MerriamWebster 大名鼎鼎的韦氏大辞典,需要注册ID,每天免费1000次的调用,官方介绍如下
Merriam-Webster Dictionary APIhttps://dictionaryapi.com/采用c#调用的方式如下
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
string keyWord = "love";
string MERRIAM_WEBSTER_KWY = "你用官网免费申请的key";
string url = "https://www.dictionaryapi.com/api/v3/references/thesaurus/json/" + keyWord + "?key=" + MERRIAM_WEBSTER_KWY;
//HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
//var result = httpClient.GetAsync(url).Result;
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "GET";
request.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
request.UserAgent = null;
request.Timeout = 6000;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
Stream myResponseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
StreamReader myStreamReader = new StreamReader(myResponseStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
string retString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
JArray json = JArray.Parse(retString);
foreach(var e in json)
"meta": {
"id": "love",
"uuid": "d7e11aa5-9788-4cfa-9c48-a75f7f3f092d",
"src": "coll_thes",
"section": "alpha",
"target": {
"tuuid": "be07e774-e126-4f7e-a118-9dbef9f8d269",
"tsrc": "collegiate"
"stems": [
"syns": [
"delight (in)",
"get off (on)",
"groove (on)",
"rejoice (in)",
"revel (in)",
"ants": [
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love"
"fl": "verb",
"def": [
"sseq": [
"sn": "1",
"dt": [
"to hold dear "
"t": "patriots who {it}loved{/it} their country well enough to die for it"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "appreciate"
"wd": "cherish"
"wd": "prize"
"wd": "treasure"
"wd": "value"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "delight (in)"
"wd": "dig"
"wd": "enjoy"
"wd": "fancy"
"wd": "groove (on)"
"wd": "like"
"wd": "relish"
"wd": "revel (in)"
"wd": "admire"
"wd": "apprize"
"wd": "esteem"
"wd": "regard"
"wd": "respect"
"wd": "revere"
"wd": "reverence"
"wd": "venerate"
"wd": "enshrine"
"wd": "memorialize"
"wd": "adore"
"wd": "caress"
"wd": "dote (on)"
"wd": "idolize"
"wd": "worship"
"phrase_list": [
"wd": "set store by",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "or",
"wva": "set store on"
"near_list": [
"wd": "undervalue"
"wd": "abhor"
"wd": "abominate"
"wd": "despise"
"wd": "detest"
"wd": "execrate"
"wd": "hate"
"wd": "loathe"
"wd": "disdain"
"wd": "high-hat"
"wd": "scorn"
"wd": "scout"
"wd": "slight"
"wd": "sniff (at)"
"wd": "snub"
"wd": "bad-mouth"
"wd": "belittle"
"wd": "cry down"
"wd": "decry"
"wd": "deprecate"
"wd": "depreciate"
"wd": "disparage"
"wd": "kiss off"
"wd": "minimize"
"wd": "put down"
"wd": "write off"
"wd": "abandon"
"wd": "forget"
"wd": "neglect"
"ant_list": [
"wd": "disvalue"
"sn": "2",
"dt": [
"to feel passion, devotion, or tenderness for "
"t": "a husband who {it}loves{/it} his wife more than anything"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "adore"
"wd": "cherish"
"wd": "worship"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "adulate"
"wd": "canonize"
"wd": "deify"
"wd": "idealize"
"wd": "idolize"
"wd": "revere"
"wd": "reverence"
"wd": "venerate"
"wd": "delight (in)"
"wd": "dote (on)"
"phrase_list": [
"wd": "carry a torch (for)",
"wvbvrs": [
"wvbvl": "or",
"wvbva": "carry the torch (for)"
"wd": "fall for"
"wd": "lose one's heart (to)"
"near_list": [
"wd": "antagonize"
"wd": "displease"
"wd": "disapprove (of)"
"wd": "disfavor"
"wd": "dislike"
"wd": "disgust"
