If you want to modify SAP forms, set up your development environment as follows:

1.       Make sure that no SAP-standard forms are stored as client-specific copies in your development client.

Such forms should be held only in client 000, the SAP development and installation client. If you access an SAP-standard form from another client, then the central copy in client 000 is used.

If you need to remove SAP-standard objects from your development client, see Notes 10388 and 3355 in the SAP Online Service System (OSS). These notes explain the procedure for saving modified forms and then deleting all forms.

2.       To modify SAP standard forms,

– Copy the forms you need from client 000 to your development client.

– Rename the forms using a name from the customer name reserve (names starting with Y or Z).

– Copy the forms to one of your own Y or Z development classes.

Renaming the SAP standard object makes it possible to manage and transport your changes with the SAP workbench organizer. The organizer is not activated for SAP-standard objects that are modified in clients other than 000.

3.       To put your modifications into effect, you must also modify the ABAP print program used to print documents that use this form. You should rename such print programs and store them in your own Y or Z development classes.

You can use the SAP Customizing System to replace the SAP print program with your modified print program in the affected applications


posted on 2007-12-15 00:08  沧海-重庆  阅读(1110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报