










absAbsolute value.
accumCumulative sum (inclusive).
acosInverse cosine.
acoshInverse hyperbolic cosine.
addAddition of two inputs.
allocHostAllocate memory on host.
allocV2Allocate memory using the ArrayFire memory manager.
allTrueTest if all values in an array are true.
allTrueByKeyCalculate if all values that share the same consecutive keys are true.
andLogical AND.
anisotropicDiffusionAnisotropic Smoothing Filter.
anytrueCalculate if any values in an array are true.
anyTrueByKeyCalculate if any values that share the same consecutive keys are true.
approx1Interpolation across a single dimension.
approx2Interpolation along two dimensions.
argPhase of a number in the complex plane.
asinarc sin of input
asinhasinh of input
assignCopy and write values in the locations specified by the sequences.
atan/atan2arc tan of input
atanhatanh of input
bilateralBilateral Filter.
bitandBitwise and operation of two inputs.
bitorBitwise or operation of two inputs.
bitshiftlLeft shift an input.
bitshiftrRight shift an input.
bitxorBitwise xor operation of two inputs.
cannyCanny Edge Detector.
castCasting inputs from one type to another.
cbrtCube root of input arrays.
ceilRound to integer greater than equal to current value.
choleskyPerform Cholesky decomposition.
col/colsGets a reference of a col in a 2D af::array.
colorSpaceColorspace conversion function.
complexcreate complex arrays
confidenceCCSegment image based on similar pixel characteristics.
conjgGet complex conjugate.
constantCreate a array from a scalar input value.
convolve (Non-separable)Convolution Integral for any(one through three) dimensional data.
convolve (Separable)Separable Convolution.
convolve1Convolution Integral for one dimensional data.
convolve2Convolution Integral for two dimensional data.
convolve3Convolution Integral for three dimensional data.
corrcoefFind the correlation coefficient of values in the input.
coscos of input
coshcosh of input
countCount the number of non-zero elements in the input.
countByKeyCounts the non-zero values of an input array according to an array of keys.
covFind the covariance of values in the input.
deleteImageMemDelete memory created by saveImageMem and af_save_image_memory function.
denseReturns a dense array from a sparse input.
detFind the determinant of the input matrix.
deviceInfoGets the information about device and platform as strings.
deviceMemInfoMemory manager related functions.
diagExtract diagonal from a matrix when extract is set to true.
diff1First order numerical difference along specified dimension.
diff2Second order numerical difference along specified dimension.
dilateDilation(morphological operator) for images.
dilate3dDilation(morphological operator) for volumes.
divDivide one input by another.
dogDifference of Gaussians.
dotCalculate the dot product of a vector.
eqCheck if input two inputs are equal.
erfError function value.
erfcComplementary Error function value.
erodeErosion(morphological operator) for images.
erode3dErosion(morphological operator) for volumes.
expExponential of input.
expm1Exponential of input - 1.
factorialFactorial function.
fastFAST feature detector.
featuresLookup values of an array based on sequences and/or arrays.
fftFast Fourier Transform.
fft2Fast Fourier Transform.
fft3Fast Fourier Transform.
fftC2RComplex to Real Fast Fourier Transform.
fftR2CReal to Complex Fast Fourier Transform.
firThis function implements a Finite Impulse Filter.
flatFlatten the input to a single dimension.
flipFlip the input along specified dimension.
floorRound to integer less than equal to current value.
freeHostFree memory allocated on host internally by ArrayFire.
freePinnedFree pinned memory allocated by ArrayFire's memory manager.
freeV2Returns memory to ArrayFire's memory manager.
gaussiankernelCreates a Gaussian Kernel.
geCheck if input is greater than or equal to another.
getActiveBackendGet's the backend enum for the active backend.
getAvailableBackendsReturns an integer indicating the backends loaded successfully.
getBackendCountGet the number of backends whose libraries were successfully loaded.
getBackendIdGet's the backend enum for an array.
getDefaultRandomEngineReturns the default random engine object.
getDeviceGet the current device ID.
getDeviceCountGets the number of compute devices on the system.
getDeviceIdGet's the id of the device an array was created on.
getSeedReturns the seed for random number generation.
glohSIFT feature detector and GLOH descriptor extractor.
gradCalculate the gradients of the input.
gray2rgbGrayscale to RGB colorspace converter.
gtCheck if input is greater than another.
hammingMatcherHamming Matcher.
harrisHarris corner detector.
histequalHistogram equalization of input image.
histogramHistogram of input data.
homographyHomography Estimation.
hsv2rgbHSV to RGB colorspace converter.
hypotHypotenuse of the two inputs.
identityCreate an identity array with diagonal values 1.
ifftFast Fourier Transform.
ifft2Fast Fourier Transform.
ifft3Fast Fourier Transform.
iirThis function implements a Infinite Impulse Filter.
imagGet imaginary part of complex arrays.
indexLookup values of an array based on sequences and/or arrays.
infoDisplay ArrayFire and device info.
infoStringGet af::info() as a string.
inverseInvert a matrix.
inverseDeconvInverse Deconvolution.
iotaCreate an sequence [0, dims.elements() - 1] and modify to specified dimensions dims and then tile it according to tile_dims.
isDoubleAvailableCheck if double precision support is available for specified device.
isHalfAvailableCheck if half(16-bit) precision floating point support is available for specified device.
isImageIoAvailableReturns true if ArrayFire was compiled with ImageIO (FreeImage) support.
isinfCheck if values are infinite.
isLAPACKAvailableReturns true is ArrayFire is compiled with LAPACK support.
isNanCheck if values are Nan.
iszeroCheck if values are zero.
iterativeDeconvIterative Deconvolution.