"wd": "nauseate"
"wd": "repel"
"wd": "repulse"
"wd": "revolt"
"wd": "sicken"
"wd": "turn off"
"ant_list": [
"wd": "abhor"
"wd": "abominate"
"wd": "despise"
"wd": "detest"
"wd": "execrate"
"wd": "hate"
"wd": "loathe"
"sn": "3",
"dt": [
"to take pleasure in "
"t": "I {it}love{/it} playing Frisbee in the summer rain"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "adore"
"wd": "delight (in)"
"wd": "dig"
"wd": "enjoy"
"wd": "fancy"
"wd": "get off (on)"
"wd": "groove (on)"
"wd": "like"
"wd": "rejoice (in)"
"wd": "relish"
"wd": "revel (in)"
"wd": "savor",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "also",
"wva": "savour"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "admire"
"wd": "appreciate"
"wd": "cherish"
"wd": "revere"
"wd": "venerate"
"wd": "worship"
"wd": "prize"
"wd": "treasure"
"wd": "value"
"wd": "devour"
"wd": "drink (in)"
"wd": "eat (up)"
"wd": "feast (on)"
"wd": "dote (on)"
"wd": "idolize"
"wd": "cotton (to)"
"wd": "favor"
"wd": "prefer"
"wd": "indulge (in)"
"wd": "luxuriate (in)"
"wd": "wallow (in)"
"phrase_list": [
"wd": "be partial to"
"wd": "get a kick out of",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "or",
"wva": "get a charge out of"
"wd": "go for"
"wd": "have a soft spot for"
"wd": "take to"
"near_list": [
"wd": "abhor"
"wd": "abominate"
"wd": "detest"
"wd": "dislike"
"wd": "hate"
"wd": "loathe"
"wd": "condemn"
"wd": "despise"
"wd": "scorn"
"sn": "4",
"dt": [
"to touch or handle in a tender or loving manner "
"t": "the baby responded to my caresses and kisses by {it}loving{/it} me right back"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "caress"
"wd": "fondle"
"wd": "gentle"
"wd": "pat"
"wd": "pet"
"wd": "stroke"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "bill"
"wd": "canoodle"
"wd": "cuddle"
"wd": "neck"
"wd": "nestle"
"wd": "nose"
"wd": "nuzzle"
"wd": "snuggle"
"wd": "spoon"
"wd": "feel up"
"wd": "paw"
"wd": "cradle"
"wd": "embrace"
"wd": "enfold"
"wd": "hug"
"wd": "bounce"
"wd": "dandle"
"wd": "knead"
"wd": "massage"
"wd": "baby"
"wd": "coddle"
"wd": "indulge"
"wd": "mollycoddle"
"wd": "pamper"
"wd": "spoil"
"shortdef": [
"to hold dear",
"to feel passion, devotion, or tenderness for",
"to take pleasure in"
"meta": {
"id": "love",
"uuid": "167acaf3-f811-4aa1-9a72-936ceb18097f",
"src": "coll_thes",
"section": "alpha",
"target": {
"tuuid": "01185f42-4059-42f7-8047-9516a9e7141f",
"tsrc": "collegiate"
"stems": [
"at love",
"in love",
"syns": [
"sweetie pie",
"love affair",
"love affair",
"ants": [
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love"
"fl": "noun",
"def": [
"sseq": [
"sn": "1",
"dt": [
"a feeling of strong or constant regard for and dedication to someone "
"t": "her {it}love{/it} for her children was truly selfless"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "affection"
"wd": "attachment"
"wd": "devotedness"
"wd": "devotion"
"wd": "fondness"
"wd": "passion"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "appetite"
"wd": "fancy"
"wd": "favor"
"wd": "like"
"wd": "liking"
"wd": "partiality"
"wd": "preference"
"wd": "relish"
"wd": "taste"
"wd": "craving"
"wd": "crush"
"wd": "desire"
"wd": "infatuation"
"wd": "longing"
"wd": "lust"
"wd": "yearning"
"wd": "ardor"
"wd": "eagerness"
"wd": "enthusiasm"
"wd": "fervor"
"wd": "zeal"
"wd": "appreciation"
"wd": "esteem"
"wd": "estimation"
"wd": "regard"
"wd": "respect"
"wd": "adoration"
"wd": "adulation"
"wd": "deification"
