1. Measure things that customers care about, not just things you care about: 衡量那些客户关心的事情,不只是你关心的事情
2. Learn from failure, don't punish it: 从失败中学习,但是不要惩罚他
3. Customers see your organization, whether you want them to or not: 客户看到的是你公司的整体形象,不管你愿意不愿意。对于客户而言,产品就是公司,公司物化为产品,这就是我们常说的产品即人品。员工的行为气质会清清楚楚的烙印在产品中
4. Listen to the question opinion leaders and take their opinion seriously: 倾听意见领袖并把他们的意见严肃认真的处理
5. Learn from customers in their enviroment, not yours: 在客户的真实环境中感同身受,而不是在你的环境中
6. Marketing and sales are on a different calendar than engineering: 做销售营销与做工程产品是两种工作模式与思维模式
7. Uses lots of tools and techniques---there are no silver bullets: 使用大量工具和技巧——没有银弹。这就是我们常说的工作流程化、流程工具化,踏踏实实不要投机取巧地执行,设计时创新,执行时不许创新
8. Trust the team, but ask hard questions: 信任团队,但是要问出严厉的问题
9. Good Products have focus, greate products have a vision: 优秀产品要专注,伟大产品有愿景
10. Your customers have lives, and your product is rarely what matters most: 你的客户有自己的生活,你的产品对他们而言很少是最重要的

posted on 2009-12-23 09:23  沧海-重庆  阅读(493)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报