int k) {
 4         int n = stations.size();
 5         vector<long long> s(n + 1);
 6         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 7             s[max(0, i - r)] += stations[i];
 8             s[min(n - 1, i + r) + 1] -= stations[i];
 9         }
10         for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
11             s[i] += s[i - 1];
12         }
13         long long left = 0, right = accumulate(stations.begin(), stations.end(), 0ll) + k;
14         auto check = [&](long long mid) {
15             vector<long long> d(n + 1); // 差分数组
16             long long sum = 0, cnt = k;
17             for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
18                 sum += d[i];    // 对差分数组求前缀和
19                 if (mid - s[i] - sum > cnt) return false;
20                 if (mid - s[i] - sum > 0) {
21                     int t = mid - s[i] - sum;
22                     cnt -= t, sum += t; // 由于d[i] += t,这里对这步省略,直接加在sum上(此时的值就是1~i的前缀和)
23                     d[min(n - 1, i + r + r) + 1] -= t;
24                 }
25             }
26             return true;
27         };
28         while (left < right) {
29             long long mid = left + right + 1 >> 1;
30             if (check(mid)) left = mid;
31             else right = mid - 1;
32         }
33         return left;
34     }
35 };




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