"wd": "idolatry"
"wd": "idolization"
"wd": "worship"
"wd": "allegiance"
"wd": "faithfulness"
"wd": "fealty"
"wd": "fidelity"
"wd": "loyalty"
"wd": "steadfastness"
"near_list": [
"wd": "allergy"
"wd": "animosity"
"wd": "antagonism"
"wd": "antipathy"
"wd": "aversion"
"wd": "disfavor"
"wd": "dislike"
"wd": "enmity"
"wd": "hostility"
"wd": "abhorrence"
"wd": "disgust"
"wd": "repugnance"
"wd": "repulsion"
"wd": "revulsion"
"wd": "misanthropy"
"ant_list": [
"wd": "abomination"
"wd": "hate"
"wd": "hatred"
"wd": "loathing"
"wd": "rancor"
"sn": "2",
"dt": [
"a person with whom one is in love "
"t": "she is the {it}love{/it} of my life"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "beloved"
"wd": "darling"
"wd": "dear"
"wd": "flame"
"wd": "hon"
"wd": "honey"
"wd": "squeeze",
"wsls": [
"wd": "sweet"
"wd": "sweetheart"
"wd": "sweetie"
"wd": "sweetie pie"
"wd": "truelove"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "beau"
"wd": "boy"
"wd": "boyfriend"
"wd": "fellow"
"wd": "man"
"wd": "swain"
"wd": "gal"
"wd": "girl"
"wd": "girlfriend"
"wd": "inamorata"
"wd": "ladylove"
"wd": "lass"
"wd": "mistress"
"wd": "tootsie"
"wd": "amour"
"wd": "lover"
"wd": "paramour"
"wd": "doll"
"wd": "duck(s)",
"wsls": [
"chiefly British"
"wd": "pet"
"wd": "date"
"wd": "escort"
"wd": "steady"
"wd": "admirer"
"wd": "gallant"
"wd": "suitor"
"wd": "wooer"
"wd": "groom"
"wd": "husband"
"wd": "bride"
"wd": "wife"
"wd": "significant other"
"wd": "fiancé"
"wd": "intended"
"wd": "crush"
"wd": "heartthrob"
"sn": "3",
"dt": [
"positive regard for something "
"t": "a {it}love{/it} of chocolate, which I will pay anything to indulge"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "appetite"
"wd": "fancy"
"wd": "favor"
"wd": "fondness"
"wd": "like"
"wd": "liking"
"wd": "love affair"
"wd": "partiality"
"wd": "preference"
"wd": "relish"
"wd": "shine"
"wd": "taste"
"wd": "use"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "craving"
"wd": "desire"
"wd": "hankering"
"wd": "longing"
"wd": "thirst"
"wd": "yen"
"wd": "enthusiasm"
"wd": "gusto"
"wd": "interest"
"wd": "passion"
"wd": "bias"
"wd": "prejudice"
"wd": "bent"
"wd": "inclination"
"wd": "leaning"
"wd": "propensity"
"wd": "tendency"
"wd": "tooth"
"wd": "palate"
"wd": "weakness"
"near_list": [
"wd": "apathy"
"wd": "disinclination"
"wd": "indifference"
"wd": "unconcern"
"ant_list": [
"wd": "aversion"
"wd": "disfavor"
"wd": "disgust"
"wd": "dislike"
"wd": "distaste"
"wd": "hatred"
"wd": "loathing"
"wd": "mislike"
"sn": "4",
"dt": [
"a brief romantic relationship "
"t": "he refused to discuss past {it}loves{/it}"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "affair",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "also",
"wva": "affaire"
"wd": "amour"
"wd": "fling"
"wd": "love affair"
"wd": "romance"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "intrigue"
"wd": "liaison"
"wd": "dalliance"
"wd": "hanky-panky"
"wd": "attachment"
"wd": "infatuation"
"wd": "entanglement"
"wd": "flirtation"
"wd": "idyll",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "also",
"wva": "idyl"
"wd": "passion"
"wd": "calf-love"
"wd": "puppy love"
"shortdef": [
"a feeling of strong or constant regard for and dedication to someone",
"a person with whom one is in love",
"positive regard for something"
"meta": {
"id": "love affair",
"uuid": "40b0c889-192a-4365-906d-7050711011d9",
"src": "coll_thes",
"section": "alpha",
"target": {
