随笔分类 - Codeforces
摘要:C. Particles You have discovered mysterious particles on a line with integer charges of . You have a device that allows you to perf
摘要:C. No Prime Differences You are given integers and . Fill an by grid with the integers through , in such a way that for a
摘要:D. The BOSS Can Count Pairs You are given two arrays and , both of length . Your task is to count the number of pairs of integers su
摘要:B. Complete The Graph ZS the Coder has drawn an undirected graph of vertices numbered from to and edges between them. Each edge of
摘要:F. Ira and Flamenco Ira loves Spanish flamenco dance very much. She decided to start her own dance studio and found students, th of whom has le
摘要:G. Hits Different In a carnival game, there is a huge pyramid of cans with rows, numbered in a regular pattern as shown. If can is hit in
摘要:D. Fish Graph You are given a simple undirected graph with nodes and edges. Note that the graph is not necessarily connected. The nodes are la
摘要:D. Running Miles There is a street with sights, with sight number being miles from the beginning of the street. Sight number has beaut
摘要:D. Unique Palindromes A palindrome is a string that reads the same backwards as forwards. For example, the string abcba is palindrome, while the strin
摘要:D. Super-Permutation A permutation is a sequence integers, where each integer from to appears exactly once. For example, , $[3,5,2,1,
摘要:F. Gardening Friends Two friends, Alisa and Yuki, planted a tree with vertices in their garden. A tree is an undirected graph without cycles, loop
摘要:G2. Magic Triples (Hard Version) This is the hard version of the problem. The only difference is that in this version, . For a given seq
摘要:C. Place for a Selfie The universe is a coordinate plane. There are space highways, each of which is a straight line passing through the or
摘要:D. A Wide, Wide Graph You are given a tree (a connected graph without cycles) with vertices. Consider a fixed integer . Then, the graph i
摘要:C. Candy Store The store sells types of candies with numbers from to . One candy of type costs coins. In total, there are c
摘要:D. Binary String Sorting You are given a binary string consisting of only characters 0 and/or 1. You can perform several operations on this string
摘要:C. Sequence Master For some positive integer , YunQian considers an array of (possibly negative) integers good, if and only if for every p
摘要:E. Music Festival The boy Vitya loves to listen to music very much. He knows that albums are due to be released this Friday, -th of which conta
摘要:C. The Very Beautiful Blanket Kirill wants to weave the very beautiful blanket consisting of of the same size square patches of some colo
摘要:C. Pull Your Luck While James is gone on business, Vesper takes her time and explores what the legendary Casino Royale has to offer to people who are