Leetcode 166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal 弗洛伊德判环

分数转小数,要求输出循环小数 如2 3 输出0.(6)


Fraction to Recurring Decimal可以使用弗洛伊德判环,不同的是要找到循环出现的起始点,因此会比单单判断是否循环出现的题要难一点,代码要长一点,但是它比是用map的实现会更快。


1)对于整数的求余和整除运算要注意,特别负数的求余运算, 可以参考 getMode_()和getShang_();

2) 由于整数整除的特殊性,对于整数整除是0的无法判断正负,因此要转化成double再判断;


 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     typedef long long __int64;
 4        inline __int64 getShang_(__int64 numerator, __int64 denominator){//特别注意数字都要取绝对值
 5         return abs(numerator) / abs(denominator);
 6     }
 8     inline __int64 getMod_(__int64 numerator, __int64 denominator){//特别注意数字都要取绝对值
 9         return abs(numerator) % abs(denominator);
10     }
12     inline std::string inttostr_(__int64 num){
13         char t[20] = { 0 };
14          sprintf(t, "%lld", num);
15         return std::string(t);
16     }
18     std::string fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
19         std::string Integer_("");
20         if ((double)numerator / denominator < 0) Integer_ = "-"; //整数整除是0的无法判断正负
21         Integer_ += inttostr_(getShang_(numerator, denominator));
23         if (0 == getMod_(numerator,denominator) ) {
24             return Integer_;
25         }
26         Integer_ += ".";
27         __int64 tnumerator = numerator;
28         tnumerator = getMod_ (tnumerator, denominator);
29         //printf("%lld\n", numerator);
30         __int64 one = tnumerator;
31         __int64 two = tnumerator;
32         std::vector<__int64> vyushu;
33         std::string Decimal_("");
34         vyushu.push_back(two);
35         int cnt = 0;  //循环节周期
36         while (true)
37         {
38             one = getMod_(one * 10, denominator);
40             Decimal_ += inttostr_(getShang_(two * 10, denominator));
41             two = getMod_(two * 10, denominator);
42             vyushu.push_back(two);
43             if (0 == two) break;//退出条件
45             Decimal_ += inttostr_(getShang_(two * 10, denominator));
46             two = getMod_(two * 10, denominator);
47             vyushu.push_back(two);
48             if (0 == two) break;//退出条件
50             cnt++;
51             if (two == one) break;
52         }
53         /*for (auto i:vyushu){
54             std::cout << i << std::endl;
55         }
56         std::cout << Decimal_ << std::endl;
57         std::cout << cnt << std::endl;*/
58         if (two){     //找到循环出现的起始点和结束点[j,k)
59             int j = 0, k = 0;
60             for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = vyushu.size()-1; i >= 0&& i>=cnt; --i){
61                 if (vyushu[ i -cnt] != vyushu[ i]){
62                     j = i - cnt + 1;
63                     break;
64                 }
65             }
66             for (std::vector<int>::size_type i = j + 1; i < vyushu.size(); ++i){
67                 if (vyushu[i] == vyushu[j]) {
68                     k = i;
69                     break;
70                 }
71             }
72             //std::cout << j << " " << k << std::endl;
73             return  Integer_ + Decimal_.substr(0, j) + "(" + Decimal_.substr(j, k - j) +")";
74         }
75         else return Integer_ + Decimal_;
77     }
78 };


在代码中注释部分出现的某些代码是来自c++11标准的,请忽略! 另外c++11标准直接支持__int64。

posted @ 2016-01-13 10:45  Breeze0806  阅读(311)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报