"tuuid": "e61cfcbc-c09c-4d19-ae96-bc7f425096c2",
"tsrc": "collegiate"
"stems": [
"love affair",
"love affairs"
"syns": [
"ants": [
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love affair"
"fl": "noun",
"def": [
"sseq": [
"sn": "1",
"dt": [
"a brief romantic relationship "
"t": "the tabloids feel obliged to keep us informed of the {it}love affairs{/it} of celebrities, whether we care to know or not"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "affair",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "also",
"wva": "affaire"
"wd": "amour"
"wd": "fling"
"wd": "love"
"wd": "romance"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "intrigue"
"wd": "liaison"
"wd": "dalliance"
"wd": "hanky-panky"
"wd": "attachment"
"wd": "infatuation"
"wd": "entanglement"
"wd": "flirtation"
"wd": "idyll",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "also",
"wva": "idyl"
"wd": "passion"
"wd": "calf-love"
"wd": "puppy love"
"sn": "2",
"dt": [
"positive regard for something "
"t": "a group of young men united by their {it}love affair{/it} with the muscle car"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "appetite"
"wd": "fancy"
"wd": "favor"
"wd": "fondness"
"wd": "like"
"wd": "liking"
"wd": "love"
"wd": "partiality"
"wd": "preference"
"wd": "relish"
"wd": "shine"
"wd": "taste"
"wd": "use"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "craving"
"wd": "desire"
"wd": "hankering"
"wd": "longing"
"wd": "thirst"
"wd": "yen"
"wd": "enthusiasm"
"wd": "gusto"
"wd": "interest"
"wd": "passion"
"wd": "bias"
"wd": "prejudice"
"wd": "bent"
"wd": "inclination"
"wd": "leaning"
"wd": "propensity"
"wd": "tendency"
"wd": "tooth"
"wd": "palate"
"wd": "weakness"
"near_list": [
"wd": "apathy"
"wd": "disinclination"
"wd": "indifference"
"wd": "unconcern"
"ant_list": [
"wd": "aversion"
"wd": "disfavor"
"wd": "disgust"
"wd": "dislike"
"wd": "distaste"
"wd": "hatred"
"wd": "loathing"
"wd": "mislike"
"shortdef": [
"a brief romantic relationship",
"positive regard for something"
"meta": {
"id": "love child",
"uuid": "18cd4693-a877-40b6-b442-b42414b2fdd4",
"src": "coll_thes",
"section": "alpha",
"target": {
"tuuid": "0b474a46-7519-4ac5-942c-63a496607aea",
"tsrc": "collegiate"
"stems": [
"love child",
"love childs"
"syns": [
"ants": [],
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love child"
"fl": "noun",
"def": [
"sseq": [
"dt": [
"an illegitimate child "
"t": "a woman who claimed to be the {it}love child{/it} of two of Hollywood's most beloved stars during its golden age"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "bastard"
"wd": "by-blow"
"wd": "whoreson"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "nephew"
"wd": "niece"
"shortdef": [
"an illegitimate child"
"meta": {
"id": "love seat",
"uuid": "4fce399e-9d68-4808-8040-62c03227c1ee",
"src": "CTcompile",
"section": "alpha",
"stems": [
"love seat"
"syns": [
"sofa bed",
"studio couch",
"ants": [],
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love seat"
"fl": "noun",
"def": [
"sseq": [
"dt": [
"as in {it}lounger{/it}, {it}recamier{/it}"
"sim_list": [
"wd": "lounger"
"wd": "recamier"
"wd": "tête-à-tête"
"wd": "chesterfield"
"wd": "couch"
"wd": "davenport"
"wd": "divan"
"wd": "lounge"
"wd": "settee"
"wd": "sofa"
"wd": "squab"
"wd": "daybed"
"wd": "sofa bed"
"wd": "studio couch"
"wd": "banquette"
"wd": "bench"
"wd": "ottoman"
"shortdef": [
"as in lounger, recamier"
"meta": {
"id": "love seats",
