随笔分类 - Codeforces
摘要:C. Messenger in MAC In the new messenger for the students of the Master's Assistance Center, Keftemerum, an update is planned, in which developers wan
摘要:D. Pinball There is a one-dimensional grid of length . The -th cell of the grid contains a character , which is either '<' or '>'. When a p
摘要:C. Sasha and Array Sasha has an array of integers . You have to perform m queries. There might be queries of two types:
摘要:G. Moving Platforms There is a game where you need to move through a labyrinth. The labyrinth consists of platforms, connected by passages. Ea
摘要:D. Sasha and a Walk in the City Sasha wants to take a walk with his girlfriend in the city. The city consists of intersections, numbered from
摘要:G. One-Dimensional Puzzle You have a one-dimensional puzzle, all the elements of which need to be put in one row, connecting with each other. All the
摘要:D. Lonely Mountain Dungeons Once, the people, elves, dwarves, and other inhabitants of Middle-earth gathered to reclaim the treasures stolen from them
摘要:E. Space Harbour There are points numbered to on a straight line. Initially, there are harbours. The -th harbour is at point
摘要:E. Klever Permutation You are given two integers and (), where is even. A permutation of length is an array consisting of
摘要:G. Paint Charges A horizontal grid strip of cells is given. In the -th cell, there is a paint charge of size . This charge can be: either
摘要:C. Did We Get Everything Covered? You are given two integers and along with a string . Your task is to check whether all possible strings o
摘要:D. Good Trip There are children in a class, pairs among them are friends. The -th pair who are friends have a friendship value of . Th
摘要:D. Blocking Elements You are given an array of numbers . Your task is to block some elements of the array in order to minimize
摘要:G. Mischievous Shooter Once the mischievous and wayward shooter named Shel found himself on a rectangular field of size , divided into uni
摘要:F1. Smooth Sailing (Easy Version) The only difference between the two versions of this problem is the constraint on . You can make hacks only if bo
摘要:D. Array Repetition Jayden has an array which is initially empty. There are operations of two types he must perform in the given order. Jayden
摘要:F. Sum of Progression You are given an array of numbers. There are also queries of the form . For each query , find the sum of
摘要:E. Happy Life in University Egor and his friend Arseniy are finishing school this year and will soon enter university. And since they are very respons
摘要:G. Bicycles All of Slavic's friends are planning to travel from the place where they live to a party using their bikes. And they all have a bike excep
摘要:E2. Game with Marbles (Hard Version) The easy and hard versions of this problem differ only in the constraints on the number of test cases and . In