随笔分类 - Codeforces
摘要:D. Prefix Purchase You have an array of size , initially filled with zeros (). You also have an array of integers
摘要:D1. Candy Party (Easy Version) This is the easy version of the problem. The only difference is that in this version everyone must give candies to exac
摘要:F. Selling a Menagerie You are the owner of a menagerie consisting of animals numbered from to . However, maintaining the menagerie is quit
摘要:D. Balanced String You are given a binary string (a binary string is a string consisting of characters 0 and/or 1). Let's call a binary string bal
摘要:F1. Omsk Metro (simple version) This is the simple version of the problem. The only difference between the simple and hard versions is that in this ve
摘要:D. Sorting By Multiplication You are given an array of length , consisting of positive integers. You can perform the following operation on thi
摘要:C. Vika and Price Tags Vika came to her favorite cosmetics store "Golden Pear". She noticed that the prices of items have changed since her last v
摘要:D. Imbalanced Arrays Ntarsis has come up with an array of non-negative integers. Call an array of integers imbalanced if it satisfies
摘要:C. MEX Repetition You are given an array of pairwise distinct integers from to . Consider the following operation: consec
摘要:B. Split Sort You are given a permutation of integers to . You can change the current permutation by applyi
摘要:D. Matrix Cascade There is a matrix of size which consists of 0s and 1s. The rows are numbered from to from top to bottom, the co
摘要:G. The Great Equalizer Tema bought an old device with a small screen and a worn-out inscription "The Great Equalizer" on the side. The seller said tha
摘要:E. Kolya and Movie Theatre Recently, Kolya found out that a new movie theatre is going to be opened in his city soon, which will show a new movie ever
摘要:D. Trees and Segments The teachers of the Summer Informatics School decided to plant trees in a row, and it was decided to plant only oaks and fir
摘要:E. Maximum Monogonosity You are given an array of length and an array of length . The cost of a segment ,
摘要:D. Andrey and Escape from Capygrad An incident occurred in Capygrad, the capital of Tyagoland, where all the capybaras in the city went crazy and star
摘要:G. Vlad and the Mountains Vlad decided to go on a trip to the mountains. He plans to move between mountains, some of which are connected by roads.
摘要:G. Counting Graphs Given a tree consisting of vertices. A tree is a connected undirected graph without cycles. Each edge of the tree has its weigh
摘要:E1. PermuTree (easy version) This is the easy version of the problem. The differences between the two versions are the constraint on and the time
摘要:A. Vika and Her Friends Vika and her friends went shopping in a mall, which can be represented as a rectangular grid of rooms with sides of length