"uuid": "9343c8c3-ed83-4843-bd3d-d57a7d448f25",
"src": "CTcompile",
"section": "alpha",
"stems": [
"love seats"
"syns": [
"sofa beds",
"studio couches",
"ants": [],
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love seats"
"fl": "noun",
"sls": [
"plural of {d_link|love seat|love seat}"
"def": [
"sseq": [
"dt": [
"as in {it}loungers{/it}, {it}recamiers{/it}"
"sim_list": [
"wd": "loungers"
"wd": "recamiers"
"wd": "tête-à-têtes"
"wd": "chesterfields"
"wd": "couches"
"wd": "davenports"
"wd": "divans"
"wd": "lounges"
"wd": "settees"
"wd": "sofas"
"wd": "squabs"
"wd": "daybeds"
"wd": "sofa beds"
"wd": "studio couches"
"wd": "banquettes"
"wd": "benches"
"wd": "ottomans"
"shortdef": [
"as in loungers, recamiers"
"meta": {
"id": "love affairs",
"uuid": "11fba2db-f795-4d71-8fe1-69f568d9a5b4",
"src": "coll_thes",
"section": "alpha",
"stems": [
"love affairs"
"syns": [
"ants": [
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love affairs"
"fl": "noun",
"sls": [
"plural of {d_link|love affair|love affair}"
"def": [
"sseq": [
"sn": "1",
"dt": [
"a brief romantic relationship "
"t": "the tabloids feel obliged to keep us informed of the {it}love affairs{/it} of celebrities, whether we care to know or not"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "affairs",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "also",
"wva": "affaires"
"wd": "amours"
"wd": "flings"
"wd": "loves"
"wd": "romances"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "intrigues"
"wd": "liaisons"
"wd": "dalliances"
"wd": "hanky-pankies"
"wd": "attachments"
"wd": "infatuations"
"wd": "entanglements"
"wd": "flirtations"
"wd": "idylls",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "also",
"wva": "idyls"
"wd": "passions"
"wd": "calf-loves"
"wd": "puppy loves"
"sn": "2",
"dt": [
"positive regard for something "
"t": "a group of young men united by their {it}love affair{/it} with the muscle car"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "appetites"
"wd": "fancies"
"wd": "favors"
"wd": "likes"
"wd": "likings"
"wd": "loves"
"wd": "partialities"
"wd": "preferences"
"wd": "relishes"
"wd": "shines"
"wd": "tastes"
"wd": "uses"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "cravings"
"wd": "desires"
"wd": "longings"
"wd": "thirsts"
"wd": "yens"
"wd": "enthusiasms"
"wd": "gustoes"
"wd": "interests"
"wd": "passions"
"wd": "biases"
"wd": "prejudices"
"wd": "bents"
"wd": "inclinations"
"wd": "leanings"
"wd": "propensities"
"wd": "tendencies"
"wd": "teeth"
"wd": "palates"
"wd": "weaknesses"
"near_list": [
"wd": "apathies"
"wd": "disinclinations"
"wd": "indifferences"
"ant_list": [
"wd": "aversions"
"wd": "disfavors"
"wd": "disgusts"
"wd": "dislikes"
"wd": "distastes"
"wd": "hatreds"
"wd": "loathings"
"wd": "mislikes"
"shortdef": [
"a brief romantic relationship",
"positive regard for something"
"meta": {
"id": "love children",
"uuid": "d011e2bf-4851-4065-9412-9a3ed9af4cc2",
"src": "coll_thes",
"section": "alpha",
"stems": [
"love children"
"syns": [
"ants": [],
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "love children"
"fl": "noun",
"sls": [
"plural of {d_link|love child|love child}"
"def": [
"sseq": [
"dt": [
"an illegitimate child "
"t": "a woman who claimed to be the {it}love child{/it} of two of Hollywood's most beloved stars during its golden age"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "bastards"
"wd": "by-blows"
