第三章 第五节 剖析Shell对象

第五节 剖析Shell对象




3-3  Shell的构造函数



public Shell()

Empty constructor, which is equivalent to calling Shell((Display) null). Currently, passing null for the Display causes the Shell to be created on the active display, or, if no display is active, on a "default" display. This constructor is discouraged, and might be removed from a future SWT release.

public Shell(int style)

This constructor, too, isn't recommended for use, as it calls Shell((Display) null, style), so also might be removed from SWT.

public Shell(Display display)

Constructs a shell using display as the display, null for the parent, and SHELL_TRIM for the style, except on Windows CE, where it uses NONE (see Table 3-4).

public Shell(Display display, int style)

Constructs a shell using display as the display, null for the parent, and style for the style. See Table 3-4 for appropriate Shell styles.

public Shell(Shell parent)

Constructs a shell using the parent's Display as the display, parent for the parent, and DIALOG_TRIM for the style, except on Windows CE, where it uses NONE (see Table 3-4).

public Shell(Shell parent, int style)

Constructs a shell using the parent's Display as the display, parent for the parent, and style for the style. See Table 3-4 for appropriate Shell styles.


3-4: Shell的样式




Adds a border.


Adds a close button.


Adds a minimize button.


Adds a maximize button.


Creates a Shell that has no border and can't be moved, closed, resized, minimized, or maximized. Not very useful, except perhaps for splash screens.


Adds a resizable border.


Adds a title bar.


Convenience style, equivalent to TITLE | CLOSE | BORDER.


Convenience style, equivalent to CLOSE | TITLE | MIN | MAX | RESIZE.


Creates a Shell that's modal to the application. Note that you should specify only one of APPLICATION_MODAL, PRIMARY_MODAL, SYSTEM_MODAL, or MODELESS; you can specify more, but only one is applied. The order of preference is SYSTEM_MODAL, APPLICATION_MODAL, PRIMARY_MODAL, then MODELESS.


Creates a primary modal Shell.


Creates a Shell that's modal system-wide.


Creates a modeless Shell.





3-5: Shell 的方法



void addShellListener (ShellListener listener)

Adds a listener that's notified when operations are performed on the Shell.

void close()

Closes the Shell.

void dispose()

Disposes the Shell, and recursively disposes all its children.

void forceActive()

Moves the Shell to the top of the z-order on its Display and forces the window manager to make it active.

Rectangle getBounds()

Returns the Shell's size and location relative to its parent (or its Display in the case of a top-level Shell).

Display getDisplay()

Returns the Display this Shell was created on.

boolean getEnabled()

Returns true if this Shell is enabled, and false if not.

int getImeInputMode()

Returns this Shell's input-method editor mode, which is the result of bitwise ORing one or more of SWT.NONE, SWT.ROMAN, SWT.DBCS, SWT.PHONETIC, SWT.NATIVE, and SWT.ALPHA.

Point getLocation()

Returns the location of this Shell relative to its parent (or its Display in the case of a top-level Shell).

Region getRegion()

Returns this Shell's region if it's nonrectangular. Otherwise, returns null.

Shell getShell()

Returns a reference to itself.

Shell[] getShells()

Returns all the Shells that are descendants of this Shell.

Point getSize()

Returns this Shell's size.

boolean isEnabled()

See getEnabled().

void open()

Opens (displays) this Shell.

void removeShellListener (ShellListener listener)

Removes the specified listener from the notification list.

void setActive()

Moves the Shell to the top of the z-order on its Display and asks the window manager to make it active.

void setEnabled(boolean enabled)

Passing true enables this Shell; passing false disables it.

void setImeInputMode (int mode)

Sets this Shell's input-method editor mode, which should be the result of bitwise ORing one or more of SWT.NONE, SWT.ROMAN, SWT.DBCS, SWT.PHONETIC, SWT.NATIVE, and SWT.ALPHA.

void setRegion(Region region)

Sets the region for this Shell. Use for nonrectangular windows.

void setVisible(boolean visible)

Passing true sets this Shell visible; passing false sets it invisible.



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