joinJoin up to 4 arrays along specified dimension.
leCheck if input is less than or equal to another.
lgammaLogarithm of absolute values of Gamma function.
loadImageLoad an image from disk to an array.
loadImageMemLoad an image from memory which is stored as a FreeImage stream (FIMEMORY).
logNatural logarithm.
log10logarithm base 10
log1pNatural logarithm of (1 + in)
lookupLookup values of an array by indexing with another array.
lowerCreate a lower triangular matrix from input array.
ltCheck if input is less than another.
luPerform LU decomposition.
matchTemplateTemplate Matching.
matmulMatrix multiplication using array.
maxFind the maximum values and their locations.
maxMaximum of two inputs.
maxByKeyFinds the max of an input array according to an array of keys.
maxfiltFind maximum value from a window.
meanFind the mean of values in the input.
meanshiftMeanshift Filter.
medfiltMedian Filter.
medianFind the median of values in the input.
minFind the minimum values and their locations.
minMinimum of two inputs.
minByKeyFinds the min of an input array according to an array of keys.
minfiltFind minimum value from a window.
modCompute x−n∗y where n is quotient of x/y.
moddimsModify the input dimensions without changing the data order.
momentsThe moments() function allows for finding different properties of image regions.
mulMultiply two inputs element wise.
nearestNeighbourDetermine the nearest neighbouring points to a given set of points.
negNegative of an input.
neqCheck if input two inputs are not equal.
normFind the norm of the input matrix.
notLogical not of an input.
operator()Gets a reference to a set of elements.
operator(star)=Multiplies and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
operator/=Divides and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
operator+=Adds and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
operator=Assignes the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
operator-=Subtracts and assigns the value(s) of val to the elements of the af::array.
orLogical or of two inputs.
orbORB Feature descriptor.
padPad an array.
pinnedAllocate pinned memory using ArrayFire's memory manager.
pinversePseudo-invert a matrix.
powRaise an array to a power.
printPrint the array to screen.
productFind the product of values in the input.
productByKeyFinds the product of an input array according to an array of keys.
qrPerform QR decomposition.
randnCreate a random array sampled from normal distribution.
randomEngineFunctions to create, modify, use, and destroy randomEngine objects.
randuCreate a random array sampled from uniform distribution.
rangeCreates an array with [0, n] values along the seq_dim which is tiled across other dimensions.
rankFind the rank of the input matrix.
readArrayLoad an array from a file.
realGet real part of complex arrays.
regionsFind blobs in given image.
remRemainder operation.
reorderReorder an array according to the specified dimensions.
replaceReplace elements of an array based on a conditional array.
resizeResize an input image.
rgb2grayRGB to Grayscale colorspace converter.
rgb2hsvRGB to HSV colorspace converter.
rgb2ycbcrRGB to YCbCr colorspace converter.
rootFind root of an input.
rotateRotate an input image or array.
roundRound to nearest integer.
row/rowsGets a reference of a row in a 2D af::array.
rsqrtThe reciprocal or inverse square root of input arrays.
satSummed Area Tables.
saveArraySave an array to a binary file.
saveImageSave an array to disk as an image.
saveImageMemSave an array to memory as an image using FreeImage stream (FIMEMORY).
scaleScale an input image.
scanInclusive or exclusive scan of an array.
scanByKeyInclusive or exclusive scan of an array by key.
selectSelects elements from two arrays based on the values of a binary conditional array.
setBackendSet the current backend when using Unified backend.
setDefaultRandomEngineTypeSet the default random engine type.
setDeviceChange current device to specified device.
setintersectFind the intersection of two sets.
setSeedSet the seed for random number generation.
setunionFind the union of two sets.
setuniqueFinds unique values from an input set.
shiftCircular shift slong specified dimensions.
siftSIFT feature detector and descriptor extractor.
signCheck if input is negative.
sinsin of input
sinhsinh of input
skewSkew an input image.
slice/slicesGets a reference of a matrix in a 3D af::array.
sobelSobel Operators.
solveSolve a system of equations.
solveLUSolve a system of equations.
sortSort input arrays.
sortByKeySort input arrays based on keys.
sortIndexSort input arrays get the sorted indices.
sparseCreate a sparse array.
sparseConvertToConvert an existing sparse array into a different storage format.
sparseGetColdxReturns reference to the column indices component of the sparse array.
sparseGetInfoReturns reference to components of the input sparse array.
sparseGetNNZReturns the number of non zero elements in the sparse array.
sparseGetRowIdxReturns reference to the row indices component of the sparse array.
sparseGetStorageReturns the storage type of a sparse array.
sparseGetValuesReturns reference to the values component of the sparse array.
sqrtSquare root of input arrays.
stdevFind the standard deviation of values in the input.
subSubtract one input from another.
sumFind the sum of values in the input.
sumByKeyFinds the sum of an input array according to an array of keys.
susanSUSAN corner detector.
svdComputes the singular value decomposition of a matrix.
syncBlocks until all operations on device are finished.
tan/tan2tan of input
tanhtanh of input
tgammaGamma function.
tileRepeat the contents of the input array along the specified dimensions.
topkThis function returns the top k values along a given dimension of the input array.
toStringPrint the array to a string instead of the screen.
transformTransform an input image.
transformCoordinatesTransform input coordinates.
translateTranslate an input image.
transposeMatrix Transpose.
truncTruncate to nearest integer.
unwrapRearrange windowed sections of an array into columns (or rows)
upperCreate a upper triangular matrix from input array.
varFind the variance of values in the input.
whereLocate the indices of non-zero elements.
wrapPerforms the opposite of unwrap().
ycbcr2rgbYCbCr to RGB colorspace converter.
posted @ 2022-08-21 10:12  Oliver2022  阅读(93)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报