"wd": "whoresons"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "nephews"
"wd": "nieces"
"shortdef": [
"an illegitimate child"
"meta": {
"id": "self-love",
"uuid": "6cb98d47-b169-4d74-92b8-590b0ef04b78",
"src": "coll_thes",
"section": "alpha",
"target": {
"tuuid": "d9bb7755-82a3-40b2-991c-bd879876ef86",
"tsrc": "collegiate"
"stems": [
"syns": [
"amour propre",
"swelled head",
"ants": [
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "self-love"
"fl": "noun",
"def": [
"sseq": [
"dt": [
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements "
"t": "nurtured a {it}self-love{/it} that was far greater than any affection she ever felt for another person"
"syn_list": [
"wd": "amour propre"
"wd": "bighead"
"wd": "complacence"
"wd": "complacency"
"wd": "conceit"
"wd": "conceitedness"
"wd": "ego"
"wd": "egotism"
"wd": "pomposity"
"wd": "pompousness"
"wd": "pride"
"wd": "pridefulness"
"wd": "self-admiration"
"wd": "self-assumption"
"wd": "self-conceit"
"wd": "self-congratulation"
"wd": "self-esteem"
"wd": "self-glory"
"wd": "self-importance"
"wd": "self-opinion"
"wd": "self-satisfaction"
"wd": "smugness"
"wd": "swelled head"
"wd": "swellheadedness"
"wd": "vaingloriousness"
"wd": "vainglory"
"wd": "vainness"
"wd": "vanity"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "assurance"
"wd": "confidence"
"wd": "self-assurance"
"wd": "self-confidence"
"wd": "self-righteousness"
"wd": "arrogance"
"wd": "disdainfulness"
"wd": "haughtiness"
"wd": "imperiousness"
"wd": "lordliness"
"wd": "self-assertion"
"wd": "snobbishness"
"wd": "superciliousness"
"wd": "superiority"
"wd": "hubris"
"wd": "overconfidence"
"wd": "presumption"
"wd": "pretense",
"wvrs": [
"wvl": "or",
"wva": "pretence"
"wd": "pretension"
"wd": "pretentiousness"
"wd": "egoism"
"wd": "self-centeredness"
"wd": "selfishness"
"wd": "self-pride"
"wd": "self-respect"
"near_list": [
"wd": "diffidence"
"wd": "self-doubt"
"wd": "self-disgust"
"wd": "self-hate"
"wd": "self-loathing"
"wd": "altruism"
"wd": "unselfishness"
"wd": "bashfulness"
"wd": "demureness"
"wd": "shyness"
"wd": "timidity"
"wd": "timidness"
"wd": "passiveness"
"wd": "passivity"
"ant_list": [
"wd": "humbleness"
"wd": "humility"
"wd": "modesty"
"shortdef": [
"an often unjustified feeling of being pleased with oneself or with one's situation or achievements"
"meta": {
"id": "making love",
"uuid": "388554b2-fdbf-4634-8c70-db95aef073f0",
"src": "CTenhance",
"section": "phrases",
"stems": [
"making love",
"make love",
"made love",
"makes love"
"syns": [
"sex act",
"sexual intercourse",
"sexual relations"
"ants": [],
"offensive": false
"hwi": {
"hw": "making love"
"fl": "phrase",
"def": [
"sseq": [
"dt": [
"sexual union involving penetration of the vagina by the penis "
"t": "They decided to delay {it}making love{/it} until they were married."
"syn_list": [
"wd": "coition"
"wd": "coitus"
"wd": "commerce"
"wd": "congress"
"wd": "copulating"
"wd": "copulation"
"wd": "coupling"
"wd": "intercourse"
"wd": "lovemaking"
"wd": "mating"
"wd": "relations"
"wd": "sex"
"wd": "sex act"
"wd": "sexual intercourse"
"wd": "sexual relations"
"rel_list": [
"wd": "fornication"
"wd": "safe sex"
"wd": "carnality"
"wd": "sexuality"
"wd": "breeding"
"wd": "insemination"
"wd": "dalliance"
"wd": "hanky-panky"
"wd": "whoopee"
"phrase_list": [
"wd": "getting it on"
"shortdef": [
"sexual union involving penetration of the vagina by the penis"
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